Commit Graph

39 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
dhmlau 6fbf10f96f 7.0.5
* chore: update dependency loopback-datasource-juggler to ^5.0.4 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency loopback-connector to ^6.1.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.55.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^18.4.3 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: lock file maintenance (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency sinon to v17 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to v18 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.54.0 (renovate[bot])
 * fix: return enum type (Muhammad Aaqil)
 * ci: hard code db credentials (Rifa Achrinza)
 * chore: drop support for nodejs 16 and lower BREAKING CHANGE: drop support for nodejs 16 and lower (Samarpan Bhattacharya)
 * chore: update dependency loopback-datasource-juggler to v5 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency loopback-connector to ^6.0.4 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: patch mysql2 package for ensuring special characters in mysql password (Samarpan Bhattacharya)
2023-12-07 14:30:50 -05:00
dhmlau 66771f69b8 7.0.4
* chore: lock file maintenance (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency loopback-connector to ^6.0.3 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency sinon to ^16.1.3 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency mysql2 to ^3.6.3 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency async to ^3.2.5 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.53.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.52.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update actions/setup-node action to v4 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^17.8.1 (renovate[bot])
2023-11-13 09:26:31 -05:00
dhmlau 9ebd97df07 7.0.3
* chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^17.8.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency mysql2 to ^3.6.2 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: lock file maintenance (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.51.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency sinon to ^16.1.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.50.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency sinon to v16 (renovate[bot])
2023-10-16 10:37:18 -04:00
dhmlau 65c34e2a23 7.0.2
* chore: update dependency mysql2 to ^3.6.1 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency ubuntu to v22 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: lock file maintenance (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency loopback-connector to ^6.0.2 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.49.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency loopback-connector to v6 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update actions/checkout action to v4 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.48.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency mysql2 to ^3.6.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency sinon to ^9.2.4 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency loopback-connector to ^5.3.3 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency mocha to v10 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency rc to ^1.2.8 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency mocha to ^8.4.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to v8 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to v17 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency strong-globalize to ^6.0.6 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency eslint to ^7.32.0 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency lodash to ^4.17.21 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency loopback-datasource-juggler to ^4.28.9 (renovate[bot])
2023-09-11 13:37:12 -04:00
dhmlau 1d60316bb7 7.0.1
* chore: update dependency async to ^3.2.4 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: update dependency debug to ^4.3.4 (renovate[bot])
 * chore: add renovate to this repo (dhmlau)
2023-08-15 09:57:39 -04:00
dhmlau a622b4fd78 7.0.0
* feat: add mysql8 support, update to mysql2 client and drop nodejs v14 and mysql5.7 support (Samarpan Bhattacharya)
 * fix: parse some options to boolean (Muhammad Aaqil)
 * ci: update ci runner (Samarpan Bhattacharya)
2023-07-11 12:28:58 -04:00
dhmlau 8176f5850c 6.2.0
* feat: add support for multiple insert in one query (Samarpan  Bhattacharya)
 * feat: Avoid 'USING ' on FULLTEXT index (FORNO)
 * fix: remove redundant debug (Rifa Achrinza)
 * docs: add (#465) (Diana Lau)
