import React, { forwardRef, memo, useCallback, useEffect, useImperativeHandle } from 'react'; import { TextInput, StyleSheet, TextInputProps, InteractionManager } from 'react-native'; import { useDebouncedCallback } from 'use-debounce'; import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { RouteProp, useFocusEffect, useRoute } from '@react-navigation/native'; import I18n from '../../../i18n'; import { IAutocompleteItemProps, IComposerInput, IComposerInputProps, IInputSelection, TSetInput } from '../interfaces'; import { useAutocompleteParams, useFocused, useMessageComposerApi } from '../context'; import { loadDraftMessage, fetchIsAllOrHere, getMentionRegexp } from '../helpers'; import { useSubscription, useAutoSaveDraft } from '../hooks'; import sharedStyles from '../../../views/Styles'; import { useTheme } from '../../../theme'; import { userTyping } from '../../../actions/room'; import { getRoomTitle, parseJson } from '../../../lib/methods/helpers'; import { MAX_HEIGHT, MIN_HEIGHT, NO_CANNED_RESPONSES, MARKDOWN_STYLES } from '../constants'; import database from '../../../lib/database'; import Navigation from '../../../lib/navigation/appNavigation'; import { emitter } from '../emitter'; import { useRoomContext } from '../../../views/RoomView/context'; import { getMessageById } from '../../../lib/database/services/Message'; import { generateTriggerId } from '../../../lib/methods'; import { Services } from '../../../lib/services'; import log from '../../../lib/methods/helpers/log'; import { useAppSelector, usePrevious } from '../../../lib/hooks'; import { ChatsStackParamList } from '../../../stacks/types'; const defaultSelection: IInputSelection = { start: 0, end: 0 }; export const ComposerInput = memo( forwardRef(({ inputRef }, ref) => { const { colors, theme } = useTheme(); const { rid, tmid, sharing, action, selectedMessages, setQuotesAndText } = useRoomContext(); const focused = useFocused(); const { setFocused, setMicOrSend, setAutocompleteParams } = useMessageComposerApi(); const autocompleteType = useAutocompleteParams()?.type; const textRef = React.useRef(''); const firstRender = React.useRef(false); const selectionRef = React.useRef(defaultSelection); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const subscription = useSubscription(rid); const isMasterDetail = useAppSelector(state =>; let placeholder = tmid ? I18n.t('Add_thread_reply') : ''; if (subscription && !tmid) { placeholder = I18n.t('Message_roomname', { roomName: (subscription.t === 'd' ? '@' : '#') + getRoomTitle(subscription) }); } const route = useRoute>(); const usedCannedResponse = route.params?.usedCannedResponse; const prevAction = usePrevious(action); useAutoSaveDraft(textRef.current); // Draft/Canned Responses useEffect(() => { const setDraftMessage = async () => { const draftMessage = await loadDraftMessage({ rid, tmid }); if (draftMessage) { const parsedDraft = parseJson(draftMessage); if (parsedDraft?.msg || parsedDraft?.quotes) { setQuotesAndText?.(parsedDraft.msg, parsedDraft.quotes); } else { setInput(draftMessage); } } }; if (sharing) return; if (usedCannedResponse) setInput(usedCannedResponse); if (action !== 'edit' && !firstRender.current) { firstRender.current = true; setDraftMessage(); } }, [action, rid, tmid, usedCannedResponse, firstRender.current]); // Edit/quote useEffect(() => { const fetchMessageAndSetInput = async () => { const message = await getMessageById(selectedMessages[0]); if (message) { setInput(message?.msg || ''); } }; if (sharing) return; if (prevAction === 'edit' && action !== 'edit') { setInput(''); return; } if (action === 'edit' && selectedMessages[0]) { focus(); fetchMessageAndSetInput(); return; } if (action === 'quote' && selectedMessages.length) { focus(); } }, [action, selectedMessages]); useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { const task = InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => { emitter.on('addMarkdown', ({ style }) => { const { start, end } = selectionRef.current; const text = textRef.current; const markdown = MARKDOWN_STYLES[style]; const newText = `${text.substr(0, start)}${markdown}${text.substr(start, end - start)}${markdown}${text.substr(end)}`; setInput(newText, { start: start + markdown.length, end: start === end ? start + markdown.length : end + markdown.length }); }); emitter.on('toolbarMention', () => { if (autocompleteType) { return; } const { start, end } = selectionRef.current; const text = textRef.current; const newText = `${text.substr(0, start)}@${text.substr(start, end - start)}${text.substr(end)}`; setInput(newText, { start: start + 1, end: start === end ? start + 1 : end + 1 }); setAutocompleteParams({ text: '', type: '@' }); }); }); return () => {'addMarkdown');'toolbarMention'); task?.cancel(); }; }, [rid, tmid, autocompleteType]) ); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ getTextAndClear: () => { const text = textRef.current; setInput(''); return text; }, getText: () => textRef.current, getSelection: () => selectionRef.current, setInput, onAutocompleteItemSelected })); const setInput: TSetInput = (text, selection) => { textRef.current = text; if (inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.setNativeProps({ text }); } if (selection) { // setSelection won't trigger onSelectionChange, so we need it to be ran after new text is set setTimeout(() => { inputRef.current?.setSelection?.