Merge branch 'release/1.6.1' into production
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
"content": [
"codeSectionDepth": 4,
"assets": {
@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ Memory.prototype.all = function all(model, filter, callback) {
// limit/skip
filter.skip = filter.skip || 0;
filter.limit = filter.limit || nodes.length;
nodes = nodes.slice(filter.skip, filter.skip + filter.limit);
var skip = filter.skip || filter.offset || 0;
var limit = filter.limit || nodes.length;
nodes = nodes.slice(skip, skip + limit);
process.nextTick(function () {
@ -363,8 +363,40 @@ function applyFilter(filter) {
return pass;
function toRegExp(pattern) {
if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
return pattern;
var regex = '';
// Escaping user input to be treated as a literal string within a regular expression
pattern = pattern.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
for (var i = 0, n = pattern.length; i < n; i++) {
var char = pattern.charAt(i);
if (char === '\\') {
i++; // Skip to next char
if (i < n) {
regex += pattern.charAt(i);
} else if (char === '%') {
regex += '.*';
} else if (char === '_') {
regex += '.';
} else if (char === '.') {
regex += '\\.';
} else if (char === '*') {
regex += '\\*';
else {
regex += char;
return regex;
function test(example, value) {
if (typeof value === 'string' && example && === 'RegExp') {
if (typeof value === 'string' && (example instanceof RegExp)) {
return value.match(example);
if (example === undefined || value === undefined) {
@ -377,24 +409,81 @@ function applyFilter(filter) {
if (example.inq) {
if (!value) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < example.inq.length; i += 1) {
if (example.inq[i] == value) return true;
// if (!value) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < example.inq.length; i++) {
if (example.inq[i] == value) {
return true;
return false;
if (isNum( && < value) return true;
if (isNum(example.gte) && example.gte <= value) return true;
if (isNum( && > value) return true;
if (isNum(example.lte) && example.lte >= value) return true;
if ( || example.nlike) {
var like = || example.nlike;
if (typeof like === 'string') {
like = toRegExp(like);
if ( {
return !!new RegExp(like).test(value);
if (example.nlike) {
return !new RegExp(like).test(value);
if (testInEquality(example, value)) {
return true;
// not strict equality
return (example !== null ? example.toString() : example) == (value !== null ? value.toString() : value);
function isNum(n) {
return typeof n === 'number';
* Compare two values
* @param {*} val1 The 1st value
* @param {*} val2 The 2nd value
* @returns {number} 0: =, positive: >, negative <
* @private
function compare(val1, val2) {
if(val1 == null || val2 == null) {
// Either val1 or val2 is null or undefined
return val1 == val2 ? 0 : NaN;
if (typeof val1 === 'number') {
return val1 - val2;
if (typeof val1 === 'string') {
return (val1 > val2) ? 1 : ((val1 < val2) ? -1 : (val1 == val2) ? 0 : NaN);
if (typeof val1 === 'boolean') {
return val1 - val2;
if (val1 instanceof Date) {
var result = val1 - val2;
return result;
// Return NaN if we don't know how to compare
return (val1 == val2) ? 0 : NaN;
function testInEquality(example, val) {
if ('gt' in example) {
return compare(val, > 0;
if ('gte' in example) {
return compare(val, example.gte) >= 0;
if ('lt' in example) {
return compare(val, < 0;
if ('lte' in example) {
return compare(val, example.lte) <= 0;
return false;
@ -434,6 +523,29 @@ Memory.prototype.count = function count(model, callback, where) {
Memory.prototype.update =
Memory.prototype.updateAll = function updateAll(model, where, data, cb) {
var self = this;
var cache = this.cache[model];
var filter = null;
where = where || {};
filter = applyFilter({where: where});
var ids = Object.keys(cache);
async.each(ids, function (id, done) {
var inst = self.fromDb(model, cache[id]);
if (!filter || filter(inst)) {
self.updateAttributes(model, id, data, done);
} else {
}, function (err) {
if (!err) {
self.saveToFile(null, cb);
Memory.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttributes(model, id, data, cb) {
if (!id) {
var err = new Error('You must provide an id when updating attributes!');
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ var utils = require('./utils');
var fieldsToArray = utils.fieldsToArray;
var removeUndefined = utils.removeUndefined;
var util = require('util');
var assert = require('assert');
* Base class for all persistent objects.
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ DataAccessObject._forDB = function (data) {
* });
* ```
* Note: You must include a callback and use the created model provided in the callback if your code depends on your model being
* saved or having an ID.
* saved or having an ID.
* @param {Object} data Optional data object
* @param {Function} callback Callback function called with these arguments:
@ -162,7 +163,6 @@ DataAccessObject.create = function (data, callback) {
this._adapter().create(modelName, this.constructor._forDB(obj.toObject(true)), function (err, id, rev) {
if (id) {
obj.__data[_idName] = id;
obj.__dataWas[_idName] = id;
defineReadonlyProp(obj, _idName, id);
if (rev) {
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ function stillConnecting(dataSource, obj, args) {
* Update or insert a model instance: update exiting record if one is found, such that parameter `` matches `id` of model instance;
* otherwise, insert a new record.
* NOTE: No setters, validations, or hooks are applied when using upsert.
* `updateOrCreate` is an alias
* @param {Object} data The model instance data
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ setRemoting(DataAccessObject.exists, {
* Find model instance by ID.
* Example:
* ```js
* User.findById(23, function(err, user) {
@ -353,8 +353,7 @@ DataAccessObject.findById = function find(id, cb) {
if (!getIdValue(this, data)) {
setIdValue(this, data, id);
obj = new this();
obj = new this(data, {applySetters: false});
cb(err, obj);
@ -432,7 +431,7 @@ DataAccessObject._normalize = function (filter) {
filter.limit = limit;
filter.offset = offset;
delete filter.skip;
filter.skip = offset;
// normalize fields as array of included property names
@ -551,10 +550,14 @@ DataAccessObject._coerce = function (where) {
// Coerce the array items
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
val[i] = DataType(val[i]);
if (val[i] !== null && val[i] !== undefined) {
val[i] = DataType(val[i]);
} else {
val = DataType(val);
if (val !== null && val !== undefined) {
val = DataType(val);
// Rebuild {property: {operator: value}}
if (operator) {
@ -571,7 +574,7 @@ DataAccessObject._coerce = function (where) {
* Find all instances of Model that match the specified query.
