// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-connector-mysql // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT var g = require('strong-globalize')(); module.exports = mixinDiscovery; /*! * @param {MySQL} MySQL connector class * @param {Object} mysql mysql driver */ function mixinDiscovery(MySQL, mysql) { var async = require('async'); function paginateSQL(sql, orderBy, options) { options = options || {}; var limitClause = ''; if (options.offset || options.skip || options.limit) { // Offset starts from 0 var offset = Number(options.offset || options.skip || 0); if (isNaN(offset)) { offset = 0; } limitClause = ' LIMIT ' + offset; if (options.limit) { var limit = Number(options.limit); if (isNaN(limit)) { limit = 0; } limitClause = limitClause + ',' + limit; } } if (!orderBy) { sql += ' ORDER BY ' + orderBy; } return sql + limitClause; } /*! * Build sql for listing schemas (databases in MySQL) * @params {Object} [options] Options object * @returns {String} The SQL statement */ function querySchemas(options) { var sql = 'SELECT catalog_name as "catalog",' + ' schema_name as "schema"' + ' FROM information_schema.schemata'; return paginateSQL(sql, 'schema_name', options); } /*! * Build sql for listing tables * @param options {all: for all owners, owner: for a given owner} * @returns {string} The sql statement */ function queryTables(options) { var sqlTables = null; var schema = options.owner || options.schema; if (options.all && !schema) { sqlTables = paginateSQL('SELECT \'table\' AS "type",' + ' table_name AS "name", table_schema AS "owner"' + ' FROM information_schema.tables', 'table_schema, table_name', options); } else if (schema) { sqlTables = paginateSQL('SELECT \'table\' AS "type",' + ' table_name AS "name", table_schema AS "schema"' + ' FROM information_schema.tables' + ' WHERE table_schema=' + mysql.escape(schema), 'table_schema, table_name', options); } else { sqlTables = paginateSQL('SELECT \'table\' AS "type",' + ' table_name AS "name", ' + ' table_schema AS "owner" FROM information_schema.tables' + ' WHERE table_schema=SUBSTRING_INDEX(USER(),\'@\',1)', 'table_name', options); } return sqlTables; } /*! * Build sql for listing views * @param options {all: for all owners, owner: for a given owner} * @returns {string} The sql statement */ function queryViews(options) { var sqlViews = null; if (options.views) { var schema = options.owner || options.schema; if (options.all && !schema) { sqlViews = paginateSQL('SELECT \'view\' AS "type",' + ' table_name AS "name",' + ' table_schema AS "owner"' + ' FROM information_schema.views', 'table_schema, table_name', options); } else if (schema) { sqlViews = paginateSQL('SELECT \'view\' AS "type",' + ' table_name AS "name",' + ' table_schema AS "owner"' + ' FROM information_schema.views' + ' WHERE table_schema=' + mysql.escape(schema), 'table_schema, table_name', options); } else { sqlViews = paginateSQL('SELECT \'view\' AS "type",' + ' table_name AS "name",' + ' table_schema AS "owner"' + ' FROM information_schema.views', 'table_name', options); } } return sqlViews; } MySQL.prototype.discoverDatabaseSchemas = function(options, cb) { if (!cb && typeof options === 'function') { cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; this.execute(querySchemas(options), cb); }; /** * Discover model definitions * * @param {Object} options Options for discovery * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function */ MySQL.prototype.discoverModelDefinitions = function(options, cb) { if (!cb && typeof options === 'function') { cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; var self = this; var calls = [function(callback) { self.execute(queryTables(options), callback); }]; if (options.views) { calls.push(function(callback) { self.execute(queryViews(options), callback); }); } async.parallel(calls, function(err, data) { if (err) { cb(err, data); } else { var merged = []; merged = merged.concat(data.shift()); if (data.length) { merged = merged.concat(data.shift()); } cb(err, merged); } }); }; /*! * Normalize the arguments * @param table string, required * @param options object, optional * @param cb function, optional */ function getArgs(table, options, cb) { if ('string' !