2012-05-16 21:18:11 +00:00
juggling = require('../index')
Schema = juggling.Schema
Text = Schema.Text
2012-05-16 21:39:43 +00:00
DBNAME = process.env.DBNAME || 'myapp_test' #this db must already exist and will be destroyed
2012-05-16 21:18:11 +00:00
DBUSER = process.env.DBUSER || 'root'
DBENGINE = process.env.DBENGINE || 'postgres'
require('./spec_helper').init module.exports
schema = new Schema DBENGINE, database: '', username: DBUSER, password: DBPASS
schema.log = (q) -> console.log q
query = (sql, cb) ->
schema.adapter.query sql, cb
User = schema.define 'User',
email: { type: String, null: false, index: true }
name: String
bio: Text
password: String
birthDate: Date
pendingPeriod: Number
createdByAdmin: Boolean
withBlankDatabase = (cb) ->
db = schema.settings.database = DBNAME
query 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ' + db, (err) ->
query 'CREATE DATABASE ' + db, cb
getColumnDescriptions = (model, cb)->
query "SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable, column_default FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = '#{model}'", (err, res)->
if err
cb err
fields = {}
fields[entry.column_name] = entry for entry in res
cb err, fields
it 'should run migration', (test)->
withBlankDatabase (err)->
schema.automigrate ->
getColumnDescriptions 'User', (err, fields)->
test.deepEqual fields,
column_name: 'id'
data_type: 'integer'
is_nullable: 'NO'
column_default: 'nextval(\'"User_id_seq"\'::regclass)'
column_name: 'email'
data_type: 'character varying'
is_nullable: 'NO'
column_default: null
column_name: 'name'
data_type: 'character varying'
is_nullable: 'YES'
column_default: null
column_name: 'bio'
data_type: 'text'
is_nullable: 'YES'
column_default: null
column_name: 'password'
data_type: 'character varying'
is_nullable: 'YES'
column_default: null
column_name: 'birthDate'
data_type: 'timestamp without time zone'
is_nullable: 'YES'
column_default: null
column_name: 'pendingPeriod'
data_type: 'integer'
is_nullable: 'YES'
column_default: null
column_name: 'createdByAdmin'
data_type: 'boolean'
is_nullable: 'YES'
column_default: null
it 'should autoupdate', (test) ->
getColumnDescriptions 'User', (err, fields)->
userExists = (cb) ->
query 'SELECT * FROM "User"', (err, res) ->
cb(not err and res[0].email == 'test@example.com')
User.create email: 'test@example.com', (err, user) ->
test.ok not err, "error occurred while creating User: #{err}"
userExists (yep) ->
test.ok yep, 'userExists returned false'
User.defineProperty 'email', type: String
User.defineProperty 'createdByAdmin', type: String
User.defineProperty 'newProperty', type: Number
User.defineProperty 'pendingPeriod', false
schema.autoupdate (err) ->
getColumnDescriptions 'User', (err, fields) ->
# email should now be nullable
test.equal fields.email.is_nullable, 'YES', "email's nullability did not change to nullable"
# change type of createdByAdmin
test.equal fields.createdByAdmin.data_type, 'character varying', "createdByAdmin's data type did not change"
# new column should be added
test.ok fields.newProperty, 'New column was not added'
if fields.newProperty
test.equal fields.newProperty.data_type, 'integer', 'New column type is not integer'
# pendingPeriod should be dropped
test.ok not fields.pendingPeriod, 'pendingPeriod was not dropped'
# user should still exist
userExists (yep) ->
test.ok yep, 'user does not still exist after update'
it 'should check actuality of schema', (test) ->
# drop column
User.schema.isActual (err, ok) ->
test.ok ok, "User is not actual before schema is modified"
User.defineProperty 'email', false
User.schema.isActual (err, ok) ->
test.ok not ok, "User should not be actual after schema is modified"
it 'should disconnect when done', (test)->