Use loopback-swagger to generate swagger.json

This commit is contained in:
Miroslav Bajtoš 2015-09-03 10:37:09 +02:00
parent a2a85cd319
commit 42b9f2d7c0
15 changed files with 65 additions and 1802 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ var url = require('url');
var path = require('path');
var urlJoin = require('./lib/url-join');
var _defaults = require('lodash').defaults;
var swagger = require('./lib/swagger');
var cors = require('cors');
var createSwaggerObject = require('loopback-swagger').generateSwaggerSpec;
var SWAGGER_UI_ROOT = require('strong-swagger-ui/index').dist;
var STATIC_ROOT = path.join(__dirname, 'public');
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ function routes(loopbackApplication, options) {
var router = new loopback.Router();
swagger.mountSwagger(loopbackApplication, router, options);
mountSwagger(loopbackApplication, router, options);
// config.json is loaded by swagger-ui. The server should respond
// with the relative URI of the resource doc.
@ -81,3 +82,34 @@ function routes(loopbackApplication, options) {
return router;
* Setup Swagger documentation on the given express app.
* @param {Application} loopbackApplication The loopback application to
* document.
* @param {Application} swaggerApp Swagger application used for hosting
* swagger documentation.
* @param {Object} opts Options.
function mountSwagger(loopbackApplication, swaggerApp, opts) {
var swaggerObject = createSwaggerObject(loopbackApplication, opts);
var resourcePath = opts && opts.resourcePath || 'swagger.json';
if (resourcePath[0] !== '/') resourcePath = '/' + resourcePath;
var remotes = loopbackApplication.remotes();
setupCors(swaggerApp, remotes);
swaggerApp.get(resourcePath, function sendSwaggerObject(req, res) {
function setupCors(swaggerApp, remotes) {
var corsOptions = remotes.options && remotes.options.cors ||
{ origin: true, credentials: true };
// TODO(bajtos) Skip CORS when remotes.options.cors === false

View File

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
* Module dependencies.
var schemaBuilder = require('./schema-builder');
var typeConverter = require('./type-converter');
var TypeRegistry = require('./type-registry');
* Export the modelHelper singleton.
var modelHelper = module.exports = {
* Given a class (from remotes.classes()), generate a model definition.
* This is used to generate the schema at the top of many endpoints.
* @param {Class} modelClass Model class.
* @param {TypeRegistry} typeRegistry Registry of types and models.
* @return {Object} Associated model definition.
registerModelDefinition: function(modelCtor, typeRegistry) {
var lbdef = modelCtor.definition;
if (!lbdef) {
// The model does not have any definition, it was most likely
// created as a placeholder for an unknown property type
var name =;
if (typeRegistry.isDefined(name)) {
// The model is already included
var swaggerDef = {
description: typeConverter.convertText(
lbdef.description || (lbdef.settings && lbdef.settings.description)),
properties: {},
required: []
var properties = lbdef.rawProperties ||;
// Iterate through each property in the model definition.
// Types may be defined as constructors (e.g. String, Date, etc.),
// or as strings; swaggerSchema.builFromLoopBackType() will take
// care of the conversion.
Object.keys(properties).forEach(function(key) {
var prop = properties[key];
// Hide hidden properties.
if (modelHelper.isHiddenProperty(lbdef, key))
// Eke a type out of the constructors we were passed.
var schema = schemaBuilder.buildFromLoopBackType(prop, typeRegistry);
var desc = typeConverter.convertText(prop.description || prop.doc);
if (desc) schema.description = desc;
// Required props sit in a per-model array.
if (prop.required || ( && !prop.generated)) {
// Assign the schema to the properties object.[key] = schema;
if (lbdef.settings) {
var strict = lbdef.settings.strict;
var additionalProperties = lbdef.settings.additionalProperties;
var notAllowAdditionalProperties = strict || (additionalProperties !== true);
if (notAllowAdditionalProperties){
swaggerDef.additionalProperties = false;
if (!swaggerDef.required.length) {
// "required" must have at least one item when present
delete swaggerDef.required;
typeRegistry.register(name, swaggerDef);
// Add models from settings
if (lbdef.settings && lbdef.settings.models) {
for (var m in lbdef.settings.models) {
var model = modelCtor[m];
if (typeof model !== 'function' || !model.modelName) continue;
modelHelper.registerModelDefinition(model, typeRegistry);
// TODO it shouldn't be necessary to reference the model here,
// let accepts/returns/property reference it instead
// Generate model definitions for related models
for (var r in modelCtor.relations) {
var rel = modelCtor.relations[r];
if (rel.modelTo) {
modelHelper.registerModelDefinition(rel.modelTo, typeRegistry);
// TODO it shouldn't be necessary to reference the model here,
// let accepts/returns/property reference it instead
if (rel.modelThrough) {
modelHelper.registerModelDefinition(rel.modelThrough, typeRegistry);
// TODO it shouldn't be necessary to reference the model here,
// let accepts/returns/property reference it instead
isHiddenProperty: function(definition, propName) {
return definition.settings &&
Array.isArray(definition.settings.hidden) &&
definition.settings.hidden.indexOf(propName) !== -1;