* Fields used for filter and sort should be declared with `{index: true}` in model definition.
* See [Querying models]( for more information.
* For example, find the second page of ten users over age 21 in descending order exluding the password property.
* ```js
@ -588,7 +591,7 @@ DataAccessObject._coerce = function (where) {
* ```
* @options {Object} [query] Optional JSON object that specifies query criteria and parameters.
* @property {Object} where Search criteria in JSON format `{ key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}}`.
* @property {Object} where Search criteria in JSON format `{ key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}}`.
* Operations:
* - gt: >
* - gte: >=
@ -600,7 +603,7 @@ DataAccessObject._coerce = function (where) {
* - neq: !=
* - like: LIKE
* - nlike: NOT LIKE
* You can also use `and` and `or` operations. See [Querying models]( for more information.
* @property {String|Object|Array} include Allows you to load relations of several objects and optimize numbers of requests.
* Format examples;
@ -619,7 +622,7 @@ DataAccessObject._coerce = function (where) {
* - `['foo', 'bar']` - include the foo and bar properties. Format:
* - `{foo: true}` - include only foo
* - `{bat: false}` - include all properties, exclude bat
* @param {Function} callback Required callback function. Call this function with two arguments: `err` (null or Error) and an array of instances.
@ -685,9 +688,7 @@ DataAccessObject.find = function find(query, cb) {
this.getDataSource().connector.all(this.modelName, query, function (err, data) {
if (data && data.forEach) {
data.forEach(function (d, i) {
var obj = new self();
obj._initProperties(d, {fields: query.fields});
var obj = new self(d, {fields: query.fields, applySetters: false});
if (query && query.include) {
if (query.collect) {
@ -767,7 +768,8 @@ setRemoting(DataAccessObject.findOne, {
description: 'Find first instance of the model matched by filter from the data source',
accepts: {arg: 'filter', type: 'object', description: 'Filter defining fields, where, orderBy, offset, and limit'},
returns: {arg: 'data', type: 'object', root: true},
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/findOne'}
http: {verb: 'get', path: '/findOne'},
rest: {after: convertNullToNotFoundError}
@ -779,7 +781,7 @@ setRemoting(DataAccessObject.findOne, {
// removed matching products
* });
* ````
* @param {Object} [where] Optional object that defines the criteria. This is a "where" object. Do NOT pass a filter object.
* @param {Function} [cb] Callback called with (err)
@ -814,7 +816,7 @@ DataAccessObject.remove = DataAccessObject.deleteAll = DataAccessObject.destroyA
* Delete the record with the specified ID.
* Delete the record with the specified ID.
* Aliases are `destroyById` and `deleteById`.
* @param {*} id The id value
* @param {Function} cb Callback called with (err)
@ -843,7 +845,7 @@ setRemoting(DataAccessObject.deleteById, {
* Return count of matched records. Optional query parameter allows you to count filtered set of model instances.
* Example:
* User.count({approved: true}, function(err, count) {
* console.log(count); // 2081
@ -957,6 +959,70 @@ = function (options, callback) {
* Update multiple instances that match the where clause
* Example:
* Employee.update({managerId: 'x001'}, {managerId: 'x002'}, function(err) {
* ...
* });
* ```
* @param {Object} [where] Search conditions (optional)
* @param {Object} data Changes to be made
* @param {Function} cb Callback, called with (err, count)
DataAccessObject.update =
DataAccessObject.updateAll = function (where, data, cb) {
if (stillConnecting(this.getDataSource(), this, arguments)) return;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
// update(data) is being called
data = where;
where = null;
cb = null;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (typeof data === 'function') {
// update(data, cb) is being called
cb = data;
data = where;
where = null;
} else {
// update(where, data) is being called
cb = null;
assert(typeof where === 'object', 'The where argument should be an object');
assert(typeof data === 'object', 'The data argument should be an object');
assert(cb === null || typeof cb === 'function', 'The cb argument should be a function');
try {
where = removeUndefined(where);
where = this._coerce(where);
} catch (err) {
return process.nextTick(function () {
cb && cb(err);
var connector = this.getDataSource().connector;
connector.update(this.modelName, where, data, cb);
// updateAll ~ remoting attributes
setRemoting(DataAccessObject.updateAll, {
description: 'Update instances of the model matched by where from the data source',
accepts: [
{arg: 'where', type: 'object', http: {source: 'query'},
description: 'Criteria to match model instances'},
{arg: 'data', type: 'object', http: {source: 'body'},
description: 'An object of model property name/value pairs'},
http: {verb: 'post', path: '/update'}
DataAccessObject.prototype.isNewRecord = function () {
return !getIdValue(this.constructor, this);
@ -1055,12 +1121,6 @@ DataAccessObject.prototype.updateAttributes = function updateAttributes(data, cb
inst._adapter().updateAttributes(model, getIdValue(inst.constructor, inst), inst.constructor._forDB(typedData), function (err) {
if (!err) {
// update $was attrs
for (var key in data) {
inst.__dataWas[key] = inst.__data[key];
||||, function () {
||||, function () {
if(cb) cb(err, inst);
@ -587,6 +587,7 @@ DataSource.prototype.createModel = DataSource.prototype.define = function define
* Mixin DataAccessObject methods.
* @param {Function} ModelCtor The model constructor
* @private
DataSource.prototype.mixin = function (ModelCtor) {
@ -719,12 +720,14 @@ DataSource.prototype.defineProperty = function (model, prop, params) {
* Drop each model table and re-create.
* This method applies only to SQL connectors.
* This method applies only to database connectors. For MongoDB, it drops and creates indexes.
* **WARNING**: Calling this function deletes all data! Use `autoupdate()` to preserve data.
* @param {String} model Model to migrate. If not present, apply to all models. Can also be an array of Strings.
* @param {Function} cb Callback function. Optional.
* @param {Function} [callback] Callback function. Optional.
* WARNING: Calling this function will cause all data to be lost! Use autoupdate if you need to preserve data.
DataSource.prototype.automigrate = function (models, cb) {
@ -741,7 +744,7 @@ DataSource.prototype.automigrate = function (models, cb) {
* Update existing database tables.
