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'use strict';
* Module dependencies.
2014-07-11 18:22:18 +00:00
var debug = require('debug')('loopback:explorer:routeHelpers');
var _cloneDeep = require('lodash').cloneDeep;
var _assign = require('lodash').assign;
var modelHelper = require('./model-helper');
var typeConverter = require('./type-converter');
* Export the routeHelper singleton.
var routeHelper = module.exports = {
* Given a route, generate an API description and add it to the doc.
* If a route shares a path with another route (same path, different verb),
* add it as a new operation under that API description.
* Routes can be translated to API declaration 'operations',
* but they need a little massaging first. The `accepts` and
* `returns` declarations need some basic conversions to be compatible.
* This method will convert the route and add it to the doc.
* @param {Route} route Strong Remoting Route object.
* @param {Class} classDef Strong Remoting class.
* @param {Object} doc The class's backing API declaration doc.
addRouteToAPIDeclaration: function (route, classDef, doc) {
var api = routeHelper.routeToAPIDoc(route, classDef);
var matchingAPIs = doc.apis.filter(function(existingAPI) {
return existingAPI.path === api.path;
if (matchingAPIs.length) {
} else {
* Massage route.accepts.
* @param {Object} route Strong Remoting Route object.
* @param {Class} classDef Strong Remoting class.
* @return {Array} Array of param docs.
convertAcceptsToSwagger: function convertAcceptsToSwagger(route, classDef) {
var split = route.method.split('.');
var accepts = _cloneDeep(route.accepts) || [];
if (classDef && classDef.sharedCtor &&
classDef.sharedCtor.accepts && split.length > 2 /* HACK */) {
accepts = accepts.concat(classDef.sharedCtor.accepts);
// Filter out parameters that are generated from the incoming request,
// or generated by functions that use those resources.
accepts = accepts.filter(function(arg){
if (!arg.http) return true;
// Don't show derived arguments.
if (typeof arg.http === 'function') return false;
// Don't show arguments set to the incoming http request.
// Please note that body needs to be shown, such as User.create().
if (arg.http.source === 'req' ||
arg.http.source === 'res' ||
arg.http.source === 'context') {
return false;
return true;
// Turn accept definitions in to parameter docs.
accepts = accepts.map(routeHelper.acceptToParameter(route));
return accepts;
* Massage route.returns.
* @param {Object} route Strong Remoting Route object.
* @param {Class} classDef Strong Remoting class.
* @return {Object} A single returns param doc.
convertReturnsToSwagger: function convertReturnsToSwagger(route, classDef) {
var routeReturns = _cloneDeep(route.returns) || [];
// HACK: makes autogenerated REST routes return the correct model name.
var firstReturn = routeReturns && routeReturns[0];
if (firstReturn && firstReturn.arg === 'data') {
if (firstReturn.type === 'object') {
firstReturn.type = classDef.name;
} else if (firstReturn.type === 'array') {
firstReturn.type = [classDef.name];
// Convert `returns` into a single object for later conversion into an
// operation object.
if (routeReturns && routeReturns.length > 1) {
// TODO ad-hoc model definition in the case of multiple return values.
routeReturns = { type: 'object' };
} else {
// Per the spec:
// https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/1.2.md#523-operation-object
// This is the only object that may have a type of 'void'.
routeReturns = routeReturns[0] || { type: 'void' };
return routeReturns;
* Converts from an sl-remoting-formatted "Route" description to a
* Swagger-formatted "API" description.
* See https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/1.2.md#523-operation-object
routeToAPIDoc: function routeToAPIDoc(route, classDef) {
* Converts from an sl-remoting data type to a Swagger dataType.
function prepareDataType(type) {
if (!type) {
return 'void';
if(Array.isArray(type)) {
if (type.length > 0) {
if (typeof type[0] === 'string') {
return '[' + type[0] + ']';
} else if (typeof type[0] === 'function') {
return '[' + type[0].name + ']';
} else if (typeof type[0] === 'object') {
if (typeof type[0].type === 'function') {
return '[' + type[0].type.name + ']';
} else {
return '[' + type[0].type + ']';
} else {
return '[' + type + ']';
return 'array';
// TODO(schoon) - Add support for complex dataTypes, "models", etc.
