var IncomingForm = require('formidable'); var StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; /** * Handle multipart/form-data upload to the storage service * @param provider The storage service provider * @param {Request} req The HTTP request * @param {Response} res The HTTP response * @param {String} container The container name * @param {Function} cb The callback */ exports.upload = function (provider, req, res, container, cb) { var form = new IncomingForm(this.options); container = container || req.params.container; var fields = {}, files = {}; form.handlePart = function (part) { var self = this; if (part.filename === undefined) { var value = '' , decoder = new StringDecoder(this.encoding); part.on('data', function (buffer) { self._fieldsSize += buffer.length; if (self._fieldsSize > self.maxFieldsSize) { self._error(new Error('maxFieldsSize exceeded, received ' + self._fieldsSize + ' bytes of field data')); return; } value += decoder.write(buffer); }); part.on('end', function () { var values = fields[]; if (values === undefined) { values = [value]; fields[] = values; } else { values.push(value); } self.emit('field',, value); }); return; } this._flushing++; var file = { container: container, name: part.filename, type: part.mime }; self.emit('fileBegin',, file); var headers = {}; if ('content-type' in part.headers) { headers['content-type'] = part.headers['content-type']; } var writer = provider.upload({container: container, remote: part.filename}); var endFunc = function () { self._flushing--; var values = files[]; if (values === undefined) { values = [file]; files[] = values; } else { values.push(file); } self.emit('file',, file); self._maybeEnd(); }; /* part.on('data', function (buffer) { self.pause(); writer.write(buffer, function () { // pkgcloud stream doesn't make callbacks }); self.resume(); }); part.on('end', function () { writer.end(); // pkgcloud stream doesn't make callbacks endFunc(); }); */ part.pipe(writer, { end: false }); part.on("end", function () { writer.end(); endFunc(); }); }; form.parse(req, function (err, _fields, _files) { if (err) { console.error(err); } cb && cb(err, {files: files, fields: fields}); }); } /** * Handle download from a container/file * @param provider The storage service provider * @param {Request} req The HTTP request * @param {Response} res The HTTP response * @param {String} container The container name * @param {String} file The file name * @param {Function} cb The callback */ = function (provider, req, res, container, file, cb) { var reader ={ container: container || req && req.params.container, remote: file || req && req.params.file }); reader.pipe(res); reader.on('error', function (err) { res.send(500, { error: err }); }); }