// Copyright IBM Corp. 2012,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-connector-mysql // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const g = require('strong-globalize')(); /*! * Module dependencies */ const mysql = require('mysql'); const SqlConnector = require('loopback-connector').SqlConnector; const ParameterizedSQL = SqlConnector.ParameterizedSQL; const EnumFactory = require('./enumFactory').EnumFactory; const debug = require('debug')('loopback:connector:mysql'); const setHttpCode = require('./set-http-code'); /** * @module loopback-connector-mysql * * Initialize the MySQL connector against the given data source * * @param {DataSource} dataSource The loopback-datasource-juggler dataSource * @param {Function} [callback] The callback function */ exports.initialize = function initializeDataSource(dataSource, callback) { dataSource.driver = mysql; // Provide access to the native driver dataSource.connector = new MySQL(dataSource.settings); dataSource.connector.dataSource = dataSource; defineMySQLTypes(dataSource); dataSource.EnumFactory = EnumFactory; // factory for Enums. Note that currently Enums can not be registered. if (callback) { if (dataSource.settings.lazyConnect) { process.nextTick(function() { callback(); }); } else { dataSource.connector.connect(callback); } } }; exports.MySQL = MySQL; function defineMySQLTypes(dataSource) { const modelBuilder = dataSource.modelBuilder; const defineType = modelBuilder.defineValueType ? // loopback-datasource-juggler 2.x modelBuilder.defineValueType.bind(modelBuilder) : // loopback-datasource-juggler 1.x modelBuilder.constructor.registerType.bind(modelBuilder.constructor); // The Point type is inherited from jugglingdb mysql adapter. // LoopBack uses GeoPoint instead. // The Point type can be removed at some point in the future. defineType(function Point() { }); } /** * @constructor * Constructor for MySQL connector * @param {Object} client The node-mysql client object */ function MySQL(settings) { SqlConnector.call(this, 'mysql', settings); } require('util').inherits(MySQL, SqlConnector); MySQL.prototype.connect = function(callback) { const self = this; const options = generateOptions(this.settings); const s = self.settings || {}; if (this.client) { if (callback) { process.nextTick(function() { callback(null, self.client); }); } } else { this.client = mysql.createPool(options); this.client.getConnection(function(err, connection) { const conn = connection; if (!err) { if (self.debug) { debug('MySQL connection is established: ' + self.settings || {}); } connection.release(); } else { if (self.debug || !callback) { console.error('MySQL connection is failed: ' + self.settings || {}, err); } } callback && callback(err, conn); }); } }; function generateOptions(settings) { const s = settings || {}; if (s.collation) { // Charset should be first 'chunk' of collation. s.charset = s.collation.substr(0, s.collation.indexOf('_')); } else { s.collation = 'utf8_general_ci'; s.charset = 'utf8'; } s.supportBigNumbers = (s.supportBigNumbers || false); s.timezone = (s.timezone || 'local'); if (isNaN(s.connectionLimit)) { s.connectionLimit = 10; } let options; if (s.url) { // use url to override other settings if url provided options = s.url; } else { options = { host: s.host || s.hostname || 'localhost', port: s.port || 3306, user: s.username || s.user, password: s.password, timezone: s.timezone, socketPath: s.socketPath, charset: s.collation.toUpperCase(), // Correct by docs despite seeming odd. supportBigNumbers: s.supportBigNumbers, connectionLimit: s.connectionLimit, }; // Don't configure the DB if the pool can be used for multiple DBs if (!s.createDatabase) { options.database = s.database; } // Take other options for mysql driver // See https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-connector-mysql/issues/46 for (const p in s) { if (p === 'database' && s.createDatabase) { continue; } if (options[p] === undefined) { options[p] = s[p]; } } // Legacy UTC Date Processing fallback - SHOULD BE TRANSITIONAL if (s.legacyUtcDateProcessing === undefined) { s.legacyUtcDateProcessing = true; } if (s.legacyUtcDateProcessing) { options.timezone = 'Z'; } } return options; } /** * Execute the sql statement * * @param {String} sql The SQL statement * @param {Function} [callback] The callback after the SQL statement is executed */ MySQL.prototype.executeSQL = function(sql, params, options, callback) { const self = this; const client = this.client; const debugEnabled = debug.enabled; const db = this.settings.database; if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error(g.f('{{callback}} should be a function')); } if (debugEnabled) { debug('SQL: %s, params: %j', sql, params); } const transaction = options.transaction; function