{ "1e5fea50eef843cbffd1d438494912c8": "Cannot resolve path \"{0}\"", "34319676975b1abf107da7a056abb434": "Invalid normalization format - \"{0}\"", "3a7049e42006e8bc19e0f4fc8df63b6b": "The `app` is powered by an incompatible loopback version {0}. Supported versions: {1}", "3f93b626dd9a1c33d67490f6e71018b5": "WARNING: Main config file \"{0}{{.json}}\" is missing", "4d052d84c8620730afd4a30832f11724": "Cannot configure unknown model {0}", "4ed668e9187650d898acf97707df445a": "The {{phase}} \"{0}\" is not defined in the main config.", "6447e6b342a2c51ab0bc53b3cbdf3742": "Ordering conflict: cannot add \"{0}\" after \"{1}\", because the opposite order was already specified", "70654dc6eb565613a33344efed3de998": "Failed loading boot script: {0}\n{1}", "7f7bdcadb75abfef1bd8a126d547dd6d": "{0} does not resolve to a valid value, returned as {1}. \"{2}\" must be resolvable in Environment variable or by {{app.get()}}.", "91a742b7c3568cf6b6755741a70b3c52": "The {{middleware}} \"{0}\" in {{phase}} \"{1}\"is not defined in the main config.", "a3aa22086ae4976cd013065c9a3ff81c": "Cannot apply {0}: ", "be2cf2868ba54624fe38e9908dde5e9e": "The data in {{model-config.json}} is in the unsupported {{1.x}} format.", "ec551b6f2fafd8d40af801ebe5bb09f6": "Discarding {{middleware}} instructions, {{loopback}} client does not support {{middleware}}.", "fdc23df1bd0fe55fe3faabcc89ff60f3": "Middleware \"{0}\" not found: {1}" }