// Copyright IBM Corp. 2016,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-connector // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const composer = require('../lib/model-key-composer'); const expect = require('chai').expect; const Promise = require('bluebird'); describe('ModelKeyComposer', function() { describe('compose()', function() { it('honours the key', function() { return Promise.all([ composer.compose('Car', 'vin'), composer.compose('Car', 'name'), ]).spread(function(key1, key2) { expect(key1).to.not.equal(key2); }); }); it('honours the model name', function() { return Promise.all([ composer.compose('Product', 'name'), composer.compose('Category', 'name'), ]).spread(function(key1, key2) { expect(key1).to.not.equal(key2); }); }); it('encodes values', function() { // This test is based on the knowledge that we are using ':' separator // when building the composed string return Promise.all([ composer.compose('a', 'b:c'), composer.compose('a:b', 'c'), ]).spread(function(key1, key2) { expect(key1).to.not.equal(key2); }); }); it('supports invocation with a callback', function(done) { composer.compose('Car', 'vin', done); }); }); describe('parse()', function() { it('decodes valid value', function() { return composer.compose('Car', 'vin') .then(function(data) { return composer.parse(data); }) .then(function(parsed) { expect(parsed).to.eql({ modelName: 'Car', key: 'vin', }); }); }); it('handles invalid values', function() { return composer.parse('invalid').then( function onSuccess() { throw new Error('composer.parse() should have failed'); }, function onError(err) { expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'NO_MODEL_PREFIX'); } ); }); it('supports invocation with a callback', function(done) { composer.compose('Car', 'vin', function(err, key) { if (err) return done(err); composer.parse(key, function(err, parsed) { if (err) return done(err); expect(parsed).to.eql({ modelName: 'Car', key: 'vin', }); done(); }); }); }); }); });