// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-context-cls // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; var LoopBackContext = require('../current-context'); module.exports = perRequestContextFactory; var name = 'loopback'; /** * Context middleware. * ```js * var perRequestContext = require( * 'loopback-context/server/middleware/per-request-context.js'); * var app = loopback(); * app.use(perRequestContext(options); * app.use(loopback.rest()); * app.listen(); * ``` * @options {Object} [options] Options for context * @property {String} name Context scope name. * @property {Boolean} enableHttpContext Whether HTTP context is enabled. Default is false. */ function perRequestContextFactory(options) { options = options || {}; var scope = options.name || name; var enableHttpContext = options.enableHttpContext || false; var ns = LoopBackContext.createContext(scope); // Return the middleware return function perRequestContext(req, res, next) { if (req.loopbackContext) { return next(); } LoopBackContext.runInContext(function processRequestInContext(ns, domain) { req.loopbackContext = ns; // Bind req/res event emitters to the given namespace ns.bindEmitter(req); ns.bindEmitter(res); // Add req/res event emitters to the current domain domain.add(req); domain.add(res); // Run the code in the context of the namespace if (enableHttpContext) { // Set up the transport context ns.set('http', {req: req, res: res}); } next(); }); }; }