589 lines
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589 lines
17 KiB
// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014,2016. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback-connector-mysql
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
var ds;
before(function() {
ds = getDataSource();
describe('MySQL connector', function() {
before(function() {
it('should auto migrate/update tables', function(done) {
var schema_v1 = {
'name': 'CustomerTest',
'options': {
'idInjection': false,
'mysql': {
'schema': 'myapp_test',
'table': 'customer_test',
'indexes': {
'name_index': {
'keys': {
'name': 1,
'options': {
'unique': true,
'properties': {
'id': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'id': 1,
'name': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 40,
'email': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true,
'length': 40,
'age': {
'type': 'Number',
'required': false,
'discount': {
'type': 'Number',
'required': false,
'dataType': 'decimal',
'precision': 10,
'scale': 2,
'mysql': {
'columnName': 'customer_discount',
'dataType': 'decimal',
'dataPrecision': 10,
'dataScale': 2,
var schema_v2 = {
'name': 'CustomerTest',
'options': {
'idInjection': false,
'mysql': {
'schema': 'myapp_test',
'table': 'customer_test',
'indexes': {
'updated_name_index': {
'keys': {
'firstName': 1,
'lastName': -1,
'options': {
'unique': true,
'properties': {
'id': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'id': 1,
'email': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 60,
'mysql': {
'columnName': 'email',
'dataType': 'varchar',
'dataLength': 60,
'nullable': 'YES',
'firstName': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 40,
'lastName': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 40,
// remove age
// change data type details with column name
'discount': {
'type': 'Number',
'required': false,
'dataType': 'decimal',
'precision': 12,
'scale': 5,
'mysql': {
'columnName': 'customer_discount',
'dataType': 'decimal',
'dataPrecision': 12,
'dataScale': 5,
// add new column with column name
'address': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 10,
'mysql': {
'columnName': 'customer_address',
'dataType': 'varchar',
'length': 10,
// add new column with index & column name
'code': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true,
'length': 12,
'index': {
unique: true,
'mysql': {
'columnName': 'customer_code',
'dataType': 'varchar',
'length': 12,
ds.createModel(schema_v1.name, schema_v1.properties, schema_v1.options);
ds.automigrate(function() {
ds.discoverModelProperties('customer_test', function(err, props) {
assert.equal(props.length, 5);
var names = props.map(function(p) {
return p.columnName;
assert.equal(props[0].nullable, 'N');
assert.equal(props[1].nullable, 'Y');
assert.equal(props[2].nullable, 'N');
assert.equal(props[3].nullable, 'Y');
assert.equal(names[0], 'id');
assert.equal(names[1], 'name');
assert.equal(names[2], 'email');
assert.equal(names[3], 'age');
assert.equal(names[4], 'customer_discount');
ds.connector.execute('SHOW INDEXES FROM customer_test', function(err, indexes) {
if (err) return done(err);
assert.equal(indexes[1].Key_name, 'name_index');
assert.equal(indexes[1].Non_unique, 0);
ds.createModel(schema_v2.name, schema_v2.properties, schema_v2.options);
ds.autoupdate(function(err, result) {
if (err) return done(err);
ds.discoverModelProperties('customer_test', function(err, props) {
if (err) return done(err);
assert.equal(props.length, 7);
var names = props.map(function(p) {
return p.columnName;
assert.equal(names[0], 'id');
assert.equal(names[1], 'email');
assert.equal(names[2], 'customer_discount');
assert.equal(names[3], 'firstName');
assert.equal(names[4], 'lastName');
assert.equal(names[5], 'customer_address');
assert.equal(names[6], 'customer_code');
ds.connector.execute('SHOW INDEXES FROM customer_test', function(err, updatedindexes) {
if (err) return done(err);
assert.equal(updatedindexes[1].Key_name, 'customer_code');
assert.equal(updatedindexes[2].Key_name, 'updated_name_index');
assert.equal(updatedindexes[3].Key_name, 'updated_name_index');
//Mysql supports only index sorting in ascending; DESC is ignored
assert.equal(updatedindexes[1].Collation, 'A');
assert.equal(updatedindexes[2].Collation, 'A');
assert.equal(updatedindexes[3].Collation, 'A');
assert.equal(updatedindexes[1].Non_unique, 0);
assert.equal(updatedindexes[2].Non_unique, 0);
assert.equal(updatedindexes[3].Non_unique, 0);
done(err, result);
it('should auto migrate/update foreign keys in tables', function(done) {
var customer2_schema = {
'name': 'CustomerTest2',
'options': {
'idInjection': false,
'mysql': {
'schema': 'myapp_test',
'table': 'customer_test2',
'properties': {
'id': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'id': 1,
'name': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 40,
'email': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true,
'length': 40,
'age': {
'type': 'Number',
'required': false,
var customer3_schema = {
'name': 'CustomerTest3',
'options': {
'idInjection': false,
'mysql': {
'schema': 'myapp_test',
'table': 'customer_test3',
'properties': {
'id': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'id': 1,
'name': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 40,
'email': {
'type': 'String',
'required': true,
'length': 40,
'age': {
'type': 'Number',
'required': false,
var schema_v1 = {
'name': 'OrderTest',
'options': {
'idInjection': false,
'mysql': {
'schema': 'myapp_test',
'table': 'order_test',
'foreignKeys': {
'fk_ordertest_customerId': {
'name': 'fk_ordertest_customerId',
'entity': 'CustomerTest3',
'entityKey': 'id',
'foreignKey': 'customerId',
'properties': {