View File

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
* Module dependencies.
var debug = require('debug')('loopback:explorer:routeHelpers');
var _assign = require('lodash').assign;
var typeConverter = require('./type-converter');
var schemaBuilder = require('./schema-builder');
* Export the routeHelper singleton.
var routeHelper = module.exports = {
* Given a route, generate an API description and add it to the doc.
* If a route shares a path with another route (same path, different verb),
* add it as a new operation under that path entry.
* Routes can be translated to API declaration 'operations',
* but they need a little massaging first. The `accepts` and
* `returns` declarations need some basic conversions to be compatible.
* This method will convert the route and add it to the doc.
* @param {Route} route Strong Remoting Route object.
* @param {Class} classDef Strong Remoting class.
* @param {TypeRegistry} typeRegistry Registry of types and models.
* @param {Object} paths Swagger Path Object,
* see
addRouteToSwaggerPaths: function(route, classDef, typeRegistry, paths) {
var entryToAdd = routeHelper.routeToPathEntry(route, classDef,
if (!(entryToAdd.path in paths)) {
paths[entryToAdd.path] = {};
paths[entryToAdd.path][entryToAdd.method] = entryToAdd.operation;
* Massage route.accepts.
* @param {Object} route Strong Remoting Route object.
* @param {Class} classDef Strong Remoting class.
* @param {TypeRegistry} typeRegistry Registry of types and models.
* @return {Array} Array of param docs.
convertAcceptsToSwagger: function(route, classDef, typeRegistry) {
var accepts = route.accepts || [];
var split = route.method.split('.');
if (classDef && classDef.sharedCtor &&
classDef.sharedCtor.accepts && split.length > 2 /* HACK */) {
accepts = accepts.concat(classDef.sharedCtor.accepts);
// Filter out parameters that are generated from the incoming request,
// or generated by functions that use those resources.
accepts = accepts.filter(function(arg) {
if (!arg.http) return true;
// Don't show derived arguments.
if (typeof arg.http === 'function') return false;
// Don't show arguments set to the incoming http request.
// Please note that body needs to be shown, such as User.create().
if (arg.http.source === 'req' ||
arg.http.source === 'res' ||
arg.http.source === 'context') {
return false;
return true;
// Turn accept definitions in to parameter docs.
accepts =
routeHelper.acceptToParameter(route, classDef, typeRegistry));
return accepts;
* Massage route.returns.
* @param {Object} route Strong Remoting Route object.
* @return {Object} A single returns param doc.
convertReturnsToSwagger: function(route, typeRegistry) {
var routeReturns = route.returns;
if (!routeReturns || !routeReturns.length) {
// An operation that returns nothing will have
// no schema declaration for its response.
return undefined;
if (routeReturns.length === 1 && routeReturns[0].root) {
if (routeReturns[0].model)
return { $ref: typeRegistry.reference(routeReturns[0].model) };
return schemaBuilder.buildFromLoopBackType(routeReturns[0], typeRegistry);
// Convert `returns` into a single object for later conversion into an
// operation object.
// TODO ad-hoc model definition in the case of multiple return values.
// It is enough to replace 'object' with an anonymous type definition
// based on all routeReturn items. The schema converter should take
// care of the remaning conversions.
var def = { type: 'object' };
return schemaBuilder.buildFromLoopBackType(def, typeRegistry);
* Converts from an sl-remoting-formatted "Route" description to a
* Swagger-formatted "Path Item Object"
* See swagger-spec/
routeToPathEntry: function(route, classDef, typeRegistry) {
// Some parameters need to be altered; eventually most of this should
// be removed.
var accepts = routeHelper.convertAcceptsToSwagger(route, classDef,
var returns = routeHelper.convertReturnsToSwagger(route, typeRegistry);
var defaultCode = route.returns && route.returns.length ? 200 : 204;
// TODO - support strong-remoting's option for a custom response code
var responseMessages = {};
responseMessages[defaultCode] = {
description: 'Request was successful',
schema: returns,
// TODO - headers, examples
if (route.errors) {
// TODO define new LDL syntax that is status-code-indexed
// and which allow users to specify headers & examples
route.errors.forEach(function(msg) {
responseMessages[msg.code] = {
description: msg.message,
schema: schemaBuilder.buildFromLoopBackType(msg.responseModel,
// TODO - headers, examples
debug('route %j', route);
var tags = [];
if (classDef && {
var entry = {
path: routeHelper.convertPathFragments(route.path),
method: routeHelper.convertVerb(route.verb),
operation: {
tags: tags,
summary: typeConverter.convertText(route.description),
description: typeConverter.convertText(route.notes),
// [bajtos] We used to remove leading model name from the operation
// name for Swagger Spec 1.2. Swagger Spec 2.0 requires
// operation ids to be unique, thus we have to include the model name.
operationId: route.method,
// [bajtos] we are omitting consumes and produces, as they are same
// for all methods and they are already specified in top-level fields
parameters: accepts,
responses: responseMessages,
deprecated: !!route.deprecated,
// TODO: security
return entry;
convertPathFragments: function convertPathFragments(path) {
return path.split('/').map(function (fragment) {
if (fragment.charAt(0) === ':') {
return '{' + fragment.slice(1) + '}';
return fragment;
convertVerb: function convertVerb(verb) {
if (verb.toLowerCase() === 'all') {
return 'post';
if (verb.toLowerCase() === 'del') {
return 'delete';
return verb.toLowerCase();
* A generator to convert from an sl-remoting-formatted "Accepts" description
* to a Swagger-formatted "Parameter" description.
acceptToParameter: function acceptToParameter(route, classDef, typeRegistry) {
route.verb.toLowerCase() === 'get' ? 'query' : 'formData';
return function (accepts) {
var name = || accepts.arg;
var paramType = DEFAULT_TYPE;
// TODO: Regex. This is leaky.
if (route.path.indexOf(':' + name) !== -1) {
paramType = 'path';
// Check the http settings for the argument
if (accepts.http && accepts.http.source) {
paramType = accepts.http.source;
// TODO: ensure that paramType has a valid value
// path, query, header, body, formData
// See swagger-spec/
var paramObject = {
name: name,
in: paramType,
description: typeConverter.convertText(accepts.description),
required: !!accepts.required
var schema = schemaBuilder.buildFromLoopBackType(accepts, typeRegistry);
if (paramType === 'body') {
// HACK: Derive the type from model
if ( === 'data' && schema.type === 'object') {
paramObject.schema = { $ref: typeRegistry.reference( };
} else {
paramObject.schema = schema;
} else {
var isComplexType = schema.type === 'object' ||
schema.type === 'array' ||
if (isComplexType) {
paramObject.type = 'string';
paramObject.format = 'JSON';
// TODO support array of primitive types
// and map them to Swagger array of primitive types
} else {
_assign(paramObject, schema);
return paramObject;

