
342 lines
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* Expose the `Swagger` plugin.
module.exports = Swagger;
* Module dependencies.
var Remoting = require('strong-remoting');
var debug = require('debug')('loopback-explorer:swagger');
* Create a remotable Swagger module for plugging into `RemoteObjects`.
function Swagger(remotes, options) {
// Unfold options.
var _options = options || {};
var name = _options.name || 'swagger';
var version = _options.version;
var basePath = _options.basePath;
// We need a temporary REST adapter to discover our available routes.
var adapter = remotes.handler('rest').adapter;
var routes = adapter.allRoutes();
var classes = remotes.classes();
var extension = {};
var helper = Remoting.extend(extension);
var apiDocs = {};
var resourceDoc = {
apiVersion: version,
swaggerVersion: '1.2',
basePath: basePath,
apis: []
// A class is an endpoint root; e.g. /users, /products, and so on.
classes.forEach(function (item) {
path: name + item.http.path,
description: item.ctor.sharedCtor && item.ctor.sharedCtor.description
apiDocs[item.name] = {
apiVersion: resourceDoc.apiVersion,
swaggerVersion: resourceDoc.swaggerVersion,
basePath: resourceDoc.basePath,
apis: [],
models: generateModelDefinition(item)
helper.method(api, {
path: item.name,
http: { path: item.http.path },
returns: { type: 'object', root: true }
function api(callback) {
callback(null, apiDocs[item.name]);
addDynamicBasePathGetter(remotes, name + '.' + item.name, apiDocs[item.name]);
// A route is an endpoint, such as /users/findOne.
routes.forEach(function (route) {
var split = route.method.split('.');
var doc = apiDocs[split[0]];
var classDef;
if (!doc) {
console.error('Route exists with no class: %j', route);
classDef = classes.filter(function (item) {
return item.name === split[0];
if (classDef && classDef.sharedCtor && classDef.sharedCtor.accepts && split.length > 2 /* HACK */) {
route.accepts = (route.accepts || []).concat(classDef.sharedCtor.accepts);
route.accepts = (route.accepts || []).filter(function(arg){
if (!arg.http) return true;
// Don't show derived arguments.
if (typeof arg.http === 'function') return false;
// Don't show arguments set to the incoming http request.
if (arg.http.source === 'req') return false;
return true;
// HACK: makes autogenerated REST routes return the correct model name.
var returns = route.returns && route.returns[0];
if (returns && returns.arg === 'data') {
if (returns.type === 'object') {
returns.type = classDef.name;
} else if (returns.type === 'array') {
returns.type = 'array';
returns.items = {
'$ref': classDef.name
debug('route %j', route);
* The topmost Swagger resource is a description of all (non-Swagger) resources
* available on the system, and where to find more information about them.
helper.method(resources, {
returns: [{ type: 'object', root: true }]
function resources(callback) {
callback(null, resourceDoc);
addDynamicBasePathGetter(remotes, name + '.resources', resourceDoc);
remotes.exports[name] = extension;
return extension;
* There's a few forces at play that require this "hack". The Swagger spec
* requires a `basePath` to be set at various points in the API/Resource
* descriptions. However, we can't guarantee this path is either reachable or
* desirable if it's set as a part of the options.
* The simplest way around this is to reflect the value of the `Host` HTTP
* header as the `basePath`. Because we pre-build the Swagger data, we don't
* know that header at the time the data is built. Hence, the getter function.
* We can use a `before` hook to pluck the `Host`, then the getter kicks in to
* return that path as the `basePath` during JSON serialization.
* @param {SharedClassCollection} remotes The Collection to register a `before`
* hook on.
* @param {String} path The full path of the route to register
* a `before` hook on.
