
536 lines
15 KiB

var assert = require('assert');
var cloneDeep = require('lodash').cloneDeep;
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var toposort = require('toposort');
var ConfigLoader = require('./config-loader');
var debug = require('debug')('loopback:boot:compiler');
var Module = require('module');
var _ = require('lodash');
* Gather all bootstrap-related configuration data and compile it into
* a single object containing instruction for `boot.execute`.
* @options {String|Object} options Boot options; If String, this is
* the application root directory; if object, has the properties
* described in `bootLoopBackApp` options above.
* @return {Object}
* @header boot.compile(options)
module.exports = function compile(options) {
options = options || {};
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = { appRootDir: options };
var appRootDir = options.appRootDir = options.appRootDir || process.cwd();
var env = options.env || process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development';
var appConfigRootDir = options.appConfigRootDir || appRootDir;
var appConfig = options.config ||
ConfigLoader.loadAppConfig(appConfigRootDir, env);
assertIsValidConfig('app', appConfig);
var modelsRootDir = options.modelsRootDir || appRootDir;
var modelsConfig = options.models ||
ConfigLoader.loadModels(modelsRootDir, env);
var dsRootDir = options.dsRootDir || appRootDir;
var dataSourcesConfig = options.dataSources ||
ConfigLoader.loadDataSources(dsRootDir, env);
assertIsValidConfig('data source', dataSourcesConfig);
// not configurable yet
var middlewareRootDir = appRootDir;
var middlewareConfig = options.middleware ||
ConfigLoader.loadMiddleware(middlewareRootDir, env);
var middlewareInstructions =
buildMiddlewareInstructions(middlewareRootDir, middlewareConfig);
var componentRootDir = appRootDir; // not configurable yet
var componentConfig = options.components ||
ConfigLoader.loadComponents(componentRootDir, env);
var componentInstructions =
buildComponentInstructions(componentRootDir, componentConfig);
// require directories
var bootDirs = options.bootDirs || []; // precedence
bootDirs = bootDirs.concat(path.join(appRootDir, 'boot'));
resolveRelativePaths(bootDirs, appRootDir);
var bootScripts = options.bootScripts || [];
resolveRelativePaths(bootScripts, appRootDir);
bootDirs.forEach(function(dir) {
bootScripts = bootScripts.concat(findScripts(dir));
// de-dedup boot scripts -ERS
// https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-boot/issues/64
bootScripts = _.uniq(bootScripts);
var modelsMeta = modelsConfig._meta || {};
delete modelsConfig._meta;
var modelSources = options.modelSources || modelsMeta.sources || ['./models'];
var modelInstructions = buildAllModelInstructions(
modelsRootDir, modelsConfig, modelSources);
// When executor passes the instruction to loopback methods,
// loopback modifies the data. Since we are loading the data using `require`,
// such change affects also code that calls `require` for the same file.
return cloneDeep({
config: appConfig,
dataSources: dataSourcesConfig,
models: modelInstructions,
middleware: middlewareInstructions,
components: componentInstructions,
files: {
boot: bootScripts
function assertIsValidConfig(name, config) {
if (config) {
assert(typeof config === 'object',
name + ' config must be a valid JSON object');
function assertIsValidModelConfig(config) {
assertIsValidConfig('model', config);
for (var name in config) {
var entry = config[name];
var options = entry.options || {};
var unsupported = entry.properties ||
entry.base || options.base ||
entry.plural || options.plural;
if (unsupported) {
throw new Error(
'The data in model-config.json is in the unsupported 1.x format.');
* Find all javascript files (except for those prefixed with _)
* and all directories.
* @param {String} dir Full path of the directory to enumerate.
* @return {Array.<String>} A list of absolute paths to pass to `require()`.
* @private
function findScripts(dir) {
assert(dir, 'cannot require directory contents without directory name');
var files = tryReadDir(dir);
// sort files in lowercase alpha for linux
files.sort(function(a, b) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
b = b.toLowerCase();
if (a < b) {
return -1;
} else if (b < a) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
var results = [];
files.forEach(function(filename) {
// ignore index.js and files prefixed with underscore
if (filename === 'index.js' || filename[0] === '_') {
var filepath = path.resolve(path.join(dir, filename));
var ext = path.extname(filename);
var stats = fs.statSync(filepath);
// only require files supported by require.extensions (.txt .md etc.)
