// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-boot // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; var boot = require('../'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); var path = require('path'); var expect = require('chai').expect; var sandbox = require('./helpers/sandbox'); var appdir = require('./helpers/appdir'); // add coffee-script to require.extensions require('coffeescript/register'); var SIMPLE_APP = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'simple-app'); describe('compiler', function() { beforeEach(sandbox.reset); beforeEach(appdir.init); function expectCompileToThrow(err, options, done) { if (typeof options === 'function') { done = options; options = undefined; } boot.compile(options || appdir.PATH, function(err) { expect(function() { if (err) throw err; }).to.throw(err); done(); }); } function expectCompileToNotThrow(options, done) { if (typeof options === 'function') { done = options; options = undefined; } boot.compile(options || appdir.PATH, function(err) { expect(function() { if (err) throw err; }).to.not.throw(); done(); }); } describe('from options', function() { var options, instructions, appConfig; beforeEach(function(done) { options = { application: { port: 3000, host: '', restApiRoot: '/rest-api', foo: {bar: 'bat'}, baz: true, }, models: { 'foo-bar-bat-baz': { dataSource: 'the-db', }, }, dataSources: { 'the-db': { connector: 'memory', defaultForType: 'db', }, }, }; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); appConfig = context.instructions.application; instructions = context.instructions; done(); }); }); it('has port setting', function() { expect(appConfig).to.have.property('port', 3000); }); it('has host setting', function() { expect(appConfig).to.have.property('host', ''); }); it('has restApiRoot setting', function() { expect(appConfig).to.have.property('restApiRoot', '/rest-api'); }); it('has other settings', function() { expect(appConfig).to.have.property('baz', true); expect(appConfig.foo, 'appConfig.foo').to.eql({ bar: 'bat', }); }); it('has models definition', function() { expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'foo-bar-bat-baz', config: { dataSource: 'the-db', }, definition: undefined, sourceFile: undefined, }); }); it('has datasources definition', function() { expect(instructions.dataSources).to.eql(options.dataSources); }); describe('with custom model definitions', function(done) { var dataSources = { 'the-db': {connector: 'memory'}, }; it('loads model without definition', function(done) { var instruction = boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, models: { 'model-without-definition': { dataSource: 'the-db', }, }, modelDefinitions: [], dataSources: dataSources, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models[0].name).to.equal( 'model-without-definition' ); expect(instructions.models[0].definition).to.equal(undefined); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(undefined); done(); } ); }); it('loads coffeescript models', function(done) { var modelScript = appdir.writeFileSync( 'custom-models/coffee-model-with-definition.coffee', '' ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, models: { 'coffee-model-with-definition': { dataSource: 'the-db', }, }, modelDefinitions: [ { definition: { name: 'coffee-model-with-definition', }, sourceFile: modelScript, }, ], dataSources: dataSources, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models[0].name).to.equal( 'coffee-model-with-definition' ); expect(instructions.models[0].definition).to.eql({ name: 'coffee-model-with-definition', }); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(modelScript); done(); } ); }); it('handles sourceFile path without extension (.js)', function(done) { var modelScript = appdir.writeFileSync( 'custom-models/model-without-ext.coffee', '' ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, models: { 'model-without-ext': { dataSource: 'the-db', }, }, modelDefinitions: [ { definition: { name: 'model-without-ext', }, sourceFile: pathWithoutExtension(modelScript), }, ], dataSources: dataSources, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models[0].name).to.equal('model-without-ext'); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(modelScript); done(); } ); }); it('handles sourceFile path without extension (.coffee)', function(done) { var modelScript = appdir.writeFileSync( 'custom-models/model-without-ext.coffee', '' ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, models: { 'model-without-ext': { dataSource: 'the-db', }, }, modelDefinitions: [ { definition: { name: 'model-without-ext', }, sourceFile: pathWithoutExtension(modelScript), }, ], dataSources: dataSources, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models[0].name).to.equal('model-without-ext'); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(modelScript); done(); } ); }); it('sets source file path if the file exist', function(done) { var modelScript = appdir.writeFileSync( 'custom-models/model-with-definition.js', '' ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, models: { 'model-with-definition': { dataSource: 'the-db', }, }, modelDefinitions: [ { definition: { name: 'model-with-definition', }, sourceFile: modelScript, }, ], dataSources: dataSources, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models[0].name).to.equal( 'model-with-definition' ); expect(instructions.models[0].definition).not.to.equal(undefined); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(modelScript); done(); } ); }); it('does not set source file path if the file does not exist.', function(done) { boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, models: { 'model-with-definition-with-falsey-source-file': { dataSource: 'the-db', }, }, modelDefinitions: [ { definition: { name: 'model-with-definition-with-falsey-source-file', }, sourceFile: appdir.resolve( 'custom-models', 'file-does-not-exist.js' ), }, ], dataSources: dataSources, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models[0].name).to.equal( 'model-with-definition-with-falsey-source-file' ); expect(instructions.models[0].definition).not.to.equal(undefined); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(undefined); done(); } ); }); it('does not set source file path if no source file supplied.', function(done) { boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, models: { 'model-with-definition-without-source-file-property': { dataSource: 'the-db', }, }, modelDefinitions: [ { definition: { name: 'model-with-definition-without-source-file-property', }, // sourceFile is not set }, ], dataSources: dataSources, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models[0].name).to.equal( 'model-with-definition-without-source-file-property' ); expect(instructions.models[0].definition).not.to.equal(undefined); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(undefined); done(); } ); }); it('loads models defined in `models` only.', function(done) { boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, models: { 'some-model': { dataSource: 'the-db', }, }, modelDefinitions: [ { definition: { name: 'some-model', }, }, { definition: { name: 'another-model', }, }, ], dataSources: dataSources, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models.map(getNameProperty)).to.eql([ 'some-model', ]); done(); } ); }); }); }); describe('from directory', function(done) { it('loads config files', function(done) { boot.compile(SIMPLE_APP, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'User', config: { dataSource: 'db', }, definition: undefined, sourceFile: undefined, }); done(); }); }); it('merges datasource configs from multiple files', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.local.json', { db: {local: 'applied'}, }); var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.' + env + '.json', { db: {env: 'applied'}, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var db = instructions.dataSources.db; expect(db).to.have.property('local', 'applied'); expect(db).to.have.property('env', 'applied'); var expectedLoadOrder = ['local', 'env']; var actualLoadOrder = Object.keys(db).filter(function(k) { return expectedLoadOrder.indexOf(k) !