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'use strict';
* Expose the `Swagger` plugin.
module.exports = Swagger;
* Module dependencies.
var path = require('path');
var urlJoin = require('./url-join');
var _defaults = require('lodash').defaults;
var classHelper = require('./class-helper');
var routeHelper = require('./route-helper');
var _cloneDeep = require('lodash').cloneDeep;
var modelHelper = require('./model-helper');
var cors = require('cors');
var typeConverter = require('./type-converter');
* Create a remotable Swagger module for plugging into `RemoteObjects`.
* @param {Application} loopbackApplication Host loopback application.
* @param {Application} swaggerApp Swagger application used for hosting
* these files.
* @param {Object} opts Options.
function Swagger(loopbackApplication, swaggerApp, opts) {
if (opts && opts.swaggerVersion)
console.warn('loopback-explorer\'s options.swaggerVersion is deprecated.');
2014-07-31 23:47:47 +00:00
opts = _defaults(opts || {}, {
swaggerVersion: '1.2',
basePath: loopbackApplication.get('restApiRoot') || '/api',
resourcePath: 'resources',
// Default consumes/produces
consumes: [
'application/xml', 'text/xml'
produces: [
'application/xml', 'text/xml',
// JSONP content types
'application/javascript', 'text/javascript'
version: getVersion()
// We need a temporary REST adapter to discover our available routes.
var remotes = loopbackApplication.remotes();
var adapter = remotes.handler('rest').adapter;
var routes = adapter.allRoutes();
var classes = remotes.classes();
setupCors(swaggerApp, remotes);
// These are the docs we will be sending from the /swagger endpoints.
var resourceDoc = generateResourceDoc(opts);
var apiDocs = {};
// A class is an endpoint root; e.g. /users, /products, and so on.
classes.forEach(function (aClass) {
var doc = apiDocs[aClass.name] = classHelper.generateAPIDoc(aClass, opts);
var hasDocumented = false;
var methods = aClass.methods()
for (var methodKey in methods) {
hasDocumented = methods[methodKey].documented;
if (hasDocumented) {
if (hasDocumented) {
// Add the getter for this doc.
var docPath = urlJoin(opts.resourcePath, aClass.http.path);
addRoute(swaggerApp, docPath, doc, opts);
// A route is an endpoint, such as /users/findOne.
routes.forEach(function(route) {
// Get the API doc matching this class name.
var className = route.method.split('.')[0];
var doc = apiDocs[className];
if (!doc) {
console.error('Route exists with no class: %j', route);
// Get the class definition matching this route.
var classDef = classes.filter(function (item) {
return item.name === className;
if (route.documented) {
routeHelper.addRouteToAPIDeclaration(route, classDef, doc);
// Add models referenced from routes (e.g. accepts/returns)
Object.keys(apiDocs).forEach(function(className) {
var classDoc = apiDocs[className];
classDoc.apis.forEach(function(api) {
api.operations.forEach(function(routeDoc) {
routeDoc.parameters.forEach(function(param) {
var type = param.type;
if (type === 'array' && param.items)
type = param.items.type;
if (routeDoc.type === 'array') {
} else {
routeDoc.responseMessages.forEach(function(msg) {
function addTypeToModels(name) {
if (!name || name === 'void') return;
var model = loopbackApplication.models[name];
if (!model) {
var loopback = loopbackApplication.loopback;
if (!loopback) return;
if (loopback.findModel) {
model = loopback.findModel(name); // LoopBack 2.x
} else {
model = loopback.getModel(name); // LoopBack 1.x
if (!model) return;
modelHelper.generateModelDefinition(model, classDoc.models);
* The topmost Swagger resource is a description of all (non-Swagger)
* resources available on the system, and where to find more
* information about them.
addRoute(swaggerApp, opts.resourcePath, resourceDoc, opts);
loopbackApplication.emit('swaggerResources', resourceDoc);
function setupCors(swaggerApp, remotes) {
var corsOptions = remotes.options && remotes.options.cors ||
{ origin: true, credentials: true };
* Add a route to this remoting extension.
* @param {Application} app Express application.
* @param {String} uri Path from which to serve the doc.
* @param {Object} doc Doc to serve.
function addRoute(app, uri, doc, opts) {
var hasBasePath = Object.keys(doc).indexOf('basePath') !== -1;
var initialPath = doc.basePath || '';
// Remove the trailing slash, see
// https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-explorer/issues/48
if (initialPath[initialPath.length-1] === '/')
initialPath = initialPath.slice(0, -1);
app.get(urlJoin('/', uri), function(req, res) {
// There's a few forces at play that require this "hack". The Swagger spec
// requires a `basePath` to be set in the API descriptions. However, we
// can't guarantee this path is either reachable or desirable if it's set
// as a part of the options.
// The simplest way around this is to reflect the value of the `Host` and/or
// `X-Forwarded-Host` HTTP headers as the `basePath`.
// Because we pre-build the Swagger data, we don't know that header at
// the time the data is built.
if (hasBasePath) {
var headers = req.headers;
// NOTE header names (keys) are always all-lowercase
var proto = headers['x-forwarded-proto'] || opts.protocol || req.protocol;
2015-06-23 14:36:19 +00:00
var prefix = opts.omitProtocolInBaseUrl ? '//' : proto + '://';
var host = headers['x-forwarded-host'] || opts.host || headers.host;
2015-06-23 14:36:19 +00:00
doc.basePath = prefix + host + initialPath;
* Generate a top-level resource doc. This is the entry point for swagger UI
* and lists all of the available APIs.
* @param {Object} opts Swagger options.
* @return {Object} Resource doc.
function generateResourceDoc(opts) {
var apiInfo = _cloneDeep(opts.apiInfo);
2015-04-06 00:04:30 +00:00
for (var propertyName in apiInfo) {
var property = apiInfo[propertyName];
apiInfo[propertyName] = typeConverter.convertText(property);
return {
swaggerVersion: opts.swaggerVersion,
apiVersion: opts.version,
// See https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/1.2.md#513-info-object
info: apiInfo,
// TODO Authorizations
// https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/1.2.md#514-authorizations-object
consumes: ['application/json', 'application/xml', 'text/xml'],
produces: ['application/json', 'application/javascript', 'application/xml', 'text/javascript', 'text/xml'],
apis: [],
models: opts.models
* Attempt to get the current API version from package.json.
* @return {String} API Version.
function getVersion() {
var version;
try {
version = require(path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json')).version;
} catch(e) {
version = '1.0.0';
return version;