var boot = require('../'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); var extend = require('util')._extend; var path = require('path'); var loopback = require('loopback'); var assert = require('assert'); var expect = require('must'); var sandbox = require('./helpers/sandbox'); var SIMPLE_APP = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'simple-app'); var appDir; describe('bootLoopBackApp', function() { beforeEach(sandbox.reset); beforeEach(function makeUniqueAppDir(done) { // Node's module loader has a very aggressive caching, therefore // we can't reuse the same path for multiple tests // The code here is used to generate a random string require('crypto').randomBytes(5, function(ex, buf) { var randomStr = buf.toString('hex'); appDir = sandbox.resolve(randomStr); done(); }); }); describe('from options', function () { var app; beforeEach(function () { app = loopback(); boot(app, { app: { port: 3000, host: '', restApiRoot: '/rest-api', foo: {bar: 'bat'}, baz: true }, models: { 'foo-bar-bat-baz': { options: { plural: 'foo-bar-bat-bazzies' }, dataSource: 'the-db' } }, dataSources: { 'the-db': { connector: 'memory', defaultForType: 'db' } } }); }); it('should have port setting', function () { assert.equal(app.get('port'), 3000); }); it('should have host setting', function() { assert.equal(app.get('host'), ''); }); it('should have restApiRoot setting', function() { assert.equal(app.get('restApiRoot'), '/rest-api'); }); it('should have other settings', function () { expect(app.get('foo')).to.eql({ bar: 'bat' }); expect(app.get('baz')).to.eql(true); }); it('Instantiate models', function () { assert(app.models); assert(app.models.FooBarBatBaz); assert(app.models.fooBarBatBaz); assertValidDataSource(app.models.FooBarBatBaz.dataSource); assert.isFunc(app.models.FooBarBatBaz, 'find'); assert.isFunc(app.models.FooBarBatBaz, 'create'); }); it('Attach models to data sources', function () { assert.equal(app.models.FooBarBatBaz.dataSource, app.dataSources.theDb); }); it('Instantiate data sources', function () { assert(app.dataSources); assert(app.dataSources.theDb); assertValidDataSource(app.dataSources.theDb); assert(app.dataSources.TheDb); }); describe('boot and models directories', function() { beforeEach(function() { boot(app, SIMPLE_APP); }); it('should run all modules in the boot directory', function () { assert(process.loadedFooJS); delete process.loadedFooJS; }); it('should run all modules in the models directory', function () { assert(process.loadedBarJS); delete process.loadedBarJS; }); }); describe('PaaS and npm env variables', function() { function bootWithDefaults() { app = loopback(); boot(app, { app: { port: undefined, host: undefined } }); } it('should be honored', function() { function assertHonored(portKey, hostKey) { process.env[hostKey] = randomPort(); process.env[portKey] = randomHost(); bootWithDefaults(); assert.equal(app.get('port'), process.env[portKey]); assert.equal(app.get('host'), process.env[hostKey]); delete process.env[portKey]; delete process.env[hostKey]; } assertHonored('OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT', 'OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP'); assertHonored('npm_config_port', 'npm_config_host'); assertHonored('npm_package_config_port', 'npm_package_config_host'); assertHonored('OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT', 'OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP'); assertHonored('PORT', 'HOST'); }); it('should be honored in order', function() { /*jshint camelcase:false */ process.env.npm_config_host = randomHost(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP = randomHost(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP = randomHost(); process.env.HOST = randomHost(); process.env.npm_package_config_host = randomHost(); bootWithDefaults(); assert.equal(app.get('host'), process.env.npm_config_host); delete process.env.npm_config_host; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP; delete process.env.HOST; delete process.env.npm_package_config_host; process.env.npm_config_port = randomPort(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT = randomPort(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT = randomPort(); process.env.PORT = randomPort(); process.env.npm_package_config_port = randomPort(); bootWithDefaults(); assert.equal(app.get('host'), process.env.npm_config_host); assert.equal(app.get('port'), process.env.npm_config_port); delete process.env.npm_config_port; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT; delete process.env.PORT; delete process.env.npm_package_config_port; }); function randomHost() { return Math.random().toString().split('.')[1]; } function randomPort() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); } it('should honor 0 for free port', function () { boot(app, {app: {port: 0}}); assert.equal(app.get('port'), 0); }); it('should default to port 3000', function () { boot(app, {app: {port: undefined}}); assert.equal(app.get('port'), 3000); }); }); }); describe('from directory', function () { it('Load config files', function () { var app = loopback(); boot(app, SIMPLE_APP); assert(; assert(app.models.Foo); assert(app.models.Foo.dataSource); assert.isFunc(app.models.Foo, 'find'); assert.isFunc(app.models.Foo, 'create'); }); it('merges datasource configs from multiple files', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); writeAppConfigFile('datasources.local.json', { db: { local: 'applied' } }); var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; writeAppConfigFile('datasources.' + env + '.json', { db: { env: 'applied' } }); var app = loopback(); boot(app, appDir); var db = app.datasources.db.settings; expect(db)'local', 'applied'); expect(db)'env', 'applied'); var expectedLoadOrder = ['local', 'env']; var actualLoadOrder = Object.keys(db).filter(function(k) { return expectedLoadOrder.indexOf(k) !