== -1; }); expect(actualLoadOrder, 'load order').to.eql(expectedLoadOrder); done(); }); }); it('supports .js for custom datasource config files', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeFileSync( 'datasources.local.js', 'module.exports = { db: { fromJs: true } };' ); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var db = instructions.dataSources.db; expect(db).to.have.property('fromJs', true); done(); }); }); it('merges new Object values', function(done) { var objectValue = {key: 'value'}; appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.local.json', { db: {nested: objectValue}, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var db = instructions.dataSources.db; expect(db).to.have.property('nested'); expect(db.nested).to.eql(objectValue); done(); }); }); it('deeply merges Object values', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, { email: { transport: { host: 'localhost', }, }, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.local.json', { email: { transport: { host: 'mail.example.com', }, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var email = instructions.dataSources.email; expect(email.transport.host).to.equal('mail.example.com'); done(); }); }); it('deeply merges Array values of the same length', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, { rest: { operations: [ { template: { method: 'POST', url: 'http://localhost:12345', }, }, ], }, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.local.json', { rest: { operations: [ { template: { url: 'http://api.example.com', }, }, ], }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var rest = instructions.dataSources.rest; expect(rest.operations[0].template).to.eql({ method: 'POST', // the value from datasources.json url: 'http://api.example.com', // overriden in datasources.local.json }); done(); }); }); it('merges Array properties', function(done) { var arrayValue = ['value']; appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('datasources.local.json', { db: {nested: arrayValue}, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var db = instructions.dataSources.db; expect(db).to.have.property('nested'); expect(db.nested).to.eql(arrayValue); done(); }); }); it('does not cache loaded values', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { 'strong-error-handler': {params: {debug: false}}, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.development.json', { 'strong-error-handler': {params: {debug: true}}, }); // Here we load main config and merge it with DEV overrides var bootOptions = { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, env: 'development', phases: ['load'], }; var productionBootOptions = { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, env: 'production', phases: ['load'], }; boot.compile(bootOptions, function(err, context) { var config = context.configurations.middleware; expect( config['strong-error-handler'].params.debug, 'debug in development' ).to.equal(true); boot.compile(productionBootOptions, function(err, context2) { var config = context2.configurations.middleware; expect( config['strong-error-handler'].params.debug, 'debug in production' ).to.equal(false); done(); }); }); }); it('allows env specific model-config json', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('model-config.local.json', { foo: {dataSource: 'db'}, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.have.property('name', 'foo'); done(); }); }); it('allows env specific model-config json to be merged', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(null, null, { foo: {dataSource: 'mongo', public: false}, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('model-config.local.json', { foo: {dataSource: 'db'}, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.have.property('name', 'foo'); expect(instructions.models[0].config).to.eql({ dataSource: 'db', public: false, }); done(); }); }); it('allows env specific model-config js', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeFileSync( 'model-config.local.js', "module.exports = { foo: { dataSource: 'db' } };" ); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.have.property('name', 'foo'); done(); }); }); it('refuses to merge Array properties of different length', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({ nest: { array: [], }, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('config.local.json', { nest: { array: [ { key: 'value', }, ], }, }); expectCompileToThrow( /array values of different length.*nest\.array/, done ); }); it('refuses to merge Array of different length in Array', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({ key: [[]], }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('config.local.json', { key: [['value']], }); expectCompileToThrow(/array values of different length.*key\[0\]/, done); }); it('returns full key of an incorrect Array value', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({ toplevel: [ { nested: [], }, ], }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('config.local.json', { toplevel: [ { nested: ['value'], }, ], }); expectCompileToThrow( /array values of different length.*toplevel\[0\]\.nested/, done ); }); it('refuses to merge incompatible object properties', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({ key: [], }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('config.local.json', { key: {}, }); expectCompileToThrow(/incompatible types.*key/, done); }); it('refuses to merge incompatible array items', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({ key: [[]], }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('config.local.json', { key: [{}], }); expectCompileToThrow(/incompatible types.*key\[0\]/, done); }); it('merges app configs from multiple files', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('config.local.json', {cfgLocal: 'applied'}); var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; appdir.writeConfigFileSync('config.' + env + '.json', { cfgEnv: 'applied', }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var appConfig = instructions.application; expect(appConfig).to.have.property('cfgLocal', 'applied'); expect(appConfig).to.have.property('cfgEnv', 'applied'); var expectedLoadOrder = ['cfgLocal', 'cfgEnv']; var actualLoadOrder = Object.keys(appConfig).filter(function(k) { return expectedLoadOrder.indexOf(k) !