const { device, element, by, waitFor } = require('detox'); const data = require('../../data'); const { tapBack, checkServer, navigateToRegister } = require('../../helpers/app'); const { post, get, login } = require('../../helpers/data_setup'); const DEEPLINK_METHODS = { AUTH: 'auth', ROOM: 'room' }; const getDeepLink = (method, server, params) => { const deeplink = `rocketchat://${ method }?host=${ server.replace(/^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)/, '') }&${params}`; console.log(`Deeplinking to: ${ deeplink }`); return deeplink; }; describe('Deep linking', () => { let userId; let authToken; before(async() => { const loginResult = await login(data.users.regular.username, data.users.regular.password); ({ userId, authToken } = loginResult); }); describe('Authentication', () => { it('should run a deep link to an invalid account and raise error', async() => { await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, delete: true, url: getDeepLink(DEEPLINK_METHODS.AUTH, data.server, 'userId=123&token=abc'), sourceApp: '' }); await waitFor(element(by.text('You\'ve been logged out by the server. Please log in again.'))).toExist().withTimeout(10000); // TODO: we need to improve this message }); const authAndNavigate = async() => { await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, newInstance: true, url: getDeepLink(DEEPLINK_METHODS.AUTH, data.server, `userId=${ userId }&token=${ authToken }&path=group/${ }`), sourceApp: '' }); await waitFor(element(`room-view-title-${ }`))).toExist().withTimeout(30000); await tapBack(); await waitFor(element('rooms-list-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(10000); await checkServer(data.server); await waitFor(element(`rooms-list-view-item-${ }`))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(2000); } it('should authenticate and navigate', async() => { await authAndNavigate(); }); it('should authenticate while logged in another server', async() => { await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, delete: true }); await navigateToRegister(data.alternateServer); await element('register-view-name')).replaceText(data.registeringUser4.username); await element('register-view-username')).replaceText(data.registeringUser4.username); await element('register-view-email')).replaceText(; await element('register-view-password')).typeText(data.registeringUser4.password); await element('register-view-submit')).tap(); await waitFor(element('rooms-list-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(10000); await authAndNavigate(); }); }); describe('Room', () => { describe('While logged in', async() => { it('should navigate to the room using path', async() => { await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, newInstance: true, url: getDeepLink(DEEPLINK_METHODS.ROOM, data.server, `path=group/${ }`), sourceApp: '' }); await waitFor(element(`room-view-title-${ }`))).toExist().withTimeout(10000); }); it('should navigate to the room using rid', async() => { const roomResult = await get(`${ }`) await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, newInstance: true, url: getDeepLink(DEEPLINK_METHODS.ROOM, data.server, `rid=${ }`), sourceApp: '' }); await waitFor(element(`room-view-title-${ }`))).toExist().withTimeout(15000); await tapBack(); }); }); describe('Others', async() => { it('should change server', async() => { await waitFor(element('rooms-list-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(2000); await element('rooms-list-header-server-dropdown-button')).tap(); await waitFor(element('rooms-list-header-server-dropdown'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(5000); await element(`rooms-list-header-server-${ data.alternateServer }`)).tap(); await checkServer(data.alternateServer); await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, newInstance: true, url: getDeepLink(DEEPLINK_METHODS.ROOM, data.server, `path=group/${ }`), sourceApp: '' }); await waitFor(element(`room-view-title-${ }`))).toExist().withTimeout(10000); }); it('should add a not existing server and fallback to the previous one', async() => { await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, newInstance: true, url: getDeepLink(DEEPLINK_METHODS.ROOM, ''), sourceApp: '' }); await waitFor(element('rooms-list-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(10000); await checkServer(data.server); }); }); }); });