if (stats.isFile()) {
if (ext in require.extensions)
debug('Skipping file %s - unknown extension', filepath);
} else {
debug('Skipping directory %s', filepath);
return results;
function tryReadDir() {
try {
return fs.readdirSync.apply(fs, arguments);
} catch (e) {
return [];
function buildAllModelInstructions(rootDir, modelsConfig, sources) {
var registry = findModelDefinitions(rootDir, sources);
var modelNamesToBuild = addAllBaseModels(registry, Object.keys(modelsConfig));
var instructions = modelNamesToBuild
.map(function createModelInstructions(name) {
var config = modelsConfig[name];
var definition = registry[name] || {};
debug('Using model "%s"\nConfiguration: %j\nDefinition %j',
name, config, definition.definition);
return {
name: name,
config: config,
definition: definition.definition,
sourceFile: definition.sourceFile
return sortByInheritance(instructions);
function addAllBaseModels(registry, modelNames) {
var result = [];
var visited = {};
while (modelNames.length) {
var name = modelNames.shift();
if (visited[name]) continue;
visited[name] = true;
var definition = registry[name] && registry[name].definition;
if (!definition) continue;
var base = getBaseModelName(definition);
// ignore built-in models like User
if (!registry[base]) continue;
return result;
function getBaseModelName(modelDefinition) {
if (!modelDefinition)
return undefined;
return modelDefinition.base ||
modelDefinition.options && modelDefinition.options.base;
function sortByInheritance(instructions) {
// create edges Base name -> Model name
var edges = instructions
.map(function(inst) {
return [getBaseModelName(inst.definition), inst.name];
var sortedNames = toposort(edges);
var instructionsByModelName = {};
instructions.forEach(function(inst) {
instructionsByModelName[inst.name] = inst;
return sortedNames
// convert to instructions
.map(function(name) {
return instructionsByModelName[name];
// remove built-in models
.filter(function(inst) {
return !!inst;
function findModelDefinitions(rootDir, sources) {
var registry = {};
sources.forEach(function(src) {
var srcDir = tryResolveAppPath(rootDir, src);
if (!srcDir) {
debug('Skipping unknown module source dir %j', src);
var files = tryReadDir(srcDir);
.filter(function(f) {
return f[0] !== '_' && path.extname(f) === '.json';
.forEach(function(f) {
var fullPath = path.resolve(srcDir, f);
var entry = loadModelDefinition(rootDir, fullPath, files);
var modelName = entry.definition.name;
if (!modelName) {
debug('Skipping model definition without Model name: %s',
path.relative(srcDir, fullPath));
registry[modelName] = entry;
return registry;
function resolveAppPath(rootDir, relativePath) {
var resolvedPath = tryResolveAppPath(rootDir, relativePath);
if (resolvedPath === undefined) {
var err = new Error('Cannot resolve path "' + relativePath + '"');
err.code = 'PATH_NOT_FOUND';
throw err;
return resolvedPath;
function tryResolveAppPath(rootDir, relativePath) {
var fullPath = path.resolve(rootDir, relativePath);
if (fs.existsSync(fullPath))
return fullPath;
var start = relativePath.substring(0, 2);
if (start !== './' && start !== '..') {
// Handle module-relative path, e.g. `loopback/common/models`
// Module.globalPaths is a list of globally configured paths like
// [ env.NODE_PATH values, $HOME/.node_modules, etc. ]
// Module._nodeModulePaths(rootDir) returns a list of paths like
// [ rootDir/node_modules, rootDir/../node_modules, etc. ]
var modulePaths = Module.globalPaths
fullPath = modulePaths
.map(function(candidateDir) {
try {
var filePath = path.join(candidateDir, relativePath);
filePath = require.resolve(filePath);
return filePath;
} catch (err) {
return filePath;
.filter(function(candidate) {
return fs.existsSync(candidate);
if (fullPath)
return fullPath;
} else {
// Handle relative path, e.g. `./common/models`
try {
fullPath = require.resolve(fullPath);
return fullPath;
} catch (err) {
debug ('Skipping %s - %s', fullPath, err);
return undefined;
function loadModelDefinition(rootDir, jsonFile, allFiles) {
var definition = require(jsonFile);
var basename = path.basename(jsonFile, path.extname(jsonFile));
// find a matching file with a supported extension like `.js` or `.coffee`
var base;
var ext;
var validFileType;