 * docs: update coc (#464) (Diana Lau)
 * docs: add code of conduct (#463) (Diana Lau)
 * chore: remove .travis.yml (Diana Lau)
 * chore: add @marioestradarosa as codeowners (Diana Lau)
2023-01-09 14:47:14 -05:00
Diana Lau f09bc95b5d 6.1.0
* feat(operators): add match against operator (Akshat  Dubey)
2021-10-20 19:56:45 -04:00
Diana Lau 76e09eaeaf 6.0.2
* chore: move this repo to loopbackio org (Diana Lau)
 * ci: add GitHub Actions (Diana Lau)
2021-07-12 12:52:36 -04:00
Diana Lau 5d72993d2d 6.0.1
* fix (core) accepts boolean type (yongzhi-chen)
 * fix(docs): Specify table creation order method (Roderik van Heijst)
 * fix(docs): update enum type (Diana Lau)
2021-06-10 15:53:04 -04:00
Miroslav Bajtoš 68e671a50b
* remove bluebird from devDependencies (Miroslav Bajtoš)
 * update eslint + config to latest (Miroslav Bajtoš)
 * update mocha to 8.x (Miroslav Bajtoš)
 * chore: update dependencies to latest (Miroslav Bajtoš)
 * [SEMVER-MAJOR] Drop support for Node.js 8.x (Miroslav Bajtoš)
 * chore: switch to DCO (Diana Lau)
 * docs: update default value setup section (Agnes Lin)
 * chore: add Node.js 14 to travis (Diana Lau)
 * chore: update CODEOWNERS (Diana Lau)
 * fixed typo on readme (filipef101)
2020-09-01 15:02:11 +02:00
Diana Lau 60c3017cc2 5.4.4
* docs: update README with lb4 style (Agnes Lin)
 * chore: update strong-globalize (Diana Lau)
 * fix MySQL README layout (Agnes Lin)
2020-07-10 16:23:11 -04:00
Dominique Emond c23bed33eb 5.4.3
* Exclude 'deps' and '.github' from npm publish (Dominique Emond)
 * fix README display on the site (Agnes Lin)
 * chore: update copyrights year (Diana Lau)
 * chore: improve issue and PR templates (Nora)
 * chore: move mocha flag to opts (jannyHou)
 * fix: tests for datatypes (jannyHou)
 * fix: force exit (jannyHou)
 * update tests (jannyHou)
 * upgrade dependencies (jannyHou)
2020-03-19 13:36:13 -04:00
Diana Lau dfad0c6699 5.4.2
* chore: add node 12 (jannyHou)
 * feat: run shared tests (jannyHou)
2019-07-25 13:39:43 -04:00
Diana Lau 869061c6f2 5.4.1
* fix: allow DataSource to reconnect properly (Antonio Trapani)
 * update Travis MySQL config (Agnes Lin)
 * fix: update lodash (jannyHou)
 * chore: update copyrights years (Agnes Lin)
2019-05-28 10:37:31 -04:00
Diana Lau 26b76a4eeb 5.4.0
* Fix bug property declared index being recreate (HugoPoi)
 * Add onDelete onUpdate foreign key config options (HugoPoi)
 * Fix bug foreign key index being delete wrongly (HugoPoi)
 * chore: update travis and CODEOWNERS (Diana Lau)
2019-05-07 13:28:24 -04:00
Diana Lau b10557356c 5.3.1
* update strong-globalize version (Diana Lau)
2018-09-12 10:45:35 -04:00
Raymond Feng 76bcec0bf7 5.3.0
* upgrade deps (Raymond Feng)
 * pin mysql image to 5.7 (Raymond Feng)
 * use "owner" for discovered results (Raymond Feng)
 * chore: update license (Diana Lau)
2018-07-12 11:43:31 -07:00
Diana Lau 4f8b6a0a4d 5.2.0
* revert mocha version change (Diana Lau)
 * update dependencies (Diana Lau)
 * update globalize string (Diana Lau)
 * Add stalebot configuration (Kevin Delisle)
2017-10-17 14:04:17 -04:00
Kevin Delisle 3b76a72453 5.1.0
* Create Issue and PR Templates (#322) (Sakib Hasan)
 * Use MySQL DEFAULT Clause/Constant (#319) (Eric Dowell)
 * Remove unnecessary line causing validation fail (ssh24)
 * isNewInstance undefined for after save hook (biniam)
 * Add datatype flags to README (biniam)
 * upgrade eslint deps (biniam)
 * Add CODEOWNER file (Diana Lau)
2017-08-21 14:12:56 -04:00
Kevin Delisle 380eadeaf5 5.0.0
* Add DECIMAL to Number prop type (Tetsuo Seto)
 * Fix fk docs to avoid constraint errors (ssh24)
 * Document GeoPoint migration (biniam)
 * Honor user specified datatype on PKs (ssh24)
 * Require init on mocha args (ssh24)
 * Add docs on FK integrity (ssh24)
 * Create database on the docker script (ssh24)
 * Handle null vals properly (biniam)
 * Allow case sensitive regex operation (ssh24)
 * switch long and lat for geopoint type (biniam)
 * discovery.test: fix discoverModels tests (Kevin Delisle)
2017-07-10 09:58:38 -04:00
Kevin Delisle 2397141544 4.1.1
* Add http status code translations for errors (Kevin Delisle)
 * Allow explicit data types (ssh24)
 * Revert "switch long and lat for geopoint type" (biniam)
 * switch long and lat for geopoint type (biniam)
 * Escape index names (#280) (Sakib Hasan)
 * Fix docker setup (#279) (Sakib Hasan)
 * Add docker setup (#278) (Sakib Hasan)
 * Adding support for fractional seconds. (Joost de Bruijn)
 * fix compare of foreign keys for autoupdate (#272) (Sergey Nosenko)
 * Update (Antoine LA)
2017-06-01 11:34:54 -04:00
Kevin Delisle 57e76e6fc9 4.1.0
* Tests for datetime types (Kevin Delisle)
 * Add new type DateString to fromColumnValue (Buck Bito)
