var boot = require('../'); var path = require('path'); var loopback = require('loopback'); var assert = require('assert'); var expect = require('chai').expect; var fs = require('fs-extra'); var sandbox = require('./helpers/sandbox'); var appdir = require('./helpers/appdir'); var supertest = require('supertest'); var os = require('os'); var SIMPLE_APP = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'simple-app'); var app; describe('executor', function() { beforeEach(sandbox.reset); beforeEach(appdir.init); beforeEach(function() { app = loopback(); // process.bootFlags is used by simple-app/boot/*.js scripts process.bootFlags = []; }); afterEach(function() { delete process.bootFlags; }); var dummyInstructions = someInstructions({ config: { port: 3000, host: '', restApiRoot: '/rest-api', foo: { bar: 'bat' }, baz: true }, models: [ { name: 'User', config: { dataSource: 'the-db' } } ], dataSources: { 'the-db': { connector: 'memory', defaultForType: 'db' } } }); describe('when booting', function() { it('should set the `booting` flag during execution', function(done) { expect(app.booting); boot.execute(app, simpleAppInstructions(), function(err) { expect(err); expect(process.bootingFlagSet); expect(app.booting); done(); }); }); it('should emit the `booted` event', function(done) { app.on('booted', function() { // This test fails with a timeout when the `booted` event has not been // emitted correctly done(); }); boot.execute(app, dummyInstructions, function(err) { expect(err); }); }); it('should work when called synchronously', function() { boot.execute(app, dummyInstructions); }); }); it('configures models', function() { boot.execute(app, dummyInstructions); assert(app.models); assert(app.models.User); assert.equal(app.models.User, loopback.User, 'Boot should not have extended loopback.User model'); assertValidDataSource(app.models.User.dataSource); assert.isFunc(app.models.User, 'find'); assert.isFunc(app.models.User, 'create'); }); it('defines and customizes models', function() { appdir.writeFileSync('models/Customer.js', 'module.exports = ' + function(Customer) { Customer.settings._customized = 'Customer'; Customer.base.settings._customized = 'Base'; }.toString()); boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ models: [ { name: 'Customer', config: { dataSource: 'db' }, definition: { name: 'Customer', base: 'User', }, sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'models', 'Customer.js') } ] })); expect(app.models.Customer).to.exist(); expect(app.models.Customer.settings._customized)'Customer'); expect(loopback.User.settings._customized).to.equal('Base'); }); it('defines model without attaching it', function() { boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ models: [ { name: 'Vehicle', config: undefined, definition: { name: 'Vehicle' }, sourceFile: undefined }, { name: 'Car', config: { dataSource: 'db' }, definition: { name: 'Car', base: 'Vehicle', }, sourceFile: undefined }, ] })); expect(Object.keys(app.models)).to.eql(['Car']); }); it('attaches models to data sources', function() { boot.execute(app, dummyInstructions); assert.equal(app.models.User.dataSource, app.dataSources.theDb); }); it('defines all models first before running the config phase', function() { appdir.writeFileSync('models/Customer.js', 'module.exports = ' + function(Customer/*, Base*/) { Customer.on('attached', function() { Customer._modelsWhenAttached = Object.keys(Customer.modelBuilder.models); }); }.toString()); boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ models: [ { name: 'Customer', config: { dataSource: 'db' }, definition: { name: 'Customer' }, sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'models', 'Customer.js') }, { name: 'UniqueName', config: { dataSource: 'db' }, definition: { name: 'UniqueName' }, sourceFile: undefined } ] })); expect(app.models.Customer._modelsWhenAttached).to.include('UniqueName'); }); it('throws on bad require() call inside boot script', function() { var file = appdir.writeFileSync('boot/badScript.js', 'require("doesnt-exist"); module.exports = {};'); function doBoot() { boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ files: { boot: [file] } })); } expect(doBoot).to.throw(/Cannot find module \'doesnt-exist\'/); }); it('instantiates data sources', function() { boot.execute(app, dummyInstructions); assert(app.dataSources); assert(app.dataSources.theDb); assertValidDataSource(app.dataSources.theDb); assert(app.dataSources.TheDb); }); it('does not call autoAttach', function() { boot.execute(app, dummyInstructions); // loopback-datasource-juggler quirk: // Model.dataSources has modelBuilder as the default value, // therefore it's not enough to assert a false-y value var actual = loopback.Email.dataSource instanceof loopback.DataSource ? 'attached' : 'not attached'; expect(actual).to.equal('not attached'); }); it('skips definition of already defined LoopBack models', function() { var builtinModel = { name: 'User', definition: fs.readJsonFileSync( require.resolve('loopback/common/models/user.json') ), config: { dataSource: 'db' }, sourceFile: require.resolve('loopback/common/models/user.js') }; builtinModel.definition.redefined = true; boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ models: [builtinModel] })); expect(app.models.User.settings.redefined, 'redefined').to.not.equal(true); }); describe('with boot and models files', function() { beforeEach(function() { boot.execute(app, simpleAppInstructions()); }); afterEach(function() { delete process.bootFlags; }); it('should run `boot/*` files', function(done) { // scripts are loaded by the order of file names expect(process.bootFlags).to.eql([ 'barLoaded', 'barSyncLoaded', 'fooLoaded', 'barStarted' ]); // bar finished happens in the next tick // barSync executed after bar finished setTimeout(function() { expect(process.bootFlags).to.eql([ 'barLoaded', 'barSyncLoaded', 'fooLoaded', 'barStarted', 'barFinished', 'barSyncExecuted' ]); done(); }, 10); }); }); describe('with boot with callback', function() { it('should run `boot/*` files asynchronously', function(done) { boot.execute(app, simpleAppInstructions(), function() { expect(process.bootFlags).to.eql([ 'barLoaded', 'barSyncLoaded', 'fooLoaded', 'barStarted', 'barFinished', 'barSyncExecuted' ]); done(); }); }); }); describe('with PaaS and npm env variables', function() { function bootWithDefaults() { app = loopback(); boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ config: { port: undefined, host: undefined } })); } it('should honor host and port', function() { function assertHonored(portKey, hostKey) { process.env[hostKey] = randomPort(); process.env[portKey] = randomHost(); bootWithDefaults(); assert.equal(app.get('port'), process.env[portKey], portKey); assert.equal(app.get('host'), process.env[hostKey], hostKey); delete process.env[portKey]; delete process.env[hostKey]; } assertHonored('OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT', 'OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP'); assertHonored('npm_config_port', 'npm_config_host'); assertHonored('npm_package_config_port', 'npm_package_config_host'); assertHonored('OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT', 'OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP'); assertHonored('PORT', 'HOST'); }); it('should prioritize sources', function() { // jscs:disable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers process.env.npm_config_host = randomHost(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP = randomHost(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP = randomHost(); process.env.HOST = randomHost(); process.env.npm_package_config_host = randomHost(); bootWithDefaults(); assert.equal(app.get('host'), process.env.npm_config_host); delete process.env.npm_config_host; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP; delete process.env.HOST; delete process.env.npm_package_config_host; process.env.npm_config_port = randomPort(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT = randomPort(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT = randomPort(); process.env.PORT = randomPort(); process.env.npm_package_config_port = randomPort(); bootWithDefaults(); assert.equal(app.get('host'), process.env.npm_config_host); assert.equal(app.get('port'), process.env.npm_config_port); delete process.env.npm_config_port; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT; delete process.env.PORT; delete process.env.npm_package_config_port; }); function randomHost() { return Math.random().toString().split('.')[1]; } function randomPort() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); } it('should honor 0 for free port', function() { boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ config: { port: 0 } })); assert.equal(app.get('port'), 0); }); it('should default to port 3000', function() { boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ config: { port: undefined } })); assert.equal(app.get('port'), 3000); }); }); it('calls function exported by boot/init.js', function() { var file = appdir.writeFileSync('boot/init.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };'); delete app.fnCalled; boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ files: { boot: [file] } })); expect(app.fnCalled, 'exported fn was called'); }); it('configures middleware', function(done) { var pushNamePath = require.resolve('./helpers/push-name-middleware'); boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ middleware: { phases: ['initial', 'custom'], middleware: [ { sourceFile: pushNamePath, config: { phase: 'initial', params: 'initial' } }, { sourceFile: pushNamePath, config: { phase: 'custom', params: 'custom' } }, { sourceFile: pushNamePath, config: { phase: 'routes', params: 'routes' } }, { sourceFile: pushNamePath, config: { phase: 'routes', enabled: false, params: 'disabled' } } ] } })); supertest(app) .get('/') .end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); var names = (res.headers.names || '').split(','); expect(names).to.eql(['initial', 'custom', 'routes']); done(); }); }); it('configures middleware using shortform', function(done) { boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ middleware: { middleware: [ { sourceFile: require.resolve('loopback'), fragment: 'static', config: { phase: 'files', params: path.join(__dirname, './fixtures/simple-app/client/') } } ] } })); supertest(app) .get('/') .end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.text).to.eql(('\n\n\n' + ' \n simple-app\n' + '\n\n


\n' + '\n').replace(/\n/g, os.EOL)); done(); }); }); it('configures middleware (end-to-end)', function(done) { boot.execute(app, simpleAppInstructions()); supertest(app) .get('/') .end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.headers.names).to.equal('custom-middleware'); done(); }); }); it('configures components', function() { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('component-config.json', { './components/test-component': { option: 'value' } }); appdir.writeFileSync('components/test-component/index.js', 'module.exports = ' + 'function(app, options) { app.componentOptions = options; }'); boot(app, appdir.PATH); expect(app.componentOptions).to.eql({ option: 'value' }); }); it('configures middleware (that requires `this`)', function(done) { var passportPath = require.resolve('./fixtures/passport'); boot.execute(app, someInstructions({ middleware: { phases: ['auth'], middleware: [ { sourceFile: passportPath, fragment: 'initialize', config: { phase: 'auth:before' } } ] } })); supertest(app) .get('/') .expect('passport', 'initialized', done); }); }); function assertValidDataSource(dataSource) { // has methods assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'createModel'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'discoverModelDefinitions'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'discoverSchema'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'enableRemote'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'disableRemote'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'defineOperation'); assert.isFunc(dataSource, 'operations'); } assert.isFunc = function(obj, name) { assert(obj, 'cannot assert function ' + name + ' on object that does not exist'); assert(typeof obj[name] === 'function', name + ' is not a function'); }; function someInstructions(values) { var result = { config: values.config || {}, models: values.models || [], dataSources: values.dataSources || { db: { connector: 'memory' } }, middleware: values.middleware || { phases: [], middleware: [] }, components: values.components || [], files: { boot: [] } }; if (values.files) { for (var k in values.files) result.files[k] = values.files[k]; } return result; } function simpleAppInstructions() { // Copy it so that require will happend again fs.copySync(SIMPLE_APP, appdir.PATH); return boot.compile(appdir.PATH); }