View File

@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
var typeConverter = require('./type-converter');
// LDL : Swagger
min: 'minimum',
max: 'maximum',
length: 'maxLength',
* Build a Swagger Schema Object and/or Parameter Object from LoopBack
* type descriptor.
* @param {String|Function|Array|Object} ldlDef The loopback type to convert,
* the value should be one of the following:
* - a string value (type name), e.g. `'string'` or `'MyModel'`
* - a constructor function, e.g. `String` or `MyModel`
* - an array of a single item in `lbType` format
* - an object containing a `type` property with string/function/array value
* and validation fields like `length` or `max`
* @param {TypeRegistry} typeRegistry The registry of known types and models.
* @returns {Object} Swagger Schema Object that can be used as `schema` field
* or as a base for Parameter Object.
exports.buildFromLoopBackType = function(ldlDef, typeRegistry) {
assert(!!typeRegistry, 'typeRegistry is a required parameter');
// Normalize non-object values to object format `{ type: XYZ }`
if (typeof ldlDef === 'string' || typeof ldlDef === 'function') {
ldlDef = { type: ldlDef };
} else if (Array.isArray(ldlDef)) {
ldlDef = { type: ldlDef };
var schema = exports.buildMetadata(ldlDef);
var ldlType = exports.getLdlTypeName(ldlDef.type);
if (Array.isArray(ldlType)) {
var itemLdl = ldlType[0] || 'any';
var itemSchema = exports.buildFromLoopBackType(itemLdl, typeRegistry);
schema.type = 'array';
schema.items = itemSchema;
return schema;
var ldlTypeLowerCase = ldlType.toLowerCase();
switch (ldlTypeLowerCase) {
case 'date':
schema.type = 'string';
schema.format = 'date';
case 'buffer':
schema.type = 'string';
schema.format = 'byte';
case 'number':
schema.type = 'number';
schema.format = schema.format || 'double'; // All JS numbers are doubles
case 'any':
schema.$ref = typeRegistry.reference('x-any');
if (exports.isPrimitiveType(ldlTypeLowerCase)) {
schema.type = ldlTypeLowerCase;
} else {
// TODO - register anonymous types
schema.$ref = typeRegistry.reference(ldlType);
return schema;
* @param {String|Function|Array|Object} ldlType LDL type
* @returns {String|Array} Type name
exports.getLdlTypeName = function(ldlType) {
// Value "array" is a shortcut for `['any']`
if (ldlType === 'array') {
return ['any'];
if (typeof ldlType === 'string') {
var arrayMatch = ldlType.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/);
return arrayMatch ? [arrayMatch[1]] : ldlType;
if (typeof ldlType === 'function') {
return ldlType.modelName ||;
if (Array.isArray(ldlType)) {
return ldlType;
if (typeof ldlType === 'object') {
// Anonymous objects, they are allowed e.g. in accepts/returns definitions
// TODO(bajtos) Build a named schema for this anonymous object
return 'object';
if (ldlType === undefined) {
return 'any';
console.error('Warning: unknown LDL type %j, using "any" instead', ldlType);
return 'any';
* Convert validations and other metadata from LDL format to Swagger format.
* @param {Object} ldlDef LDL property/argument definition,
* for example `{ type: 'string', maxLength: 64 }`.
* @return {Object} Metadata in Swagger format.
exports.buildMetadata = function(ldlDef) {
var result = {};
var key;
for (key in KEY_TRANSLATIONS) {
if (key in ldlDef)
result[KEY_TRANSLATIONS[key]] = ldlDef[key];
for (var ix in SWAGGER_DATA_TYPE_FIELDS) {
if (key in ldlDef)
result[key] = ldlDef[key];
if (ldlDef.description) {
result.description = typeConverter.convertText(ldlDef.description);
} else if (ldlDef.doc) {
result.description = typeConverter.convertText(ldlDef.doc);
return result;
exports.isPrimitiveType = function(typeName) {
return TYPES_PRIMITIVE.indexOf(typeName.toLowerCase()) !== -1;