* This method make sense only for sql connectors.
* This method applies only to database connectors.
* @param {String} model Model to migrate. If not present, apply to all models. Can also be an array of Strings.
* @param {Function} [cb] The callback function
@ -765,10 +768,7 @@ DataSource.prototype.autoupdate = function (models, cb) {
* @param {Object} options The options
* @param {Function} Callback function. Optional.
* @options {Object} options Discovery options.
* Keys in options object:
* @options {Object} options Discovery options. See below.
* @property {Boolean} all If true, discover all models; if false, discover only models owned by the current user.
* @property {Boolean} views If true, nclude views; if false, only tables.
* @property {Number} limit Page size
@ -785,8 +785,12 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverModelDefinitions = function (options, cb) {
* The synchronous version of discoverModelDefinitions
* @param {Object} options The options
* The synchronous version of discoverModelDefinitions.
* @options {Object} options The options
* @property {Boolean} all If true, discover all models; if false, discover only models owned by the current user.
* @property {Boolean} views If true, nclude views; if false, only tables.
* @property {Number} limit Page size
* @property {Number} offset Starting index
* @returns {*}
DataSource.prototype.discoverModelDefinitionsSync = function (options) {
@ -800,24 +804,22 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverModelDefinitionsSync = function (options) {
* Discover properties for a given model.
* property description:
* Callback function return value is an object that can have the following properties:
*| Key | Type | Description |
*|owner | String | Database owner or schema|
*|tableName | String | Table/view name|
*|columnName | String | Column name|
*|dataType | String | Data type|
*|dataLength | Number | Data length|
*|dataPrecision | Number | Numeric data precision|
*|dataScale |Number | Numeric data scale|
*|nullable |Boolean | If true, then the data can be null|
* Options:
* - owner/schema The database owner/schema
*| Key | Type | Description |
*|owner | String | Database owner or schema|
*|tableName | String | Table/view name|
*|columnName | String | Column name|
*|dataType | String | Data type|
*|dataLength | Number | Data length|
*|dataPrecision | Number | Numeric data precision|
*|dataScale |Number | Numeric data scale|
*|nullable |Boolean | If true, then the data can be null|
* @param {String} modelName The table/view name
* @param {Object} options The options
* @options {Object} options The options
* @property {String} owner|schema The database owner or schema
* @param {Function} cb Callback function. Optional
@ -846,22 +848,19 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverModelPropertiesSync = function (modelName, options)
* Discover primary keys for a given owner/modelName.
* Callback function return value is an object that can have the following properties:
* Each primary key column description has the following columns:
* - owner {String} => table schema (may be null)
* - tableName {String} => table name
* - columnName {String} => column name
* - keySeq {Number} => sequence number within primary key( a value of 1 represents the first column of the primary key, a value of 2 would represent the second column within the primary key).
* - pkName {String} => primary key name (may be null)
* The owner defaults to current user.
* Options:
* - owner/schema The database owner/schema
*| Key | Type | Description |
*| owner |String | Table schema or owner (may be null). Owner defaults to current user.
*| tableName |String| Table name
*| columnName |String| Column name
*| keySeq |Number| Sequence number within primary key (1 indicates the first column in the primary key; 2 indicates the second column in the primary key).
*| pkName |String| Primary key name (may be null)
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param {Object} options The options
* @options {Object} options The options
* @property {String} owner|schema The database owner or schema
* @param {Function} [cb] The callback function
DataSource.prototype.discoverPrimaryKeys = function (modelName, options, cb) {
@ -876,7 +875,8 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverPrimaryKeys = function (modelName, options, cb) {
* The synchronous version of discoverPrimaryKeys
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param {Object} options The options
* @options {Object} options The options
* @property {String} owner|schema The database owner orschema
* @returns {*}
DataSource.prototype.discoverPrimaryKeysSync = function (modelName, options) {
@ -890,24 +890,23 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverPrimaryKeysSync = function (modelName, options) {
* Discover foreign keys for a given owner/modelName
* `foreign key description`
* Callback function return value is an object that can have the following properties:
* fkOwner String => foreign key table schema (may be null)
* fkName String => foreign key name (may be null)
* fkTableName String => foreign key table name
* fkColumnName String => foreign key column name
* keySeq Number => sequence number within a foreign key( a value of 1 represents the first column of the foreign key, a value of 2 would represent the second column within the foreign key).
* pkOwner String => primary key table schema being imported (may be null)
* pkName String => primary key name (may be null)
* pkTableName String => primary key table name being imported
* pkColumnName String => primary key column name being imported
* `options`
* owner/schema The database owner/schema
*| Key | Type | Description |
*|fkOwner |String | Foreign key table schema (may be null)
*|fkName |String | Foreign key name (may be null)
*|fkTableName |String | Foreign key table name
*|fkColumnName |String | Foreign key column name
*|keySeq |Number | Sequence number within a foreign key( a value of 1 represents the first column of the foreign key, a value of 2 would represent the second column within the foreign key).
*|pkOwner |String | Primary key table schema being imported (may be null)
*|pkName |String | Primary key name (may be null)
*|pkTableName |String | Primary key table name being imported
*|pkColumnName |String | Primary key column name being imported
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param {Object} options The options
* @options {Object} options The options
* @property {String} owner|schema The database owner or schema
* @param {Function} [cb] The callback function
@ -936,27 +935,26 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverForeignKeysSync = function (modelName, options) {
* Retrieves a description of the foreign key columns that reference the given table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a table).
* They are ordered by fkTableOwner, fkTableName, and keySeq.
* Retrieves a description of the foreign key columns that reference the given table's primary key columns
* (the foreign keys exported by a table), ordered by fkTableOwner, fkTableName, and keySeq.
* Callback function return value is an object that can have the following properties:
* `foreign key description`
* fkOwner {String} => foreign key table schema (may be null)
* fkName {String} => foreign key name (may be null)
* fkTableName {String} => foreign key table name
* fkColumnName {String} => foreign key column name
* keySeq {Number} => sequence number within a foreign key( a value of 1 represents the first column of the foreign key, a value of 2 would represent the second column within the foreign key).
