var util = require('util'); var async = require('async'); var assert = require('assert'); var Connector = require('./connector'); module.exports = SqlConnector; /** * Base class for connectors that are backed by relational databases/SQL * @class */ function SqlConnector() { Connector.apply(this, []; } util.inherits(SqlConnector, Connector); /** * Set the relational property to indicate the backend is a relational DB * @type {boolean} */ SqlConnector.prototype.relational = true; /** * Get types associated with the connector * Returns {String[]} The types for the connector */ SqlConnector.prototype.getTypes = function() { return ['db', 'rdbms', 'sql']; }; /*! * Get the default data type for ID * Returns {Function} */ SqlConnector.prototype.getDefaultIdType = function() { return Number; }; SqlConnector.prototype.query = function () { throw new Error('query method should be declared in connector'); }; SqlConnector.prototype.command = function (sql, params, callback) { return this.query(sql, params, callback); }; SqlConnector.prototype.queryOne = function (sql, callback) { return this.query(sql, function (err, data) { if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(err, data && data[0]); }); }; /** * Get the table name for a given model. * Returns the table name (String). * @param {String} model The model name */ SqlConnector.prototype.table = function (model) { var name = this.getDataSource(model).tableName(model); var dbName = this.dbName; if (typeof dbName === 'function') { name = dbName(name); } return name; }; /** * Get the column name for given model property * @param {String} model The model name * @param {String} property The property name * @returns {String} The column name */ SqlConnector.prototype.column = function (model, property) { var name = this.getDataSource(model).columnName(model, property); var dbName = this.dbName; if (typeof dbName === 'function') { name = dbName(name); } return name; }; /** * Get the column name for given model property * @param {String} model The model name * @param {String} property The property name * @returns {Object} The column metadata */ SqlConnector.prototype.columnMetadata = function (model, property) { return this.getDataSource(model).columnMetadata(model, property); }; /** * Get the corresponding property name for a given column name * @param {String} model The model name * @param {String} column The column name * @returns {String} The property name for a given column */ SqlConnector.prototype.propertyName = function (model, column) { var props = this._models[model].properties; for (var p in props) { if (this.column(model, p) === column) { return p; } } return null; }; /** * Get the id column name * @param {String} model The model name * @returns {String} The column name */ SqlConnector.prototype.idColumn = function (model) { var name = this.getDataSource(model).idColumnName(model); var dbName = this.dbName; if (typeof dbName === 'function') { name = dbName(name); } return name; }; /** * Get the escaped id column name * @param {String} model The model name * @returns {String} the escaped id column name */ SqlConnector.prototype.idColumnEscaped = function (model) { return this.escapeName(this.getDataSource(model).idColumnName(model)); }; /** * Escape the name for the underlying database * @param {String} name The name */ SqlConnector.prototype.escapeName = function (name) { /*jshint unused:false */ throw new Error('escapeName method should be declared in connector'); }; /** * Get the escaped table name * @param {String} model The model name * @returns {String} the escaped table name */ SqlConnector.prototype.tableEscaped = function (model) { return this.escapeName(this.table(model)); }; /** * Get the escaped column name for a given model property * @param {String} model The model name * @param {String} property The property name * @returns {String} The escaped column name */ SqlConnector.prototype.columnEscaped = function (model, property) { return this.escapeName(this.column(model, property)); }; function isIdValuePresent(idValue, callback, returningNull) { try { assert(idValue !== null && idValue !== undefined, 'id value is required'); return true; } catch (err) { process.nextTick(function () { if(callback) callback(returningNull ? null: err); }); return false; } } /** * Save the model instance into the backend store * @param {String} model The model name * @param {Object} data The model instance data * @param {Function} callback The callback function */ = function (model, data, callback) { var idName = this.getDataSource(model).idName(model); var idValue = data[idName]; if (!isIdValuePresent(idValue, callback)) { return; } idValue = this._escapeIdValue(model, idValue); var sql = 'UPDATE ' + this.tableEscaped(model) + ' SET ' + this.toFields(model, data) + ' WHERE ' + this.idColumnEscaped(model) + ' = ' + idValue; this.query(sql, function (err, result) { if (callback) callback(err, result); }); }; /** * Check if a model instance exists for the given id value * @param {String} model The model name * @param {*} id The id value * @param {Function} callback The callback function */ SqlConnector.prototype.exists = function (model, id, callback) { if (!isIdValuePresent(id, callback, true)) { return; } var sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM ' + this.tableEscaped(model) + ' WHERE ' + this.idColumnEscaped(model) + ' = ' + this._escapeIdValue(model, id) + ' LIMIT 1'; this.query(sql, function (err, data) { if (!callback) return; if (err) { callback(err); } else { callback(null, data.length >= 1); } }); }; /** * Find a model instance by id * @param {String} model The model name * @param {*} id