View File

@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
* Module dependencies.
var path = require('path');
var _ = require('lodash');
var routeHelper = require('./route-helper');
var modelHelper = require('./model-helper');
var cors = require('cors');
var typeConverter = require('./type-converter');
var tagBuilder = require('./tag-builder');
var TypeRegistry = require('./type-registry');
* Create Swagger Object describing the API provided by loopbacApplication.
* @param {Application} loopbackApplication The application to document.
* @param {Object} opts Options.
* @returns {Object}
exports.createSwaggerObject = function(loopbackApplication, opts) {
opts = _.defaults(opts || {}, {
basePath: loopbackApplication.get('restApiRoot') || '/api',
// Default consumes/produces
consumes: [
'application/xml', 'text/xml'
produces: [
'application/xml', 'text/xml',
// JSONP content types
'application/javascript', 'text/javascript'
version: getPackagePropertyOrDefault('version', '1.0.0'),
// We need a temporary REST adapter to discover our available routes.
var remotes = loopbackApplication.remotes();
var adapter = remotes.handler('rest').adapter;
var routes = adapter.allRoutes();
var classes = remotes.classes();
// Generate fixed fields like info and basePath
var swaggerObject = generateSwaggerObjectBase(opts);
var typeRegistry = new TypeRegistry();
var loopbackRegistry = loopbackApplication.registry ||
loopbackApplication.loopback.registry ||
var models = loopbackRegistry.modelBuilder.models;
for (var modelName in models) {
modelHelper.registerModelDefinition(models[modelName], typeRegistry);
// A class is an endpoint root; e.g. /users, /products, and so on.
// In Swagger 2.0, there is no endpoint roots, but one can group endpoints
// using tags.
classes.forEach(function(aClass) {
if (! return;
var hasDocumentedMethods = aClass.methods().some(function(m) {
return m.documented;
if (!hasDocumentedMethods) return;
// A route is an endpoint, such as /users/findOne.
routes.forEach(function(route) {
if (!route.documented) return;
// Get the class definition matching this route.
var className = route.method.split('.')[0];
var classDef = classes.filter(function(item) {
return === className;
if (!classDef) {
console.error('Route exists with no class: %j', route);
routeHelper.addRouteToSwaggerPaths(route, classDef, typeRegistry,
_.assign(swaggerObject.definitions, typeRegistry.getDefinitions());
loopbackApplication.emit('swaggerResources', swaggerObject);
return swaggerObject;
* Setup Swagger documentation on the given express app.
* @param {Application} loopbackApplication The loopback application to
* document.
* @param {Application} swaggerApp Swagger application used for hosting
* swagger documentation.
* @param {Object} opts Options.
exports.mountSwagger = function(loopbackApplication, swaggerApp, opts) {
var swaggerObject = exports.createSwaggerObject(loopbackApplication, opts);
var resourcePath = opts && opts.resourcePath || 'swagger.json';
if (resourcePath[0] !== '/') resourcePath = '/' + resourcePath;
var remotes = loopbackApplication.remotes();
setupCors(swaggerApp, remotes);
swaggerApp.get(resourcePath, function sendSwaggerObject(req, res) {
* Generate a top-level resource doc. This is the entry point for swagger UI
* and lists all of the available APIs.
* @param {Object} opts Swagger options.
* @return {Object} Resource doc.
function generateSwaggerObjectBase(opts) {
var apiInfo = _.cloneDeep(opts.apiInfo) || {};
for (var propertyName in apiInfo) {
var property = apiInfo[propertyName];
apiInfo[propertyName] = typeConverter.convertText(property);
apiInfo.version = String(apiInfo.version || opts.version);
if (!apiInfo.title) {
apiInfo.title = getPackagePropertyOrDefault('name', 'LoopBack Application');
var basePath = opts.basePath;
if (basePath && /\/$/.test(basePath))
basePath = basePath.slice(0, -1);
return {
swagger: '2.0',
// See swagger-spec/
info: apiInfo,
basePath: basePath,
schemes: opts.protocol ? [opts.protocol] : undefined,
consumes: opts.consumes,
produces: opts.produces,
paths: {},
definitions: opts.models || {},
// TODO Authorizations (security, securityDefinitions)
// TODO: responses, externalDocs
tags: []
function setupCors(swaggerApp, remotes) {
var corsOptions = remotes.options && remotes.options.cors ||
{ origin: true, credentials: true };
// TODO(bajtos) Skip CORS when remotes.options.cors === false
function getPackagePropertyOrDefault(name, defautValue) {
try {
var pkg = require(path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'));
return pkg[name] || defautValue;
} catch(e) {
return defautValue;

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var typeConverter = require('./type-converter');
exports.buildTagFromClass = function(sharedClass) {
var name =;
var modelSettings = sharedClass.ctor && sharedClass.ctor.settings;
var sharedCtor = sharedClass.ctor && sharedClass.ctor.sharedCtor;
var description = modelSettings && modelSettings.description ||
sharedCtor && sharedCtor.description;
return {
name: name,
description: typeConverter.convertText(description),
// TODO: externalDocs: { description, url }

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var typeConverter = module.exports = {
* Convert a text value that can be expressed either as a string or
* as an array of strings.
* @param {string|Array} value
* @returns {string}
convertText: function(value) {
if (Array.isArray(value))
return value.join('\n');
return value;