* pkOwner {String} => primary key table schema being imported (may be null)
* pkName {String} => primary key name (may be null)
* pkTableName {String} => primary key table name being imported
* pkColumnName {String} => primary key column name being imported
* `options`
* owner/schema The database owner/schema
*| Key | Type | Description |
*|fkOwner |String | Foreign key table schema (may be null)
*|fkName |String | Foreign key name (may be null)
*|fkTableName |String | Foreign key table name
*|fkColumnName |String | Foreign key column name
*|keySeq |Number | Sequence number within a foreign key( a value of 1 represents the first column of the foreign key, a value of 2 would represent the second column within the foreign key).
*|pkOwner |String | Primary key table schema being imported (may be null)
*|pkName |String | Primary key name (may be null)
*|pkTableName |String | Primary key table name being imported
*|pkColumnName |String | Primary key column name being imported
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param {Object} options The options
* @options {Object} options The options
* @property {String} owner|schema The database owner or schema
* @param {Function} [cb] The callback function
DataSource.prototype.discoverExportedForeignKeys = function (modelName, options, cb) {
@ -1083,17 +1081,14 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverSchema = function (modelName, options, cb) {
* Discover schema from a given modelName/view
* Discover schema from a given modelName/view.
* `options`
* {String} owner/schema - The database owner/schema name
* {Boolean} relations - If relations (primary key/foreign key) are navigated
* {Boolean} all - If all owners are included
* {Boolean} views - If views are included
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param {Object} [options] The options
* @param {String} modelName The model name.
* @options {Object} [options] Options; see below.
* @property {String} owner|schema Database owner or schema name.
* @property {Boolean} relations True if relations (primary key/foreign key) are navigated; false otherwise.
* @property {Boolean} all True if all owners are included; false otherwise.
* @property {Boolean} views True if views are included; false otherwise.
* @param {Function} [cb] The callback function
DataSource.prototype.discoverSchemas = function (modelName, options, cb) {
@ -1255,15 +1250,12 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverSchemas = function (modelName, options, cb) {
* Discover schema from a given table/view synchronously
* `options`
* {String} owner/schema - The database owner/schema name
* {Boolean} relations - If relations (primary key/foreign key) are navigated
* {Boolean} all - If all owners are included
* {Boolean} views - If views are included
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param {Object} [options] The options
* @options {Object} [options] Options; see below.
* @property {String} owner|schema Database owner or schema name.
* @property {Boolean} relations True if relations (primary key/foreign key) are navigated; false otherwise.
* @property {Boolean} all True if all owners are included; false otherwise.
* @property {Boolean} views True if views are included; false otherwise.
DataSource.prototype.discoverSchemasSync = function (modelName, options) {
var self = this;
@ -1395,17 +1387,14 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverSchemasSync = function (modelName, options) {
* Discover and build models from the given owner/modelName
* Discover and build models from the specified owner/modelName.
* `options`
* {String} owner/schema - The database owner/schema name
* {Boolean} relations - If relations (primary key/foreign key) are navigated
* {Boolean} all - If all owners are included
* {Boolean} views - If views are included
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param {Object} [options] The options
* @param {String} modelName The model name.
* @options {Object} [options] Options; see below.
* @property {String} owner|schema Database owner or schema name.
* @property {Boolean} relations True if relations (primary key/foreign key) are navigated; false otherwise.
* @property {Boolean} all True if all owners are included; false otherwise.
* @property {Boolean} views True if views are included; false otherwise.
* @param {Function} [cb] The callback function
DataSource.prototype.discoverAndBuildModels = function (modelName, options, cb) {
@ -1432,15 +1421,15 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverAndBuildModels = function (modelName, options, cb)
* Discover and build models from the given owner/modelName synchronously
* `options`
* {String} owner/schema - The database owner/schema name
* {Boolean} relations - If relations (primary key/foreign key) are navigated
* {Boolean} all - If all owners are included
* {Boolean} views - If views are included
* Discover and build models from the given owner/modelName synchronously.
* @param {String} modelName The model name.
* @options {Object} [options] Options; see below.
* @property {String} owner|schema Database owner or schema name.
* @property {Boolean} relations True if relations (primary key/foreign key) are navigated; false otherwise.
* @property {Boolean} all True if all owners are included; false otherwise.
* @property {Boolean} views True if views are included; false otherwise.
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param {Object} [options] The options
@ -1459,8 +1448,8 @@ DataSource.prototype.discoverAndBuildModelsSync = function (modelName, options)
* Check whether migrations needed
* This method make sense only for sql connectors.
* @param {String[]} [models] A model name or an array of model names. If not present, apply to all models
* This method applies only to SQL connectors.
* @param {String|String[]} [models] A model name or an array of model names. If not present, apply to all models.
DataSource.prototype.isActual = function (models, cb) {
@ -1516,8 +1505,8 @@ DataSource.prototype.tableName = function (modelName) {
* Return column name for specified modelName and propertyName
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param propertyName The property name
* @returns {String} columnName
* @param {String} propertyName The property name
* @returns {String} columnName The column name.
DataSource.prototype.columnName = function (modelName, propertyName) {
return this.getModelDefinition(modelName).columnName(, propertyName);
@ -1526,7 +1515,7 @@ DataSource.prototype.columnName = function (modelName, propertyName) {
* Return column metadata for specified modelName and propertyName
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @param propertyName The property name
* @param {String} propertyName The property name
* @returns {Object} column metadata
DataSource.prototype.columnMetadata = function (modelName, propertyName) {
@ -1625,7 +1614,7 @@ DataSource.prototype.defineForeignKey = function defineForeignKey(className, key
* Close database connection
* @param {Fucntion} cb The callback function. Optional.
* @param {Function} [cb] The callback function. Optional.
DataSource.prototype.disconnect = function disconnect(cb) {
var self = this;
@ -1741,7 +1730,6 @@ DataSource.prototype.enableRemote = function (operation) {
* and disabled operations. To list the operations, call `dataSource.operations()`.
* var oracle = loopback.createDataSource({
* connector: require('loopback-connector-oracle'),
* host: '...',
@ -1752,8 +1740,8 @@ DataSource.prototype.enableRemote = function (operation) {
* **Notes:**
* - Disabled operations will not be added to attached models.
* - Disabling the remoting for a method only affects client access (it will still be available from server models).
* - Data sources must enable / disable operations before attaching or creating models.
