import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; import { PanGestureHandler, PinchGestureHandler, State } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import Animated, { EasingNode } from 'react-native-reanimated'; import { ImageComponent } from './ImageComponent'; import { themes } from '../../constants/colors'; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ flex: { flex: 1 }, image: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' } }); const { set, cond, eq, or, add, sub, min, max, multiply, divide, lessThan, decay, timing, diff, not, abs, startClock, stopClock, clockRunning, Value, Clock, event } = Animated; function scaleDiff(value: any) { const tmp = new Value(1); const prev = new Value(1); return [set(tmp, divide(value, prev)), set(prev, value), tmp]; } function dragDiff(value: any, updating: any) { const tmp = new Value(0); const prev = new Value(0); return cond(updating, [set(tmp, sub(value, prev)), set(prev, value), tmp], set(prev, 0)); } // returns linear friction coeff. When `value` is 0 coeff is 1 (no friction), then // it grows linearly until it reaches `MAX_FRICTION` when `value` is equal // to `MAX_VALUE` function friction(value: any) { const MAX_FRICTION = 5; const MAX_VALUE = 100; return max(1, min(MAX_FRICTION, add(1, multiply(value, (MAX_FRICTION - 1) / MAX_VALUE)))); } function speed(value: any) { const clock = new Clock(); const dt = diff(clock); return cond(lessThan(dt, 1), 0, multiply(1000, divide(diff(value), dt))); } const MIN_SCALE = 1; const MAX_SCALE = 2; function scaleRest(value: any) { return cond(lessThan(value, MIN_SCALE), MIN_SCALE, cond(lessThan(MAX_SCALE, value), MAX_SCALE, value)); } function scaleFriction(value: any, rest: any, delta: any) { const MAX_FRICTION = 20; const MAX_VALUE = 0.5; const res = multiply(value, delta); const howFar = abs(sub(rest, value)); const f = max(1, min(MAX_FRICTION, add(1, multiply(howFar, (MAX_FRICTION - 1) / MAX_VALUE)))); return cond(lessThan(0, howFar), multiply(value, add(1, divide(add(delta, -1), f))), res); } function runTiming(clock: any, value: any, dest: any, startStopClock: any = true) { const state = { finished: new Value(0), position: new Value(0), frameTime: new Value(0), time: new Value(0) }; const config = { toValue: new Value(0), duration: 300, easing: EasingNode.inOut(EasingNode.cubic) }; return [ cond(clockRunning(clock), 0, [ set(state.finished, 0), set(state.frameTime, 0), set(state.time, 0), set(state.position, value), set(config.toValue, dest), startStopClock && startClock(clock) ]), timing(clock, state, config), cond(state.finished, startStopClock && stopClock(clock)), state.position ]; } function runDecay(clock: any, value: any, velocity: any) { const state = { finished: new Value(0), velocity: new Value(0), position: new Value(0), time: new Value(0) }; const config = { deceleration: 0.99 }; return [ cond(clockRunning(clock), 0, [ set(state.finished, 0), set(state.velocity, velocity), set(state.position, value), set(state.time, 0), startClock(clock) ]), set(state.position, value), decay(clock, state, config), cond(state.finished, stopClock(clock)), state.position ]; } function bouncyPinch( value: any, gesture: any, gestureActive: any, focalX: any, displacementX: any, focalY: any, displacementY: any ) { const clock = new Clock(); const delta = scaleDiff(gesture); const rest = scaleRest(value); const focalXRest = cond(lessThan(value, 1), 0, sub(displacementX, multiply(focalX, add(-1, divide(rest, value))))); const focalYRest = cond(lessThan(value, 1), 0, sub(displacementY, multiply(focalY, add(-1, divide(rest, value))))); const nextScale = new Value(1); return cond( [delta, gestureActive], [ stopClock(clock), set(nextScale, scaleFriction(value, rest, delta)), set(displacementX, sub(displacementX, multiply(focalX, add(-1, divide(nextScale, value))))), set(displacementY, sub(displacementY, multiply(focalY, add(-1, divide(nextScale, value))))), nextScale ], cond( or(clockRunning(clock), not(eq(rest, value))), [ set(displacementX, runTiming(clock, displacementX, focalXRest, false)), set(displacementY, runTiming(clock, displacementY, focalYRest, false)), runTiming(clock, value, rest) ], value ) ); } function bouncy(value: any, gestureDiv: any, gestureActive: any, lowerBound: any, upperBound: any, f: any) { const timingClock = new Clock(); const decayClock = new Clock(); const velocity = speed(value); // did value go beyond the limits (lower, upper) const isOutOfBounds = or(lessThan(value, lowerBound), lessThan(upperBound, value)); // position to snap to (upper or lower is beyond or the current value elsewhere) const rest = cond(lessThan(value, lowerBound), lowerBound, cond(lessThan(upperBound, value), upperBound, value)); // how