== -1; }); expect(actualLoadOrder, 'load order').to.eql(expectedLoadOrder); done(); }); }); it('supports .js for custom app config files', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeFileSync( 'config.local.js', 'module.exports = { fromJs: true };' ); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var appConfig = instructions.application; expect(appConfig).to.have.property('fromJs', true); done(); }); }); it('supports `appConfigRootDir` option', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync({port: 3000}); var customDir = path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom'); fs.mkdirsSync(customDir); fs.renameSync( path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'config.json'), path.resolve(customDir, 'config.json') ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, appConfigRootDir: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom'), }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.application).to.have.property('port'); done(); } ); }); it('supports `dsRootDir` option', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var customDir = path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom'); fs.mkdirsSync(customDir); fs.renameSync( path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'datasources.json'), path.resolve(customDir, 'datasources.json') ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, dsRootDir: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom'), }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.dataSources).to.have.property('db'); done(); } ); }); it('supports `modelsRootDir` option', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('custom/model-config.json', { foo: {dataSource: 'db'}, }); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, modelsRootDir: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom'), }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.have.property('name', 'foo'); done(); } ); }); it('includes boot/*.js scripts', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync( 'boot/init.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };' ); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); }); }); it('supports `bootDirs` option', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync( 'custom-boot/init.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };' ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootDirs: [path.dirname(initJs)], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('should resolve relative path in `bootDirs`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync( 'custom-boot/init.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };' ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootDirs: ['./custom-boot'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('should resolve non-relative path in `bootDirs`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync('custom-boot/init.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootDirs: ['custom-boot'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('ignores index.js in `bootDirs`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeFileSync('custom-boot/index.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootDirs: ['./custom-boot'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.have.length(0); done(); } ); }); it('prefers coffeescript over json in `appRootDir/bootDir`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var coffee = appdir.writeFileSync('./custom-boot/init.coffee', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('./custom-boot/init.json', {}); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootDirs: ['./custom-boot'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([coffee]); done(); } ); }); it('prefers coffeescript over json in `bootDir` non-relative path', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var coffee = appdir.writeFileSync('custom-boot/init.coffee', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('custom-boot/init.json', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootDirs: ['custom-boot'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([coffee]); done(); } ); }); it('supports `bootScripts` option', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync( 'custom-boot/init.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };' ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootScripts: [initJs], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('should remove duplicate scripts', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync( 'custom-boot/init.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };' ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootDirs: [path.dirname(initJs)], bootScripts: [initJs], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('should resolve relative path in `bootScripts`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync( 'custom-boot/init.js', 'module.exports = function(app) { app.fnCalled = true; };' ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootScripts: ['./custom-boot/init.js'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('should resolve non-relative path in `bootScripts`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync('custom-boot/init.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootScripts: ['custom-boot/init.js'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('resolves missing extensions in `bootScripts`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync('custom-boot/init.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootScripts: ['./custom-boot/init'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('resolves missing extensions in `bootScripts` in module relative path', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/custom-boot/init.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootScripts: ['custom-boot/init'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('resolves module relative path for `bootScripts`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var initJs = appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/custom-boot/init.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootScripts: ['custom-boot/init.js'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([initJs]); done(); } ); }); it('explores `bootScripts` in app relative path', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); var appJs = appdir.writeFileSync('./custom-boot/init.js', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/custom-boot/init.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, bootScripts: ['custom-boot/init.js'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.eql([appJs]); done(); } ); }); it('ignores models/ subdirectory', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeFileSync('models/my-model.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.bootScripts).to.not.have.property('models'); done(); }); }); it('throws when models-config.json contains 1.x `properties`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { foo: {properties: {name: 'string'}}, } ); expectCompileToThrow(/unsupported 1\.x format/, done); }); it('throws when model-config.json contains 1.x `options.base`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Customer: {options: {base: 'User'}}, } ); expectCompileToThrow(/unsupported 1\.x format/, done); }); it('loads models from `./models`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', {name: 'Car'}); appdir.writeFileSync('models/car.