* - Disabling the remoting for a method only affects client access (it will still be available from server models).
* - Data sources must enable / disable operations before attaching or creating models.
* @param {String} operation The operation name
@ -1831,11 +1819,11 @@ DataSource.prototype.isRelational = function () {
return this.connector && this.connector.relational;
* Check if the data source is ready.
* Returns a Boolean value.
* @param obj {Object} ?
* @param args {Object} ?
* @param {Object} obj ?
* @param {Object} args ?
DataSource.prototype.ready = function (obj, args) {
var self = this;
@ -106,9 +106,12 @@ exports.GeoPoint = GeoPoint;
* });
* ```
* @class GeoPoint
* @param {Object} latlong Object with two Number properties: lat and long.
* @prop {Number} lat
* @prop {Number} lng
* @property {Number} lat The latitude in degrees.
* @property {Number} lng The longitude in degrees.
* @options {Object} Options Object with two Number properties: lat and long.
* @property {Number} lat The latitude point in degrees. Range: -90 to 90.
* @property {Number} lng The longitude point in degrees. Range: -90 to 90.
function GeoPoint(data) {
@ -138,20 +141,18 @@ function GeoPoint(data) {
assert( <= 90, 'lat must be <= 90');
assert( >= -90, 'lat must be >= -90');
* @property {Number} lat The latitude point in degrees. Range: -90 to 90.
|||| =;
* @property {Number} lng The longitude point in degrees. Range: -90 to 90.
|||| =;
this.lng = data.lng;
* Determine the spherical distance between two GeoPoints.
* Specify units of measurement with the 'type' property in options object. Type can be:
* @param {GeoPoint} pointA Point A
* @param {GeoPoint} pointB Point B
* @options {Object} options Options object with one key, 'type'. See below.
* @property {String} type Unit of measurement, one of:
* - `miles` (default)
* - `radians`
* - `kilometers`
@ -159,9 +160,6 @@ function GeoPoint(data) {
* - `miles`
* - `feet`
* - `degrees`
* @param {GeoPoint} pointA Point A
* @param {GeoPoint} pointB Point B
* @param {Object} options Options object; has one key, 'type', to specify the units of measurment (see above). Default is miles.
GeoPoint.distanceBetween = function distanceBetween(a, b, options) {
@ -190,7 +188,16 @@ GeoPoint.distanceBetween = function distanceBetween(a, b, options) {
* GeoPoint.distanceBetween(here, there, {type: 'miles'}) // 438
* ```
* @param {Object} point GeoPoint object to which to measure distance.
* @param {Object} options Use type key to specify units of measurment (default is miles).
* @options {Object} options Options object with one key, 'type'. See below.
* @property {String} type Unit of measurement, one of:
* - `miles` (default)
* - `radians`
* - `kilometers`
* - `meters`
* - `miles`
* - `feet`
* - `degrees`
GeoPoint.prototype.distanceTo = function (point, options) {
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
* Module exports
module.exports = Hookable;
* Hooks mixins
* Hooks object.
* @class Hookable
function Hookable() {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function Inclusion() {
*``` Passport.include(passports, {owner: [{posts: 'images'}, 'passports']});
* @param {Array} objects Array of instances
* @param {String}, {Object} or {Array} include Which relations to load.
* @param {String|Object|Array} include Which relations to load.
* @param {Function} cb Callback called when relations are loaded
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ function List(items, itemType, parent) {
try {
items = JSON.parse(items);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('could not create List from JSON string: ', items);
throw new Error(util.format('could not create List from JSON string: %j', items));
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ function List(items, itemType, parent) {
items = items || [];
if (!Array.isArray(items)) {
throw new Error('Items must be an array: ' + items);
throw new Error(util.format('Items must be an array: %j', items));
if(!itemType) {
@ -92,12 +92,3 @@ List.prototype.toString = function () {
return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON());
var strArray = new List(['1', 2], String);
@ -28,18 +28,14 @@ var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
* ModelBuilder - A builder to define data models.
* @property {Object} definitions Definitions of the models.
* @property {Object} models Model constructors
* @class
function ModelBuilder() {
// create blank models pool
* @property {Object} models Model constructors
this.models = {};
* @property {Object} definitions Definitions of the models
this.definitions = {};
@ -61,7 +57,7 @@ function isModelClass(cls) {
* @param {String} name The model name
* @param {Boolean} forceCreate Whether the create a stub for the given name if a model doesn't exist.
* Returns {*} The model class
* @returns {*} The model class
ModelBuilder.prototype.getModel = function (name, forceCreate) {
var model = this.models[name];
@ -268,7 +264,11 @@ ModelBuilder.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, sett
// A function to loop through the properties
ModelClass.forEachProperty = function (cb) {
var props =;
var keys = Object.keys(props);
for (var i = 0, n = keys.length; i < n; i++) {
cb(keys[i], props[keys[i]]);
// A function to attach the model class to a data source
@ -276,7 +276,26 @@ ModelBuilder.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, sett
// A function to extend the model
/** Extend the model with the specified model, properties, and other settings.
* For example, to extend an existing model, for example, a built-in model:
* ```js
* var Customer = User.extend('customer', {
* accountId: String,
* vip: Boolean
* });
* ```
* To extend the base model, essentially creating a new model:
* ```js
* var user = loopback.Model.extend('user', properties, options);
* ```
* @param {String} className Name of the new model being defined.
* @options {Object} properties Properties to define for the model, added to properties of model being extended.
* @options {Object} settings Model settings, such as relations and acls.
