// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-connector-mysql // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'; var should = require('should'); var assert = require('assert'); var DataSource = require('loopback-datasource-juggler').DataSource; var db, config; before(function(done) { require('./init'); config = global.getConfig(); config.database = 'STRONGLOOP'; db = new DataSource(require('../'), config); db.once('connected', done); }); describe('discoverModels', function() { describe('Discover database schemas', function() { it('should return an array of db schemas', function(done) { db.connector.discoverDatabaseSchemas(function(err, schemas) { if (err) return done(err); schemas.should.be.an.array; schemas.length.should.be.above(0); done(); }); }); }); describe('Discover models including views', function() { it('should return an array of tables and views', function(done) { db.discoverModelDefinitions({ schema: config.database, views: true, limit: 3, }, function(err, models) { if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); } else { var views = false; assert(models.length > 0, 'some models returned'); models.forEach(function(m) { if (m.type === 'view') { views = true; } }); assert(views, 'Should have views'); done(null, models); } }); }); }); describe('Discover model tables', function() { it('should return an array of tables for a given schema', function(done) { db.discoverModelDefinitions({ schema: config.database, limit: 50, }, function(err, models) { if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); } else { var views = false; assert(models.length > 0, 'some models returned'); models.forEach(function(m) { assert.equal(m.owner.toLowerCase(), config.database.toLowerCase()); }); done(null, models); } }); }); }); describe('Discover models excluding views', function() { it('should return an array of only tables', function(done) { db.discoverModelDefinitions({ schema: config.database, views: false, limit: 50, }, function(err, models) { if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); } else { assert(models.length > 0, 'some models returned'); models.forEach(function(m) { should.notEqual(m.type, 'view', 'model type should not be a view'); }); done(null, models); } }); }); }); }); describe('Discover models including other users', function() { it('should return an array of all tables and views', function(done) { db.discoverModelDefinitions({ all: true, limit: 3, }, function(err, models) { if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); } else { var others = false; assert.equal(3, models.length); models.forEach(function(m) { assert(m.owner); if (m.owner !== 'STRONGLOOP') { others = true; } }); assert(others, 'Should have tables/views owned by others'); done(err, models); } }); }); }); describe('Discover model properties', function() { describe('Discover a named model', function() { it('should return an array of columns for product', function(done) { db.discoverModelProperties('product', function(err, models) { if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); } else { models.forEach(function(m) { assert(m.tableName === 'product'); }); done(null, models); } }); }); }); }); describe('Discover model primary keys', function() { it('should return an array of primary keys for product', function(done) { db.discoverPrimaryKeys('product', function(err, models) { if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); } else { models.forEach(function(m) { assert(m.tableName === 'product'); }); done(null, models); } }); }); it('should return an array of primary keys for STRONGLOOP.PRODUCT', function(done) { db.discoverPrimaryKeys('product', {owner: 'STRONGLOOP'}, function(err, models) { if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); } else { models.forEach(function(m) { assert(m.tableName === 'product'); }); done(null, models); } }); }); }); describe('Discover model foreign keys', function() { it('should return an array of foreign keys for INVENTORY', function(done) { db.discoverForeignKeys('INVENTORY', function(err, models) { if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); } else { models.forEach(function(m) { assert(m.fkTableName === 'INVENTORY'); }); done(null, models); } }); }); it('should return an array of foreign keys for STRONGLOOP.INVENTORY', function(done) { db.discoverForeignKeys('INVENTORY', {owner: 'STRONGLOOP'}, function(err, models) { if (err) { console.error(err); done(err); } else { models.forEach(function(m) { assert(m.fkTableName === 'INVENTORY'); }); done(null, models); } }); }); }); describe('Discover model generated columns', function() { it('should return an array of columns for STRONGLOOP.PRODUCT and none of them is generated', function(done) { db.discoverModelProperties('product', function(err, models) { if (err) return done(err); models.forEach(function(model) { assert(model.tableName === 'product'); assert(!model.generated, 'STRONGLOOP.PRODUCT table should not have generated (identity) columns'); }); done(); }); }); it('should return an array of columns for STRONGLOOP.TESTGEN and the first is generated', function(done) { db.discoverModelProperties('testgen', function(err, models) { if (err) return done(err); models.forEach(function(model) { assert(model.tableName === 'testgen'); if (model.columnName === 'ID') { assert(model.generated, 'STRONGLOOP.TESTGEN.ID should be a generated (identity) column'); } }); done(); }); }); }); describe('Discover LDL schema from a table', function() { var schema; before(function(done) { db.discoverSchema('INVENTORY', {owner: 'STRONGLOOP'}, function(err, schema_) { schema = schema_; done(err); }); }); it('should return an LDL schema for INVENTORY', function() { var productId = 'productId' in schema.properties ? 'productId' : 'productid'; var locationId = 'locationId' in schema.properties ? 