## Overview and folder structure WIP: End-to-end tests are a work in progress and they're going to change. ``` |-- e2e |-- helpers |-- tests |-- data.ts |-- e2e_account.ts ``` - `e2e/helpers` - This folder contains a few functions to setup and help write tests. - `e2e/tests` - This folder contains the actual test files - It's currently split into `assorted`, `onboarding`, `room`, and `team` folders - There's not a clear convention on where a test should be placed yet, but the folders above exist to try to separate them into features - Keep every test file truly idempotent - Each file can only impact on the tests written inside of it - They should not impact on other files, so pay attention on the data you use - `data.ts` - Contains seeds to common test data, like server url, public channels, etc - Currently we point to https://mobile.rocket.chat as main server - Pointing to a local server is not recommended yet, as you would need to create a few public channels and change some permissions - Ideally we should point to a docker or even a mocked server, but that's tbd - Try not to add new data there. Use random values instead. - It's hard to keep track of where each value is used - `e2e_account.ts` - Contains user and password with correct permissions on main server - Check `e2e_account.example.ts` for structure - It needs to be added manually on local (it's already set on CI) - Ask Diego Mello for credentials ## Shared config - Change `.env` to `RUNNING_E2E_TESTS=true` - You can also `RUNNING_E2E_TESTS=true yarn start reset-cache`, but it's easier to change the file as long as you don't commit it ## Setup and run iOS - Install applesimutils ``` brew tap wix/brew brew install applesimutils ``` ### Run on debug mode - Build the app with `yarn e2e:ios-build-debug` - Test the app with `yarn e2e:ios-test-debug` ### Run on release mode - Build the app with `yarn e2e:ios-build` - Test the app with `yarn e2e:ios-test` ## Setup and run Android - Create AVD - It's important to create the same emulator as on CI. Read more: https://wix.github.io/Detox/docs/guide/android-dev-env ``` sh ./scripts/create-avd.sh ``` ### Run on debug mode - Build the app with `yarn e2e:android-build-debug` - Test the app with `yarn e2e:android-test-debug` ### Run on release mode - Build the app with `yarn e2e:android-build` - Test the app with `yarn e2e:android-test`