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = TypeRegistry;
function TypeRegistry() {
this._definitions = Object.create(null);
this._referenced = Object.create(null);
this.register('x-any', { properties: {} });
// TODO - register GeoPoint and other built-in LoopBack types
TypeRegistry.prototype.register = function(typeName, definition) {
this._definitions[typeName] = definition;
TypeRegistry.prototype.reference = function(typeName) {
this._referenced[typeName] = true;
return '#/definitions/' + typeName;
TypeRegistry.prototype.getDefinitions = function() {
var defs = Object.create(null);
for (var name in this._referenced) {
if (this._definitions[name]) {
defs[name] = _.cloneDeep(this._definitions[name]);
} else {
console.warn('Swagger: skipping unknown type %j.', name);
return defs;
TypeRegistry.prototype.getAllDefinitions = function() {
return _.cloneDeep(this._definitions);
TypeRegistry.prototype.isDefined = function(typeName) {
return typeName in this._definitions;

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
"cors": "^2.7.1",
"debug": "^2.2.0",
"lodash": "^3.10.0",
"loopback-swagger": "^2.1.0",
"strong-swagger-ui": "^21.0.0"

View File

@ -190,6 +190,36 @@ describe('explorer', function() {
describe('Cross-origin resource sharing', function() {
it('allows cross-origin requests by default', function(done) {
var app = loopback();
configureRestApiAndExplorer(app, '/explorer');
.set('Origin', '')
.expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', /^http:\/\/\/|\*/)
.expect('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', /\bGET\b/)
it('can be disabled by configuration', function(done) {
var app = loopback();
app.set('remoting', { cors: { origin: false } });
configureRestApiAndExplorer(app, '/explorer');
.end(function(err, res) {
if (err) return done(err);
var allowOrigin = res.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin');
expect(allowOrigin, 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin')
function givenLoopBackAppWithExplorer(explorerBase) {
return function(done) {
var app = = loopback();

View File

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var modelHelper = require('../lib/model-helper');
var TypeRegistry = require('../lib/type-registry');
var _defaults = require('lodash').defaults;
var loopback = require('loopback');
var expect = require('chai').expect;
describe('model-helper', function() {
describe('related models', function() {
it('should include related models', function() {
var defs = buildSwaggerModelsWithRelations({
str: String // 'string'
it('should include nesting models', function() {
var Model2 = loopback.createModel('Model2', {street: String});
var Model1 = loopback.createModel('Model1', {
str: String, // 'string'
address: Model2
}, { models: { Model2: Model2 } });
var defs = getDefinitionsForModel(Model1);
it('should include used models', function() {
var Model4 = loopback.createModel('Model4', {street: String});
var Model3 = loopback.createModel('Model3', {
str: String // 'string'
}, {models: {model4: 'Model4'}});
var defs = getDefinitionsForModel(Model3);
it('should include nesting models in array', function() {
var Model6 = loopback.createModel('Model6', {street: String});
var Model5 = loopback.createModel('Model5', {
str: String, // 'string'
addresses: [Model6]
}, { models: { Model6: Model6 } });
var defs = getDefinitionsForModel(Model5);
it('should work if Array class is extended and no related models are found',
function() {
var Model7 = loopback.createModel('Model7', {street: String});
Array.prototype.customFunc = function() {
var defs = getDefinitionsForModel(Model7);
expect(Object.keys(defs))'length', 1);
it('should skip unknown types', function() {
var Model8 = loopback.createModel('Model8', {
patient: {
model: 'physician',
type: 'hasMany',
through: 'appointment'
var defs = getDefinitionsForModel(Model8);
// Hack: prevent warnings in other tests caused by global model registry
Model8.definition.rawProperties.patient.type = 'string'; = 'string';
describe('hidden properties', function() {
it('should hide properties marked as "hidden"', function() {
var aClass = createModelCtor({
visibleProperty: 'string',
hiddenProperty: 'string'
aClass.ctor.definition.settings = {
hidden: ['hiddenProperty']
var def = getDefinitionsForModel(aClass.ctor).testModel;
it('should convert top level array description to string', function() {
var model = {};
model.definition = {
name: 'test',
description: ['1', '2', '3'],
properties: {}
var defs = getDefinitionsForModel(model);
it('should convert property level array description to string', function() {
var model = {};
model.definition = {
name: 'test',
properties: {
prop1: {
type: 'string',
description: ['1', '2', '3']
var defs = getDefinitionsForModel(model);
it('omits empty "required" array', function() {
var aClass = createModelCtor({});
var def = getDefinitionsForModel(aClass.ctor).testModel;
// Simulates the format of a remoting class.
function buildSwaggerModels(modelProperties, modelOptions) {
var aClass = createModelCtor(modelProperties, modelOptions);
return modelHelper.generateModelDefinition(aClass.ctor, {}).testModel;
function createModelCtor(properties, modelOptions) {
Object.keys(properties).forEach(function(name) {
var type = properties[name];
if (typeof type !== 'object' || Array.isArray(type))
properties[name] = { type: type };
var definition = {
name: 'testModel',
properties: properties
_defaults(definition, modelOptions);
var aClass = {
ctor: {
definition: definition
return aClass;
function buildSwaggerModelsWithRelations(model) {
Object.keys(model).forEach(function(name) {
model[name] = {type: model[name]};
// Mock up the related model
var relatedModel = {
definition: {
name: 'relatedModel',
properties: {
fk: String
var aClass = {
ctor: {
definition: {
name: 'testModel',
properties: model
// Mock up relations
relations: {
other: {
modelTo: relatedModel
var registry = new TypeRegistry();
modelHelper.registerModelDefinition(aClass.ctor, registry);
return registry.getAllDefinitions();
function getDefinitionsForModel(modelCtor) {
var registry = new TypeRegistry();
modelHelper.registerModelDefinition(modelCtor, registry);
registry.reference(modelCtor.modelName ||;
return registry.getDefinitions();

