* Return if column is generated or not
Related to
* add pk for testgen table
* Fixe the double quotes around generated
as requested by @loay
* Fix commit linter
Block must not be padded by blank lines padded-blocks
* Code fixes to follow guide
* Should fix the tests failing
Test failing on the tableName (incorrect case)
Fix timeout error on tests
Signed-off-by: Sakib Hasan <sshasan10@hotmail.com>
add showFields and showIndexes functions
Extract getTableStatus
Extract columnDataType to base connector
Updated the autoupdate function so that it collects foreign key
statements and runs them once all tables have been updated.
This prevents foreign keys being created before referenced tables.
Since alterTable is semi-public, the method now checks the arugments to
make sure that it still supports the old signature that doesn't include
* Follow mysql recommendations for handling booleans (Carl Fürstenberg)
* Fix readme glitch (#231) (Rand McKinney)
* Update readme w info from docs (#229) (Rand McKinney)
* Fix expected column name when autoupdate (muhammad hasan)
* Update paid support URL (Siddhi Pai)
* Fix CI Failures (Loay Gewily)
* Drop support for Node v0.10 and v0.12 (Siddhi Pai)
* Start the development of the next major version (Siddhi Pai)
* Update README with correct doc links, etc (Amir Jafarian)
Per http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/numeric-type-overview.html
`BOOL` and `BOOLEAN` is alias for `TINYINT(1)` thus we should make
sure discover can handle as such.
Introducing three flags:
* treatCHAR1AsString
default false - treats CHAR(1) as a String instead of a Boolean
* treatBIT1AsBit
default true - treats BIT(1) as a Boolean instead of a Binary
* treatTINYINT1AsTinyInt
default true - treats TINYINT(1) as a Boolean instead of a Number
The default handling for CHAR(1) is legacy backward compability due to
custom to use a CHAR(1) to store 'Y', 'N', '0', '1', etc...
Fix mysql column name being ignored on dataType change or new column
being added
Fix mysql column name ignored if index changed
Add column name case on autoupdate test
Fix test case scheme error
Fix describe test
* Add connectorCapabilities global object (#201) (Nicholas Duffy)
* Remove unused prefix for test env vars (#203) (Simon Ho)
* Update translation files - round#2 (#199) (Candy)
* Add CI fixes (#197) (Loay)
* Add translated files (gunjpan)
* Update deps to loopback 3.0.0 RC (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Remove Makefile in favour of NPM test scripts (Simon Ho)
* Fixing lint errors (Ron Lloyd)
* Autoupdate mysql.columnName bug fix (Ron Lloyd)
* Tests for autoupdate mysql.columnName bug fix (Ron Lloyd)
* Use juggler@3 for running the tests (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Explictly set forceId:false in test model (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Fix pretest and init test configs (Simon Ho)
* Fix to configure model index in keys field (deepakrkris)
* Update eslint infrastructure (Loay)
* test: use dump of original test DB as seed (Ryan Graham)
* test: skip cardinality, update sub_part (Ryan Graham)
* test: accept alternate test db credentials (Ryan Graham)
* test: use should for easier debugging (Ryan Graham)
* test: account for mysql version differences (Ryan Graham)
* test: match case with example/table.sql (Ryan Graham)
* test: separate assertions from test flow control (Ryan Graham)
* test: update tests to use example DB (Ryan Graham)
* test: seed test DB with example (Ryan Graham)
* test: fix undefined password (Ryan Graham)
* Add special handling of zero date/time entries (Carl Fürstenberg)
* Add globalization (Candy)
* Update URLs in CONTRIBUTING.md (#176) (Ryan Graham)
* TEST_ prefix is not used by CI anymore and there for serve no purpose
* Part of overall goal to standardize env var injection to
MODULE_VARNAME (ie. MYSQL_HOST for example) convention