ModelClass.extend = function (className, subclassProperties, subclassSettings) {
var properties =;
var settings = ModelClass.definition.settings;
@ -294,27 +313,22 @@ ModelBuilder.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, sett
// Merging the properties
Object.keys(properties).forEach(function (key) {
var keys = Object.keys(properties);
for (var i = 0, n = keys.length; i < n; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
if (idFound && properties[key].id) {
// don't inherit id properties
if (subclassProperties[key] === undefined) {
subclassProperties[key] = properties[key];
// Merge the settings
subclassSettings = mergeSettings(settings, subclassSettings);
Object.keys(settings).forEach(function (key) {
if(subclassSettings[key] === undefined) {
subclassSettings[key] = settings[key];
// Define the subclass
var subClass = modelBuilder.define(className, subclassProperties, subclassSettings, ModelClass);
@ -355,20 +369,15 @@ ModelBuilder.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, sett
var DataType =[propertyName].type;
if (Array.isArray(DataType) || DataType === Array) {
DataType = List;
} else if ( === 'Date') {
var OrigDate = Date;
DataType = function Date(arg) {
return new OrigDate(arg);
} else if (DataType === Date) {
DataType = DateType;
} else if (typeof DataType === 'string') {
DataType = modelBuilder.resolveType(DataType);
if (ModelClass.setter[propertyName]) {
ModelClass.setter[propertyName].call(this, value); // Try setter first
} else {
if (!this.__data) {
this.__data = {};
this.__data = this.__data || {};
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
this.__data[propertyName] = value;
} else {
@ -386,15 +395,6 @@ ModelBuilder.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, sett
enumerable: true
// <propertyName>$was --> __dataWas.<propertyName>
Object.defineProperty(ModelClass.prototype, propertyName + '$was', {
get: function () {
return this.__dataWas && this.__dataWas[propertyName];
configurable: true,
enumerable: false
// FIXME: [rfeng] Do we need to keep the raw data?
// Use $ as the prefix to avoid conflicts with properties such as _id
Object.defineProperty(ModelClass.prototype, '$' + propertyName, {
@ -412,7 +412,13 @@ ModelBuilder.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, sett
var props =;
var keys = Object.keys(props);
var size = keys.length;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
var propertyName = keys[i];
ModelClass.emit('defined', ModelClass);
@ -420,6 +426,11 @@ ModelBuilder.prototype.define = function defineClass(className, properties, sett
// DataType for Date
function DateType(arg) {
return new Date(arg);
* Define single property named `propertyName` on `model`
@ -433,17 +444,20 @@ ModelBuilder.prototype.defineProperty = function (model, propertyName, propertyD
* Extend existing model with bunch of properties
* Extend existing model with specified properties
* Example:
* Instead of doing amending the content model with competition attributes like this:
* Instead of extending a model with attributes like this (for example):
* ```js
* db.defineProperty('Content', 'competitionType', { type: String });
* db.defineProperty('Content', 'expiryDate', { type: Date, index: true });
* db.defineProperty('Content', 'isExpired', { type: Boolean, index: true });
* db.defineProperty('Content', 'competitionType',
* { type: String });
* db.defineProperty('Content', 'expiryDate',
* { type: Date, index: true });
* db.defineProperty('Content', 'isExpired',
* { type: Boolean, index: true });
* The extendModel() method enables you to extend the content model with competition attributes.
* This method enables you to extend a model as follows (for example):
* ```js
* db.extendModel('Content', {
* competitionType: String,
@ -453,14 +467,19 @@ ModelBuilder.prototype.defineProperty = function (model, propertyName, propertyD
* @param {String} model Name of model
* @param {Object} props Hash of properties
* @options {Object} properties JSON object specifying properties. Each property is a key whos value is
* either the [type]( or `propertyName: {options}`
* where the options are described below.
* @property {String} type Datatype of property: Must be an [LDL type](
* @property {Boolean} index True if the property is an index; false otherwise.
ModelBuilder.prototype.extendModel = function (model, props) {
var t = this;
Object.keys(props).forEach(function (propName) {
var definition = props[propName];
t.defineProperty(model, propName, definition);
var keys = Object.keys(props);
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var definition = props[keys[i]];
t.defineProperty(model, keys[i], definition);
ModelBuilder.prototype.copyModel = function copyModel(Master) {
@ -8,13 +8,20 @@ module.exports = ModelBaseClass;
var util = require('util');
var traverse = require('traverse');
var jutil = require('./jutil');
var List = require('./list');
var Hookable = require('./hooks');
var validations = require('./validations.js');
var BASE_TYPES = ['String', 'Boolean', 'Number', 'Date', 'Text', 'ObjectID'];
// Set up an object for quick lookup
var BASE_TYPES = {
'String': true,
'Boolean': true,
'Number': true,
'Date': true,
'Text': true,
'ObjectID': true
* Model class: base class for all persistent objects.
@ -33,18 +40,6 @@ function ModelBaseClass(data, options) {
this._initProperties(data, options);
// FIXME: [rfeng] We need to make sure the input data should not be mutated. Disabled cloning for now to get tests passing
function clone(data) {
if(!(data instanceof ModelBaseClass)) {
if(data && (Array.isArray(data) || 'object' === typeof data)) {
return traverse(data).clone();
return data;
* Initialize the model instance with a list of properties
* @param {Object} data The data object
@ -58,10 +53,10 @@ ModelBaseClass.prototype._initProperties = function (data, options) {
var ctor = this.constructor;
if(data instanceof ctor) {
// Convert the data to be plain object to avoid polutions
// Convert the data to be plain object to avoid pollutions
data = data.toObject(false);
var properties =;
var properties =;
data = data || {};
options = options || {};
@ -71,133 +66,124 @@ ModelBaseClass.prototype._initProperties = function (data, options) {
if(strict === undefined) {
strict = ctor.definition.settings.strict;
Object.defineProperty(this, '__cachedRelations', {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: {}
Object.defineProperty(this, '__data', {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: {}
if (ctor.hideInternalProperties) {
// Object.defineProperty() is expensive. We only try to make the internal
// properties hidden (non-enumerable) if the model class has the