View File

@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var routeHelper = require('../lib/route-helper');
var TypeRegistry = require('../lib/type-registry');
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var _defaults = require('lodash').defaults;
describe('route-helper', function() {
it('returns "object" when a route has multiple return values', function() {
var entry = createAPIDoc({
returns: [
{ arg: 'max', type: 'number' },
{ arg: 'min', type: 'number' },
{ arg: 'avg', type: 'number' }
// TODO use a custom (dynamicaly-created) model schema instead of "object"
expect(getResponseMessage(entry.operation))'schema').eql({ type: 'object' });
it('converts path params when they exist in the route name', function() {
var entry = createAPIDoc({
accepts: [
{arg: 'id', type: 'string'}
path: '/test/:id'
var paramDoc = entry.operation.parameters[0];
expect(paramDoc)'in', 'path');
expect(paramDoc)'name', 'id');
expect(paramDoc)'required', false);
// FIXME need regex in routeHelper.acceptToParameter
xit('won\'t convert path params when they don\'t exist in the route name', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
accepts: [
{arg: 'id', type: 'string'}
path: '/test/:identifier'
var paramDoc = doc.operation.parameters[0];
it('correctly coerces param types', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
accepts: [
{arg: 'binaryData', type: 'buffer'}
var paramDoc = doc.operation.parameters[0];
expect(paramDoc)'in', 'query');
expect(paramDoc)'type', 'string');
expect(paramDoc)'format', 'byte');
it('correctly converts return types (arrays)', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
returns: [
{ arg: 'data', type: ['customType'], root: true }
var opDoc = doc.operation;
var responseSchema = getResponseMessage(opDoc).schema;
expect(responseSchema)'type', 'array');
.eql({ $ref: '#/definitions/customType' });
it('correctly converts return types (format)', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
returns: [
{ arg: 'data', type: 'buffer', root: true }
var responseSchema = getResponseMessage(doc.operation).schema;
it('includes `notes` metadata as `description`', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
notes: 'some notes'
expect(doc.operation)'description', 'some notes');
describe('#acceptToParameter', function() {
var A_CLASS_DEF = { name: 'TestModelName' };
it('returns fn converting description from array to string', function() {
var f = routeHelper.acceptToParameter(
{verb: 'get', path: 'path'},
new TypeRegistry());
var result = f({description: ['1', '2', '3']});
describe('#routeToPathEntry', function() {
it('converts route.description from array to string', function() {
var result = routeHelper.routeToPathEntry({
method: 'someMethod',
verb: 'get',
path: 'path',
description: ['1', '2', '3']
it('converts route.notes from array of string to string', function() {
var result = routeHelper.routeToPathEntry({
method: 'someMethod',
verb: 'get',
path: 'path',
notes: ['1', '2', '3']
it('includes `deprecated` metadata', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
deprecated: 'true'
expect(doc.operation)'deprecated', true);
it('joins array description/summary', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
description: [ 'line1', 'line2' ]
it('joins array notes', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
notes: [ 'line1', 'line2' ]
it('joins array description/summary of an input arg', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
accepts: [{ name: 'arg', description: [ 'line1', 'line2' ] }]
it('correctly does not include context params', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
accepts: [
{arg: 'ctx', http: {source: 'context'}}
path: '/test'
var params = doc.operation.parameters;
it('correctly does not include request params', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
accepts: [
{arg: 'req', http: {source: 'req'}}
path: '/test'
var params = doc.operation.parameters;
it('correctly does not include response params', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
accepts: [
{arg: 'res', http: {source: 'res'}}
path: '/test'
var params = doc.operation.parameters;
it('preserves `enum` accepts arg metadata', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
accepts: [{ name: 'arg', type: 'number', enum: [1,2,3] }]
it('includes the default response message with code 200', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
returns: [{ name: 'result', type: 'object', root: true }]
200: {
description: 'Request was successful',
schema: { type: 'object' }
it('uses the response code 204 when `returns` is empty', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
returns: []
204: {
description: 'Request was successful',
schema: undefined
it('includes custom error response in `responseMessages`', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
errors: [{
code: 422,
message: 'Validation failed',
responseModel: 'ValidationError'
description: 'Validation failed',
schema: { $ref: '#/definitions/ValidationError' }
it('route operationId DOES include model name.', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({ method: 'User.login' });
it('adds class name to `tags`', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc(
{ method: 'User.login' },
{ name: 'User' });
it('converts non-primitive param types to JSON strings', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc({
accepts: [{arg: 'filter', type: 'object', http: { source: 'query' }}]
var param = doc.operation.parameters[0];
expect(param)'type', 'string');
expect(param)'format', 'JSON');
it('converts single "data" body arg to Model type', function() {
var doc = createAPIDoc(
accepts: [{arg: 'data', type: 'object', http: { source: 'body' }}],
{ name: 'User' });
var param = doc.operation.parameters[0];
.eql({ $ref: '#/definitions/User' });
// Easy wrapper around createRoute
function createAPIDoc(def, classDef) {
return routeHelper.routeToPathEntry(_defaults(def || {}, {
path: '/test',
verb: 'GET',
method: 'test.get'
}), classDef, new TypeRegistry());
function getResponseMessage(operationDoc) {
return operationDoc.responses[200] || operationDoc.responses[204]
|| operationDoc.responses.default;