'locationId' : 'locationid'; assert.strictEqual(schema.name, 'Inventory'); assert.ok(/STRONGLOOP/i.test(schema.options.mysql.schema)); assert.strictEqual(schema.options.mysql.table, 'INVENTORY'); assert(schema.properties[productId]); // TODO: schema shows this field is default NULL, which means it isn't required // assert(schema.properties[productId].required); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties[productId].type, 'String'); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties[productId].mysql.columnName, 'PRODUCT_ID'); assert(schema.properties[locationId]); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties[locationId].type, 'String'); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties[locationId].mysql.columnName, 'LOCATION_ID'); assert(schema.properties.available); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.available.required, false); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.available.type, 'Number'); assert(schema.properties.total); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.total.type, 'Number'); }); }); describe('Discover and build models', function() { var models; before(function(done) { db.discoverAndBuildModels('INVENTORY', {owner: 'STRONGLOOP', visited: {}, associations: true}, function(err, models_) { models = models_; done(err); }); }); it('should discover and build models', function() { assert(models.Inventory, 'Inventory model should be discovered and built'); var schema = models.Inventory.definition; var productId = 'productId' in schema.properties ? 'productId' : 'productid'; var locationId = 'locationId' in schema.properties ? 'locationId' : 'locationid'; assert(/STRONGLOOP/i.test(schema.settings.mysql.schema)); assert.strictEqual(schema.settings.mysql.table, 'INVENTORY'); assert(schema.properties[productId]); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties[productId].type, String); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties[productId].mysql.columnName, 'PRODUCT_ID'); assert(schema.properties[locationId]); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties[locationId].type, String); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties[locationId].mysql.columnName, 'LOCATION_ID'); assert(schema.properties.available); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.available.type, Number); assert(schema.properties.total); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.total.type, Number); }); it('should be able to find an instance', function(done) { assert(models.Inventory, 'Inventory model must exist'); models.Inventory.findOne(function(err, inv) { assert(!err, 'error should not be reported'); done(); }); }); describe('discoverModelProperties() flags', function() { context('with default flags', function() { var models, schema; before(discoverAndBuildModels); it('handles CHAR(1) as Boolean', function() { assert(schema.properties.enabled); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.enabled.type, Boolean); }); it('handles BIT(1) as Bit', function() { assert(schema.properties.disabled); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.disabled.type, Buffer); }); it('handles TINYINT(1) as Number', function() { assert(schema.properties.active); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.active.type, Number); }); function discoverAndBuildModels(done) { db.discoverAndBuildModels('INVENTORY', { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', visited: {}, associations: true, }, function(err, models_) { models = models_; schema = models.Inventory.definition; done(err); }); } }); context('with flag treatCHAR1AsString = true', function() { var models, schema; before(discoverAndBuildModels); it('handles CHAR(1) as String', function() { assert(schema.properties.enabled); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.enabled.type, String); }); it('handles BIT(1) as Binary', function() { assert(schema.properties.disabled); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.disabled.type, Buffer); }); it('handles TINYINT(1) as Number', function() { assert(schema.properties.active); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.active.type, Number); }); function discoverAndBuildModels(done) { db.discoverAndBuildModels('INVENTORY', { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', visited: {}, associations: true, treatCHAR1AsString: true, }, function(err, models_) { models = models_; schema = models.Inventory.definition; done(err); }); } }); context('with flag treatBIT1AsBit = false', function() { var models, schema; before(discoverAndBuildModels); it('handles CHAR(1) as Boolean', function() { assert(schema.properties.enabled); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.enabled.type, Boolean); }); it('handles BIT(1) as Boolean', function() { assert(schema.properties.disabled); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.disabled.type, Boolean); }); it('handles TINYINT(1) as Number', function() { assert(schema.properties.active); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.active.type, Number); }); function discoverAndBuildModels(done) { db.discoverAndBuildModels('INVENTORY', { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', visited: {}, associations: true, treatBIT1AsBit: false, }, function(err, models_) { models = models_; schema = models.Inventory.definition; done(err); }); } }); context('with flag treatTINYINT1AsTinyInt = false', function() { var models, schema; before(discoverAndBuildModels); it('handles CHAR(1) as Boolean', function() { assert(schema.properties.enabled); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.enabled.type, Boolean); }); it('handles BIT(1) as Binary', function() { assert(schema.properties.disabled); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.disabled.type, Buffer); }); it('handles TINYINT(1) as Boolean', function() { assert(schema.properties.active); assert.strictEqual(schema.properties.active.type, Boolean); }); function discoverAndBuildModels(done) { db.discoverAndBuildModels('INVENTORY', { owner: 'STRONGLOOP', visited: {}, associations: true, treatTINYINT1AsTinyInt: false, }, function(err, models_) { if (err) return done(err); models = models_; schema = models.Inventory.definition; done(); }); } }); }); });