// `hideInternalProperties` set to true
Object.defineProperties(this, {
__cachedRelations: {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: {}
Object.defineProperty(this, '__dataWas', {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: {}
__data: {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: {}
* Instance level data source
Object.defineProperty(this, '__dataSource', {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: options.dataSource
// Instance level data source
__dataSource: {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: options.dataSource
* Instance level strict mode
Object.defineProperty(this, '__strict', {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: strict
// Instance level strict mode
__strict: {
writable: true,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: strict
} else {
this.__cachedRelations = {};
this.__data = {};
this.__dataSource = options.dataSource;
this.__strict = strict;
if (data.__cachedRelations) {
this.__cachedRelations = data.__cachedRelations;
for (var i in data) {
if (i in properties && typeof data[i] !== 'function') {
this.__data[i] = this.__dataWas[i] = clone(data[i]);
} else if (i in ctor.relations) {
if (ctor.relations[i].type === 'belongsTo' && data[i] !== null && data[i] !== undefined) {
var keys = Object.keys(data);
var size = keys.length;
var p, propVal;
for (var k = 0; k < size; k++) {
p = keys[k];
propVal = data[p];
if (typeof propVal === 'function') {
if (properties[p]) {
// Managed property
if (applySetters) {
self[p] = propVal;
} else {
self.__data[p] = propVal;
} else if (ctor.relations[p]) {
// Relation
if (ctor.relations[p].type === 'belongsTo' && propVal != null) {
// If the related model is populated
this.__data[ctor.relations[i].keyFrom] = this.__dataWas[i] = data[i][ctor.relations[i].keyTo];
self.__data[ctor.relations[p].keyFrom] = propVal[ctor.relations[p].keyTo];
this.__cachedRelations[i] = data[i];
self.__cachedRelations[p] = propVal;
} else {
// Un-managed property
if (strict === false) {
this.__data[i] = this.__dataWas[i] = clone(data[i]);
self[p] = self.__data[p] = propVal;
} else if (strict === 'throw') {
throw new Error('Unknown property: ' + i);
throw new Error('Unknown property: ' + p);
var propertyName;
if (applySetters === true) {
for (propertyName in data) {
if (typeof data[propertyName] !== 'function' && ((propertyName in properties) || (propertyName in ctor.relations))) {
self[propertyName] = self.__data[propertyName] || data[propertyName];
keys = Object.keys(properties);
size = keys.length;
for (k = 0; k < size; k++) {
p = keys[k];
propVal = self.__data[p];
// Set default values
if (propVal === undefined) {
var def = properties[p]['default'];
if (def !== undefined) {
if (typeof def === 'function') {
self.__data[p] = def();
} else {
self.__data[p] = def;
// Set the unknown properties as properties to the object
if (strict === false) {
for (propertyName in data) {
if (typeof data[propertyName] !== 'function' && !(propertyName in properties)) {
self[propertyName] = self.__data[propertyName] || data[propertyName];
ctor.forEachProperty(function (propertyName) {
if (undefined === self.__data[propertyName]) {
self.__data[propertyName] = self.__dataWas[propertyName] = getDefault(propertyName);
} else {
self.__dataWas[propertyName] = self.__data[propertyName];
ctor.forEachProperty(function (propertyName) {
var type = properties[propertyName].type;
if (BASE_TYPES.indexOf( === -1) {
if (typeof self.__data[propertyName] !== 'object' && self.__data[propertyName]) {
// Handle complex types (JSON/Object)
var type = properties[p].type;
if (! BASE_TYPES[]) {
if (typeof self.__data[p] !== 'object' && self.__data[p]) {
try {
self.__data[propertyName] = JSON.parse(self.__data[propertyName] + '');
self.__data[p] = JSON.parse(self.__data[p] + '');
} catch (e) {
self.__data[propertyName] = String(self.__data[propertyName]);
self.__data[p] = String(self.__data[p]);
if ( === 'Array' || Array.isArray(type)) {
if (!(self.__data[propertyName] instanceof List)
&& self.__data[propertyName] !== undefined
&& self.__data[propertyName] !== null ) {
self.__data[propertyName] = List(self.__data[propertyName], type, self);
if (!(self.__data[p] instanceof List)
&& self.__data[p] !== undefined
&& self.__data[p] !== null ) {
self.__data[p] = List(self.__data[p], type, self);
function getDefault(propertyName) {
var def = properties[propertyName]['default'];
if (def !== undefined) {
if (typeof def === 'function') {
return def();
} else {
return def;
} else {
return undefined;
@ -242,7 +228,7 @@ ModelBaseClass.toString = function () {
* @param {Boolean} onlySchema Restrict properties to dataSource only. Default is false. If true, the function returns only properties defined in the schema; Otherwise it returns all enumerable properties.
ModelBaseClass.prototype.toObject = function (onlySchema, removeHidden) {
if(onlySchema === undefined) {
if (onlySchema === undefined) {
onlySchema = true;
var data = {};
@ -250,47 +236,63 @@ ModelBaseClass.prototype.toObject = function (onlySchema, removeHidden) {
var Model = this.constructor;
// if it is already an Object
if(Model === Object) return self;
if (Model === Object) {
return self;
var strict = this.__strict;
var schemaLess = (strict === false) || !onlySchema;
this.constructor.forEachProperty(function (propertyName) {
if (removeHidden && Model.isHiddenProperty(propertyName)) {
if (typeof self[propertyName] === 'function') {
if (self[propertyName] instanceof List) {
data[propertyName] = self[propertyName].toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden);
} else if (self.__data.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
if (self[propertyName] !== undefined && self[propertyName] !== null && self[propertyName].toObject) {
data[propertyName] = self[propertyName].toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden);
} else {
data[propertyName] = self[propertyName];
} else {
data[propertyName] = null;
var props =;
var keys = Object.keys(props);
var propertyName, val;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
propertyName = keys[i];
val = self[propertyName];
// Exclude functions
if (typeof val === 'function') {
// Exclude hidden properties
if (removeHidden && Model.isHiddenProperty(propertyName)) {
if (val instanceof List) {
data[propertyName] = val.toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden);
} else {
if (val !== undefined && val !== null && val.toObject) {
data[propertyName] = val.toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden);
} else {
data[propertyName] = val;
var val = null;
if (schemaLess) {
// Find its own properties which can be set via myModel.myProperty = 'myValue'.
