// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-connector-mysql // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; require('./init.js'); const assert = require('assert'); const should = require('should'); const DataSource = require('loopback-datasource-juggler').DataSource; const mysqlConnector = require('../'); const url = require('url'); let db, DummyModel, odb, config; describe('connections', function() { before(function() { require('./init.js'); config = global.getConfig(); odb = global.getDataSource({collation: 'utf8_general_ci', createDatabase: true}); db = odb; }); it('should pass with valid settings', function(done) { const db = new DataSource(mysqlConnector, config); db.ping(done); }); it('ignores all other settings when url is present', function(done) { const formatedUrl = generateURL(config); const dbConfig = { url: formatedUrl, host: 'invalid-hostname', port: 80, database: 'invalid-database', username: 'invalid-username', password: 'invalid-password', }; const db = new DataSource(mysqlConnector, dbConfig); db.ping(done); }); it('should use utf8 charset', function(done) { const test_set = /utf8/; const test_collo = /utf8_general_ci/; const test_set_str = 'utf8'; const test_set_collo = 'utf8_general_ci'; charsetTest(test_set, test_collo, test_set_str, test_set_collo, done); }); it('should disconnect first db', function(done) { db.disconnect(function() { odb = global.getDataSource(); done(); }); }); it('should disconnect then connect and ORM should work', function() { const ds = new DataSource(mysqlConnector, config); const Student = ds.define('Student', { name: {type: String, length: 255}, age: {type: Number}, }, { forceId: false, }); return ds.connect() .then(function(err) { should.not.exist(err); return ds.automigrate(['Student']); }) .then(function(err) { should.not.exist(err); should(ds.connected).be.True(); return ds.disconnect(); }) .then(function(err) { should.not.exist(err); should(ds.connected).be.False(); return ds.connect(); }) .then(function(err) { should.not.exist(err); should(ds.connected).be.True(); return Student.count(); }) .then(function(count) { should(count).be.a.Number(); return ds.disconnect(); }); }); it('should use latin1 charset', function(done) { const test_set = /latin1/; const test_collo = /latin1_general_ci/; const test_set_str = 'latin1'; const test_set_collo = 'latin1_general_ci'; charsetTest(test_set, test_collo, test_set_str, test_set_collo, done); }); it('should drop db and disconnect all', function(done) { db.connector.execute('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' + db.settings.database, function(err) { db.disconnect(function() { done(); }); }); }); describe('lazyConnect', function() { it('should skip connect phase (lazyConnect = true)', function(done) { const dbConfig = { host: '', port: 4, lazyConnect: true, }; const ds = new DataSource(mysqlConnector, dbConfig); const errTimeout = setTimeout(function() { done(); }, 2000); ds.on('error', function(err) { clearTimeout(errTimeout); done(err); }); }); it('should report connection error (lazyConnect = false)', function(done) { const dbConfig = { host: '', port: 4, lazyConnect: false, }; const ds = new DataSource(mysqlConnector, dbConfig); ds.on('error', function(err) { err.message.should.containEql('ECONNREFUSED'); done(); }); }); }); }); function charsetTest(test_set, test_collo, test_set_str, test_set_collo, done) { query('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' + odb.settings.database, function(err) { assert.ok(!err); odb.disconnect(function() { db = global.getDataSource({collation: test_set_collo, createDatabase: true}); DummyModel = db.define('DummyModel', {string: String}); db.automigrate(function() { const q = 'SELECT DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME' + ' FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = ' + db.driver.escape(db.settings.database) + ' LIMIT 1'; db.connector.execute(q, function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err); should(r[0].DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME).match(test_collo); db.connector.execute('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set%"', function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err); let hit_all = 0; for (const result in r) { hit_all += matchResult(r[result], 'character_set_connection', test_set); hit_all += matchResult(r[result], 'character_set_database', test_set); hit_all += matchResult(r[result], 'character_set_results', test_set); hit_all += matchResult(r[result], 'character_set_client', test_set); } assert.equal(hit_all, 4); }); db.connector.execute('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "collation%"', function(err, r) { assert.ok(!err); let hit_all = 0; for (const result in r) { hit_all += matchResult(r[result], 'collation_connection', test_set); hit_all += matchResult(r[result], 'collation_database', test_set); } assert.equal(hit_all, 2); done(); }); }); }); }); }); } function matchResult(result, variable_name, match) { if (result.Variable_name === variable_name) { assert.ok(result.Value.match(match)); return 1; } return 0; } function query(sql, cb) { odb.connector.execute(sql, cb); } function generateURL(config) { const urlObj = { protocol: 'mysql', auth: config.username || '', hostname: config.host, pathname: config.database, slashes: true, }; if (config.password) { urlObj.auth += ':' + config.password; } const formatedUrl = url.format(urlObj); return formatedUrl; }