(selection.start, selection.end); selectionRef.current = selection; }, 50); } setMicOrSend(text.length === 0 ? 'mic' : 'send'); }; const focus = () => { if (inputRef.current) { inputRef.current.focus(); } }; const onChangeText: TextInputProps['onChangeText'] = text => { textRef.current = text; debouncedOnChangeText(text); setInput(text); }; const onSelectionChange: TextInputProps['onSelectionChange'] = e => { selectionRef.current = e.nativeEvent.selection; }; const onFocus: TextInputProps['onFocus'] = () => { setFocused(true); }; const onBlur: TextInputProps['onBlur'] = () => { setFocused(false); stopAutocomplete(); }; const onAutocompleteItemSelected: IAutocompleteItemProps['onPress'] = async item => { if (item.type === 'loading') { return null; } // If it's slash command preview, we need to execute the command if (item.type === '/preview') { try { if (!rid) return; const db =; const commandsCollection = db.get('slash_commands'); const commandRecord = await commandsCollection.find(item.text); const { appId } = commandRecord; const triggerId = generateTriggerId(appId); Services.executeCommandPreview(item.text, item.params, rid, item.preview, triggerId, tmid); } catch (e) { log(e); } requestAnimationFrame(() => { stopAutocomplete(); setInput('', { start: 0, end: 0 }); }); return; } // If it's canned response, but there's no canned responses, we open the canned responses view if (item.type === '!' && === NO_CANNED_RESPONSES) { const params = { rid }; if (isMasterDetail) { Navigation.navigate('ModalStackNavigator', { screen: 'CannedResponsesListView', params }); } else { Navigation.navigate('CannedResponsesListView', params); } stopAutocomplete(); return; } const text = textRef.current; const { start, end } = selectionRef.current; const cursor = Math.max(start, end); const regexp = getMentionRegexp(); let result = text.substr(0, cursor).replace(regexp, ''); // Remove the ! after select the canned response if (item.type === '!') { const lastIndexOfExclamation = text.lastIndexOf('!', cursor); result = text.substr(0, lastIndexOfExclamation).replace(regexp, ''); } let mention = ''; switch (item.type) { case '@': mention = fetchIsAllOrHere(item) ? item.title : item.subtitle || item.title; break; case '#': mention = item.subtitle ? item.subtitle : ''; break; case ':': mention = `${typeof item.emoji === 'string' ? item.emoji :}:`; break; case '/': mention = item.title; break; case '!': mention = item.subtitle ? item.subtitle : ''; break; default: mention = ''; } const newText = `${result}${mention} ${text.slice(cursor)}`; const newCursor = result.length + mention.length + 1; setInput(newText, { start: newCursor, end: newCursor }); focus(); requestAnimationFrame(() => { stopAutocomplete(); }); }; const stopAutocomplete = () => { setAutocompleteParams({ text: '', type: null, params: '' }); }; const debouncedOnChangeText = useDebouncedCallback(async (text: string) => { const isTextEmpty = text.length === 0; handleTyping(!isTextEmpty); if (isTextEmpty || !focused) { stopAutocomplete(); return; } const { start, end } = selectionRef.current; const cursor = Math.max(start, end); const whiteSpaceOrBreakLineRegex = /[\s\n]+/; const txt = cursor < text.length ? text.substr(0, cursor).split(whiteSpaceOrBreakLineRegex) : text.split(whiteSpaceOrBreakLineRegex); const lastWord = txt[txt.length - 1]; const autocompleteText = lastWord.substring(1); if (!lastWord) { stopAutocomplete(); return; } if (!sharing && text.match(/^\//)) { const commandParameter = text.match(/^\/([a-z0-9._-]+) (.+)/im); if (commandParameter) { const db =; const [, command, params] = commandParameter; const commandsCollection = db.get('slash_commands'); try { const commandRecord = await commandsCollection.find(command); if (commandRecord.providesPreview) { setAutocompleteParams({ params, text: command, type: '/preview' }); } return; } catch (e) { // do nothing } } setAutocompleteParams({ text: autocompleteText, type: '/' }); return; } if (lastWord.match(/^#/)) { setAutocompleteParams({ text: autocompleteText, type: '#' }); return; } if (lastWord.match(/^@/)) { setAutocompleteParams({ text: autocompleteText, type: '@' }); return; } if (lastWord.match(/^:/)) { setAutocompleteParams({ text: autocompleteText, type: ':' }); return; } if (lastWord.match(/^!/) && subscription?.t === 'l') { setAutocompleteParams({ text: autocompleteText, type: '!' }); return; } stopAutocomplete(); }, 300); const handleTyping = (isTyping: boolean) => { if (sharing || !rid) return; dispatch(userTyping(rid, isTyping)); }; return ( (inputRef.current = component)} blurOnSubmit={false} onChangeText={onChangeText} onSelectionChange={onSelectionChange} onFocus={onFocus} onBlur={onBlur} underlineColorAndroid='transparent' defaultValue='' multiline keyboardAppearance={theme === 'light' ? 'light' : 'dark'} testID={`message-composer-input${tmid ? '-thread' : ''}`} /> ); }) ); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ textInput: { flex: 1, minHeight: MIN_HEIGHT, maxHeight: MAX_HEIGHT, paddingTop: 12, paddingBottom: 12, fontSize: 16, textAlignVertical: 'center', ...sharedStyles.textRegular, lineHeight: 22 } });