 * Remove String manipulations of Date objects (Buck Bito)
 * Properties with mysql custom "columnName" don't get autoupdated (#273) (Sergey Nosenko)
 * Revert PR #257 (#266) (Sakib Hasan)
 * Fix async.each in migration (#262) (Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler)
 * refactor date, timestamp and datetime data types handling (#257) (Sergey Nosenko)
 * Fix too many connection error (#261) (Sakib Hasan)
2017-05-02 18:35:55 -04:00
Kevin Delisle f9ab75c1d9 4.0.0
* Replicate new issue_template from loopback (Siddhi Pai)
 * Replicate issue_template from loopback repo (Siddhi Pai)
 * fix linting problems (juanra)
 * Extract functions to base connector (ssh24)
 * Refactor alter table (ssh24)
 * Typo on README (#236) (Ctibor Laky)
 * Return if column is generated or not (#198) (Christiaan Westerbeek)
 * Upgrade to loopback-connector@4.x (Loay)
 * Refactor migration methods (ssh24)
 * Refactor Discovery Methods (Loay)
 * Remove old TODO and commented out code (Matthew Dickinson)
 * Fix autoupdate to create foreign keys after tables (Matthew Dickinson)
 * Add logging for errors encountered in discovery (Matthew Dickinson)
 * Update signature for alterTable (Matthew Dickinson)
 * Limit foreign key creation current connector (Matthew Dickinson)
 * Fix linting error (Matthew Dickinson)
 * Added test to validate foreign key handling (Matthew Dickinson)
 * Update foreign key creation table name handling (Matthew Dickinson)
 * Update alterTable to actually drop constraints (Matthew Dickinson)
 * Add rough handling for automatic foreign keys (Matthew Dickinson)
 * remove line not needed (#237) (ivy ho)
 * Update LB-connector version (Loay)
2017-03-31 17:36:48 -04:00
Miroslav Bajtoš 0fe22653e3 3.0.0
* Follow mysql recommendations for handling booleans (Carl Fürstenberg)
 * Fix readme glitch (#231) (Rand McKinney)
 * Update readme w info from docs (#229) (Rand McKinney)
 * Fix expected column name when autoupdate (muhammad hasan)
 * Update paid support URL (Siddhi Pai)
 * Fix CI Failures (Loay Gewily)
 * Drop support for Node v0.10 and v0.12 (Siddhi Pai)
 * Start the development of the next major version (Siddhi Pai)
 * Update README with correct doc links, etc (Amir Jafarian)
2017-01-13 15:46:04 +01:00
Miroslav Bajtoš 746ee48601 2.4.0
* Add connectorCapabilities global object (#201) (Nicholas Duffy)
 * Remove unused prefix for test env vars (#203) (Simon Ho)
 * Update translation files - round#2 (#199) (Candy)
 * Add CI fixes (#197) (Loay)
 * Add translated files (gunjpan)
 * Update deps to loopback 3.0.0 RC (Miroslav Bajtoš)
 * Remove Makefile in favour of NPM test scripts (Simon Ho)
 * Fixing lint errors (Ron Lloyd)
 * Autoupdate mysql.columnName bug fix (Ron Lloyd)
 * Tests for autoupdate mysql.columnName bug fix (Ron Lloyd)
 * Use juggler@3 for running the tests (Miroslav Bajtoš)
 * Explictly set forceId:false in test model (Miroslav Bajtoš)
 * Fix pretest and init test configs (Simon Ho)
 * Fix to configure model index in keys field (deepakrkris)
 * Update eslint infrastructure (Loay)
 * test: use dump of original test DB as seed (Ryan Graham)
 * test: skip cardinality, update sub_part (Ryan Graham)
 * test: accept alternate test db credentials (Ryan Graham)
 * test: use should for easier debugging (Ryan Graham)
 * test: account for mysql version differences (Ryan Graham)
 * test: match case with example/table.sql (Ryan Graham)
 * test: separate assertions from test flow control (Ryan Graham)
 * test: update tests to use example DB (Ryan Graham)
 * test: seed test DB with example (Ryan Graham)
 * test: fix undefined password (Ryan Graham)
 * Add special handling of zero date/time entries (Carl Fürstenberg)
 * Add globalization (Candy)
 * Update URLs in (#176) (Ryan Graham)
2016-10-17 13:20:42 +02:00
Simon Ho 1a9568514a 2.3.0
* Add function connect (juehou)
 * insert/update copyright notices (Ryan Graham)
 * relicense as MIT only (Ryan Graham)
 * Override other settings if url provided (juehou)
 * Add `connectorCapabilities ` (Amir Jafarian)
 * Implement ReplaceOrCreate (Amir Jafarian)
2016-06-21 13:58:45 -07:00
Miroslav Bajtoš 0f10ccdb37 2.2.1
* Remove sl-blip from dependencies (Miroslav Bajtoš)
 * Upgrade `should` module (Amir Jafarian)
 * removed console.log (cgole)
 * seperate env variable for test db (cgole)
 * Changed username to user (cgole)
 * Added db username password (cgole)
 * Add mysql CI host (cgole)
 * Refer to licenses with a link (Sam Roberts)
 * Pass options to the execute command. (Diogo Correia)
 * Use strongloop conventions for licensing (Sam Roberts)
2016-02-19 10:40:12 +01:00
Raymond Feng 730eaeecb5 2.2.0
* Clean up regexop tests (Simon Ho)

