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2018-05-02 23:21:49 +00:00
// Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
import {Callback, Options, PromiseOrVoid} from './common';
* This class provides methods that add validation cababilities to models.
* Each of the validations runs when the `obj.isValid()` method is called.
* All of the methods have an options object parameter that has a
* `message` property. When there is only a single error message, this
* property is just a string;
* for example: `Post.validatesPresenceOf('title', { message: 'can not be blank' });`
* In more complicated cases it can be a set of messages, for each possible
* error condition; for example:
* `User.validatesLengthOf('password', { min: 6, max: 20, message: {min: 'too short', max: 'too long'}});`
export interface Validatable {
* Validate presence of one or more specified properties.
* Requires a model to include a property to be considered valid; fails when validated field is blank.
* For example, validate presence of title
* ```
* Post.validatesPresenceOf('title');
* ```
* Validate that model has first, last, and age properties:
* ```
* User.validatesPresenceOf('first', 'last', 'age');
* ```
* Example with custom message
* ```
* Post.validatesPresenceOf('title', {message: 'Cannot be blank'});
* ```
* @param {String} propertyName One or more property names.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} message Error message to use instead of default.
* @property {String} if Validate only if `if` exists.
* @property {String} unless Validate only if `unless` exists.
validatesPresenceOf(...propertyNames: string[]): void;
validatesPresenceOf(propertyName: string, options?: Options): void;
* Validate absence of one or more specified properties.
* A model should not include a property to be considered valid; fails when validated field is not blank.
* For example, validate absence of reserved
* ```
* Post.validatesAbsenceOf('reserved', { unless: 'special' });
* ```
* @param {String} propertyName One or more property names.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} message Error message to use instead of default.
* @property {String} if Validate only if `if` exists.
* @property {String} unless Validate only if `unless` exists.
validatesAbsenceOf(...propertyNames: string[]): void;
validatesAbsenceOf(propertyName: string, options?: Options): void;
* Validate length.
* Require a property length to be within a specified range.
* There are three kinds of validations: min, max, is.
* Default error messages:
* - min: too short
* - max: too long
* - is: length is wrong
* Example: length validations
* ```
* User.validatesLengthOf('password', {min: 7});
* User.validatesLengthOf('email', {max: 100});
* User.validatesLengthOf('state', {is: 2});
* User.validatesLengthOf('nick', {min: 3, max: 15});
* ```
* Example: length validations with custom error messages
* ```
* User.validatesLengthOf('password', {min: 7, message: {min: 'too weak'}});
* User.validatesLengthOf('state', {is: 2, message: {is: 'is not valid state name'}});
* ```
* @param {String} propertyName Property name to validate.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {Number} is Value that property must equal to validate.
* @property {Number} min Value that property must be less than to be valid.
* @property {Number} max Value that property must be less than to be valid.
* @property {Object} message Optional object with string properties for custom error message for each validation: is, min, or max.
validatesLengthOf(propertyName: string, options?: Options): void;
* Validate numericality.
* Requires a value for property to be either an integer or number.
* Example
* ```
* User.validatesNumericalityOf('age', { message: { number: 'is not a number' }});
* User.validatesNumericalityOf('age', {int: true, message: { int: 'is not an integer' }});
* ```
* @param {String} propertyName Property name to validate.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {Boolean} int If true, then property must be an integer to be valid.
* @property {Boolean} allowBlank Allow property to be blank.
* @property {Boolean} allowNull Allow property to be null.
* @property {Object} message Optional object with string properties for 'int' for integer validation. Default error messages:
* - number: is not a number
* - int: is not an integer
validatesNumericalityOf(propertyName: string, options?: Options): void;
* Validate inclusion in set.
* Require a value for property to be in the specified array.
* Example:
* ```
* User.validatesInclusionOf('gender', {in: ['male', 'female']});
* User.validatesInclusionOf('role', {
* in: ['admin', 'moderator', 'user'], message: 'is not allowed'
* });
* ```
* @param {String} propertyName Property name to validate.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {Array} in Property must match one of the values in the array to be valid.
