/** * Dependencies. */ var assert = require('assert'); var remoting = require('strong-remoting'); var DataAccessObject = require('loopback-datasource-juggler/lib/dao'); /** * Export the RemoteConnector class. */ module.exports = RemoteConnector; /** * Create an instance of the connector with the given `settings`. */ function RemoteConnector(settings) { assert(typeof settings === 'object', 'cannot initiaze RemoteConnector without a settings object'); this.client = settings.client; this.adapter = settings.adapter || 'rest'; this.protocol = settings.protocol || 'http' this.root = settings.root || ''; this.host = settings.host || 'localhost'; this.port = settings.port || 3000; this.remotes = remoting.create(); // TODO(ritch) make sure this name works with Model.getSourceId() this.name = 'remote-connector'; if (settings.url) { this.url = settings.url; } else { this.url = this.protocol + '://' + this.host + ':' + this.port + this.root; } // handle mixins in the define() method var DAO = this.DataAccessObject = function() { }; } RemoteConnector.prototype.connect = function() { this.remotes.connect(this.url, this.adapter); } RemoteConnector.initialize = function(dataSource, callback) { var connector = dataSource.connector = new RemoteConnector(dataSource.settings); connector.connect(); callback(); } RemoteConnector.prototype.define = function(definition) { var Model = definition.model; var remotes = this.remotes; var SharedClass; assert(Model.sharedClass, 'cannot attach ' + Model.modelName + ' to a remote connector without a Model.sharedClass'); remotes.addClass(Model.sharedClass); Model.sharedClass.methods().forEach(function(remoteMethod) { // TODO(ritch) more elegant way of ignoring a nested shared class if (remoteMethod.name !== 'Change' && remoteMethod.name !== 'Checkpoint') { createProxyMethod(Model, remotes, remoteMethod); } }); } function createProxyMethod(Model, remotes, remoteMethod) { var scope = remoteMethod.isStatic ? Model : Model.prototype; var original = scope[remoteMethod.name]; scope[remoteMethod.name] = function remoteMethodProxy() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var lastArgIsFunc = typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function'; var callback; if (lastArgIsFunc) { callback = args.pop(); } remotes.invoke(remoteMethod.stringName, args, callback); } } function noop() { }