* @param {Object} obj The Object to install the `basePath`
* getter on.
function addDynamicBasePathGetter(remotes, path, obj) {
var initialPath = obj.basePath || '/';
var basePath = String(obj.basePath) || '';
if (!/^https?:\/\//.test(basePath)) {
remotes.before(path, function (ctx, next) {
var headers = ctx.req.headers;
var host = headers.Host || headers.host;
basePath = ctx.req.protocol + '://' + host + initialPath;
return setter(obj);
function getter() {
return basePath;
function setter(obj) {
return Object.defineProperty(obj, 'basePath', {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
get: getter
* Given a class (from remotes.classes()), generate a model definition.
* This is used to generate the schema at the top of many endpoints.
* @param {Class} class Remote class.
* @return {Object} Associated model definition.
function generateModelDefinition(aClass) {
var def = aClass.ctor.definition;
var name = aClass.name;
var required = [];
// Keys that are different between LDL and Swagger
var keyTranslations = {
// LDL : Swagger
'doc': 'description',
'default': 'defaultValue',
'min': 'minimum',
'max': 'maximum'
// Iterate through each property in the model definition.
// Types are defined as constructors (e.g. String, Date, etc.)
// so we convert them to strings.
Object.keys(def.properties).forEach(function(key) {
var prop = def.properties[key];
// Required props sit in a different array.
if (prop.required || prop.id) required.push(key);
// Eke a type out of the constructors we were passed.
if (typeof prop.type === "function") {
prop.type = prop.type.name.toLowerCase();
// Change mismatched keys.
var val = prop[LDLKey];
if (val) {
// Should change in Swagger 2.0
if (LDLKey === 'min' || LDLKey === 'max') {
val = String(val);
prop[keyTranslations[LDLKey]] = val;
delete prop[LDLKey];
var out = {};
out[name] = {
id: name,
properties: def.properties,
required: required
return out;
* Converts from an sl-remoting-formatted "Route" description to a
* Swagger-formatted "API" description.
function routeToAPI(route) {
var returnDesc = route.returns && route.returns[0];
return {
path: convertPathFragments(route.path),
operations: [{
method: convertVerb(route.verb),
nickname: route.method.replace(/\./g, '_'), // [rfeng] Swagger UI doesn't escape '.' for jQuery selector
type: returnDesc ? returnDesc.model || prepareDataType(returnDesc.type) : 'void',
items: returnDesc ? returnDesc.items : '',
parameters: route.accepts ? route.accepts.map(acceptToParameter(route)) : [],
responseMessages: [], // TODO(schoon) - We don't have descriptions for this yet.
summary: route.description, // TODO(schoon) - Excerpt?
notes: '' // TODO(schoon) - `description` metadata?
function convertPathFragments(path) {
return path.split('/').map(function (fragment) {
if (fragment.charAt(0) === ':') {
return '{' + fragment.slice(1) + '}';
return fragment;
function convertVerb(verb) {
if (verb.toLowerCase() === 'all') {
return 'POST';
if (verb.toLowerCase() === 'del') {
return 'DELETE';
return verb.toUpperCase();
* A generator to convert from an sl-remoting-formatted "Accepts" description to
* a Swagger-formatted "Parameter" description.
function acceptToParameter(route) {
var type = 'form';
if (route.verb.toLowerCase() === 'get') {
type = 'query';
return function (accepts) {
var name = accepts.name || accepts.arg;
var paramType = type;
// TODO: Regex. This is leaky.
if (route.path.indexOf(':' + name) !== -1) {
paramType = 'path';
// Check the http settings for the argument
if(accepts.http && accepts.http.source) {
paramType = accepts.http.source;
var out = {
paramType: paramType || type,
name: name,
description: accepts.description,
type: accepts.model || prepareDataType(accepts.type),
required: !!accepts.required,
allowMultiple: false
if (out.type === 'array') {
out.items = {
type: prepareDataType(accepts.type[0])
return out;
* Converts from an sl-remoting data type to a Swagger dataType.
function prepareDataType(type) {
if (!type) {
return 'void';
if(Array.isArray(type)) {
return 'array';
// TODO(schoon) - Add support for complex dataTypes, "models", etc.
switch (type) {
case 'buffer':
return 'byte';
case 'date':
return 'Date';
case 'number':
return 'double';
return type;