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var schemaBuilder = require('../lib/schema-builder');
var TypeRegistry = require('../lib/type-registry');
var format = require('util').format;
var _defaults = require('lodash').defaults;
var loopback = require('loopback');
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var ANY_TYPE = { $ref: '#/definitions/x-any' };
describe('schema-builder', function() {
describeTestCases('for constructor types', [
{ in: String, out: { type: 'string' } },
{ in: Number, out: { type: 'number', format: 'double' } },
{ in: Date, out: { type: 'string', format: 'date' } },
{ in: Boolean, out: { type: 'boolean' } },
{ in: Buffer, out: { type: 'string', format: 'byte' } }
describeTestCases('for string types', [
{ in: 'string', out: { type: 'string' } },
{ in: 'number', out: { type: 'number', format: 'double' } },
{ in: 'date', out: { type: 'string', format: 'date' } },
{ in: 'boolean', out: { type: 'boolean' } },
{ in: 'buffer', out: { type: 'string', format: 'byte' } },
describeTestCases('for array definitions', [
{ in: [String],
out: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' } } },
{ in: ['string'],
out: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string' } } },
{ in: [{ type: 'string', maxLength: 64 }],
out: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', maxLength: 64 } } },
{ in: [{ type: 'date' }],
out: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'string', format: 'date' } } },
{ in: [],
out: { type: 'array', items: ANY_TYPE } },
// This value is somehow provided by loopback-boot called from
// loopback-workspace.
{ in: [undefined],
out: { type: 'array', items: ANY_TYPE } },
{ in: 'array',
out: { type: 'array', items: ANY_TYPE } },
describeTestCases('for complex types', [
// Note: User is a built-in loopback model
{ in: loopback.User,
out: { $ref: '#/definitions/User' } },
{ in: { type: 'User' },
out: { $ref: '#/definitions/User' } },
// Anonymous type
{ in: { type: { foo: 'string', bar: 'number' } },
out: { type: 'object' } },
describeTestCases('for extra metadata', [
{ in: { type: String, doc: 'a-description' },
out: { type: 'string', description: 'a-description' } },
{ in: { type: String, doc: ['line1', 'line2'] },
out: { type: 'string', description: 'line1\nline2' } },
{ in: { type: String, description: 'a-description' },
out: { type: 'string', description: 'a-description' } },
{ in: { type: String, description: ['line1', 'line2'] },
out: { type: 'string', description: 'line1\nline2' } },
{ in: { type: String, required: true },
out: { type: 'string' } }, // the flag required is handled specially
{ in: { type: String, length: 10 },
out: { type: 'string', maxLength: 10 } },
function describeTestCases(name, testCases) {
describe(name, function() {
testCases.forEach(function(tc) {
var inStr = formatType(;
var outStr = formatType(tc.out);
it(format('converts %s to %s', inStr, outStr), function() {
var registry = new TypeRegistry();
var schema = schemaBuilder.buildFromLoopBackType(, registry);
function formatType(type) {
if (Array.isArray(type))
return '[' + + ']';
if (typeof type === 'function')
return type.modelName ?
'model ' + type.modelName :
'ctor ' +;
return format(type);

