82 lines
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82 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <folly/Executor.h>
#include <folly/io/async/EventBase.h>
#include <rsocket/RSocket.h>
#include <mutex>
#include "FlipperConnectionManager.h"
#include "FlipperInitConfig.h"
#include "FlipperState.h"
namespace facebook {
namespace flipper {
class ConnectionEvents;
class ConnectionContextStore;
class FlipperRSocketResponder;
rsocket::Payload toRSocketPayload(folly::dynamic data);
class FlipperConnectionManagerImpl : public FlipperConnectionManager {
friend ConnectionEvents;
FlipperInitConfig config,
std::shared_ptr<FlipperState> state,
std::shared_ptr<ConnectionContextStore> contextStore);
void start() override;
void stop() override;
bool isOpen() const override;
void setCallbacks(Callbacks* callbacks) override;
void sendMessage(const folly::dynamic& message) override;
void onMessageReceived(
const folly::dynamic& message,
std::unique_ptr<FlipperResponder> responder) override;
void reconnect();
bool isOpen_ = false;
bool isStarted_ = false;
Callbacks* callbacks_;
DeviceData deviceData_;
std::shared_ptr<FlipperState> flipperState_;
int insecurePort;
int securePort;
folly::EventBase* flipperEventBase_;
folly::EventBase* connectionEventBase_;
std::unique_ptr<rsocket::RSocketClient> client_;
bool connectionIsTrusted_;
int failedConnectionAttempts_ = 0;
std::shared_ptr<ConnectionContextStore> contextStore_;
void startSync();
bool doCertificateExchange();
bool connectSecurely();
bool isCertificateExchangeNeeded();
void requestSignedCertFromFlipper();
bool isRunningInOwnThread();
void sendLegacyCertificateRequest(folly::dynamic message);
std::string getDeviceId();
} // namespace flipper
} // namespace facebook