handleResponse(connection, err, result) { if (!transaction) { connection.release(); } if (err) { err = setHttpCode(err); } callback && callback(err, result); } function runQuery(connection, release) { connection.query(sql, params, function(err, data) { if (debugEnabled) { if (err) { debug('Error: %j', err); } debug('Data: ', data); } handleResponse(connection, err, data); }); } function executeWithConnection(err, connection) { if (err) { return callback && callback(err); } if (self.settings.createDatabase) { // Call USE db ... connection.query('USE ??', [db], function(err) { if (err) { if (err && err.message.match(/(^|: )unknown database/i)) { const charset = self.settings.charset; const collation = self.settings.collation; const q = 'CREATE DATABASE ?? CHARACTER SET ?? COLLATE ??'; connection.query(q, [db, charset, collation], function(err) { if (!err) { connection.query('USE ??', [db], function(err) { runQuery(connection); }); } else { handleResponse(connection, err); } }); return; } else { handleResponse(connection, err); return; } } runQuery(connection); }); } else { // Bypass USE db runQuery(connection); } } if (transaction && transaction.connection && transaction.connector === this) { if (debugEnabled) { debug('Execute SQL within a transaction'); } executeWithConnection(null, transaction.connection); } else { client.getConnection(executeWithConnection); } }; MySQL.prototype._modifyOrCreate = function(model, data, options, fields, cb) { const sql = new ParameterizedSQL('INSERT INTO ' + this.tableEscaped(model)); const columnValues = fields.columnValues; const fieldNames = fields.names; if (fieldNames.length) { sql.merge('(' + fieldNames.join(',') + ')', ''); const values = ParameterizedSQL.join(columnValues, ','); values.sql = 'VALUES(' + values.sql + ')'; sql.merge(values); } else { sql.merge(this.buildInsertDefaultValues(model, data, options)); } sql.merge('ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'); const setValues = []; for (let i = 0, n = fields.names.length; i < n; i++) { if (!fields.properties[i].id) { setValues.push(new ParameterizedSQL(fields.names[i] + '=' + columnValues[i].sql, columnValues[i].params)); } } sql.merge(ParameterizedSQL.join(setValues, ',')); this.execute(sql.sql, sql.params, options, function(err, info) { if (!err && info && info.insertId) { data.id = info.insertId; } const meta = {}; // When using the INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement, // the returned value is as follows: // 1 for each successful INSERT. // 2 for each successful UPDATE. // 1 also for UPDATE with same values, so we cannot accurately // report if we have a new instance. meta.isNewInstance = undefined; cb(err, data, meta); }); }; /** * Replace if the model instance exists with the same id or create a new instance * * @param {String} model The model name * @param {Object} data The model instance data * @param {Object} options The options * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function */ MySQL.prototype.replaceOrCreate = function(model, data, options, cb) { const fields = this.buildReplaceFields(model, data); this._modifyOrCreate(model, data, options, fields, cb); }; /** * Update if the model instance exists with the same id or create a new instance * * @param {String} model The model name * @param {Object} data The model instance data * @param {Object} options The options * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function */ MySQL.prototype.save = MySQL.prototype.updateOrCreate = function(model, data, options, cb) { const fields = this.buildFields(model, data); this._modifyOrCreate(model, data, options, fields, cb); }; MySQL.prototype.getInsertedId = function(model, info) { const insertedId = info && typeof info.insertId === 'number' ? info.insertId : undefined; return insertedId; }; /*! * Convert property name/value to an escaped DB column value * @param {Object} prop Property descriptor * @param {*} val Property value * @returns {*} The escaped value of DB column */ MySQL.prototype.toColumnValue = function(prop, val) { if (val === undefined && this.isNullable(prop)) { return null; } if (val === null) { if (this.isNullable(prop)) { return val; } else { try { const castNull = prop.type(val); if (prop.type === Object) { return JSON.stringify(castNull); } return castNull; } catch (err) { // if we can't coerce null to a certain type, // we just return it return 'null'; } } } if (!prop) { return val; } if (prop.type === String) { return String(val); } if (prop.type === Number) { if (isNaN(val)) { // FIXME: [rfeng] Should fail fast? return val; } return val; } if (prop.type === Date) { if (!val.toUTCString) { val = new Date(val); } return val; } if (prop.type.name === 'DateString') { return val.when; } if (prop.type === Boolean) { return !!val; } if (prop.type.name === 'GeoPoint') { return new ParameterizedSQL({ sql: 'Point(?,?)', params: [val.lng, val.lat], }); } if (prop.type === Buffer) { return val; } if (prop.type === Object) { return this._serializeObject(val); } if (typeof prop.type === 'function') { return this._serializeObject(val); } return this._serializeObject(val); }; MySQL.prototype._serializeObject = function(obj) { let val; if (obj && typeof obj.toJSON === 'function') { obj = obj.toJSON(); } if (typeof obj !