//  Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh)
//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
//  accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>

namespace boost {
namespace locale {
/// \brief Namespace that holds basic operations on UTF encoded sequences 
/// All functions defined in this namespace do not require linking with Boost.Locale library
namespace utf {
    /// \cond INTERNAL
    #ifdef __GNUC__
    #   define BOOST_LOCALE_LIKELY(x)   __builtin_expect((x),1)
    #   define BOOST_LOCALE_UNLIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((x),0)
    #   define BOOST_LOCALE_LIKELY(x)   (x)
    #   define BOOST_LOCALE_UNLIKELY(x) (x)
    /// \endcond

    /// \brief The integral type that can hold a Unicode code point
    typedef uint32_t code_point;

    /// \brief Special constant that defines illegal code point
    static const code_point illegal = 0xFFFFFFFFu;

    /// \brief Special constant that defines incomplete code point
    static const code_point incomplete = 0xFFFFFFFEu;

    /// \brief the function checks if \a v is a valid code point
    inline bool is_valid_codepoint(code_point v)
            return false;
        if(0xD800 <=v && v<= 0xDFFF) // surragates
            return false;
        return true;

    /// \brief UTF Traits class - functions to convert UTF sequences to and from Unicode code points
    template<typename CharType,int size=sizeof(CharType)>
    struct utf_traits {
        /// The type of the character
        typedef CharType char_type;
        /// Read one code point from the range [p,e) and return it.
        /// - If the sequence that was read is incomplete sequence returns \ref incomplete,
        /// - If illegal sequence detected returns \ref illegal
        /// Requirements
        /// - Iterator is valid input iterator
        /// Postconditions
        /// - p points to the last consumed character
        template<typename Iterator>
        static code_point decode(Iterator &p,Iterator e);

        /// Maximal width of valid sequence in the code units:
        /// - UTF-8  - 4
        /// - UTF-16 - 2
        /// - UTF-32 - 1
        static const int max_width;
        /// The width of specific code point in the code units.
        /// Requirement: value is a valid Unicode code point
        /// Returns value in range [1..max_width]
        static int width(code_point value);

        /// Get the size of the trail part of variable length encoded sequence.
        /// Returns -1 if C is not valid lead character
        static int trail_length(char_type c);
        /// Returns true if c is trail code unit, always false for UTF-32
        static bool is_trail(char_type c);
        /// Returns true if c is lead code unit, always true of UTF-32
        static bool is_lead(char_type c);

        /// Convert valid Unicode code point \a value to the UTF sequence.
        /// Requirements: 
        /// - \a value is valid code point
        /// - \a out is an output iterator should be able to accept at least width(value) units
        /// Returns the iterator past the last written code unit.
        template<typename Iterator>
        static Iterator encode(code_point value,Iterator out);
        /// Decodes valid UTF sequence that is pointed by p into code point.
        /// If the sequence is invalid or points to end the behavior is undefined
        template<typename Iterator>
        static code_point decode_valid(Iterator &p);

    template<typename CharType,int size=sizeof(CharType)>
    struct utf_traits;

    template<typename CharType>
    struct utf_traits<CharType,1> {

        typedef CharType char_type;
        static int trail_length(char_type ci) 
            unsigned char c = ci;
            if(c < 128)
                return 0;
            if(BOOST_LOCALE_UNLIKELY(c < 194))
                return -1;
            if(c < 224)
                return 1;
            if(c < 240)
                return 2;
            if(BOOST_LOCALE_LIKELY(c <=244))
                return 3;
            return -1;
        static const int max_width = 4;

        static int width(code_point value)
            if(value <=0x7F) {
                return 1;
            else if(value <=0x7FF) {
                return 2;
            else if(BOOST_LOCALE_LIKELY(value <=0xFFFF)) {
                return 3;
            else {
                return 4;

        static bool is_trail(char_type ci)
            unsigned char c=ci;
            return (c & 0xC0)==0x80;

        static bool is_lead(char_type ci)
            return !is_trail(ci);
        template<typename Iterator>
        static code_point decode(Iterator &p,Iterator e)
                return incomplete;

            unsigned char lead = *p++;

            // First byte is fully validated here
            int trail_size = trail_length(lead);

            if(BOOST_LOCALE_UNLIKELY(trail_size < 0))
                return illegal;

            // Ok as only ASCII may be of size = 0
            // also optimize for ASCII text
            if(trail_size == 0)
                return lead;
            code_point c = lead & ((1<<(6-trail_size))-1);

            // Read the rest
            unsigned char tmp;
            switch(trail_size) {
            case 3:
                    return incomplete;
                tmp = *p++;
                if (!is_trail(tmp))
                    return illegal;
                c = (c << 6) | ( tmp & 0x3F);
            case 2:
                    return incomplete;
                tmp = *p++;
                if (!is_trail(tmp))
                    return illegal;
                c = (c << 6) | ( tmp & 0x3F);
            case 1:
                    return incomplete;
                tmp = *p++;
                if (!is_trail(tmp))
                    return illegal;
                c = (c << 6) | ( tmp & 0x3F);

