150 lines
4.1 KiB
150 lines
4.1 KiB
import React from 'react';
import '@testing-library/react-native/extend-expect';
import mockClipboard from '@react-native-clipboard/clipboard/jest/clipboard-mock.js';
import mockAsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage/jest/async-storage-mock';
jest.mock('@react-native-async-storage/async-storage', () => mockAsyncStorage);
jest.mock('react-native-safe-area-context', () => {
const inset = { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 };
return {
SafeAreaProvider: jest.fn(({ children }) => children),
SafeAreaConsumer: jest.fn(({ children }) => children(inset)),
useSafeAreaInsets: jest.fn(() => inset),
useSafeAreaFrame: jest.fn(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 390, height: 844 }))
jest.mock('./node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Interaction/InteractionManager', () => ({
runAfterInteractions: callback => callback()
// @ts-ignore
global.__reanimatedWorkletInit = () => {};
jest.mock('react-native-reanimated', () => require('react-native-reanimated/mock'));
jest.mock('@react-native-clipboard/clipboard', () => mockClipboard);
jest.mock('rn-fetch-blob', () => ({
fs: {
dirs: {
DocumentDir: '/data/com.rocket.chat/documents',
DownloadDir: '/data/com.rocket.chat/downloads'
exists: jest.fn(() => null)
fetch: jest.fn(() => null),
config: jest.fn(() => null)
jest.mock('react-native-file-viewer', () => ({
open: jest.fn(() => null)
jest.mock('expo-haptics', () => jest.fn(() => null));
jest.mock('expo-av', () => ({
Audio: {
getPermissionsAsync: jest.fn(() => ({ status: 'granted', granted: true, canAskAgain: true })),
Recording: jest.fn(() => ({
prepareToRecordAsync: jest.fn(),
startAsync: jest.fn(),
stopAndUnloadAsync: jest.fn(),
setOnRecordingStatusUpdate: jest.fn()
jest.mock('./app/lib/methods/search', () => ({
search: () => []
jest.mock('./app/lib/database', () => ({
active: {
get: jest.fn()
jest.mock('./app/containers/MessageComposer/components/EmojiKeyboard', () => jest.fn(() => null));
jest.mock('./app/lib/hooks/useFrequentlyUsedEmoji', () => ({
useFrequentlyUsedEmoji: () => ({
frequentlyUsed: [],
loaded: true
jest.mock('./app/lib/database/services/Message', () => ({
getMessageById: messageId => ({
id: messageId,
rid: 'rid',
msg: `Message ${messageId}`
jest.mock('@react-navigation/native', () => {
const actualNav = jest.requireActual('@react-navigation/native');
const { useEffect } = require('react');
return {
useFocusEffect: useEffect,
isFocused: () => true,
useIsFocused: () => true,
useRoute: () => jest.fn(),
useNavigation: () => ({
navigate: jest.fn(),
addListener: () => jest.fn()
createNavigationContainerRef: jest.fn(),
navigate: jest.fn(),
addListener: jest.fn(() => jest.fn())
jest.mock('react-native-notifications', () => ({
Notifications: {
getInitialNotification: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()),
registerRemoteNotifications: jest.fn(),
events: () => ({
registerRemoteNotificationsRegistered: jest.fn(),
registerRemoteNotificationsRegistrationFailed: jest.fn(),
registerNotificationReceivedForeground: jest.fn(),
registerNotificationReceivedBackground: jest.fn(),
registerNotificationOpened: jest.fn()
jest.mock('@gorhom/bottom-sheet', () => {
const react = require('react-native');
return {
__esModule: true,
default: react.View,
BottomSheetScrollView: react.ScrollView
// If you need to manually mock a lib use this mock pattern and set exports.
jest.mock('react-native-math-view', () => {
const react = require('react-native');
return {
__esModule: true,
default: react.View, // Default export
MathText: react.View // {...} Named export
jest.mock('react-native-ui-lib/keyboard', () => {
const react = jest.requireActual('react');
return {
__esModule: true,
KeyboardAccessoryView: react.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
const MockName = 'keyboard-accessory-view-mock';
return <MockName>{props.renderContent()}</MockName>;