411 lines
12 KiB
411 lines
12 KiB
var assert = require('assert');
var semver = require('semver');
var debug = require('debug')('loopback:boot:executor');
var async = require('async');
var path = require('path');
var format = require('util').format;
* Execute bootstrap instructions gathered by `boot.compile`.
* @param {Object} app The loopback app to boot.
* @options {Object} instructions Boot instructions.
* @param {Function} [callback] Callback function.
* @header boot.execute(instructions)
module.exports = function execute(app, instructions, callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
app.booting = true;
setEnv(app, instructions);
setHost(app, instructions);
setPort(app, instructions);
setApiRoot(app, instructions);
applyAppConfig(app, instructions);
setupDataSources(app, instructions);
setupModels(app, instructions);
setupMiddleware(app, instructions);
setupComponents(app, instructions);
// Run the boot scripts in series synchronously or asynchronously
// Please note async supports both styles
function(done) {
runBootScripts(app, instructions, done);
function(done) {
enableAnonymousSwagger(app, instructions);
}], function(err) {
app.booting = false;
if (err) return callback(err);
function patchAppLoopback(app) {
if (app.loopback) return;
// app.loopback was introduced in 1.9.0
// patch the app object to make loopback-boot work with older versions too
try {
app.loopback = require('loopback');
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
'When using loopback-boot with loopback <1.9, ' +
'the loopback module must be available for `require(\'loopback\')`.');
throw err;
function assertLoopBackVersion(app) {
var RANGE = '1.x || 2.x';
var loopback = app.loopback;
// remove any pre-release tag from the version string,
// because semver has special treatment of pre-release versions,
// while loopback-boot treats pre-releases the same way as regular versions
var version = (loopback.version || '1.0.0').replace(/-.*$/, '');
if (!semver.satisfies(version, RANGE)) {
var msg = format(
'The `app` is powered by an incompatible loopback version %s. ' +
'Supported versions: %s',
loopback.version || '(unknown)',
throw new Error(msg);
function setEnv(app, instructions) {
var env = instructions.env;
if (env !== undefined)
app.set('env', env);
function setHost(app, instructions) {
// jscs:disable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers
var host =
process.env.npm_config_host ||
process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP ||
process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP ||
process.env.VCAP_APP_HOST ||
process.env.HOST ||
instructions.config.host ||
process.env.npm_package_config_host ||
if (host !== undefined) {
assert(typeof host === 'string', 'app.host must be a string');
app.set('host', host);
function setPort(app, instructions) {
// jscs:disable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers
var port = find([
], function(p) {
return p != null;
if (port !== undefined) {
var portType = typeof port;
assert(portType === 'string' || portType === 'number',
'app.port must be a string or number');
app.set('port', port);
function find(array, predicate) {
return array.filter(predicate)[0];
function setApiRoot(app, instructions) {
var restApiRoot =
instructions.config.restApiRoot ||
app.get('restApiRoot') ||
assert(restApiRoot !== undefined, 'app.restBasePath is required');
assert(typeof restApiRoot === 'string',
'app.restApiRoot must be a string');
'app.restApiRoot must start with "/"');
app.set('restApiRoot', restApiRoot);
function applyAppConfig(app, instructions) {
var appConfig = instructions.config;
for (var configKey in appConfig) {
var cur = app.get(configKey);
if (cur === undefined || cur === null) {
app.set(configKey, appConfig[configKey]);
function setupDataSources(app, instructions) {
forEachKeyedObject(instructions.dataSources, function(key, obj) {
app.dataSource(key, obj);
function setupModels(app, instructions) {
defineMixins(app, instructions);
defineModels(app, instructions);
instructions.models.forEach(function(data) {
// Skip base models that are not exported to the app
if (!data.config) return;
app.model(data._model, data.config);
function defineMixins(app, instructions) {
var modelBuilder = (app.registry || app.loopback).modelBuilder;
var BaseClass = app.loopback.Model;
var mixins = instructions.mixins || [];
if (!modelBuilder.mixins || !mixins.length) return;
mixins.forEach(function(obj) {
var mixin = require(obj.sourceFile);
if (typeof mixin === 'function' || mixin.prototype instanceof BaseClass) {
debug('Defining mixin %s', obj.name);
modelBuilder.mixins.define(obj.name, mixin); // TODO (name, mixin, meta)
} else {
debug('Skipping mixin file %s - `module.exports` is not a function' +
' or Loopback model', obj);
function defineModels(app, instructions) {
var registry = app.registry || app.loopback;
instructions.models.forEach(function(data) {
var name = data.name;
var model;
if (!data.definition) {
model = registry.getModel(name);
if (!model) {
throw new Error('Cannot configure unknown model ' + name);
