import ActionButton from 'react-native-action-button'; import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons'; import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Text, View, FlatList, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, Platform, TextInput } from 'react-native'; import Meteor from 'react-native-meteor'; import realm from '../lib/realm'; import RocketChat from '../lib/rocketchat'; import RoomItem from '../components/RoomItem'; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, alignItems: 'stretch', justifyContent: 'center' }, separator: { height: 1, backgroundColor: '#E7E7E7' }, list: { width: '100%' }, emptyView: { flexGrow: 1, alignItems: 'stretch', justifyContent: 'center' }, emptyText: { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 18, color: '#ccc' }, bannerContainer: { backgroundColor: '#ddd' }, bannerText: { textAlign: 'center', margin: 5 }, actionButtonIcon: { fontSize: 20, height: 22, color: 'white' }, searchBoxView: { // borderBottomWidth: 1, // borderBottomColor: backgroundColor: '#eee', }, searchBox: { backgroundColor: '#fff', margin: 5, borderRadius: 5, padding: 5, paddingLeft: 10, color: '#aaa' } }); let navigation; Meteor.getData().on('loggingIn', () => { setTimeout(() => { if (Meteor._isLoggingIn === false && Meteor.userId() == null) { console.log('loggingIn', Meteor.userId()); navigation.navigate('Login'); } }, 100); }); Meteor.Accounts.onLogin(() => { console.log('onLogin'); }); export default class RoomsListView extends React.Component { static propTypes = { navigation: PropTypes.object.isRequired } static navigationOptions = () => { const server = RocketChat.currentServer ? RocketChat.currentServer.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '') : ''; const textAlign = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'center' : 'left'; const marginLeft = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 0 : 20; return { headerTitle: Channels {server} , title: 'Channels' }; } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { dataSource: this.getSubscriptions(), searching: false, searchDataSource: [], searchText: '' }; } componentWillMount() { realm.addListener('change', this.updateState); navigation = this.props.navigation; if (RocketChat.currentServer) { RocketChat.connect(); } else { navigation.navigate('ListServerModal'); } } componentWillUnmount() { realm.removeListener('change', this.updateState); } onSearchChangeText = (text) => { const searchText = text.trim(); this.setState({ searchText: text, searching: searchText !== '' }); if (searchText !== '') { const dataSource = []; const usernames = []; realm.objects('subscriptions').filtered(' = $0 AND name CONTAINS[c] $1', RocketChat.currentServer, searchText).forEach((sub) => { dataSource.push(sub); if (sub.t === 'd') { usernames.push(; } }); if (dataSource.length < 5) { RocketChat.spotlight(searchText, usernames) .then((results) => { results.users.forEach((user) => { dataSource.push({ ...user, name: user.username, t: 'd', search: true }); }); results.rooms.forEach((room) => { dataSource.push({, search: true }); }); this.setState({ searchDataSource: dataSource }); }); } } } getSubscriptions = () => realm.objects('subscriptions').filtered(' = $0', RocketChat.currentServer).sorted('name').slice() .sort((a, b) => { if (a.unread < b.unread) { return 1; } if (a.unread > b.unread) { return -1; } return 0; }); updateState = () => { this.setState({ dataSource: this.getSubscriptions() }); } _onPressItem = (id, item = {}) => { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; const clearSearch = () => { this.setState({ searchText: '', searching: false, searchDataSource: [] }); }; // if user is using the search we need first to join/create room if ( { if (item.t === 'd') { RocketChat.createDirectMessage(item.username) .then(room => realm.objects('subscriptions').filtered(' = $0 AND rid = $1', RocketChat.currentServer, room.rid)) .then(subs => navigate('Room', { sid: subs[0]._id })) .then(() => clearSearch()); } else { navigate('Room', { rid: item._id, name: }); clearSearch(); } return; } navigate('Room', { sid: id }); clearSearch(); } _createChannel = () => { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('CreateChannel'); } renderBanner = () => { const status = Meteor.getData() && Meteor.getData().ddp && Meteor.getData().ddp.status; if (status === 'disconnected') { return ( Connecting... ); } if (status === 'connected' && Meteor._isLoggingIn) { return ( Authenticating... ); } } renderItem = ({ item }) => ( this._onPressItem(item._id, item)}> ); renderSeparator = () => ( ); renderSearchBar = () => ( ); renderList = () => { if (!this.state.searching && !this.state.dataSource.length) { return ( No rooms ); } return ( item._id} ItemSeparatorComponent={this.renderSeparator} /> ); } renderCreateButtons() { return ( { this._createChannel(); }} > ); } render() { return ( {this.renderBanner()} {this.renderSearchBar()} {this.renderList()} {this.renderCreateButtons()} ); } }