* @property {String} message Optional error message if property is not valid.
* Default error message: "is not included in the list".
* @property {Boolean} allowNull Whether null values are allowed.
validatesInclusionOf(propertyName: string, options?: Options): void;
* Validate exclusion in a set.
* Require a property value not be in the specified array.
* Example: `Company.validatesExclusionOf('domain', {in: ['www', 'admin']});`
* @param {String} propertyName Property name to validate.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {Array} in Property must not match any of the values in the array to be valid.
* @property {String} message Optional error message if property is not valid. Default error message: "is reserved".
* @property {Boolean} allowNull Whether null values are allowed.
validatesExclusionOf(propertyName: string, options?: Options): void;
* Validate format.
* Require a model to include a property that matches the given format.
* Example: `User.validatesFormatOf('name', {with: /\w+/});`
* @param {String} propertyName Property name to validate.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {RegExp} with Regular expression to validate format.
* @property {String} message Optional error message if property is not valid. Default error message: " is invalid".
* @property {Boolean} allowNull Whether null values are allowed.
validatesFormatOf(propertyName: string, options?: Options): void;
* Validate using custom validation function.
* Example:
* User.validate('name', customValidator, {message: 'Bad name'});
* function customValidator(err) {
* if (this.name === 'bad') err();
* });
* var user = new User({name: 'Peter'});
* user.isValid(); // true
* user.name = 'bad';
* user.isValid(); // false
* ```
* @param {String} propertyName Property name to validate.
* @param {Function} validatorFn Custom validation function.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} message Optional error message if property is not valid. Default error message: " is invalid".
* @property {Boolean} allowNull Whether null values are allowed.
propertyName: string,
validatorFn: Function,
options?: Options,
): void;
* Validate using custom asynchronous validation function.
* Example:
* User.validateAsync('name', customValidator, {message: 'Bad name'});
* function customValidator(err, done) {
* process.nextTick(function () {
* if (this.name === 'bad') err();
* done();
* });
* });
* var user = new User({name: 'Peter'});
* user.isValid(); // false (because async validation setup)
* user.isValid(function (isValid) {
* isValid; // true
* })
* user.name = 'bad';
* user.isValid(); // false
* user.isValid(function (isValid) {
* isValid; // false
* })
* ```
* @param {String} propertyName Property name to validate.
* @param {Function} validatorFn Custom validation function.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} message Optional error message if property is not valid. Default error message: " is invalid".
* @property {Boolean} allowNull Whether null values are allowed.
propertyName: string,
validatorFn: Function,
options?: Options,
): void;
* Validate uniqueness of the value for a property in the collection of models.
* Not available for all connectors. Currently supported with these connectors:
* - In Memory
* - Oracle
* - MongoDB
* ```
* // The login must be unique across all User instances.
* User.validatesUniquenessOf('login');
* // Assuming SiteUser.belongsTo(Site)
* // The login must be unique within each Site.
* SiteUser.validateUniquenessOf('login', { scopedTo: ['siteId'] });
* ```
* @param {String} propertyName Property name to validate.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {RegExp} with Regular expression to validate format.
* @property {Array.<String>} scopedTo List of properties defining the scope.
* @property {String} message Optional error message if property is not valid. Default error message: "is not unique".
* @property {Boolean} allowNull Whether null values are allowed.
* @property {String} ignoreCase Make the validation case insensitive.
* @property {String} if Validate only if `if` exists.
* @property {String} unless Validate only if `unless` exists.
propertyName: string,
validatorFn: Function,
options?: Options,
): void;
* Validate if a value for a property is a Date.
* Example
* ```
* User.validatesDateOf('today', {message: 'today is not a date!'});
* ```
* @param {String} propertyName Property name to validate.
* @options {Object} options Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} message Error message to use instead of default.
propertyName: string,
validatorFn: Function,
options?: Options,
): void;
* ValidationError
export declare class ValidationError extends Error {
statusCode?: number;
details: {
context: any;
codes: string[];
messages: string[];