// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-boot // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT var assert = require('assert'); var async = require('async'); var utils = require('./utils'); var path = require('path'); var pluginLoader = require('./plugin-loader'); var debug = require('debug')('loopback:boot:bootstrapper'); var Promise = require('bluebird'); module.exports = Bootstrapper; function createPromiseCallback() { var cb; var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { cb = function(err, data) { if (err) return reject(err); return resolve(data); }; }); cb.promise = promise; return cb; } var builtinPlugins = [ 'application', 'datasource', 'model', 'mixin', 'middleware', 'component', 'boot-script', 'swagger', ]; var builtinPhases = [ 'load', 'compile', 'starting', 'start', 'started', ]; function loadAndRegisterPlugins(bootstrapper, options) { var loader = pluginLoader(options); var loaderContext = {}; loader.load(loaderContext); loader.compile(loaderContext); for (var i in loaderContext.instructions.pluginScripts) { bootstrapper.use('/boot/' + i, loaderContext.instructions.pluginScripts[i]); } } /** * Create a new Bootstrapper with options * @param options * @constructor */ function Bootstrapper(options) { this.plugins = []; options = options || {}; if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { appRootDir: options }; } var appRootDir = options.appRootDir = options.appRootDir || process.cwd(); var env = options.env || process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; var appConfigRootDir = options.appConfigRootDir || appRootDir; options.rootDir = appConfigRootDir; options.env = env; this.options = options; this.phases = options.phases || builtinPhases; this.builtinPlugins = options.plugins || builtinPlugins; assert(Array.isArray(this.phases), 'Invalid phases: ' + this.phases); assert(Array.isArray(this.plugins), 'Invalid plugins: ' + this.builtinPlugins); var self = this; self.builtinPlugins.forEach(function(p) { var factory = require('./plugins/' + p); self.use('/boot/' + p, factory(options)); }); try { loadAndRegisterPlugins(self, options); } catch (err) { debug('Cannot load & register plugins: %s', err.stack || err); } } /** * Register a handler to a given path * @param {String} path * @param {Function} handler */ Bootstrapper.prototype.use = function(path, handler) { var plugin = { path: path, handler: handler, }; this.plugins.push(plugin); }; /** * Get a list of plugins for the given path * @param {String} path * @returns {*} */ Bootstrapper.prototype.getPlugins = function(path) { if (path[path.length - 1] !== '/') { path = path + '/'; } return this.plugins.filter(function(p) { return p.path.indexOf(path) === 0; }); }; /** * Get a list of extensions for the given path * @param {String} path * @returns {*} */ Bootstrapper.prototype.getExtensions = function(path) { if (path[path.length - 1] !== '/') { path = path + '/'; } return this.plugins.filter(function(p) { if (p.path.indexOf(path) === -1) return false; var name = p.path.substring(path.length); return name && name.indexOf('/') === -1; }); }; /** * Add more phases. The order of phases is decided by the sequence of phase * names * @param {String[]} phases An array of phase names * @returns {String[]} New list of phases */ Bootstrapper.prototype.addPhases = function(phases) { this.phases = utils.mergePhaseNameLists(this.phases, phases || []); return this.phases; }; function pluginIteratorFactory(context, phase) { return function executePluginPhase(plugin, done) { var result; if (typeof plugin.handler[phase] !== 'function') { debug('Skipping %s.%s', plugin.handler.name, phase); return done(); } debug('Invoking %s.%s', plugin.handler.name, phase); try { if (plugin.handler[phase].length === 2) { plugin.handler[phase](context, done); } else { result = plugin.handler[phase](context); Promise.resolve(result) .then(function onPluginPhaseResolved(value) { done(null, value); }, function onPluginPhaseRejected(err) { debug('Unable to invoke %s.%s()', plugin.name, phase, err); done(err); }); } } catch (err) { debug('Unable to invoke %s.%s()', plugin.name, phase, err); done(err); } }; } /** * Invoke the plugins phase by phase with the given context * @param {Object} context Context object * @param {Function} done Callback function. If not provided, a promise will be * returned * @returns {*} */ Bootstrapper.prototype.run = function(context, done) { if (!done) { done = createPromiseCallback(); } var options = this.options; var appRootDir = options.appRootDir = options.appRootDir || process.cwd(); var env = options.env || process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; var appConfigRootDir = options.appConfigRootDir || appRootDir; options.rootDir = appConfigRootDir; options.env = env; context = context || {}; var phases = context.phases || this.phases; var bootPlugins = this.getExtensions('/boot'); async.eachSeries(phases, function(phase, done) { debug('Phase %s', phase); async.eachSeries(bootPlugins, pluginIteratorFactory(context, phase), done); }, function(err) { return done(err, context); }); return done.promise; };