var sourceFile = allFiles
.filter(function(f) {
ext = path.extname(f);
base = path.basename(f, ext);
validFileType = (ext !== '.node') && (ext !== '.json') &&
((typeof require.extensions[ext]) === 'function');
return validFileType && (base === basename);
try {
sourceFile = path.join(path.dirname(jsonFile), sourceFile);
sourceFile = require.resolve(sourceFile);
} catch (err) {
debug('Model source code not found: %s - %s', sourceFile, err.code || err);
sourceFile = undefined;
debug('Found model "%s" - %s %s', definition.name,
path.relative(rootDir, jsonFile),
sourceFile ? path.relative(rootDir, sourceFile) : '(no source file)');
return {
definition: definition,
sourceFile: sourceFile
function buildMiddlewareInstructions(rootDir, config) {
var phasesNames = Object.keys(config);
var middlewareList = [];
phasesNames.forEach(function(phase) {
var phaseConfig = config[phase];
Object.keys(phaseConfig).forEach(function(middleware) {
var allConfigs = phaseConfig[middleware];
if (!Array.isArray(allConfigs))
allConfigs = [allConfigs];
allConfigs.forEach(function(config) {
var resolved = resolveMiddlewarePath(rootDir, middleware);
var middlewareConfig = cloneDeep(config);
middlewareConfig.phase = phase;
if (middlewareConfig.params) {
middlewareConfig.params = resolveMiddlewareParams(
rootDir, middlewareConfig.params);
var item = {
sourceFile: resolved.sourceFile,
config: middlewareConfig
if (resolved.fragment) {
item.fragment = resolved.fragment;
var flattenedPhaseNames = phasesNames
.map(function getBaseName(name) {
return name.replace(/:[^:]+$/, '');
.filter(function differsFromPreviousItem(value, ix, source) {
// Skip duplicate entries. That happens when
// `name:before` and `name:after` are both translated to `name`
return ix === 0 || value !== source[ix - 1];
return {
phases: flattenedPhaseNames,
middleware: middlewareList
function resolveMiddlewarePath(rootDir, middleware) {
var resolved = {};
var segments = middleware.split('#');
var pathName = segments[0];
var fragment = segments[1];
var middlewarePath = pathName;
if (fragment) {
resolved.fragment = fragment;
if (pathName.indexOf('./') === 0 || pathName.indexOf('../') === 0) {
// Relative path
pathName = path.resolve(rootDir, pathName);
if (!fragment) {
resolved.sourceFile = resolveAppPath(rootDir, middlewarePath);
return resolved;
var err;
// Try to require the module and check if <module>.<fragment> is a valid
// function
var m = require(pathName);
if (typeof m[fragment] === 'function') {
resolved.sourceFile = resolveAppPath(rootDir, middlewarePath);
return resolved;
* module/server/middleware/fragment
* module/middleware/fragment
var candidates = [
pathName + '/server/middleware/' + fragment,
pathName + '/middleware/' + fragment,
// TODO: [rfeng] Should we support the following flavors?
// pathName + '/lib/' + fragment,
// pathName + '/' + fragment
for (var ix in candidates) {
try {
resolved.sourceFile = resolveAppPath(rootDir, candidates[ix]);
delete resolved.fragment;
return resolved;
catch (e) {
// Report the error for the first candidate when no candidate matches
if (!err) err = e;
throw err;
// Match values starting with `$!./` or `$!../`
var MIDDLEWARE_PATH_PARAM_REGEX = /^\$!(\.\/|\.\.\/)/;
function resolveMiddlewareParams(rootDir, params) {
return cloneDeep(params, function resolvePathParam(value) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && MIDDLEWARE_PATH_PARAM_REGEX.test(value)) {
return path.resolve(rootDir, value.slice(2));
} else {
return undefined; // no change
function buildComponentInstructions(rootDir, componentConfig) {
return Object.keys(componentConfig)
.filter(function(name) { return !!componentConfig[name]; })
.map(function(name) {
var sourceFile;
if (name.indexOf('./') === 0 || name.indexOf('../') === 0) {
// Relative path
sourceFile = path.resolve(rootDir, name);
} else {
sourceFile = require.resolve(name);
return {
sourceFile: sourceFile,
config: componentConfig[name]
function resolveRelativePaths(relativePaths, appRootDir) {
relativePaths.forEach(function(relativePath, k) {
var resolvedPath = tryResolveAppPath(appRootDir, relativePath);
if (resolvedPath !== undefined) {
relativePaths[k] = resolvedPath;
} else {
debug ('skipping boot script %s - unknown file', relativePath);