== typeof table || !table) { throw new Error(g.f('{{table}} is a required string argument: %s', table)); } options = options || {}; if (!cb && 'function' === typeof options) { cb = options; options = {}; } if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new Error(g.f('{{options}} must be an {{object}}: %s', options)); } return { schema: options.owner || options.schema, table: table, options: options, cb: cb }; } /*! * Build the sql statement to query columns for a given table * @param schema * @param table * @returns {String} The sql statement */ function queryColumns(schema, table) { var sql = null; if (schema) { sql = paginateSQL('SELECT table_schema AS "owner",' + ' table_name AS "tableName",' + ' column_name AS "columnName",' + ' data_type AS "dataType",' + ' character_maximum_length AS "dataLength",' + ' numeric_precision AS "dataPrecision",' + ' numeric_scale AS "dataScale",' + ' is_nullable = \'YES\' AS "nullable"' + ' FROM information_schema.columns' + ' WHERE table_schema=' + mysql.escape(schema) + (table ? ' AND table_name=' + mysql.escape(table) : ''), 'table_name, ordinal_position', {}); } else { sql = paginateSQL('SELECT table_schema AS "owner",' + ' table_name AS "tableName",' + ' column_name AS "columnName",' + ' data_type AS "dataType",' + ' character_maximum_length AS "dataLength",' + ' numeric_precision AS "dataPrecision",' + ' numeric_scale AS "dataScale",' + ' is_nullable = \'YES\' AS "nullable"' + ' FROM information_schema.columns' + (table ? ' WHERE table_name=' + mysql.escape(table) : ''), 'table_name, ordinal_position', {}); } return sql; } /** * Discover model properties from a table * @param {String} table The table name * @param {Object} options The options for discovery * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function * */ MySQL.prototype.discoverModelProperties = function(table, options, cb) { var self = this; var args = getArgs(table, options, cb); var schema = args.schema; if (!schema) { schema = this.getDefaultSchema(); } table = args.table; options = args.options; cb = args.cb; var sql = queryColumns(schema, table); var callback = function(err, results) { if (err) { cb(err, results); } else { results.map(function(r) { r.type = self.buildPropertyType(r); r.nullable = r.nullable ? 'Y' : 'N'; }); cb(err, results); } }; this.execute(sql, callback); }; /*! * Build the sql statement for querying primary keys of a given table * @param schema * @param table * @returns {string} */ // http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/sql/DatabaseMetaData.html // #getPrimaryKeys(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) function queryPrimaryKeys(schema, table) { var sql = 'SELECT table_schema AS "owner",' + ' table_name AS "tableName",' + ' column_name AS "columnName",' + ' ordinal_position AS "keySeq",' + ' constraint_name AS "pkName"' + ' FROM information_schema.key_column_usage' + ' WHERE constraint_name=\'PRIMARY\''; if (schema) { sql += ' AND table_schema=' + mysql.escape(schema); } if (table) { sql += ' AND table_name=' + mysql.escape(table); } sql += ' ORDER BY' + ' table_schema, constraint_name, table_name, ordinal_position'; return sql; } /** * Discover primary keys for a given table * @param {String} table The table name * @param {Object} options The options for discovery * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function */ MySQL.prototype.discoverPrimaryKeys = function(table, options, cb) { var args = getArgs(table, options, cb); var schema = args.schema; if (!schema) { schema = this.getDefaultSchema(); } table = args.table; options = args.options; cb = args.cb; var sql = queryPrimaryKeys(schema, table); this.execute(sql, cb); }; /*! * Build the sql statement for querying foreign keys of a given table * @param schema * @param table * @returns {string} */ function queryForeignKeys(schema, table) { var sql = 'SELECT table_schema AS "fkOwner",' + ' constraint_name AS "fkName",' + ' table_name AS "fkTableName",' + ' column_name AS "fkColumnName",' + ' ordinal_position AS "keySeq",' + ' referenced_table_schema AS "pkOwner", \'PRIMARY\' AS "pkName",' + ' referenced_table_name AS "pkTableName",' + ' referenced_column_name AS "pkColumnName"' + ' FROM information_schema.key_column_usage' + ' WHERE constraint_name!