== -1; }); expect(actualLoadOrder, 'load order').to.eql(expectedLoadOrder); }); it('supports .js for custom datasource config files', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); fs.writeFileSync( path.resolve(appDir, 'datasources.local.js'), 'module.exports = { db: { fromJs: true } };'); var app = loopback(); boot(app, appDir); var db = app.datasources.db.settings; expect(db)'fromJs', true); }); it('refuses to merge Object properties', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); writeAppConfigFile('datasources.local.json', { db: { nested: { key: 'value' } } }); var app = loopback(); expect(function() { boot(app, appDir); }) .to.throw(/`nested` is not a value type/); }); it('refuses to merge Array properties', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); writeAppConfigFile('datasources.local.json', { db: { nested: ['value'] } }); var app = loopback(); expect(function() { boot(app, appDir); }) .to.throw(/`nested` is not a value type/); }); it('merges app configs from multiple files', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); writeAppConfigFile('app.local.json', { cfgLocal: 'applied' }); var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; writeAppConfigFile('app.' + env + '.json', { cfgEnv: 'applied' }); var app = loopback(); boot(app, appDir); expect(app.settings)'cfgLocal', 'applied'); expect(app.settings)'cfgEnv', 'applied'); var expectedLoadOrder = ['cfgLocal', 'cfgEnv']; var actualLoadOrder = Object.keys(app.settings).filter(function(k) { return expectedLoadOrder.indexOf(k) !== -1; }); expect(actualLoadOrder, 'load order').to.eql(expectedLoadOrder); }); it('supports .js for custom app config files', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); fs.writeFileSync( path.resolve(appDir, 'app.local.js'), 'module.exports = { fromJs: true };'); var app = loopback(); boot(app, appDir); expect(app.settings)'fromJs', true); }); it('supports `dsRootDir` option', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); var customDir = path.resolve(appDir, 'custom'); fs.mkdirsSync(customDir); fs.renameSync( path.resolve(appDir, 'datasources.json'), path.resolve(customDir, 'datasources.json')); var app = loopback(); // workaround for app.datasources = app.dataSources = {}; boot(app, { appRootDir: appDir, dsRootDir: path.resolve(appDir, 'custom') }); expect(app.datasources)'db'); }); it('supports `modelsRootDir` option', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); writeAppConfigFile('custom/models.json', { foo: { dataSource: 'db' } }); global.testData = {}; writeAppFile('custom/models/foo.js', ' = "loaded";'); var app = loopback(); boot(app, { appRootDir: appDir, modelsRootDir: path.resolve(appDir, 'custom') }); expect(app.models)'foo'); expect(global.testData)'foo', 'loaded'); }); it('calls function exported by models/model.js', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); writeAppFile('models/model.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };'); var app = loopback(); delete app.fnCalled; boot(app, appDir); expect(app.fnCalled, 'exported fn was called'); }); it('calls function exported by boot/init.js', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); writeAppFile('boot/init.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };'); var app = loopback(); delete app.fnCalled; boot(app, appDir); expect(app.fnCalled, 'exported fn was called'); }); it('does not call Model ctor exported by models/model.json', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); writeAppFile('models/model.js', 'var loopback = require("loopback");\n' + 'module.exports = loopback.Model.extend("foo");\n' + 'module.exports.prototype._initProperties = function() {\n' + ' global.fnCalled = true;\n' + '};'); var app = loopback(); delete global.fnCalled; boot(app, appDir); expect(global.fnCalled, 'exported fn was called'); }); it('supports models/ subdirectires that are not require()able', function() { givenAppInSandbox(); writeAppFile('models/test/model.test.js', 'throw new Error("should not been called");'); var app = loopback(); boot(app, appDir); // no assert, the test passed when we got here }); }); }); function assertValidDataSource(dataSource) { // has methods assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'createModel'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'discoverModelDefinitions'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'discoverSchema'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'enableRemote'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'disableRemote'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'defineOperation'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'operations'); } assert.isFunc = function (obj, name) { assert(obj, 'cannot assert function ' + name + ' on object that does not exist'); assert(typeof obj[name] === 'function', name + ' is not a function'); }; function givenAppInSandbox(appConfig, dataSources, models) { fs.mkdirsSync(appDir); appConfig = extend({ }, appConfig); writeAppConfigFile('app.json', appConfig); dataSources = extend({ db: { connector: 'memory', defaultForType: 'db' } }, dataSources); writeAppConfigFile('datasources.json', dataSources); models = extend({ }, models); writeAppConfigFile('models.json', models); } function writeAppConfigFile(name, json) { writeAppFile(name, JSON.stringify(json, null, 2)); } function writeAppFile(name, content) { var filePath = path.resolve(appDir, name); fs.mkdirsSync(path.dirname(filePath)); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content, 'utf-8'); }