            // Check code point validity: no surrogates and
            // valid range
                return illegal;

            // make sure it is the most compact representation
            if(BOOST_LOCALE_UNLIKELY(width(c)!=trail_size + 1))
                return illegal;

            return c;

        template<typename Iterator>
        static code_point decode_valid(Iterator &p)
            unsigned char lead = *p++;
            if(lead < 192)
                return lead;

            int trail_size;

            if(lead < 224)
                trail_size = 1;
            else if(BOOST_LOCALE_LIKELY(lead < 240)) // non-BMP rare
                trail_size = 2;
                trail_size = 3;
            code_point c = lead & ((1<<(6-trail_size))-1);

            switch(trail_size) {
            case 3:
                c = (c << 6) | ( static_cast<unsigned char>(*p++) & 0x3F);
            case 2:
                c = (c << 6) | ( static_cast<unsigned char>(*p++) & 0x3F);
            case 1:
                c = (c << 6) | ( static_cast<unsigned char>(*p++) & 0x3F);

            return c;

        template<typename Iterator>
        static Iterator encode(code_point value,Iterator out)
            if(value <= 0x7F) {
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>(value);
            else if(value <= 0x7FF) {
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>((value >> 6) | 0xC0);
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>((value & 0x3F) | 0x80);
            else if(BOOST_LOCALE_LIKELY(value <= 0xFFFF)) {
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>((value >> 12) | 0xE0);
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>(((value >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>((value & 0x3F) | 0x80);
            else {
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>((value >> 18) | 0xF0);
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>(((value >> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>(((value >> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80);
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>((value & 0x3F) | 0x80);
            return out;
    }; // utf8

    template<typename CharType>
    struct utf_traits<CharType,2> {
        typedef CharType char_type;

        // See RFC 2781
        static bool is_first_surrogate(uint16_t x)
            return 0xD800 <=x && x<= 0xDBFF;
        static bool is_second_surrogate(uint16_t x)
            return 0xDC00 <=x && x<= 0xDFFF;
        static code_point combine_surrogate(uint16_t w1,uint16_t w2)
            return ((code_point(w1 & 0x3FF) << 10) | (w2 & 0x3FF)) + 0x10000;
        static int trail_length(char_type c)
                return 1;
                return -1;
            return 0;
        /// Returns true if c is trail code unit, always false for UTF-32
        static bool is_trail(char_type c)
            return is_second_surrogate(c);
        /// Returns true if c is lead code unit, always true of UTF-32
        static bool is_lead(char_type c)
            return !is_second_surrogate(c);

        template<typename It>
        static code_point decode(It &current,It last)
            if(BOOST_LOCALE_UNLIKELY(current == last))
                return incomplete;
            uint16_t w1=*current++;
            if(BOOST_LOCALE_LIKELY(w1 < 0xD800 || 0xDFFF < w1)) {
                return w1;
            if(w1 > 0xDBFF)
                return illegal;
                return incomplete;
            uint16_t w2=*current++;
            if(w2 < 0xDC00 || 0xDFFF < w2)
                return illegal;
            return combine_surrogate(w1,w2);
        template<typename It>
        static code_point decode_valid(It &current)
            uint16_t w1=*current++;
            if(BOOST_LOCALE_LIKELY(w1 < 0xD800 || 0xDFFF < w1)) {
                return w1;
            uint16_t w2=*current++;
            return combine_surrogate(w1,w2);

        static const int max_width = 2;
        static int width(code_point u)
            return u>=0x10000 ? 2 : 1;
        template<typename It>
        static It encode(code_point u,It out)
            if(BOOST_LOCALE_LIKELY(u<=0xFFFF)) {
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>(u);
            else {
                u -= 0x10000;
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>(0xD800 | (u>>10));
                *out++ = static_cast<char_type>(0xDC00 | (u & 0x3FF));
            return out;
    }; // utf16;

    template<typename CharType>
    struct utf_traits<CharType,4> {
        typedef CharType char_type;
        static int trail_length(char_type c)
                return 0;
            return -1;
        static bool is_trail(char_type /*c*/)
            return false;
        static bool is_lead(char_type /*c*/)
            return true;

        template<typename It>
        static code_point decode_valid(It &current)
            return *current++;

        template<typename It>
        static code_point decode(It &current,It last)
            if(BOOST_LOCALE_UNLIKELY(current == last))
                return boost::locale::utf::incomplete;
            code_point c=*current++;
                return boost::locale::utf::illegal;
            return c;
        static const int max_width = 1;
        static int width(code_point /*u*/)
            return 1;
        template<typename It>
        static It encode(code_point u,It out)
            *out++ = static_cast<char_type>(u);
            return out;

    }; // utf32


} // utf
} // locale
} // boost


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