2014-06-03 12:08:34 +00:00
var boot = require('../');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var expect = require('must');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var sandbox = require('./helpers/sandbox');
var vm = require('vm');
describe('browser support', function() {
it('has API for bundling and executing boot instructions', function(done) {
var appDir = path.resolve(__dirname, './fixtures/browser-app');
browserifyTestApp(appDir, function(err, bundlePath) {
if (err) return done(err);
var app = executeBundledApp(bundlePath);
// configured in fixtures/browser-app/boot/configure.js
expect(app.settings).to.have.property('custom-key', 'custom-value');
2014-06-13 11:14:43 +00:00
.to.have.property('_customized', 'Customer');
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function browserifyTestApp(appDir, next) {
var b = browserify({
basedir: appDir,
b.require('./app.js', { expose: 'browser-app' });
boot.compileToBrowserify(appDir, b);
var bundlePath = sandbox.resolve('browser-app-bundle.js');
var out = fs.createWriteStream(bundlePath);
b.bundle({ debug: true }).pipe(out);
out.on('error', function(err) { return next(err); });
out.on('close', function() {
next(null, bundlePath);
function executeBundledApp(bundlePath) {
var code = fs.readFileSync(bundlePath);
var context = createBrowserLikeContext();
vm.runInContext(code, context, bundlePath);
var app = vm.runInContext('require("browser-app")', context);
return app;
function createBrowserLikeContext() {
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var context = {
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// required by browserify
XMLHttpRequest: function() { throw new Error('not implemented'); },
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localStorage: {
// used by `debug` module
debug: process.env.DEBUG
// used by `debug` module
document: { documentElement: { style: {} } },
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// allow the browserified code to log messages
// call `printContextLogs(context)` to print the accumulated messages
console: {
log: function() {
warn: function() {
error: function() {
_logs: {
log: [],
warn: [],
error: []
2014-06-13 11:14:43 +00:00
// `window` is used by loopback to detect browser runtime
context.window = context;
return vm.createContext(context);
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function printContextLogs(context) {
for (var k in context.console._logs) {
var items = context.console._logs[k];
for (var ix in items) {
console[k].apply(console, items[ix]);