The id value * @param {Function} callback The callback function */ SqlConnector.prototype.find = function find(model, id, callback) { if (!isIdValuePresent(id, callback, true)) { return; } var self = this; var idQuery = this.idColumnEscaped(model) + ' = ' + this._escapeIdValue(model, id); var sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' + this.tableEscaped(model) + ' WHERE ' + idQuery + ' LIMIT 1'; this.query(sql, function (err, data) { var result = (data && data.length >= 1) ? data[0] : null; if (callback) callback(err, self.fromDatabase(model, result)); }); }; /** * Delete a model instance by id value * @param {String} model The model name * @param {*} id The id value * @param {Function} callback The callback function */ SqlConnector.prototype.delete = SqlConnector.prototype.destroy = function destroy(model, id, callback) { if (!isIdValuePresent(id, callback, true)) { return; } var sql = 'DELETE FROM ' + this.tableEscaped(model) + ' WHERE ' + this.idColumnEscaped(model) + ' = ' + this._escapeIdValue(model, id); this.command(sql, function (err, result) { if (callback) callback(err, result); }); }; SqlConnector.prototype._escapeIdValue = function(model, idValue) { var idProp = this.getDataSource(model).idProperty(model); if(typeof this.toDatabase === 'function') { return this.toDatabase(idProp, idValue); } else { if(idProp.type === Number) { return idValue; } else { return '\'' + idValue + '\''; } } }; function buildWhere(self, model, where) { if (typeof self.buildWhere === 'function') { return self.buildWhere(model, where); } else { var props = self._models[model].properties; var cs = []; Object.keys(where || {}).forEach(function (key) { var keyEscaped = self.columnEscaped(model, key); if (where[key] === null) { cs.push(keyEscaped + ' IS NULL'); } else { cs.push(keyEscaped + ' = ' + self.toDatabase(props[key], where[key])); } }); return cs.length ? ' WHERE ' + cs.join(' AND ') : ''; } } /** * Delete all model instances * * @param {String} model The model name * @param {Function} callback The callback function */ SqlConnector.prototype.deleteAll = SqlConnector.prototype.destroyAll = function destroyAll(model, where, callback) { this.command('DELETE FROM ' + this.tableEscaped(model) + buildWhere(this, model, where), function (err, result) { if (callback) { callback(err, result); } }); }; /** * Count all model instances by the where filter * * @param {String} model The model name * @param {Function} callback The callback function * @param {Object} where The where clause */ SqlConnector.prototype.count = function count(model, callback, where) { var self = this; var whereClause = buildWhere(self, model, where); this.queryOne('SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM ' + this.tableEscaped(model) + ' ' + whereClause, function (err, res) { if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(err, res && res.cnt); }); }; /** * Update attributes for a given model instance * @param {String} model The model name * @param {*} id The id value * @param {Object} data The model data instance containing all properties to be updated * @param {Function} cb The callback function */ SqlConnector.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttrs(model, id, data, cb) { if (!isIdValuePresent(id, cb)) { return; } var idName = this.getDataSource(model).idName(model); data[idName] = id;, data, cb); }; /** * Disconnect from the connector */ SqlConnector.prototype.disconnect = function disconnect() { // No operation }; /** * Recreate the tables for the given models * @param {[String]|String} [models] A model name or an array of model names, * if not present, apply to all models defined in the connector * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function */ SqlConnector.prototype.automigrate = function (models, cb) { var self = this; if ((!cb) && ('function' === typeof models)) { cb = models; models = undefined; } // First argument is a model name if ('string' === typeof models) { models = [models]; } models = models || Object.keys(self._models); async.each(models, function (model, callback) { if (model in self._models) { self.dropTable(model, function (err) { if (err) { // TODO(bajtos) should we abort here and call cb(err)? // The original code in juggler ignored the error completely console.error(err); } self.createTable(model, function (err, result) { if (err) { console.error(err); } callback(err, result); }); }); } }, cb); }; /** * Drop the table for the given model from the database * @param {String} model The model name * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function */ SqlConnector.prototype.dropTable = function (model, cb) { this.command('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' + this.tableEscaped(model), cb); }; /** * Create the table for the given model * @param {String} model The model name * @param {Function} [cb] The callback function */ SqlConnector.prototype.createTable = function (model, cb) { this.command('CREATE TABLE ' + this.tableEscaped(model) + ' (\n ' + this.propertiesSQL(model) + '\n)', cb); }; /** * Update all instances that match the where clause with the given data * @param {String} model The model name * @param {Object} data The property/value object representing changes to be made * @param {Function} callback The callback function */ SqlConnector.prototype.update = SqlConnector.prototype.updateAll = function (model, where, data, callback) { var whereClause = buildWhere(this, model, where); var sql = 'UPDATE ' + this.tableEscaped(model) + ' SET ' + this.toFields(model, data) + whereClause; this.query(sql, function (err, result) { if (callback) { callback(err, result); } }); };