import React from 'react'; import { fireEvent, render } from '@testing-library/react-native'; import { TextInputProps } from 'react-native'; import SearchBox from '.'; const onChangeTextMock = jest.fn(); const testSearchInputs = { onChangeText: onChangeTextMock, testID: 'search-box-text-input' }; const Render = ({ onChangeText, testID }: TextInputProps) => <SearchBox testID={testID} onChangeText={onChangeText} />; describe('SearchBox', () => { it('should render the searchbox component', () => { const { findByTestId } = render(<Render onChangeText={testSearchInputs.onChangeText} testID={testSearchInputs.testID} />); expect(findByTestId('searchbox')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should not render clear-input icon', async () => { const { queryByTestId } = render(<Render onChangeText={testSearchInputs.onChangeText} testID={testSearchInputs.testID} />); const clearInput = await queryByTestId('clear-text-input'); expect(clearInput).toBeNull(); }); it('should input new value with onChangeText function', async () => { const { findByTestId } = render(<Render onChangeText={onChangeTextMock} testID={testSearchInputs.testID} />); const component = await findByTestId(testSearchInputs.testID); fireEvent.changeText(component, 'new-input-value'); expect(onChangeTextMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('new-input-value'); }); // we need skip this test for now, until discovery how handle with functions effect // it.skip('should clear input when call onCancelSearch function', async () => { const { findByTestId } = render(<Render testID={'input-with-value'} onChangeText={onChangeTextMock} />); const component = await findByTestId('clear-text-input');, 'input-with-value'); expect(onChangeTextMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('input-with-value'); }); });