=\'PRIMARY\'' + ' AND POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT IS NOT NULL'; if (schema) { sql += ' AND table_schema=' + mysql.escape(schema); } if (table) { sql += ' AND table_name=' + mysql.escape(table); } return sql; } /** * Discover foreign keys for a given table * @param {String} table The table name * @param {Object} options The options for discovery * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function */ MySQL.prototype.discoverForeignKeys = function(table, options, cb) { var args = getArgs(table, options, cb); var schema = args.schema; if (!schema) { schema = this.getDefaultSchema(); } table = args.table; options = args.options; cb = args.cb; var sql = queryForeignKeys(schema, table); this.execute(sql, cb); }; /*! * Retrieves a description of the foreign key columns that reference the * given table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a table). * They are ordered by fkTableOwner, fkTableName, and keySeq. * @param schema * @param table * @returns {string} */ function queryExportedForeignKeys(schema, table) { var sql = 'SELECT a.constraint_name AS "fkName",' + ' a.table_schema AS "fkOwner",' + ' a.table_name AS "fkTableName",' + ' a.column_name AS "fkColumnName",' + ' a.ordinal_position AS "keySeq",' + ' NULL AS "pkName",' + ' a.referenced_table_schema AS "pkOwner",' + ' a.referenced_table_name AS "pkTableName",' + ' a.referenced_column_name AS "pkColumnName"' + ' FROM information_schema.key_column_usage a' + ' WHERE a.position_in_unique_constraint IS NOT NULL'; if (schema) { sql += ' AND a.referenced_table_schema=' + mysql.escape(schema); } if (table) { sql += ' AND a.referenced_table_name=' + mysql.escape(table); } sql += ' ORDER BY a.table_schema, a.table_name, a.ordinal_position'; return sql; } /** * Discover foreign keys that reference to the primary key of this table * @param {String} table The table name * @param {Object} options The options for discovery * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function */ MySQL.prototype.discoverExportedForeignKeys = function(table, options, cb) { var args = getArgs(table, options, cb); var schema = args.schema; if (!schema) { schema = this.getDefaultSchema(); } table = args.table; options = args.options; cb = args.cb; var sql = queryExportedForeignKeys(schema, table); this.execute(sql, cb); }; MySQL.prototype.buildPropertyType = function (columnDefinition) { var mysqlType = columnDefinition.dataType; var dataLength = columnDefinition.dataLength; var type = mysqlType.toUpperCase(); switch (type) { case 'CHAR': if (dataLength === 1) { // Treat char(1) as boolean return 'Boolean'; } else { return 'String'; } break; case 'VARCHAR': case 'TINYTEXT': case 'MEDIUMTEXT': case 'LONGTEXT': case 'TEXT': case 'ENUM': case 'SET': return 'String'; case 'TINYBLOB': case 'MEDIUMBLOB': case 'LONGBLOB': case 'BLOB': case 'BINARY': case 'VARBINARY': case 'BIT': return 'Binary'; case 'TINYINT': case 'SMALLINT': case 'INT': case 'MEDIUMINT': case 'YEAR': case 'FLOAT': case 'DOUBLE': case 'BIGINT': return 'Number'; case 'DATE': case 'TIMESTAMP': case 'DATETIME': return 'Date'; case 'POINT': return 'GeoPoint'; default: return 'String'; } } MySQL.prototype.getDefaultSchema = function() { if (this.dataSource && this.dataSource.settings && this.dataSource.settings.database) { return this.dataSource.settings.database; } return undefined; }; }