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'Car', config: { dataSource: 'db', }, definition: { name: 'Car', }, sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'models', 'car.js'), }); done(); }); }); it('loads coffeescript models from `./models`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', {name: 'Car'}); appdir.writeFileSync('models/car.coffee', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'Car', config: { dataSource: 'db', }, definition: { name: 'Car', }, sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'models', 'car.coffee'), }); done(); }); }); it('supports `modelSources` option', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('custom-models/car.json', {name: 'Car'}); appdir.writeFileSync('custom-models/car.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, modelSources: ['./custom-models'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'Car', config: { dataSource: 'db', }, definition: { name: 'Car', }, sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom-models', 'car.js'), }); done(); } ); }); it('supports `sources` option in `model-config.json`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { _meta: { sources: ['./custom-models'], }, Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('custom-models/car.json', {name: 'Car'}); appdir.writeFileSync('custom-models/car.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'Car', config: { dataSource: 'db', }, definition: { name: 'Car', }, sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom-models', 'car.js'), }); done(); }); }); it('supports sources relative to node_modules', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { User: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, modelSources: [ 'loopback/common/models', 'loopback/common/dir-does-not-exist', ], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0]).to.eql({ name: 'User', config: { dataSource: 'db', }, definition: require('loopback/common/models/user.json'), sourceFile: require.resolve('loopback/common/models/user.js'), }); done(); } ); }); it('resolves relative path in `modelSources` option', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('custom-models/car.json', {name: 'Car'}); var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('custom-models/car.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, modelSources: ['./custom-models'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(appJS); done(); } ); }); it('resolves module relative path in `modelSources` option', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('node_modules/custom-models/car.json', { name: 'Car', }); var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/custom-models/car.js', ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, modelSources: ['custom-models'], }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(appJS); done(); } ); }); it('resolves relative path in `sources` option in `model-config.json`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { _meta: { sources: ['./custom-models'], }, Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('custom-models/car.json', {name: 'Car'}); var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('custom-models/car.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(appJS); done(); }); }); it('resolves module relative path in `sources` option in model-config.json', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { _meta: { sources: ['custom-models'], }, Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('node_modules/custom-models/car.json', { name: 'Car', }); var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/custom-models/car.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.models[0].sourceFile).to.equal(appJS); done(); }); }); it('handles model definitions with no code', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', {name: 'Car'}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.eql([ { name: 'Car', config: { dataSource: 'db', }, definition: { name: 'Car', }, sourceFile: undefined, }, ]); done(); }); }); it('excludes models not listed in `model-config.json`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', {name: 'Car'}); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/bar.json', {name: 'Bar'}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var models = instructions.models.map(getNameProperty); expect(models).to.eql(['Car']); done(); }); }); it('includes models used as Base models', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car', base: 'Vehicle', }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/vehicle.json', { name: 'Vehicle', }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var models = instructions.models; var modelNames = models.map(getNameProperty); expect(modelNames).to.eql(['Vehicle', 'Car']); expect(models[0].config).to.equal(undefined); done(); }); }); it('excludes pre-built base models', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car', base: 'Model', }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var modelNames = instructions.models.map(getNameProperty); expect(modelNames).to.eql(['Car']); done(); }); }); it('sorts models, base models first', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Vehicle: {dataSource: 'db'}, FlyingCar: {dataSource: 'db'}, Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car', base: 'Vehicle', }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/vehicle.json', { name: 'Vehicle', }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/flying-car.json', { name: 'FlyingCar', base: 'Car', }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var modelNames = instructions.models.map(getNameProperty); expect(modelNames).to.eql(['Vehicle', 'Car', 'FlyingCar']); done(); }); }); it('detects circular Model dependencies', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Vehicle: {dataSource: 'db'}, Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car', base: 'Vehicle', }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/vehicle.json', { name: 'Vehicle', base: 'Car', }); expectCompileToThrow(/cyclic dependency/i, done); }); it('uses file name as default value for model name', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', {}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var modelNames = instructions.models.map(getNameProperty); expect(modelNames).to.eql(['Car']); done(); }); }); it('uses `OrderItem` as default model name for file with name `order-item`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { OrderItem: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/order-item.json', {}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var modelNames = instructions.models.map(getNameProperty); expect(modelNames).to.eql(['OrderItem']); done(); }); }); it('uses `OrderItem` as default model name for file with name `order_item`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { OrderItem: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/order_item.json', {}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var modelNames = instructions.models.map(getNameProperty); expect(modelNames).to.eql(['OrderItem']); done(); }); }); it('uses `OrderItem` as default model name for file with name `order item`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { OrderItem: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/order item.json', {}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var modelNames = instructions.models.map(getNameProperty); expect(modelNames).to.eql(['OrderItem']); done(); }); }); it('overrides `default model name` by `name` in model definition', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { overrideCar: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', {name: 'overrideCar'}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var modelNames = instructions.models.map(getNameProperty); expect(modelNames).to.eql(['overrideCar']); done(); }); }); it('overwrites model with same default name', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { OrderItem: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/order-item.json', { properties: { price: {type: 'number'}, }, }); appdir.writeFileSync('models/order-item.js', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/orderItem.json', { properties: { quantity: {type: 'number'}, }, }); var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('models/orderItem.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.eql([ { name: 'OrderItem', config: { dataSource: 'db', }, definition: { name: 'OrderItem', properties: { quantity: {type: 'number'}, }, }, sourceFile: appJS, }, ]); done(); }); }); it('overwrites model with same name in model definition', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { customOrder: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/order1.json', { name: 'customOrder', properties: { price: {type: 'number'}, }, }); appdir.writeFileSync('models/order1.js', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/order2.json', { name: 'customOrder', properties: { quantity: {type: 'number'}, }, }); var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('models/order2.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.models).to.eql([ { name: 'customOrder', config: { dataSource: 'db', }, definition: { name: 'customOrder', properties: { quantity: {type: 'number'}, }, }, sourceFile: appJS, }, ]); done(); }); }); it('returns a new copy of JSON data', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; instructions.application.modified = true; boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.application).to.not.have.property('modified'); done(); }); }); }); describe('for mixins', function() { describe(' - mixinDirs', function(done) { function verifyMixinIsFoundViaMixinDirs(sourceFile, mixinDirs, done) { var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync(sourceFile, ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, mixinDirs: mixinDirs, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins[0].sourceFile).to.eql(appJS); done(); } ); } it('supports `mixinDirs` option', function(done) { verifyMixinIsFoundViaMixinDirs( 'custom-mixins/other.js', ['./custom-mixins'], done ); }); it('resolves relative path in `mixinDirs` option', function(done) { verifyMixinIsFoundViaMixinDirs( 'custom-mixins/other.js', ['./custom-mixins'], done ); }); it('resolves module relative path in `mixinDirs` option', function(done) { verifyMixinIsFoundViaMixinDirs( 'node_modules/custom-mixins/other.js', ['custom-mixins'], done ); }); }); describe(' - mixinSources', function() { beforeEach(function() { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { Car: {dataSource: 'db'}, } ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car', mixins: {TimeStamps: {}}, }); }); function verifyMixinIsFoundViaMixinSources( sourceFile, mixinSources, done ) { var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync(sourceFile, ''); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, mixinSources: mixinSources, }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins[0].sourceFile).to.eql(appJS); done(); } ); } it('supports `mixinSources` option', function(done) { verifyMixinIsFoundViaMixinSources( 'mixins/time-stamps.js', ['./mixins'], done ); }); it('resolves relative path in `mixinSources` option', function(done) { verifyMixinIsFoundViaMixinSources( 'custom-mixins/time-stamps.js', ['./custom-mixins'], done ); }); it('resolves module relative path in `mixinSources` option', function(done) { verifyMixinIsFoundViaMixinSources( 'node_modules/custom-mixins/time-stamps.js', ['custom-mixins'], done ); }); it('supports `mixins` option in `model-config.json`', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync( {}, {}, { _meta: { mixins: ['./custom-mixins'], }, Car: { dataSource: 'db', }, } ); var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('custom-mixins/time-stamps.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins[0].sourceFile).to.eql(appJS); done(); }); }); it('sets by default `mixinSources` to `mixins` directory', function(done) { var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('mixins/time-stamps.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins[0].sourceFile).to.eql(appJS); done(); }); }); it('loads only mixins used by models', function(done) { var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('mixins/time-stamps.js', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('mixins/foo.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.mixins[0].sourceFile).to.eql(appJS); done(); }); }); it('loads mixins from model using mixin name in JSON file', function(done) { var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('mixins/time-stamps.js', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('mixins/time-stamps.json', { name: 'Timestamping', }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('models/car.json', { name: 'Car', mixins: {Timestamping: {}}, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.mixins[0].sourceFile).to.eql(appJS); done(); }); }); it('loads mixin only once for dirs common to mixinDirs & mixinSources', function(done) { var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('custom-mixins/time-stamps.js', ''); var options = { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, mixinDirs: ['./custom-mixins'], mixinSources: ['./custom-mixins'], }; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.mixins[0].sourceFile).to.eql(appJS); done(); }); }); it('loads mixin from mixinSources, when it is also found in mixinDirs', function(done) { appdir.writeFileSync('mixinDir/time-stamps.js', ''); var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('mixinSource/time-stamps.js', ''); var options = { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, mixinDirs: ['./mixinDir'], mixinSources: ['./mixinSource'], }; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.mixins[0].sourceFile).to.eql(appJS); done(); }); }); it('loads mixin from the most recent mixin definition', function(done) { appdir.writeFileSync('mixins1/time-stamps.js', ''); var mixins2 = appdir.writeFileSync('mixins2/time-stamps.js', ''); var options = { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, mixinSources: ['./mixins1', './mixins2'], }; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.mixins[0].sourceFile).to.eql(mixins2); done(); }); }); }); describe('name