186 lines
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186 lines
6.3 KiB
import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb';
import { sanitizeLikeString, slugifyLikeString } from '../database/utils';
import database from '../database/index';
import { store as reduxStore } from '../store/auxStore';
import { spotlight } from '../services/restApi';
import { ISearch, ISearchLocal, IUserMessage, SubscriptionType, TSubscriptionModel } from '../../definitions';
import { isGroupChat, isReadOnly } from './helpers';
import { Encryption } from '../encryption';
export type TSearch = ISearchLocal | IUserMessage | ISearch;
let debounce: null | ((reason: string) => void) = null;
export const localSearchSubscription = async ({
text = '',
filterUsers = true,
filterRooms = true,
filterMessagingAllowed = false
}): Promise<ISearchLocal[]> => {
const searchText = text.trim();
const db = database.active;
const likeString = sanitizeLikeString(searchText);
const slugifiedString = slugifyLikeString(searchText);
let subscriptions = await db
// `sanitized_fname` is an optional column, so it's going to start null and it's going to get filled over time
Q.where('sanitized_fname', Q.like(`%${slugifiedString}%`)),
// TODO: Remove the conditionals below at some point. It is merged at 4.39
// the param 'name' is slugified by the server when the slugify setting is enable, just for channels and teams
Q.where('name', Q.like(`%${slugifiedString}%`)),
// Still need the below conditionals because at the first moment the the sanitized_fname won't be filled
Q.where('name', Q.like(`%${likeString}%`)),
Q.where('fname', Q.like(`%${likeString}%`))
Q.experimentalSortBy('room_updated_at', Q.desc)
if (filterUsers && !filterRooms) {
subscriptions = subscriptions.filter(item => item.t === 'd' && !isGroupChat(item));
} else if (!filterUsers && filterRooms) {
subscriptions = subscriptions.filter(item => item.t !== 'd' || isGroupChat(item));
if (filterMessagingAllowed) {
const username = reduxStore.getState().login.user.username as string;
const encryptionEnabled = reduxStore.getState().encryption.enabled as boolean;
const filteredSubscriptions = await Promise.all(
subscriptions.map(async item => {
if (await isReadOnly(item, username)) {
return null;
if (Encryption.isMissingRoomE2EEKey({ encryptionEnabled, roomEncrypted: item.encrypted, E2EKey: item.E2EKey })) {
return null;
if (Encryption.isE2EEDisabledEncryptedRoom({ encryptionEnabled, roomEncrypted: item.encrypted })) {
return null;
return item;
subscriptions = filteredSubscriptions.filter(item => item !== null) as TSubscriptionModel[];
const search = subscriptions.slice(0, 7).map(item => ({
_id: item._id,
rid: item.rid,
name: item.name,
fname: item.fname,
avatarETag: item.avatarETag,
t: item.t,
encrypted: item.encrypted,
lastMessage: item.lastMessage,
status: item.status,
teamMain: item.teamMain,
prid: item.prid,
f: item.f
})) as ISearchLocal[];
return search;
export const localSearchUsersMessageByRid = async ({ text = '', rid = '' }): Promise<IUserMessage[]> => {
const userId = reduxStore.getState().login.user.id;
const numberOfSuggestions = reduxStore.getState().settings.Number_of_users_autocomplete_suggestions as number;
const searchText = text.trim();
const db = database.active;
const likeString = sanitizeLikeString(searchText);
const messages = await db
Q.and(Q.where('rid', rid), Q.where('u', Q.notLike(`%${userId}%`)), Q.where('t', null)),
Q.experimentalSortBy('ts', Q.desc),
const regExp = new RegExp(`${likeString}`, 'i');
const users = messages.map(message => message.u);
const usersFromLocal = users
.filter((item1, index) => users.findIndex(item2 => item2._id === item1._id) === index) // Remove duplicated data from response
.filter(user => user?.name?.match(regExp) || user?.username?.match(regExp))
.slice(0, text ? 2 : numberOfSuggestions);
return usersFromLocal;
export const search = async ({ text = '', filterUsers = true, filterRooms = true, rid = '' }): Promise<TSearch[]> => {
const searchText = text.trim();
if (debounce) {
let localSearchData = [];
// the users provided by localSearchUsersMessageByRid return the username properly, data.username
// Example: Diego Mello's user -> {name: "Diego Mello", username: "diego.mello"}
// Meanwhile, the username provided by localSearchSubscription is in name's property
// Example: Diego Mello's subscription -> {fname: "Diego Mello", name: "diego.mello"}
let usernames = [];
if (rid && filterUsers) {
localSearchData = await localSearchUsersMessageByRid({ text, rid });
usernames = localSearchData.map(sub => sub.username as string);
} else {
localSearchData = await localSearchSubscription({ text, filterUsers, filterRooms });
usernames = localSearchData.map(sub => sub.name as string);
const data: TSearch[] = localSearchData;
try {
if (searchText && localSearchData.length < 7) {
const { users, rooms } = (await Promise.race([
spotlight(searchText, usernames, { users: filterUsers, rooms: filterRooms }, rid),
new Promise((resolve, reject) => (debounce = reject))
])) as { users: ISearch[]; rooms: ISearch[] };
if (filterUsers) {
.filter((item1, index) => users.findIndex(item2 => item2._id === item1._id) === index) // Remove duplicated data from response
user =>
!data.some(sub =>
// Check comments at usernames' declaration
rid && 'username' in sub ? user.username === sub.username : user.username === sub.name
) // Make sure to remove users already on local database
.forEach(user => {
rid: user.username,
name: user.username,
fname: user.name,
t: SubscriptionType.DIRECT,
search: true
if (filterRooms) {
rooms.forEach(room => {
// Check if it exists on local database
const index = data.findIndex(item => 'rid' in item && item.rid === room._id);
if (index === -1) {
rid: room._id,
search: true
debounce = null;
return data;
} catch (e) {
return data;