'id': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'id': 1,
'customerId': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'description': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 40,
var schema_v2 = {
'name': 'OrderTest',
'options': {
'idInjection': false,
'mysql': {
'schema': 'myapp_test',
'table': 'order_test',
'foreignKeys': {
'fk_ordertest_customerId': {
'name': 'fk_ordertest_customerId',
'entity': 'CustomerTest2',
'entityKey': 'id',
'foreignKey': 'customerId',
'properties': {
'id': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'id': 1,
'customerId': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'mysql': {
'columnName': 'customer_id',
'description': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 40,
var schema_v3 = {
'name': 'OrderTest',
'options': {
'idInjection': false,
'mysql': {
'schema': 'myapp_test',
'table': 'order_test',
'properties': {
'id': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'id': 1,
'customerId': {
'type': 'String',
'length': 20,
'mysql': {
'columnName': 'customer_id',
'description': {
'type': 'String',
'required': false,
'length': 40,
var foreignKeySelect =
'AND TABLE_NAME = "order_test"';
ds.createModel(customer2_schema.name, customer2_schema.properties, customer2_schema.options);
ds.createModel(customer3_schema.name, customer3_schema.properties, customer3_schema.options);
ds.createModel(schema_v1.name, schema_v1.properties, schema_v1.options);
//do initial update/creation of table
ds.autoupdate(function(err) {
assert(!err, err);
ds.discoverModelProperties('order_test', function(err, props) {
//validate that we have the correct number of properties
assert.equal(props.length, 3);
//get the foreign keys for this table
ds.connector.execute(foreignKeySelect, function(err, foreignKeys) {
if (err) return done(err);
//validate that the foreign key exists and points to the right column
assert.equal(foreignKeys[0].REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, 'customer_test3');
assert.equal(foreignKeys[0].COLUMN_NAME, 'customerId');
assert.equal(foreignKeys[0].CONSTRAINT_NAME, 'fk_ordertest_customerId');
assert.equal(foreignKeys[0].REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME, 'id');
//update our model (move foreign key) and run autoupdate to migrate
ds.createModel(schema_v2.name, schema_v2.properties, schema_v2.options);
ds.autoupdate(function(err, result) {
if (err) return done(err);
//should be actual after autoupdate
ds.isActual(function(err, isEqual) {
if (err) return done(err);
//get and validate the properties on this model
ds.discoverModelProperties('order_test', function(err, props) {
if (err) return done(err);
assert.equal(props.length, 3);
//get the foreign keys that exist after the migration
ds.connector.execute(foreignKeySelect, function(err, updatedForeignKeys) {
if (err) return done(err);
//validate that the foreign keys was moved to the new column
assert.equal(updatedForeignKeys[0].REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, 'customer_test2');
assert.equal(updatedForeignKeys[0].COLUMN_NAME, 'customer_id');
assert.equal(updatedForeignKeys[0].CONSTRAINT_NAME, 'fk_ordertest_customerId');
assert.equal(updatedForeignKeys[0].REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME, 'id');
//update model (to drop foreign key) and autoupdate
ds.createModel(schema_v3.name, schema_v3.properties, schema_v3.options);
ds.autoupdate(function(err, result) {
if (err) return done(err);
//validate the properties
ds.discoverModelProperties('order_test', function(err, props) {
if (err) return done(err);
assert.equal(props.length, 3);
//get the foreign keys and validate the foreign key has been dropped
ds.connector.execute(foreignKeySelect, function(err, thirdForeignKeys) {
if (err) return done(err);
done(err, result);
function setupAltColNameData() {
var schema = {
name: 'ColRenameTest',
options: {
idInjection: false,
mysql: {
schema: 'myapp_test',
table: 'col_rename_test',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'String',
required: false,
length: 40,
mysql: {
columnName: 'first_name',
dataType: 'varchar',
dataLength: 40,
lastName: {
type: 'String',
required: false,
length: 40,
ds.createModel(schema.name, schema.properties, schema.options);
it('should report errors for automigrate', function(done) {
ds.automigrate('XYZ', function(err) {
it('should report errors for autoupdate', function(done) {
ds.autoupdate('XYZ', function(err) {
it('"mysql.columnName" is updated with correct name on create table', function(done) {
// first autoupdate call uses create table
it('"mysql.columnName" is updated without changing column name on alter table', function(done) {
// second autoupdate call uses alter table
it('should update the nullable property of "first_name" to false', function(done) {
// update the model "required" property
var schema = {
name: 'ColRenameTest',
options: {
idInjection: false,
mysql: {
schema: 'myapp_test',
table: 'col_rename_test',
properties: {
firstName: {
type: 'String',
required: true,
length: 40,
mysql: {
columnName: 'first_name',
dataType: 'varchar',
dataLength: 40,
lastName: {
type: 'String',
required: false,
length: 40,
ds.createModel(schema.name, schema.properties, schema.options);
// nullable should be updated to false
ds.autoupdate('ColRenameTest', function(err) {
ds.discoverModelProperties('col_rename_test', function(err, props) {
assert.equal(props[0].nullable, 'N');
assert.equal(props[0].columnName, 'first_name');
function verifyMysqlColumnNameAutoupdate(done) {
ds.autoupdate('ColRenameTest', function(err) {
ds.discoverModelProperties('col_rename_test', function(err, props) {
assert.equal(props[0].columnName, 'first_name');
assert.equal(props[1].columnName, 'lastName');
assert.equal(props.length, 2);