128 lines
4.1 KiB
128 lines
4.1 KiB
import EJSON from 'ejson';
import { put, select, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { ENCRYPTION } from '../actions/actionsTypes';
import { encryptionSet } from '../actions/encryption';
import { Encryption } from '../lib/encryption';
import Navigation from '../lib/navigation/appNavigation';
import { E2E_BANNER_TYPE, E2E_PRIVATE_KEY, E2E_PUBLIC_KEY, E2E_RANDOM_PASSWORD_KEY } from '../lib/constants';
import database from '../lib/database';
import RocketChat from '../lib/rocketchat';
import UserPreferences from '../lib/methods/userPreferences';
import { getUserSelector } from '../selectors/login';
import { showErrorAlert } from '../utils/info';
import I18n from '../i18n';
import log from '../utils/log';
const getServer = state => state.share.server.server || state.server.server;
const getE2eEnable = state => state.settings.E2E_Enable;
const handleEncryptionInit = function* handleEncryptionInit() {
try {
const server = yield select(getServer);
const user = yield select(getUserSelector);
const E2E_Enable = yield select(getE2eEnable);
// Fetch server info to check E2E enable
const serversDB = database.servers;
const serversCollection = serversDB.get('servers');
let serverInfo;
try {
serverInfo = yield serversCollection.find(server);
} catch {
// Server not found
// If E2E is disabled on server, skip
if (!serverInfo?.E2E_Enable && !E2E_Enable) {
// Fetch stored private e2e key for this server
const storedPrivateKey = UserPreferences.getString(`${server}-${E2E_PRIVATE_KEY}`);
// Fetch server stored e2e keys
const keys = yield RocketChat.e2eFetchMyKeys();
// A private key was received from the server, but it's not saved locally yet
// Show the banner asking for the password
if (!storedPrivateKey && keys?.privateKey) {
yield put(encryptionSet(false, E2E_BANNER_TYPE.REQUEST_PASSWORD));
// If the user has a private key stored, but never entered the password
const storedRandomPassword = UserPreferences.getString(`${server}-${E2E_RANDOM_PASSWORD_KEY}`);
if (storedRandomPassword) {
yield put(encryptionSet(true, E2E_BANNER_TYPE.SAVE_PASSWORD));
// Fetch stored public e2e key for this server
let storedPublicKey = UserPreferences.getString(`${server}-${E2E_PUBLIC_KEY}`);
// Prevent parse undefined
if (storedPublicKey) {
storedPublicKey = EJSON.parse(storedPublicKey);
if (storedPublicKey && storedPrivateKey && !storedRandomPassword) {
// Persist these keys
yield Encryption.persistKeys(server, storedPublicKey, storedPrivateKey);
yield put(encryptionSet(true));
} else {
// Create new keys since the user doesn't have any
yield Encryption.createKeys(user.id, server);
yield put(encryptionSet(true, E2E_BANNER_TYPE.SAVE_PASSWORD));
// Decrypt all pending messages/subscriptions
} catch (e) {
const handleEncryptionStop = function* handleEncryptionStop() {
// Hide encryption banner
yield put(encryptionSet());
// Stop Encryption client
const handleEncryptionDecodeKey = function* handleEncryptionDecodeKey({ password }) {
try {
const server = yield select(getServer);
const user = yield select(getUserSelector);
// Fetch server stored e2e keys
const keys = yield RocketChat.e2eFetchMyKeys();
const publicKey = EJSON.parse(keys?.publicKey);
// Decode the current server key
const privateKey = yield Encryption.decodePrivateKey(keys?.privateKey, password, user.id);
// Persist these decrypted keys
yield Encryption.persistKeys(server, publicKey, privateKey);
// Decrypt all pending messages/subscriptions
// Hide encryption banner
yield put(encryptionSet(true));
} catch {
// Can't decrypt user private key
showErrorAlert(I18n.t('Encryption_error_desc'), I18n.t('Encryption_error_title'));
const root = function* root() {
yield takeLatest(ENCRYPTION.INIT, handleEncryptionInit);
yield takeLatest(ENCRYPTION.STOP, handleEncryptionStop);
yield takeLatest(ENCRYPTION.DECODE_KEY, handleEncryptionDecodeKey);
export default root;