much the value exceeds the bounds, this is used to calculate friction const outOfBounds = abs(sub(rest, value)); return cond( [gestureDiv, velocity, gestureActive], [stopClock(timingClock), stopClock(decayClock), add(value, divide(gestureDiv, f(outOfBounds)))], cond( or(clockRunning(timingClock), isOutOfBounds), [stopClock(decayClock), runTiming(timingClock, value, rest)], cond(or(clockRunning(decayClock), lessThan(5, abs(velocity))), runDecay(decayClock, value, velocity), value) ) ); } const WIDTH = 300; const HEIGHT = 300; interface IImageProps { imageComponentType: string; } class Image extends React.PureComponent<IImageProps, any> { render() { const { imageComponentType }: any = this.props; const Component = ImageComponent(imageComponentType); return <Component {...this.props} />; } } // const AnimatedImage: any = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Image); // it was picked from // and changed to use FastImage animated component interface IImageViewerProps { uri: string; width: number; height: number; theme: string; imageComponentType: string; } export class ImageViewer extends React.Component<IImageViewerProps, any> { private _onPinchEvent: any; private _focalDisplacementX: any; private _focalDisplacementY: any; private _scale: any; private _onPanEvent: any; private _panTransX: any; private _panTransY: any; constructor(props: IImageViewerProps) { super(props); // DECLARE TRANSX const panTransX = new Value(0); const panTransY = new Value(0); // PINCH const pinchScale = new Value(1); const pinchFocalX = new Value(0); const pinchFocalY = new Value(0); const pinchState = new Value(-1); this._onPinchEvent = event([ { nativeEvent: { state: pinchState, scale: pinchScale, focalX: pinchFocalX, focalY: pinchFocalY } } ]); // SCALE const scale = new Value(1); const pinchActive = eq(pinchState, State.ACTIVE); this._focalDisplacementX = new Value(0); const relativeFocalX = sub(pinchFocalX, add(panTransX, this._focalDisplacementX)); this._focalDisplacementY = new Value(0); const relativeFocalY = sub(pinchFocalY, add(panTransY, this._focalDisplacementY)); this._scale = set( scale, bouncyPinch( scale, pinchScale, pinchActive, relativeFocalX, this._focalDisplacementX, relativeFocalY, this._focalDisplacementY ) ); // PAN const dragX = new Value(0); const dragY = new Value(0); const panState = new Value(-1); this._onPanEvent = event([ { nativeEvent: { translationX: dragX, translationY: dragY, state: panState } } ]); const panActive = eq(panState, State.ACTIVE); const panFriction = (value: any) => friction(value); // X const panUpX = cond(lessThan(this._scale, 1), 0, multiply(-1, this._focalDisplacementX)); const panLowX = add(panUpX, multiply(-WIDTH, add(max(1, this._scale), -1))); this._panTransX = set( panTransX, bouncy(panTransX, dragDiff(dragX, panActive), or(panActive, pinchActive), panLowX, panUpX, panFriction) ); // Y const panUpY = cond(lessThan(this._scale, 1), 0, multiply(-1, this._focalDisplacementY)); const panLowY = add(panUpY, multiply(-HEIGHT, add(max(1, this._scale), -1))); this._panTransY = set( panTransY, bouncy(panTransY, dragDiff(dragY, panActive), or(panActive, pinchActive), panLowY, panUpY, panFriction) ); } pinchRef = React.createRef(); panRef = React.createRef(); render() { const { uri, width, height, imageComponentType, theme, ...props } = this.props; // The below two animated values makes it so that scale appears to be done // from the top left corner of the image view instead of its center. This // is required for the "scale focal point" math to work correctly const scaleTopLeftFixX = divide(multiply(WIDTH, add(this._scale, -1)), 2); const scaleTopLeftFixY = divide(multiply(HEIGHT, add(this._scale, -1)), 2); const backgroundColor = themes[theme].previewBackground; return ( <View style={[styles.flex, { width, height, backgroundColor }]}> <PinchGestureHandler ref={this.pinchRef} simultaneousHandlers={this.panRef} onGestureEvent={this._onPinchEvent} onHandlerStateChange={this._onPinchEvent}> <Animated.View> <PanGestureHandler ref={this.panRef} minDist={10} avgTouches simultaneousHandlers={this.pinchRef} onGestureEvent={this._onPanEvent} onHandlerStateChange={this._onPanEvent}> <AnimatedImage style={[ styles.image, { width, height: '100%' }, { transform: [ { translateX: this._panTransX }, { translateY: this._panTransY }, { translateX: this._focalDisplacementX }, { translateY: this._focalDisplacementY }, { translateX: scaleTopLeftFixX }, { translateY: scaleTopLeftFixY }, { scale: this._scale } ] } ]} imageComponentType={imageComponentType} resizeMode='contain' source={{ uri }} {...props} /> </PanGestureHandler> </Animated.View> </PinchGestureHandler> </View> ); } }