switch (type) {
case 'Array':
return 'array';
case 'Boolean':
return 'boolean';
case 'buffer':
2014-10-07 22:27:49 +00:00
return 'string';
case 'Date':
return 'date';
case 'number':
case 'Number':
return 'double';
case 'Object':
return 'object';
case 'String':
return 'string';
return type;
var returnDesc;
// Some parameters need to be altered; eventually most of this should
// be removed.
var accepts = routeHelper.convertAcceptsToSwagger(route, classDef);
var returns = routeHelper.convertReturnsToSwagger(route, classDef);
var responseMessages = [
code: route.returns && route.returns.length ? 200 : 204,
message: 'Request was successful',
responseModel: returns.model || prepareDataType(returns.type) || 'void'
if (route.errors) {
responseMessages.push.apply(responseMessages, route.errors);
debug('route %j', route);
var responseDoc = modelHelper.LDLPropToSwaggerDataType(returns);
var apiDoc = {
path: routeHelper.convertPathFragments(route.path),
// Create the operation doc.
// We are using extendWithType to use `type` for the top-level (200)
// response type. We use responseModels for error responses.
// see https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-explorer/issues/75
operations: [routeHelper.extendWithType({
method: routeHelper.convertVerb(route.verb),
// [strml] remove leading model name from op, swagger uses leading
// path as class name so it remains unique between models.
// route.method is always #{className}.#{methodName}
nickname: route.method.replace(/.*?\./, ''),
deprecated: route.deprecated,
consumes: ['application/json', 'application/xml', 'text/xml'],
produces: ['application/json', 'application/javascript', 'application/xml', 'text/javascript', 'text/xml'],
parameters: accepts,
responseMessages: responseMessages,
type: returns.model || returns.type || 'void',
summary: typeConverter.convertText(route.description),
notes: typeConverter.convertText(route.notes)
}, returns)]
return apiDoc;
convertPathFragments: function convertPathFragments(path) {
return path.split('/').map(function (fragment) {
if (fragment.charAt(0) === ':') {
return '{' + fragment.slice(1) + '}';
return fragment;
convertVerb: function convertVerb(verb) {
if (verb.toLowerCase() === 'all') {
return 'POST';
if (verb.toLowerCase() === 'del') {
return 'DELETE';
return verb.toUpperCase();
* A generator to convert from an sl-remoting-formatted "Accepts" description
* to a Swagger-formatted "Parameter" description.
acceptToParameter: function acceptToParameter(route) {
var type = 'form';
if (route.verb.toLowerCase() === 'get') {
type = 'query';
return function (accepts) {
var name = accepts.name || accepts.arg;
var paramType = type;
// TODO: Regex. This is leaky.
if (route.path.indexOf(':' + name) !== -1) {
paramType = 'path';
// Check the http settings for the argument
if(accepts.http && accepts.http.source) {
paramType = accepts.http.source;
var out = {
name: name,
required: !!accepts.required,
paramType: paramType || type,
type: accepts.type,
$ref: accepts.model,
items: accepts.items,
uniqueItems: accepts.uniqueItems,
format: accepts.format,
pattern: accepts.pattern,
defaultValue: accepts.defaultValue,
enum: accepts.enum,
minimum: accepts.minimum,
maximum: accepts.maximum,
allowMultiple: accepts.allowMultiple,
description: typeConverter.convertText(accepts.description)
out = routeHelper.extendWithType(out, accepts);
// HACK: Derive the type from model
if(out.name === 'data' && out.type === 'object') {
out.type = route.method.split('.')[0];
return out;
* Extends an Operation Object or Parameter object with
* a proper Swagger type and optional `format` and `items` fields.
* Does not modify original object.
* @param {Object} obj Object to extend.
* @param {Object} ldlType LDL type definition
* @return {Object} Extended object.
extendWithType: function extendWithType(obj, ldlType) {
obj = _cloneDeep(obj);
// Format the `type` property using our LDL converter.
var typeDesc = modelHelper.LDLPropToSwaggerDataType(ldlType);
// The `typeDesc` may have additional attributes, such as
// `format` for non-primitive types.
obj[key] = typeDesc[key];
//Ensure brief properties are first
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
var keysToSink = ['authorizations', 'consumes', 'notes', 'produces',
'parameters', 'responseMessages', 'summary'];
var outKeys = Object.keys(obj);
for (var outKeyIdx in outKeys) {
var outKey = outKeys[outKeyIdx];
if (keysToSink.indexOf(outKey) != -1) {
var outValue = obj[outKey];
delete obj[outKey];
obj[outKey] = outValue;
_assign(obj, typeDesc);
return obj;