// Copyright IBM Corp. 2016,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-boot // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; var util = require('util'); var utils = require('../utils'); var path = require('path'); var async = require('async'); var debug = require('debug')('loopback:boot:script'); var PluginBase = require('../plugin-base'); var _ = require('lodash'); var g = require('../globalize'); module.exports = function(options) { return new Script(options); }; function Script(options) { PluginBase.call(this, options, 'bootScripts', null); } util.inherits(Script, PluginBase); Script.prototype.load = function(context) { var options = this.options; var appRootDir = options.rootDir; // require directories var bootDirs = options.bootDirs || []; // precedence bootDirs = bootDirs.concat(path.join(appRootDir, 'boot')); utils.resolveRelativePaths(bootDirs, appRootDir); var bootScripts = options.bootScripts || []; utils.resolveRelativePaths(bootScripts, appRootDir); bootDirs.forEach(function(dir) { bootScripts = bootScripts.concat( utils.findScripts(dir, options.scriptExtensions) ); var envdir = dir + '/' + options.env; bootScripts = bootScripts.concat( utils.findScripts(envdir, options.scriptExtensions) ); }); // de-dedup boot scripts -ERS // https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-boot/issues/64 bootScripts = _.uniq(bootScripts); debug('Boot scripts: %j', bootScripts); this.configure(context, bootScripts); return bootScripts; }; Script.prototype.start = function(context, done) { var app = context.app; var instructions = context.instructions[this.name]; runScripts(app, instructions, done); }; function runScripts(app, list, callback) { list = list || []; var functions = []; list.forEach(function(filepath) { debug('Requiring script %s', filepath); try { var exports = require(filepath); if (exports.__esModule) exports = exports.default; if (typeof exports === 'function') { debug('Exported function detected %s', filepath); functions.push({ path: filepath, func: exports, }); } } catch (err) { g.error('Failed loading boot script: %s\n%s', filepath, err.stack); throw err; } }); async.eachSeries(functions, function(f, done) { debug('Running script %s', f.path); var cb = function(err) { debug('Async function %s %s', err ? 'failed' : 'finished', f.path); done(err); // Make sure done() isn't called twice, e.g. if a script returns a // thenable object and also calls the passed callback. cb = function() {}; }; try { var result = f.func(app, cb); if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(function() { cb(); }, cb); } else if (f.func.length < 2) { debug('Sync function finished %s', f.path); done(); } } catch (err) { debug('Sync function failed %s', f.path, err); done(err); } }, callback); }