 * Add regexp operator tests (Simon Ho)

 * Fix RegExp unit test setup/teardown (Simon Ho)

 * Add support for RegExp operator (Simon Ho)
2015-07-30 11:55:07 -07:00
Raymond Feng eac6990836 2.1.1
* Fix the failing tests (Raymond Feng)
2015-05-29 12:26:27 -07:00
Raymond Feng e494ea76e4 2.1.0
* Update deps (Raymond Feng)

 * Start to add transaction support (Raymond Feng)
2015-05-18 14:32:33 -07:00
Raymond Feng 64e7bdc51a 2.0.1
* Fix the typo (Raymond Feng)
2015-05-14 08:39:51 -07:00
Raymond Feng 4c11dbfeb2 2.0.0
* Update deps (Raymond Feng)

 * Refactor the code to use base SqlConnector (Raymond Feng)
2015-05-13 16:18:26 -07:00
Raymond Feng dac6d8491f 1.7.0
* Return isNewInstance from upsert (Raymond Feng)

 * Update rc dep (Raymond Feng)

 * Return count when updating or deleting models (Simon Ho)

 * Update (Simon Ho)

 * Add test running instructions to readme (Simon Ho)

 * Fix mysql neq for NULL value. (ulion)

 * replace dataLength instead of adding length property (Partap Davis)

 * Allow models backed by MySQL to reference mongodb ObjectID (Raymond Feng)

 * Query string length for schema in characters in addition to bytes (Partap Davis)
2015-04-02 08:22:10 -07:00
Raymond Feng dc72bb8696 1.6.0
* Update deps (Raymond Feng)

 * Include tests of persistence hooks from juggler. (Miroslav Bajtoš)
2015-02-20 17:11:00 -08:00
Raymond Feng 4c46c6af2f v1.5.1 2015-01-15 14:33:09 -08:00
Raymond Feng ae989add21 v1.5.0 2015-01-09 09:21:14 -08:00
Raymond Feng a72b8d09e5 v1.4.9 2014-12-05 11:50:12 -08:00
Ryan Graham 9d04a9f0fe v1.4.8 2014-11-27 11:43:28 -08:00