View File

@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var url = require('url');
var urlJoin = require('../lib/url-join');
var loopback = require('loopback');
var swagger = require('../lib/swagger');
var request = require('supertest');
var expect = require('chai').expect;
describe('swagger definition', function() {
describe('defaults', function() {
var swaggerResource;
before(function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
it('advertises Swagger Spec version 2.0', function() {
expect(swaggerResource)'swagger', '2.0');
it('has "basePath" set to "/api"', function() {
expect(swaggerResource)'basePath', '/api');
it('uses the "host" serving the documentation', function() {
// see swagger-spec/
// If the host is not included, the host serving the documentation is to
// be used (including the port).
expect(swaggerResource)'host', undefined);
it('uses the "schemes" serving the documentation', function() {
// see swagger-spec/
// If the schemes is not included, the default scheme to be used is the
// one used to access the Swagger definition itself.
expect(swaggerResource)'schemes', undefined);
it('provides info.title', function() {
expect('title', 'loopback-explorer');
describe('basePath', function() {
it('is "{basePath}" when basePath is a path', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app, {
basePath: '/api-root'
it('is inferred from app.get("apiRoot")', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
app.set('restApiRoot', '/custom-api-root');
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
it('is reachable when explorer mounting location is changed',
function(done) {
var explorerRoot = '/erforscher';
var app = givenAppWithSwagger({}, {explorerRoot: explorerRoot});
getSwaggerResource(app, explorerRoot).end(function(err, res) {
if (err) return done(err);
it('respects a hardcoded protocol (behind SSL terminator)', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app, {
protocol: 'https'
it('supports', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app, {
host: ''
it('has global "consumes"', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
'application/xml', 'text/xml'
it('has global "produces"', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
'application/xml', 'text/xml',
// JSONP content types
'application/javascript', 'text/javascript'
describe('tags', function() {
it('has one tag for each model', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
{ name: 'Product', description: 'a-description\nline2' }
describe('paths node', function() {
it('contains model routes for static methods', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
var products = swaggerResource.paths['/Products'];
var verbs = Object.keys(products);
expect(verbs).to.eql(['get', 'post', 'put']);
describe('definitions node', function() {
it('properly defines basic attributes', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
var data = swaggerResource.definitions.Product;
expect(data.required.sort()).to.eql(['aNum', 'foo'].sort());
// These will be Numbers for Swagger 2.0
// Should be Number even in 1.2
it('includes models from "accepts" args', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenPrivateAppModel(app, 'Image');
givenSharedMethod(app.models.Product, 'setImage', {
accepts: { name: 'image', type: 'Image' }
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
it('includes models from "returns" args', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenPrivateAppModel(app, 'Image');
givenSharedMethod(app.models.Product, 'getImage', {
returns: { name: 'image', type: 'Image', root: true }
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
it('includes "accepts" models not attached to the app', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenSharedMethod(app.models.Product, 'setImage', {
accepts: { name: 'image', type: 'Image' }
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
it('includes "responseMessages" models', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenSharedMethod(app.models.Product, 'setImage', {
errors: [{
code: '422',
message: 'Validation failed',
responseModel: 'ValidationError'
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
it('includes nested model references in properties', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
app.models.Product.defineProperty('location', { type: 'Warehouse' });
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
.to.include.members(['Address', 'Warehouse']);
it('includes nested array model references in properties', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
app.models.Product.defineProperty('location', { type: ['Warehouse'] });
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
.to.include.members(['Address', 'Warehouse']);
it('includes nested model references in modelTo relation', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
.to.include.members(['Address', 'Warehouse']);
it('includes nested model references in modelThrough relation', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenPrivateAppModel(app, 'ProductLocations');
{ through: app.models.ProductLocations });
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
.to.include.members(['Address', 'Warehouse', 'ProductLocations']);
it('includes nested model references in accept args', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenSharedMethod(app.models.Product, 'aMethod', {
accepts: { arg: 'w', type: 'Warehouse' }
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
.to.include.members(['Address', 'Warehouse']);
it('includes nested array model references in accept args', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenSharedMethod(app.models.Product, 'aMethod', {
accepts: { arg: 'w', type: ['Warehouse'] }
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
.to.include.members(['Address', 'Warehouse']);
it('includes nested model references in return args', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenSharedMethod(app.models.Product, 'aMethod', {
returns: { arg: 'w', type: 'Warehouse', root: true }
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
.to.include.members(['Address', 'Warehouse']);
it('includes nested array model references in return args', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenSharedMethod(app.models.Product, 'aMethod', {
returns: { arg: 'w', type: ['Warehouse'], root: true }
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
.to.include.members(['Address', 'Warehouse']);
it('includes nested model references in error responses', function() {
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel();
givenSharedMethod(app.models.Product, 'aMethod', {
errors: {
code: '222',
message: 'Warehouse',
responseModel: 'Warehouse'
var swaggerResource = swagger.createSwaggerObject(app);
.to.include.members(['Address', 'Warehouse']);
describe('Cross-origin resource sharing', function() {
it('allows cross-origin requests by default', function(done) {
var app = givenAppWithSwagger();
.set('Origin', '')
.expect('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', /^http:\/\/\/|\*/)
.expect('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', /\bGET\b/)
it('can be disabled by configuration', function(done) {
var app = givenAppWithSwagger({}, {
remoting: { cors: { origin: false } }
.end(function(err, res) {
if (err) return done(err);
var allowOrigin = res.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin');
expect(allowOrigin, 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin')
function getSwaggerResource(app, restPath, classPath) {
if (classPath) throw new Error('classPath is no longer supported');
return request(app)
.get(urlJoin(restPath || '/explorer', '/swagger.json'))
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.expect('Content-Type', /json/);
function getAPIDeclaration(app, className) {
return getSwaggerResource(app, '', urlJoin('/', className));
function givenAppWithSwagger(swaggerOptions, appConfig) {
appConfig = appConfig || {};
var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel(appConfig.apiRoot);
if (appConfig.remoting) app.set('remoting', appConfig.remoting);
if (appConfig.explorerRoot) app.set('explorerRoot', appConfig.explorerRoot);
mountExplorer(app, swaggerOptions);
return app;
function mountExplorer(app, options) {
var swaggerApp = loopback();
swagger.mountSwagger(app, swaggerApp, options);
app.use(app.get('explorerRoot') || '/explorer', swaggerApp);
return app;
function createLoopbackAppWithModel(apiRoot) {
var app = loopback();
app.dataSource('db', { connector: 'memory' });
var Product = loopback.createModel('Product', {
foo: {type: 'string', required: true},
bar: 'string',
aNum: {type: 'number', min: 1, max: 10, required: true, default: 5}
}, { description: ['a-description', 'line2'] });
app.model(Product, { dataSource: 'db' });
// Simulate a restApiRoot set in config
app.set('restApiRoot', apiRoot || '/api');
return app;
function givenSharedMethod(model, name, metadata) {
model[name] = function() {};
loopback.remoteMethod(model[name], metadata);
function givenPrivateAppModel(app, name, properties) {
var model = loopback.createModel(name, properties);
app.model(model, { dataSource: 'db', public: false });
function givenWarehouseWithAddressModels(app) {
givenPrivateAppModel(app, 'Address');
givenPrivateAppModel(app, 'Warehouse', {
shippingAddress: { type: 'Address' }

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
var tagBuilder = require('../lib/tag-builder');
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var _defaults = require('lodash').defaults;
describe('tag-builder', function() {
it('joins array descriptions from ctor.settings', function() {
var tag = tagBuilder.buildTagFromClass({
ctor: { settings: { description: ['line1', 'line2'] } }
it('joins array descriptions from ctor.sharedCtor', function() {
var tag = tagBuilder.buildTagFromClass({
ctor: { sharedCtor: { description: ['1', '2', '3'] } }