.github | ||
example | ||
intl | ||
lib | ||
public | ||
test | ||
.eslintignore | ||
.eslintrc | ||
.gitignore | ||
.travis.yml | ||
CHANGES.md | ||
README.md | ||
index.js | ||
package.json |
This module is in Active LTS mode, new features are no longer accepted.
(See Module Long Term Support Policy
LoopBack 3 users looking for new features are encouraged to upgrade to LoopBack 4. Refer to loopback-next#1849 for more information on how to upgrade.
Browse and test your LoopBack app's APIs.
Basic Usage
Below is a simple LoopBack application. The explorer is mounted at /explorer
var loopback = require('loopback');
var app = loopback();
var explorer = require('../');
var port = 3000;
var Product = loopback.Model.extend('product');
app.use('/api', loopback.rest());
// Register explorer using component-centric API:
explorer(app, { basePath: '/api', mountPath: '/explorer' });
// Alternatively, register as a middleware:
app.use('/explorer', explorer.routes(app, { basePath: '/api' }));
console.log("Explorer mounted at localhost:" + port + "/explorer");
A note on swagger-ui vulnerabilities
API Explorer for LoopBack 3 is built on top of swagger-ui
version 2.x which is no longer maintained. While there are known security vulnerabilities in swagger-ui
, we believe they don't affect LoopBack users.
We would love to upgrade our (LB3) API Explorer to v3 of swagger-ui, but unfortunately such upgrade requires too much effort and more importantly addition of new features to LB3 runtime, which would break our LTS guarantees. For more details, see discussion in loopback-component-explorer#263.
Versions of swagger-ui prior to 3.0.13 are vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). The package fails to sanitize YAML files imported from URLs or copied-pasted. This may allow attackers to execute arbitrary JavaScript.
LoopBack's API Explorer does not allow clients to import swagger spec from YAML URL/pasted-content. That means loopback-component-explorer IS NOT AFFECTED by this vulnerability.
Versions of swagger-ui prior to 3.18.0 are vulnerable to Reverse Tabnapping. The package uses
in anchor tags, allowing attackers to accesswindow.opener
for the original page. This is commonly used for phishing attacks.
This vulnerability affects anchor tags created from metadata provided by the Swagger spec, for example info.termsOfServiceUrl
. LoopBack's API Explorer does not allow clients to provide custom swagger spec, URLs like info.termsOfServiceUrl
are fully in control of the LoopBack application developer. That means loopback-component-explorer IS NOT AFFECTED by this vulnerability.
Versions of swagger-ui prior to 3.20.9 are vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). The package fails to sanitize URLs used in the OAuth auth flow, which may allow attackers to execute arbitrary JavaScript.
LoopBack 3 API Explorer does not support OAuth auth flow, that means loopback-component-explorer IS NOT AFFECTED by this vulnerability.
Upgrading from v1.x
To upgrade your application using loopback-explorer version 1.x, just replace
with explorer.routes()
in your server script:
var explorer = require('loopback-component-explorer'); // Module was loopback-explorer in v. 2.0.1 and earlier
// v1.x - does not work anymore
app.use('/explorer', explorer(app, options));
// v2.x
app.use('/explorer', explorer.routes(app, options));
In applications scaffolded by lb app
, the idiomatic way is to register
loopback-component-explorer in server/component-config.json
"loopback-component-explorer": {
"mountPath": "/explorer"
Advanced Usage
Many aspects of the explorer are configurable.
See options for a description of these options:
// Mount middleware before calling `explorer()` to add custom headers, auth, etc.
app.use('/explorer', loopback.basicAuth('user', 'password'));
explorer(app, {
basePath: '/custom-api-root',
uiDirs: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'),
path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'swagger-ui')
apiInfo: {
'title': 'My API',
'description': 'Explorer example app.'
resourcePath: 'swagger.json',
version: '0.1-unreleasable'
app.use('/custom-api-root', loopback.rest());
In applications scaffolded by lb app
, you can edit the server/component-config.json
"loopback-component-explorer": {
"mountPath": "/explorer",
"apiInfo": {
"title": "My App",
"description": "Description of my app APIs.",
"termsOfServiceUrl": "http://api.mycompany.io/terms/",
"contact": "apiteam@mycompany.io",
"license": "Apache 2.0",
"licenseUrl": "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html"
Options are passed to explorer(app, options)
: String
Sets the API's base path. This must be set if you are mounting your api to a path different than '/api', e.g. with `loopback.use('/custom-api-root', loopback.rest());
: String
Set the path where to mount the explorer component.
: String
A hard override for the outgoing protocol (
) that is designated in Swagger resource documents. By default,loopback-component-explorer
will write the protocol that was used to retrieve the doc. This option is useful if, for instance, your API sits behind an SSL terminator and thus needs to report its endpoints ashttps
, even though incoming traffic is auto-detected ashttp
: Array of Strings
Sets a list of paths within your application for overriding Swagger UI files.
If present, will search
first when attempting to load Swagger UI, allowing you to pick and choose overrides to the interface. Use this to style your explorer or add additional functionality.
See index.html, where you may want to begin your overrides. The rest of the UI is provided by Swagger UI.
: Object
Additional information about your API. See the spec.
: String
Sets a different path for the resource listing. You generally shouldn't have to change this.
: String
Default: Read from package.json
Sets your API version. If not present, will read from your app's package.json.
: Object
Optional config for setting api access token, can be used to rename the query parameter or set an auth header.
The object has 2 keys:
: eitherheader
: the name of the query parameter or headerThe default sets the token as a query parameter with the name
Example for setting the api key in a header named
:{ "loopback-component-explorer": { "mountPath": "/explorer", "auth": { "in": "header", "name": "x-api-key" } } }
Module Long Term Support Policy
This module adopts the Module Long Term Support (LTS) policy, with the following End Of Life (EOL) dates:
Version | Status | Published | EOL |
6.x | Active LTS | Apr 2018 | Dec 2020 |
5.x | Maintenance LTS | Sep 2017 | Dec 2019 |
4.x | End-of-Life | Dec 2016 | Apr 2019 |
Learn more about our LTS plan in docs.