// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2015. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-component-storage // This file is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0 'use strict'; var StorageService = require('../lib/storage-service.js'); var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); var storageService = new StorageService({ root: path.join(__dirname, 'storage'), provider: 'filesystem', }); describe('Storage service', function() { describe('container apis', function() { it('should return an empty list of containers', function(done) { storageService.getContainers(function(err, containers) { assert(!err); assert.equal(0, containers.length); done(err, containers); }); }); it('should create a new container', function(done) { storageService.createContainer({name: 'c1'}, function(err, container) { assert(!err); assert(container.getMetadata()); done(err, container); }); }); it('should get a container c1', function(done) { storageService.getContainer('c1', function(err, container) { assert(!err); assert(container.getMetadata()); done(err, container); }); }); it('should not get a container c2', function(done) { storageService.getContainer('c2', function(err, container) { assert(err); done(null, container); }); }); it('should return one container', function(done) { storageService.getContainers(function(err, containers) { assert(!err); assert.equal(1, containers.length); done(err, containers); }); }); it('should destroy a container c1', function(done) { storageService.destroyContainer('c1', function(err, container) { assert(!err); done(err, container); }); }); it('should not get a container c1 after destroy', function(done) { storageService.getContainer('c1', function(err, container) { assert(err); done(null, container); }); }); }); describe('file apis', function() { var fs = require('fs'); it('should create a new container', function(done) { storageService.createContainer({name: 'c1'}, function(err, container) { assert(!err); done(err, container); }); }); it('should upload a file', function(done) { var writer = storageService.uploadStream('c1', 'f1.txt'); fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, 'files/f1.txt')).pipe(writer); writer.on('finish', done); writer.on('error', done); }); it('should emit success event', function(done) { var writer = storageService.uploadStream('c1', 'f1.txt'); fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, 'files/f1.txt')).pipe(writer); writer.on('success', done); writer.on('error', done); }); it('should download a file', function(done) { var reader = storageService.downloadStream('c1', 'f1.txt'); reader.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, 'files/f1_downloaded.txt'))); reader.on('end', done); reader.on('error', done); }); it('should get files for a container', function(done) { storageService.getFiles('c1', function(err, files) { assert(!err); assert.equal(1, files.length); done(err, files); }); }); it('should get a file', function(done) { storageService.getFile('c1', 'f1.txt', function(err, f) { assert(!err); assert.ok(f); assert(f.getMetadata()); done(err, f); }); }); it('should remove a file', function(done) { storageService.removeFile('c1', 'f1.txt', function(err) { assert(!err); done(err); }); }); it('should get no files from a container', function(done) { storageService.getFiles('c1', function(err, files) { assert(!err); assert.equal(0, files.length); done(err, files); }); }); it('should not get a file from a container', function(done) { storageService.getFile('c1', 'f1.txt', function(err, f) { assert(err); assert.equal('ENOENT', err.code); assert.equal(404, err.status); assert(!f); done(); }); }); it('should destroy a container c1', function(done) { storageService.destroyContainer('c1', function(err, container) { // console.error(err); assert(!err); done(err, container); }); }); }); });