// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-boot // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const commondir = require('commondir'); const cloneDeep = require('lodash').cloneDeep; const g = require('./globalize'); /** * Add boot instructions to a browserify bundler. * @param {Object} instructions Boot instructions. * @param {Object} bundler A browserify object created by `browserify()`. */ module.exports = function addInstructionsToBrowserify(context, bundler) { addPlugins(bundler); // bundlePluginScripts(context, bundler); bundleModelScripts(context, bundler); bundleMixinScripts(context, bundler); bundleComponentScripts(context, bundler); bundleOtherScripts(context, bundler); bundleInstructions(context, bundler); }; function addPlugins(bundler) { const dir = path.join(__dirname, './plugins'); const files = fs.readdirSync(dir); files.forEach(function(f) { bundler.require(path.join(dir, f), {expose: './plugins/' + path.basename(f, '.js')}); }); } function bundleOtherScripts(context, bundler) { const list = context.instructions.bootScripts; addScriptsToBundle('boot', list, bundler); } function bundlePluginScripts(context, bundler) { const list = context.instructions.pluginScripts; addScriptsToBundle('plugins', list, bundler); } function bundleModelScripts(context, bundler) { bundleSourceFiles(context, 'models', bundler); } function bundleMixinScripts(context, bundler) { bundleSourceFiles(context, 'mixins', bundler); } function bundleComponentScripts(context, bundler) { bundleSourceFiles(context, 'components', bundler); } function bundleSourceFiles(context, type, bundler) { const files = context.instructions[type] .map(function(m) { return m.sourceFile; }) .filter(function(f) { return !!f; }); const instructionToFileMapping = context.instructions[type] .map(function(m) { return files.indexOf(m.sourceFile); }); addScriptsToBundle(type, files, bundler); // Update `sourceFile` properties with the new paths instructionToFileMapping.forEach(function(fileIx, sourceIx) { if (fileIx === -1) return; context.instructions[type][sourceIx].sourceFile = files[fileIx]; }); } function addScriptsToBundle(name, list, bundler) { if (!list.length) return; const root = commondir(list.map(path.dirname)); for (const ix in list) { const filepath = list[ix]; // Build a short unique id that does not expose too much // information about the file system, but still preserves // useful information about where is the file coming from. const fileid = 'loopback-boot#' + name + '#' + path.relative(root, filepath); // Add the file to the bundle. bundler.require(filepath, {expose: fileid}); // Rewrite the context entry with the new id that will be // used to load the file via `require(fileid)`. list[ix] = fileid; } } function bundleInstructions(context, bundler) { const instructions = cloneDeep(context.instructions); const hasMiddleware = instructions.middleware.phases.length || instructions.middleware.middleware.length; if (hasMiddleware) { g.warn( 'Discarding {{middleware}} instructions,' + ' {{loopback}} client does not support {{middleware}}.', ); } delete instructions.middleware; const instructionsString = JSON.stringify(instructions, null, 2); /* The following code does not work due to a bug in browserify * https://github.com/substack/node-browserify/issues/771 var instructionsStream = require('resumer')() .queue(instructionsString); instructionsStream.path = 'boot-instructions'; b.require(instructionsStream, { expose: 'loopback-boot#instructions' }); */ let instructionId = 'instructions'; // Create an unique instruction identifier using the application ID. // This is only useful when multiple loopback applications are being bundled // together. if (instructions.appId) instructionId += '-' + instructions.appId; // Write the instructions to a file in our node_modules folder. // The location should not really matter as long as it is .gitignore-ed const instructionsFile = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'generated-' + instructionId + '.json'); fs.writeFileSync(instructionsFile, instructionsString, 'utf-8'); const moduleName = 'loopback-boot#' + instructionId; bundler.require(instructionsFile, {expose: moduleName}); }