normalization', function() { var options; beforeEach(function() { options = {appRootDir: appdir.PATH, mixinDirs: ['./custom-mixins']}; appdir.writeFileSync('custom-mixins/foo.js', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('custom-mixins/time-stamps.js', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('custom-mixins/camelCase.js', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('custom-mixins/PascalCase.js', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('custom-mixins/space name.js', ''); }); it('supports classify', function(done) { options.normalization = 'classify'; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var mixins = instructions.mixins; var mixinNames = mixins.map(getNameProperty); expect(mixinNames).to.eql([ 'CamelCase', 'Foo', 'PascalCase', 'SpaceName', 'TimeStamps', ]); done(); }); }); it('supports dasherize', function(done) { options.normalization = 'dasherize'; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var mixins = instructions.mixins; var mixinNames = mixins.map(getNameProperty); expect(mixinNames).to.eql([ 'camel-case', 'foo', 'pascal-case', 'space-name', 'time-stamps', ]); done(); }); }); it('supports custom function', function(done) { var normalize = function(name) { return name.toUpperCase(); }; options.normalization = normalize; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var mixins = instructions.mixins; var mixinNames = mixins.map(getNameProperty); expect(mixinNames).to.eql([ 'CAMELCASE', 'FOO', 'PASCALCASE', 'SPACE NAME', 'TIME-STAMPS', ]); done(); }); }); it('supports none', function(done) { options.normalization = 'none'; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var mixins = instructions.mixins; var mixinNames = mixins.map(getNameProperty); expect(mixinNames).to.eql([ 'camelCase', 'foo', 'PascalCase', 'space name', 'time-stamps', ]); done(); }); }); it('supports false', function(done) { options.normalization = false; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var mixins = instructions.mixins; var mixinNames = mixins.map(getNameProperty); expect(mixinNames).to.eql([ 'camelCase', 'foo', 'PascalCase', 'space name', 'time-stamps', ]); done(); }); }); it('defaults to classify', function(done) { boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var mixins = instructions.mixins; var mixinNames = mixins.map(getNameProperty); expect(mixinNames).to.eql([ 'CamelCase', 'Foo', 'PascalCase', 'SpaceName', 'TimeStamps', ]); done(); }); }); it('throws error for invalid normalization format', function(done) { options.normalization = 'invalidFormat'; expectCompileToThrow( /Invalid normalization format - "invalidFormat"/, options, done ); }); }); it('overrides default mixin name, by `name` in JSON', function(done) { appdir.writeFileSync('mixins/foo.js', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('mixins/foo.json', {name: 'fooBar'}); var options = { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, mixinDirs: ['./mixins'], }; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins[0].name).to.eql('fooBar'); done(); }); }); it('extends definition from JSON with same file name', function(done) { var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('custom-mixins/foo-bar.js', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('custom-mixins/foo-bar.json', { description: 'JSON file name same as JS file name', }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('custom-mixins/FooBar.json', { description: 'JSON file name same as normalized name of mixin', }); var options = { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, mixinDirs: ['./custom-mixins'], normalization: 'classify', }; boot.compile(options, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.mixins).to.eql([ { name: 'FooBar', description: 'JSON file name same as JS file name', sourceFile: appJS, }, ]); }); done(); }); }); }); describe('for middleware', function() { function testMiddlewareRegistration(middlewareId, sourceFile, done) { var json = { initial: {}, custom: {}, }; json.custom[middlewareId] = { params: 'some-config-data', }; appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', json); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware).to.eql({ phases: ['initial', 'custom'], middleware: [ { sourceFile: sourceFile, config: { phase: 'custom', params: 'some-config-data', }, }, ], }); done(); }); } var sourceFileForUrlNotFound; beforeEach(function() { fs.copySync(SIMPLE_APP, appdir.PATH); sourceFileForUrlNotFound = require.resolve( 'loopback/server/middleware/url-not-found' ); }); it('emits middleware instructions', function(done) { testMiddlewareRegistration( 'loopback/server/middleware/url-not-found', sourceFileForUrlNotFound, done ); }); it('emits middleware instructions for fragment', function(done) { testMiddlewareRegistration( 'loopback#url-not-found', sourceFileForUrlNotFound, done ); }); it('supports `middlewareRootDir` option', function(done) { var middlewareJson = { initial: {}, custom: { 'loopback/server/middleware/url-not-found': { params: 'some-config-data', }, }, }; var customDir = path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom'); fs.mkdirsSync(customDir); fs.writeJsonSync( path.resolve(customDir, 'middleware.json'), middlewareJson ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, middlewareRootDir: customDir, }, function(err, context) { var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware).to.eql({ phases: ['initial', 'custom'], middleware: [ { sourceFile: sourceFileForUrlNotFound, config: { phase: 'custom', params: 'some-config-data', }, }, ], }); done(); } ); }); it('fails when a module middleware cannot be resolved', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { final: { 'loopback/path-does-not-exist': {}, }, }); expectCompileToThrow(/path-does-not-exist/, done); }); it('does not fail when an optional middleware cannot be resolved', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { final: { 'loopback/path-does-not-exist': { optional: 'this middleware is optional', }, }, }); expectCompileToNotThrow(done); }); it('fails when a module middleware fragment cannot be resolved', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { final: { 'loopback#path-does-not-exist': {}, }, }); expectCompileToThrow(/path-does-not-exist/, done); }); it('does not fail when an optional middleware fragment cannot be resolved', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { final: { 'loopback#path-does-not-exist': { optional: 'this middleware is optional', }, }, }); expectCompileToNotThrow(done); }); it('resolves paths relatively to appRootDir', function(done) { appdir.writeFileSync('my-middleware.js', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.json', { routes: { // resolves to ./my-middleware.js './my-middleware': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware).to.eql({ phases: ['routes'], middleware: [ { sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'my-middleware.js'), config: {phase: 'routes'}, }, ], }); done(); }); }); it('merges config.params', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.json', { routes: { './middleware': { params: { key: 'initial value', }, }, }, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.local.json', { routes: { './middleware': { params: { key: 'custom value', }, }, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expectFirstMiddlewareParams(instructions).to.eql({ key: 'custom value', }); done(); }); }); it('merges config.enabled', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.json', { routes: { './middleware': { params: { key: 'initial value', }, }, }, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.local.json', { routes: { './middleware': { enabled: false, }, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0].config).to.have.property( 'enabled', false ); done(); }); }); function verifyMiddlewareConfig(done) { boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware).to.eql([ { sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'middleware'), config: { phase: 'routes', params: { key: 'initial value', }, }, }, { sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'middleware'), config: { phase: 'routes', params: { key: 'custom value', }, }, }, ]); done(); }); } it('merges config.params array to array', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.json', { routes: { './middleware': [ { params: { key: 'initial value', }, }, ], }, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.local.json', { routes: { './middleware': [ { params: { key: 'custom value', }, }, ], }, }); verifyMiddlewareConfig(done); }); it('merges config.params array to object', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.json', { routes: { './middleware': { params: { key: 'initial value', }, }, }, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.local.json', { routes: { './middleware': [ { params: { key: 'custom value', }, }, ], }, }); verifyMiddlewareConfig(done); }); it('merges config.params object to array', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.json', { routes: { './middleware': [ { params: { key: 'initial value', }, }, ], }, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.local.json', { routes: { './middleware': { params: { key: 'custom value', }, }, }, }); verifyMiddlewareConfig(done); }); it('merges config.params array to empty object', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.json', { routes: { './middleware': {}, }, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.local.json', { routes: { './middleware': [ { params: { key: 'custom value', }, }, ], }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware).to.eql([ { sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'middleware'), config: { phase: 'routes', params: { key: 'custom value', }, }, }, ]); }); done(); }); it('merges config.params array to array by name', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.json', { routes: { './middleware': [ { name: 'a', params: { key: 'initial value', }, }, ], }, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./middleware.local.json', { routes: { './middleware': [ { name: 'a', params: { key: 'custom value', }, }, { params: { key: '2nd value', }, }, ], }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware).to.eql([ { sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'middleware'), config: { name: 'a', phase: 'routes', params: { key: 'custom value', }, }, }, { sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'middleware'), config: { phase: 'routes', params: { key: '2nd value', }, }, }, ]); done(); }); }); it('flattens sub-phases', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { 'initial:after': {}, 'custom:before': { 'loopback/server/middleware/url-not-found': { params: 'some-config-data', }, }, 'custom:after': {}, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.phases, 'phases').to.eql([ 'initial', 'custom', ]); expect(instructions.middleware.middleware, 'middleware').to.eql([ { sourceFile: require.resolve( 'loopback/server/middleware/url-not-found' ), config: { phase: 'custom:before', params: 'some-config-data', }, }, ]); done(); }); }); it('supports multiple instances of the same middleware', function(done) { appdir.writeFileSync('my-middleware.js', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { final: { './my-middleware': [ { params: 'first', }, { params: 'second', }, ], }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware).to.eql([ { sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'my-middleware.js'), config: { phase: 'final', params: 'first', }, }, { sourceFile: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'my-middleware.js'), config: { phase: 'final', params: 'second', }, }, ]); done(); }); }); it('supports shorthand notation for middleware paths', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { final: { 'loopback#url-not-found': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0].sourceFile).to.equal( require.resolve('loopback/server/middleware/url-not-found') ); done(); }); }); it('supports shorthand notation for relative paths', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { routes: { './middleware/index#myMiddleware': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0].sourceFile).to.equal( path.resolve(appdir.PATH, './middleware/index.js') ); expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'fragment', 'myMiddleware' ); done(); }); }); it('supports shorthand notation when the fragment name matches a property', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { final: { 'loopback#errorHandler': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', pathWithoutIndex(require.resolve('loopback')) ); expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'fragment', 'errorHandler' ); done(); }); }); it('resolves modules relative to appRootDir', function(done) { var HANDLER_FILE = 'node_modules/handler/index.js'; appdir.writeFileSync( HANDLER_FILE, 'module.exports = function(req, res, next) { next(); }' ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { initial: { handler: {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', pathWithoutIndex(appdir.resolve(HANDLER_FILE)) ); done(); }); }); it('prefers appRootDir over node_modules for middleware', function(done) { var appJS = appdir.writeFileSync('./my-middleware.js', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/my-middleware.js', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { routes: { './my-middleware': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', appJS ); done(); }); }); it('does not treat module relative path as `appRootDir` relative', function(done) { appdir.writeFileSync('./my-middleware.js', ''); var moduleJS = appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/my-middleware.js', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { routes: { 'my-middleware': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', moduleJS ); done(); }); }); it('loads middleware from coffeescript in appRootdir', function(done) { var coffee = appdir.writeFileSync('my-middleware.coffee', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { routes: { './my-middleware': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', coffee ); done(); }); }); it('loads coffeescript from middleware under node_modules', function(done) { var file = appdir.writeFileSync( 'node_modules/my-middleware/index.coffee', '' ); appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/my-middleware/index.json', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { routes: { 'my-middleware': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', pathWithoutIndex(file) ); done(); }); }); it('prefers coffeescript over json for relative middleware path', function(done) { var coffee = appdir.writeFileSync('my-middleware.coffee', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('my-middleware.json', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { routes: { './my-middleware': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', coffee ); done(); }); }); it('prefers coffeescript over json for module relative middleware path', function(done) { var coffee = appdir.writeFileSync( 'node_modules/my-middleware.coffee', '' ); appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/my-middleware.json', ''); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { routes: { 'my-middleware': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', coffee ); done(); }); }); it('ignores sourcmap files when loading middleware', function(done) { var middleware = appdir.writeFileSync( 'my-middleware.js', '// I am the middleware' ); var sourcemap = appdir.writeFileSync( 'my-middleware.js.map', '// I am a sourcemap' ); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { routes: { './my-middleware': {}, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', middleware ); done(); }); }); describe('config with relative paths in params', function() { var RELATIVE_PATH_PARAMS = ['$!./here', '$!../there']; var absolutePathParams; beforeEach(function resolveRelativePathParams() { absolutePathParams = RELATIVE_PATH_PARAMS.map(function(p) { return appdir.resolve(p.slice(2)); }); }); it('converts paths in top-level array items', function(done) { givenMiddlewareEntrySync({params: RELATIVE_PATH_PARAMS}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expectFirstMiddlewareParams(instructions).to.eql(absolutePathParams); done(); }); }); it('converts paths in top-level object properties', function(done) { givenMiddlewareEntrySync({ params: { path: RELATIVE_PATH_PARAMS[0], }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expectFirstMiddlewareParams(instructions).to.eql({ path: absolutePathParams[0], }); done(); }); }); it('converts path value when params is a string', function(done) { givenMiddlewareEntrySync({params: RELATIVE_PATH_PARAMS[0]}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expectFirstMiddlewareParams(instructions).to.eql( absolutePathParams[0] ); done(); }); }); it('converts paths in nested properties', function(done) { givenMiddlewareEntrySync({ params: { nestedObject: { path: RELATIVE_PATH_PARAMS[0], }, nestedArray: RELATIVE_PATH_PARAMS, }, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expectFirstMiddlewareParams(instructions).to.eql({ nestedObject: { path: absolutePathParams[0], }, nestedArray: absolutePathParams, }); done(); }); }); it('does not convert values not starting with `./` or `../`', function(done) { var PARAMS = ['$!.somerc', '$!/root', '$!hello!']; givenMiddlewareEntrySync({params: PARAMS}); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expectFirstMiddlewareParams(instructions).to.eql(PARAMS); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('for components', function() { it('loads component configs from multiple files', function(done) { appdir.createConfigFilesSync(); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('component-config.json', { debug: {option: 'value'}, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('component-config.local.json', { debug: {local: 'applied'}, }); var env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; appdir.writeConfigFileSync('component-config.' + env + '.json', { debug: {env: 'applied'}, }); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var component = instructions.components[0]; expect(component).to.eql({ sourceFile: require.resolve('debug'), config: { option: 'value', local: 'applied', env: 'applied', }, }); done(); }); }); it('supports `componentRootDir` option', function(done) { var componentJson = { debug: { option: 'value', }, }; var customDir = path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom'); fs.mkdirsSync(customDir); fs.writeJsonSync( path.resolve(customDir, 'component-config.json'), componentJson ); boot.compile( { appRootDir: appdir.PATH, componentRootDir: path.resolve(appdir.PATH, 'custom'), }, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; var component = instructions.components[0]; expect(component).to.eql({ sourceFile: require.resolve('debug'), config: { option: 'value', }, }); done(); } ); }); it('loads component relative to appRootDir', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./component-config.json', { './index': {}, }); var appJS = appdir.writeConfigFileSync('index.js', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.components[0]).have.property('sourceFile', appJS); done(); }); }); it('loads component relative to node modules', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('component-config.json', { mycomponent: {}, }); var js = appdir.writeConfigFileSync( 'node_modules/mycomponent/index.js', '' ); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.components[0]).have.property('sourceFile', js); done(); }); }); it('retains backward compatibility for non-relative path in `appRootDir`', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('component-config.json', { 'my-component/component.js': {}, }); appdir.writeConfigFileSync('./my-component/component.js', ''); expectCompileToThrow( 'Cannot resolve path "my-component/component.js"', done ); }); it('prefers coffeescript over json for relative path component', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('component-config.json', { './component': {}, }); var coffee = appdir.writeFileSync('component.coffee', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('component.json', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.components).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.components[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', coffee ); done(); }); }); it('prefers coffeescript over json for module relative component path', function(done) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('component-config.json', { component: {}, }); var coffee = appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/component.coffee', ''); appdir.writeFileSync('node_modules/component.json', ''); boot.compile(appdir.PATH, function(err, context) { if (err) return done(err); var instructions = context.instructions; expect(instructions.components).to.have.length(1); expect(instructions.components[0]).have.property( 'sourceFile', coffee ); done(); }); }); }); }); function getNameProperty(obj) { return obj.name; } function givenMiddlewareEntrySync(config) { appdir.writeConfigFileSync('middleware.json', { initial: { // resolves to ./middleware.json './middleware': config, }, }); } function expectFirstMiddlewareParams(instructions) { return expect(instructions.middleware.middleware[0].config.params); } function pathWithoutExtension(value) { return path.join( path.dirname(value), path.basename(value, path.extname(value)) ); } function pathWithoutIndex(filePath) { return filePath.replace(/[\\\/]index\.[^.]+$/, ''); }