debug('Configuring existing model %s', name);
} else if (isBuiltinLoopBackModel(app, data)) {
model = registry.getModel(name);
assert(model, 'Built-in model ' + name + ' should have been defined');
debug('Configuring built-in LoopBack model %s', name);
} else {
debug('Creating new model %s %j', name, data.definition);
model = registry.createModel(data.definition);
if (data.sourceFile) {
debug('Loading customization script %s', data.sourceFile);
var code = require(data.sourceFile);
if (typeof code === 'function') {
debug('Customizing model %s', name);
} else {
debug('Skipping model file %s - `module.exports` is not a function',
data._model = model;
// Regular expression to match built-in loopback models
['', 'node_modules', 'loopback', '[^\\/\\\\]+', 'models', '[^\\/\\\\]+\\.js$']
.join('\\' + path.sep));
function isBuiltinLoopBackModel(app, data) {
// 1. Built-in models are exposed on the loopback object
if (!app.loopback[data.name]) return false;
// 2. Built-in models have a script file `loopback/{facet}/models/{name}.js`
var srcFile = data.sourceFile;
return srcFile &&
function forEachKeyedObject(obj, fn) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object') return;
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
fn(key, obj[key]);
function runScripts(app, list, callback) {
list = list || [];
var functions = [];
list.forEach(function(filepath) {
debug('Requiring script %s', filepath);
try {
var exports = require(filepath);
if (typeof exports === 'function') {
debug('Exported function detected %s', filepath);
path: filepath,
func: exports
} catch (err) {
console.error('Failed loading boot script: %s\n%s', filepath, err.stack);
throw err;
async.eachSeries(functions, function(f, done) {
debug('Running script %s', f.path);
if (f.func.length >= 2) {
debug('Starting async function %s', f.path);
f.func(app, function(err) {
debug('Async function finished %s', f.path);
} else {
debug('Starting sync function %s', f.path);
debug('Sync function finished %s', f.path);
}, callback);
function setupMiddleware(app, instructions) {
if (!instructions.middleware) {
// the browserified client does not support middleware
// Phases can be empty
var phases = instructions.middleware.phases || [];
'instructions.middleware.phases must be an array');
var middleware = instructions.middleware.middleware;
'instructions.middleware.middleware must be an object');
debug('Defining middleware phases %j', phases);
middleware.forEach(function(data) {
debug('Configuring middleware %j%s', data.sourceFile,
data.fragment ? ('#' + data.fragment) : '');
var factory = require(data.sourceFile);
if (data.fragment) {
factory = factory[data.fragment].bind(factory);
assert(typeof factory === 'function',
'Middleware factory must be a function');
data.config = getUpdatedConfigObject(app, data.config);
app.middlewareFromConfig(factory, data.config);
function getUpdatedConfigObject(app, config) {
var DYNAMIC_CONFIG_PARAM = /\$\{(\w+)\}$/;
function getConfigVariable(param) {
var configVariable = param;
var match = configVariable.match(DYNAMIC_CONFIG_PARAM);
if (match) {
var appValue = app.get(match[1]);
if (appValue !== undefined) {
configVariable = appValue;
} else {
console.warn('%s does not resolve to a valid value. ' +
'"%s" must be resolvable by app.get().', param, match[1]);
return configVariable;
function interpolateVariables(config) {
// config is a string and contains a config variable ('${var}')
if (typeof config === 'string')
return getConfigVariable(config);
// anything but an array or object
if (typeof config !== 'object' || config == null)
return config;
// recurse into array elements
if (Array.isArray(config))
return config.map(interpolateVariables);
// Not a plain object. Examples: RegExp, Date,
if (!config.constructor || config.constructor !== Object)
return config;
// recurse into object props
var interpolated = {};
Object.keys(config).forEach(function(configKey) {
var value = config[configKey];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
interpolated[configKey] = value.map(interpolateVariables);
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
interpolated[configKey] = getConfigVariable(value);
} else if (typeof value === 'object' && Object.keys(value).length) {
interpolated[configKey] = interpolateVariables(value);
} else {
interpolated[configKey] = value;
return interpolated;
return interpolateVariables(config);
function setupComponents(app, instructions) {
instructions.components.forEach(function(data) {
debug('Configuring component %j', data.sourceFile);
var configFn = require(data.sourceFile);
data.config = getUpdatedConfigObject(app, data.config);
configFn(app, data.config);
function runBootScripts(app, instructions, callback) {
runScripts(app, instructions.files.boot, callback);
function enableAnonymousSwagger(app, instructions) {
// disable token requirement for swagger, if available
var swagger = app.remotes().exports.swagger;
if (!swagger) return;
var appConfig = instructions.config;
var requireTokenForSwagger = appConfig.swagger &&
swagger.requireToken = requireTokenForSwagger || false;