/* Copyright (c) 2013 StrongLoop, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ var url = require('url'); var path = require('path'); var loopback = require('loopback'); var express = require('express'); var swagger = require('../lib/swagger.js'); var request = require('supertest'); var expect = require('chai').expect; describe('swagger definition', function() { describe('basePath', function() { // No basepath on resource doc in 1.2 it('no longer exists on resource doc', function(done) { var app = mountSwagger(); var getReq = getSwaggerResources(app); getReq.end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.basePath).to.equal(undefined); done(); }); }); it('is "http://{host}/api" by default', function(done) { var app = mountSwagger(); var getReq = getAPIDeclaration(app, 'products'); getReq.end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.basePath).to.equal(url.resolve(getReq.url, '/api')); done(); }); }); it('is "http://{host}/{basePath}" when basePath is a path', function(done){ var app = mountSwagger({ basePath: '/api-root'}); var getReq = getAPIDeclaration(app, 'products'); getReq.end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); var apiRoot = url.resolve(getReq.url, '/api-root'); expect(res.body.basePath).to.equal(apiRoot); done(); }); }); it('infers API basePath from app', function(done){ var app = mountSwagger({}, {apiRoot: '/custom-api-root'}); var getReq = getAPIDeclaration(app, 'products'); getReq.end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); var apiRoot = url.resolve(getReq.url, '/custom-api-root'); expect(res.body.basePath).to.equal(apiRoot); done(); }); }); it('is reachable when explorer mounting location is changed', function(done){ var explorerRoot = '/erforscher'; var app = mountSwagger({}, {explorerRoot: explorerRoot}); var getReq = getSwaggerResources(app, explorerRoot, 'products'); getReq.end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.basePath).to.be.a('string'); done(); }); }); }); describe('Model definition attributes', function() { it('Properly defines basic attributes', function(done) { var app = mountSwagger(); var getReq = getAPIDeclaration(app, 'products'); getReq.end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); var data = res.body.models.product; expect(data.id).to.equal('product'); expect(data.required.sort()).to.eql(['aNum', 'foo'].sort()); expect(data.properties.foo.type).to.equal('string'); expect(data.properties.bar.type).to.equal('string'); expect(data.properties.aNum.type).to.equal('number'); // These will be Numbers for Swagger 2.0 expect(data.properties.aNum.minimum).to.equal('1'); expect(data.properties.aNum.maximum).to.equal('10'); // Should be Number even in 1.2 expect(data.properties.aNum.defaultValue).to.equal(5); done(); }); }); }); function getSwaggerResources(app, restPath, classPath) { return request(app) .get(path.join(restPath || '/explorer', '/resources', classPath || '')) .set('Accept', 'application/json') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); } function getAPIDeclaration(app, className) { return getSwaggerResources(app, '', path.join('/', className)); } function mountSwagger(options, addlOptions) { addlOptions = addlOptions || {}; var app = createLoopbackAppWithModel(addlOptions.apiRoot); var swaggerApp = express(); swagger(app, swaggerApp, options); app.use(addlOptions.explorerRoot || '/explorer', swaggerApp); return app; } function createLoopbackAppWithModel(apiRoot) { var app = loopback(); var Product = loopback.Model.extend('product', { foo: {type: 'string', required: true}, bar: 'string', aNum: {type: 'number', min: 1, max: 10, required: true, default: 5} }); Product.attachTo(loopback.memory()); app.model(Product); // Simulate a restApiRoot set in config app.set('restApiRoot', apiRoot || '/api'); app.use(app.get('restApiRoot'), loopback.rest()); return app; } });