This commit is contained in:
Raymond Feng 2014-03-04 16:06:22 -08:00
parent 7eb910a345
commit 64f3f69644
1 changed files with 98 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -1,27 +1,60 @@
# loopback-storage-service
LoopBack Storage Service
LoopBack storage service provides Node.js and REST APIs to manage binary contents
using pluggable storage providers, such as local file systems, Amazon S3, or
Rackspace cloud files. We use [pkgcloud](https://github.com/pkgcloud/pkgcloud) to support the cloud based
storage services including:
## Storage
- Amazon
- Rackspace
- Openstack
- Azure
The `loopback-storage-service` module is designed to make it easy to upload and download files to various infrastructure providers.
The binary artifacts are organized with containers and files. A container is the
collection of files. Each file will belong to a container.
To get started with a `loopback-storage-service` provider just create one:
## Define a model with the loopback-storage-service connector
``` js
var storageService = require('loopback-storage-service')({
// The name of the provider (e.g. "file")
provider: 'provider-name',
LoopBack exposes the APIs using a model that is attached to a data source configured
with the loopback-storage-service connector.
// ... Provider specific credentials
var ds = loopback.createDataSource({
connector: require('loopback-storage-service'),
provider: 'filesystem',
root: path.join(__dirname, 'storage')
Each compute provider takes different credentials to authenticate; these details about each specific provider can be found below:
var container = ds.createModel('container');
The following methods are mixed into the model class:
- getContainers(cb): List all containers
- createContainer(options, cb): Create a new container
- destroyContainer(container, cb): Destroy an existing container
- getContainer(container, cb): Look up a container by name
- uploadStream(container, file, options, cb): Get the stream for uploading
- downloadStream(container, file, options, cb): Get the stream for downloading
- getFiles(container, download, cb): List all files within the given container
- getFile(container, file, cb): Look up a file by name within the given container
- removeFile(container, file, cb): Remove a file by name within the given container
- upload(req, res, cb): Handle the file upload at the server side
- download(container, file, res, cb): Handle the file download at the server side
## Configure the storage providers
Each storage provider takes different settings; these details about each specific
provider can be found below:
* Local File System
provider: 'filesystem',
root: '/tmp/storage'
* Amazon
@ -41,53 +74,62 @@ Each compute provider takes different credentials to authenticate; these details
apiKey: '...'
* Azure
* Local File System
* OpenStack
provider: 'filesystem',
root: '/tmp/storage'
provider: 'openstack',
username: 'your-user-name',
password: 'your-password',
authUrl: 'https://your-identity-service'
Each instance of `storage.Client` returned from `storage.createClient` has a set of uniform APIs:
* Azure
### Container
* `storageService.getContainers(function (err, containers) { })`
* `storageService.createContainer(options, function (err, container) { })`
* `storageService.destroyContainer(containerName, function (err) { })`
* `storageService.getContainer(containerName, function (err, container) { })`
### File
* `storageService.upload(options, function (err) { })`
* `storageService.download(options, function (err) { })`
* `storageService.getFiles(container, function (err, files) { })`
* `storageService.getFile(container, file, function (err, server) { })`
* `storageService.removeFile(container, file, function (err) { })`
provider: 'azure',
storageAccount: "test-storage-account", // Name of your storage account
storageAccessKey: "test-storage-access-key" // Access key for storage account
Both the `.upload(options)` and `.download(options)` have had **careful attention paid to make sure they are pipe and stream capable:**
### Upload a File
``` js
var storage = require('loopback-storage-service'),
fs = require('fs');
var storageService = storage({ /* ... */ });
- GET /api/containers
List all containers
### Download a File
``` js
var storage = require('loopback-storage-service'),
fs = require('fs');
- GET /api/containers/:container
var storageService = storage({ /* ... */ });
Get information about a container by name
container: 'a-container',
remote: 'remote-file-name.txt'
- POST /api/containers
Create a new container
- DELETE /api/containers/:container
Delete an existing container by name
- GET /api/containers/:container/files
List all files within a given container by name
- GET /api/containers/:container/files/:file
Get information for a file within a given container by name
- DELETE /api/containers/:container/files/:file
Delete a file within a given container by name
- POST /api/containers/:container/upload
Upload one or more files into the given container by name. The request body should
use [multipart/form-data](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2388.txt) which the file input
type for HTML uses.
- GET /api/containers/:container/download/:file
Download a file within a given container by name