== 'string') { val = JSON.stringify(obj); } else { val = obj; } return val; }; /*! * Convert the data from database column to model property * @param {object} Model property descriptor * @param {*) val Column value * @returns {*} Model property value */ MySQL.prototype.fromColumnValue = function(prop, val) { if (val == null) { return val; } if (prop) { switch (prop.type.name) { case 'Number': val = Number(val); break; case 'String': val = String(val); break; case 'Date': case 'DateString': // MySQL allows, unless NO_ZERO_DATE is set, dummy date/time entries // new Date() will return Invalid Date for those, so we need to handle // those separate. if (!val || /^0{4}(-00){2}( (00:){2}0{2}(\.0{1,6}){0,1}){0,1}$/.test(val)) { val = null; } break; case 'Boolean': // BIT(1) case: for true and for false // CHAR(1) case: '1' for true and '0' for false // TINYINT(1) case: 1 for true and 0 for false val = Buffer.isBuffer(val) && val.length === 1 ? Boolean(val[0]) : Boolean(parseInt(val)); break; case 'GeoPoint': case 'Point': val = { lng: val.x, lat: val.y, }; break; case 'ObjectID': val = new prop.type(val); break; case 'Buffer': val = prop.type(val); break; case 'List': case 'Array': case 'Object': case 'JSON': if (typeof val === 'string') { val = JSON.parse(val); } break; default: break; } } return val; }; /** * Escape an identifier such as the column name * @param {string} name A database identifier * @returns {string} The escaped database identifier */ MySQL.prototype.escapeName = function(name) { return this.client.escapeId(name); }; /** * Build the LIMIT clause * @param {string} model Model name * @param {number} limit The limit * @param {number} offset The offset * @returns {string} The LIMIT clause */ MySQL.prototype._buildLimit = function(model, limit, offset) { if (isNaN(limit)) { limit = 0; } if (isNaN(offset)) { offset = 0; } if (!limit && !offset) { return ''; } return 'LIMIT ' + (offset ? (offset + ',' + limit) : limit); }; MySQL.prototype.applyPagination = function(model, stmt, filter) { const limitClause = this._buildLimit(model, filter.limit, filter.offset || filter.skip); return stmt.merge(limitClause); }; /** * Get the place holder in SQL for identifiers, such as ?? * @param {String} key Optional key, such as 1 or id * @returns {String} The place holder */ MySQL.prototype.getPlaceholderForIdentifier = function(key) { return '??'; }; /** * Get the place holder in SQL for values, such as :1 or ? * @param {String} key Optional key, such as 1 or id * @returns {String} The place holder */ MySQL.prototype.getPlaceholderForValue = function(key) { return '?'; }; MySQL.prototype.getCountForAffectedRows = function(model, info) { const affectedRows = info && typeof info.affectedRows === 'number' ? info.affectedRows : undefined; return affectedRows; }; /** * Disconnect from MySQL */ MySQL.prototype.disconnect = function(cb) { if (this.debug) { debug('disconnect'); } if (this.client) { this.client.end((err) => { this.client = null; cb(err); }); } else { process.nextTick(cb); } }; MySQL.prototype.ping = function(cb) { this.execute('SELECT 1 AS result', cb); }; MySQL.prototype.buildExpression = function(columnName, operator, operatorValue, propertyDefinition) { if (operator === 'regexp') { let clause = columnName + ' REGEXP ?'; // By default, MySQL regexp is not case sensitive. (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/regexp.html) // To allow case sensitive regexp query, it has to be binded to a `BINARY` type. // If ignore case is not specified, search it as case sensitive. if (!operatorValue.ignoreCase) { clause = columnName + ' REGEXP BINARY ?'; } if (operatorValue.ignoreCase) g.warn('{{MySQL}} {{regex}} syntax does not respect the {{`i`}} flag'); if (operatorValue.global) g.warn('{{MySQL}} {{regex}} syntax does not respect the {{`g`}} flag'); if (operatorValue.multiline) g.warn('{{MySQL}} {{regex}} syntax does not respect the {{`m`}} flag'); return new ParameterizedSQL(clause, [operatorValue.source]); } // invoke the base implementation of `buildExpression` return this.invokeSuper('buildExpression', columnName, operator, operatorValue, propertyDefinition); }; require('./migration')(MySQL, mysql); require('./discovery')(MySQL, mysql); require('./transaction')(MySQL, mysql);