import { Alert } from 'react-native'; import DocumentPicker from 'react-native-document-picker'; import ImagePicker, { ImageOrVideo } from 'react-native-image-crop-picker'; import { IMAGE_PICKER_CONFIG, LIBRARY_PICKER_CONFIG, VIDEO_PICKER_CONFIG } from '../constants'; import { forceJpgExtension } from '../helpers'; import I18n from '../../../i18n'; import { canUploadFile } from '../../../lib/methods/helpers'; import log from '../../../lib/methods/helpers/log'; import { getSubscriptionByRoomId } from '../../../lib/database/services/Subscription'; import { getThreadById } from '../../../lib/database/services/Thread'; import Navigation from '../../../lib/navigation/appNavigation'; import { useAppSelector } from '../../../lib/hooks'; import { useRoomContext } from '../../../views/RoomView/context'; export const useChooseMedia = ({ rid, tmid, permissionToUpload }: { rid?: string; tmid?: string; permissionToUpload: boolean; }) => { const { FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList, FileUpload_MaxFileSize } = useAppSelector(state => state.settings); const { action, setQuotesAndText, selectedMessages, getText } = useRoomContext(); const allowList = FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList as string; const maxFileSize = FileUpload_MaxFileSize as number; const libPickerLabels = { cropperChooseText: I18n.t('Choose'), cropperCancelText: I18n.t('Cancel'), loadingLabelText: I18n.t('Processing') }; const takePhoto = async () => { try { let image = await ImagePicker.openCamera({ ...IMAGE_PICKER_CONFIG, ...libPickerLabels }); image = forceJpgExtension(image); const file = image as any; // FIXME: unify those types to remove the need for any const canUploadResult = canUploadFile({ file, allowList, maxFileSize, permissionToUploadFile: permissionToUpload }); if (canUploadResult.success) { return openShareView([image]); } handleError(canUploadResult.error); } catch (e) { log(e); } }; const takeVideo = async () => { try { const video = await ImagePicker.openCamera({ ...VIDEO_PICKER_CONFIG, ...libPickerLabels }); const file = video as any; // FIXME: unify those types to remove the need for any const canUploadResult = canUploadFile({ file, allowList, maxFileSize, permissionToUploadFile: permissionToUpload }); if (canUploadResult.success) { return openShareView([video]); } handleError(canUploadResult.error); } catch (e) { log(e); } }; const chooseFromLibrary = async () => { try { // The type can be video or photo, however the lib understands that it is just one of them. let attachments = (await ImagePicker.openPicker({ ...LIBRARY_PICKER_CONFIG, ...libPickerLabels })) as unknown as ImageOrVideo[]; // FIXME: type this attachments = => forceJpgExtension(att)); openShareView(attachments); } catch (e) { log(e); } }; const chooseFile = async () => { try { const res = await DocumentPicker.pickSingle({ type: [DocumentPicker.types.allFiles] }); const file = { filename:, size: res.size, mime: res.type, path: res.uri } as any; const canUploadResult = canUploadFile({ file, allowList, maxFileSize, permissionToUploadFile: permissionToUpload }); if (canUploadResult.success) { return openShareView([file]); } handleError(canUploadResult.error); } catch (e: any) { if (!DocumentPicker.isCancel(e)) { log(e); } } }; const startShareView = () => { const text = getText?.() || ''; return { selectedMessages, text }; }; const finishShareView = (text = '', quotes = []) => setQuotesAndText?.(text, quotes); const openShareView = async (attachments: any) => { if (!rid) return; const room = await getSubscriptionByRoomId(rid); let thread; if (tmid) { thread = await getThreadById(tmid); } if (room) { // FIXME: use useNavigation Navigation.navigate('ShareView', { room, thread, attachments, action, finishShareView, startShareView }); } }; const handleError = (error?: string) => { Alert.alert(I18n.t('Error_uploading'), error && I18n.isTranslated(error) ? I18n.t(error) : error); }; return { takePhoto, takeVideo, chooseFromLibrary, chooseFile }; };