import React, { useCallback, useState } from 'react'; import { UseFormSetValue } from 'react-hook-form'; import { useAppSelector } from '../../../lib/hooks'; import { events, logEvent } from '../../../lib/methods/helpers/log'; import { SwitchItem } from './SwitchItem'; import { SwitchItemType } from './SwitchItemType'; import { SwitchItemReadOnly } from './SwitchItemReadOnly'; import { SwitchItemEncrypted } from './SwitchItemEncrypted'; import { IFormData } from '..'; export const RoomSettings = ({ isTeam, setValue }: { isTeam: boolean; setValue: UseFormSetValue }) => { const [type, setType] = useState(true); const [readOnly, setReadOnly] = useState(false); const [encrypted, setEncrypted] = useState(false); const [broadcast, setBroadcast] = useState(false); const { encryptionEnabled } = useAppSelector(state => ({ encryptionEnabled: state.encryption.enabled })); const onValueChangeType = useCallback( (value: boolean) => { logEvent(events.CR_TOGGLE_TYPE); // If we set the channel as public, encrypted status should be false setType(value); setValue('type', value); setEncrypted(value && encrypted); setValue('encrypted', value && encrypted); }, [encrypted] ); const onValueChangeReadOnly = useCallback((value: boolean) => { logEvent(events.CR_TOGGLE_READ_ONLY); setReadOnly(value); setValue('readOnly', value); }, []); const onValueChangeEncrypted = useCallback((value: boolean) => { logEvent(events.CR_TOGGLE_ENCRYPTED); setEncrypted(value); setValue('encrypted', value); }, []); const onValueChangeBroadcast = (value: boolean) => { logEvent(events.CR_TOGGLE_BROADCAST); setBroadcast(value); setValue('broadcast', value); setReadOnly(value ? true : readOnly); setValue('readOnly', value ? true : readOnly); }; return ( <> ); };