var boot = require('../'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); var path = require('path'); var expect = require('must'); var sandbox = require('./helpers/sandbox'); var appdir = require('./helpers/appdir'); var SIMPLE_APP = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'simple-app'); describe('compiler', function() { beforeEach(sandbox.reset); beforeEach(appdir.init); describe('from options', function() { var options, instructions, appConfig; beforeEach(function() { options = { app: { port: 3000, host: '', restApiRoot: '/rest-api', foo: {bar: 'bat'}, baz: true }, models: { 'foo-bar-bat-baz': { dataSource: 'the-db' } }, dataSources: { 'the-db': { connector: 'memory', defaultForType: 'db' } } }; instructions = boot.compile(options); appConfig =; }); it('has port setting', function() { expect(appConfig)'port', 3000); }); it('has host setting', function() { expect(appConfig)'host', ''); }); it('has restApiRoot setting', function() { expect(appConfig)'restApiRoot', '/rest-api'); }); it('has other settings', function() { expect(appConfig)'baz', true); expect(, '').to.eql({ bar: 'bat' }); }); it('has models definition', function() { expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'foo-bar-bat-baz', config: { dataSource: 'the-db' }, definition: undefined, sourceFile: undefined }); }); it('has datasources definition', function() { expect(instructions.dataSources).to.eql(options.dataSources); }); }); describe('from directory', function() { it('loads config files', function() { var instructions = boot.compile(SIMPLE_APP); expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'User', config: { dataSource: 'db' }, definition: undefined, sourceFile: undefined }); }); it('merges datasource configs from multiple files', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.local.json', { db: { local: 'applied' } }); var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.' + env + '.json', { db: { env: 'applied' } }); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); var db = instructions.dataSources.db; expect(db)'local', 'applied'); expect(db)'env', 'applied'); var expectedLoadOrder = ['local', 'env']; var actualLoadOrder = Object.keys(db).filter(function(k) { return expectedLoadOrder.indexOf(k) !== -1; }); expect(actualLoadOrder, 'load order').to.eql(expectedLoadOrder); }); it('supports .js for custom datasource config files', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeFileSync('datasources.local.js', 'module.exports = { db: { fromJs: true } };'); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); var db = instructions.dataSources.db; expect(db)'fromJs', true); }); it('refuses to merge Object properties', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.local.json', { db: { nested: { key: 'value' } } }); expect(function() { boot.compile(appdir.PATH); }) .to.throw(/`nested` is not a value type/); }); it('refuses to merge Array properties', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.local.json', { db: { nested: ['value'] } }); expect(function() { boot.compile(appdir.PATH); }) .to.throw(/`nested` is not a value type/); }); it('merges app configs from multiple files', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('app.local.json', { cfgLocal: 'applied' }); var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; appdir.writeConfigFileSync('app.' + env + '.json', { cfgEnv: 'applied' }); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); var appConfig =; expect(appConfig)'cfgLocal', 'applied'); expect(appConfig)'cfgEnv', 'applied'); var expectedLoadOrder = ['cfgLocal', 'cfgEnv']; var actualLoadOrder = Object.keys(appConfig).filter(function(k) { return expectedLoadOrder.indexOf(k) !== -1; }); expect(actualLoadOrder, 'load order').to.eql(expectedLoadOrder); }); it('supports .js for custom app config files', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeFileSync('app.local.js', 'module.exports = { fromJs: true };'); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); var appConfig =; expect(appConfig)'fromJs', true); }); it('supports `dsRootDir` option', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var customDir = path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom'); fs.mkdirsSync(customDir); fs.renameSync( path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'datasources.json'), path.resolve(customDir, 'datasources.json')); var instructions = boot.compile({ appRootDir: appdir.PATH, dsRootDir: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom') }); expect(instructions.dataSources)'db'); }); it('supports `modelsRootDir` option', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('custom/models.json', { foo: { dataSource: 'db' } }); var instructions = boot.compile({ appRootDir: appdir.PATH, modelsRootDir: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom') }); expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0])'name', 'foo'); }); it('includes boot/*.js scripts', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync('boot/init.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };'); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); expect(instructions.files.boot).to.eql([initJs]); }); it('ignores models/ subdirectory', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeFileSync('models/my-model.js', ''); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); expect(instructions.files)'models'); }); it('throws when models.json contains `properties` from 1.x', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({}, {}, { foo: { properties: { name: 'string' } } }); expect(function() { boot.compile(appdir.PATH); }) .to.throw(/unsupported 1\.x format/); }); it('throws when models.json contains `options.base` from 1.x', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({}, {}, { Customer: { options: { base: 'User' } } }); expect(function() { boot.compile(appdir.PATH); }) .to.throw(/unsupported 1\.x format/); }); it('loads models from `./models`', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({}, {}, { Car: { dataSource: 'db' } }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car' }); appdir.writeFileSync('models/car.js', ''); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'Car', config: { dataSource: 'db' }, definition: { name: 'Car' }, sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'models', 'car.js') }); }); it('supports `modelSources` option', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({}, {}, { Car: { dataSource: 'db' } }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('custom-models/car.json', { name: 'Car' }); appdir.writeFileSync('custom-models/car.js', ''); var instructions = boot.compile({ appRootDir: appdir.PATH, modelSources: ['./custom-models'] }); expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'Car', config: { dataSource: 'db' }, definition: { name: 'Car' }, sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom-models', 'car.js') }); }); it('handles model definitions with no code', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({}, {}, { Car: { dataSource: 'db' } }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car' }); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); expect(instructions.models).to.eql([{ name: 'Car', config: { dataSource: 'db' }, definition: { name: 'Car' }, sourceFile: undefined }]); }); it('excludes models not listed in `models.json`', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({}, {}, { Car: { dataSource: 'db' } }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car' }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/bar.json', { name: 'Bar' }); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); var models =; expect(models).to.eql(['Car']); }); it('includes models used as Base models', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({}, {}, { Car: { dataSource: 'db' } }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car', base: 'Vehicle' }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/vehicle.json', { name: 'Vehicle' }); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); var models = instructions.models; var modelNames =; expect(modelNames).to.eql(['Vehicle', 'Car']); expect(models[0].config).to.equal(undefined); }); it('excludes pre-built base models', function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({}, {}, { Car: { dataSource: 'db' } }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car', base: 'Model' }); var instructions = boot.compile(appdir.PATH); var modelNames =; expect(modelNames).to.eql(['Car']); }); }); }); function getNameProperty(obj) { return; }