// If the property is not declared in the model definition, no setter will be
// triggered to add it to __data
for (var propertyName in self) {
if(removeHidden && Model.isHiddenProperty(propertyName)) {
keys = Object.keys(self);
var size = keys.length;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
propertyName = keys[i];
if (props[propertyName]) {
if(self.hasOwnProperty(propertyName) && (!data.hasOwnProperty(propertyName))) {
val = self[propertyName];
if (propertyName.indexOf('__') === 0) {
if (removeHidden && Model.isHiddenProperty(propertyName)) {
val = self[propertyName];
if (val !== undefined && data[propertyName] === undefined) {
if (typeof val === 'function') {
if (val !== undefined && val !== null && val.toObject) {
if (val !== null && val.toObject) {
data[propertyName] = val.toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden);
} else {
data[propertyName] = val;
@ -298,15 +300,25 @@ ModelBaseClass.prototype.toObject = function (onlySchema, removeHidden) {
// Now continue to check __data
for (propertyName in self.__data) {
if (!data.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
if(removeHidden && Model.isHiddenProperty(propertyName)) {
keys = Object.keys(self.__data);
size = keys.length;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
propertyName = keys[i];
if (propertyName.indexOf('__') === 0) {
if (data[propertyName] === undefined) {
if (removeHidden && Model.isHiddenProperty(propertyName)) {
val = self.hasOwnProperty(propertyName) ? self[propertyName] : self.__data[propertyName];
var ownVal = self[propertyName];
// The ownVal can be a relation function
val = (ownVal !== undefined && (typeof ownVal !== 'function'))
? ownVal : self.__data[propertyName];
if (typeof val === 'function') {
if (val !== undefined && val !== null && val.toObject) {
data[propertyName] = val.toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden);
} else {
@ -319,12 +331,20 @@ ModelBaseClass.prototype.toObject = function (onlySchema, removeHidden) {
return data;
ModelBaseClass.isHiddenProperty = function(propertyName) {
ModelBaseClass.isHiddenProperty = function (propertyName) {
var Model = this;
var settings = Model.definition && Model.definition.settings;
var hiddenProperties = settings && settings.hidden;
if(hiddenProperties) {
return ~hiddenProperties.indexOf(propertyName);
var hiddenProperties = settings && (settings.hiddenProperties || settings.hidden);
if (Array.isArray(hiddenProperties)) {
// Cache the hidden properties as an object for quick lookup
settings.hiddenProperties = {};
for (var i = 0; i < hiddenProperties.length; i++) {
settings.hiddenProperties[hiddenProperties[i]] = true;
hiddenProperties = settings.hiddenProperties;
if (hiddenProperties) {
return hiddenProperties[propertyName];
} else {
return false;
@ -340,16 +360,6 @@ ModelBaseClass.prototype.fromObject = function (obj) {
* Checks is property changed based on current property and initial value
* @param {String} propertyName Property name
* @return Boolean
ModelBaseClass.prototype.propertyChanged = function propertyChanged(propertyName) {
return this.__data[propertyName] !== this.__dataWas[propertyName];
* Reset dirty attributes.
* This method does not perform any database operations; it just resets the object to its
@ -361,9 +371,6 @@ ModelBaseClass.prototype.reset = function () {
if (k !== 'id' && !obj.constructor.dataSource.definitions[obj.constructor.modelName].properties[k]) {
delete obj[k];
if (obj.propertyChanged(k)) {
obj[k] = obj[k + '$was'];
@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
* Dependencies
var assert = require('assert');
var util = require('util');
var i8n = require('inflection');
var defineScope = require('./scope.js').defineScope;
var ModelBaseClass = require('./model.js');
exports.Relation = Relation;
exports.RelationDefinition = RelationDefinition;
var RelationTypes = {
belongsTo: 'belongsTo',
hasMany: 'hasMany',
hasOne: 'hasOne',
hasAndBelongsToMany: 'hasAndBelongsToMany'
exports.RelationTypes = RelationTypes;
exports.HasMany = HasMany;
exports.HasManyThrough = HasManyThrough;
exports.HasOne = HasOne;
exports.HasAndBelongsToMany = HasAndBelongsToMany;
exports.BelongsTo = BelongsTo;
var RelationClasses = {
belongsTo: BelongsTo,
hasMany: HasMany,
hasManyThrough: HasManyThrough,
hasOne: HasOne,
hasAndBelongsToMany: HasAndBelongsToMany
function normalizeType(type) {
if (!type) {
return type;
var t1 = type.toLowerCase();
for (var t2 in RelationTypes) {
if (t2.toLowerCase() === t1) {
return t2;
return null;
* Relation definition class. Use to define relationships between models.
* @param {Object} definition
* @class RelationDefinition
function RelationDefinition(definition) {
if (!(this instanceof RelationDefinition)) {
return new RelationDefinition(definition);
definition = definition || {};
|||| =;
assert(, 'Relation name is missing');
this.type = normalizeType(definition.type);
assert(this.type, 'Invalid relation type: ' + definition.type);
this.modelFrom = definition.modelFrom;
this.keyFrom = definition.keyFrom;
this.modelTo = definition.modelTo;
this.keyTo = definition.keyTo;
this.modelThrough = definition.modelThrough;
this.keyThrough = definition.keyThrough;
this.multiple = (this.type !== 'belongsTo' && this.type !== 'hasOne');
RelationDefinition.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var json = {
type: this.type,
modelFrom: this.modelFrom.modelName,
keyFrom: this.keyFrom,
modelTo: this.modelTo.modelName,
keyTo: this.keyTo,
multiple: this.multiple
if (this.modelThrough) {
json.modelThrough = this.modelThrough.modelName;
json.keyThrough = this.keyThrough;
return json;
* A relation attaching to a given model instance
* @param {RelationDefinition|Object} definition
* @param {Object} modelInstance
* @returns {Relation}
* @constructor
* @class Relation
function Relation(definition, modelInstance) {
if (!(this instanceof Relation)) {
return new Relation(definition, modelInstance);
if (!(definition instanceof RelationDefinition)) {
definition = new RelationDefinition(definition);
this.definition = definition;
this.modelInstance = modelInstance;
* HasMany subclass
* @param {RelationDefinition|Object} definition
* @param {Object} modelInstance
* @returns {HasMany}
* @constructor
* @class HasMany
function HasMany(definition, modelInstance) {
if (!(this instanceof HasMany)) {
return new HasMany(definition, modelInstance);
assert(definition.type === RelationTypes.hasMany);
Relation.apply(this, arguments);
util.inherits(HasMany, Relation);
* HasManyThrough subclass
* @param {RelationDefinition|Object} definition
* @param {Object} modelInstance
* @returns {HasManyThrough}
* @constructor
* @class HasManyThrough
function HasManyThrough(definition, modelInstance) {
if (!(this instanceof HasManyThrough)) {
return new HasManyThrough(definition, modelInstance);
assert(definition.type === RelationTypes.hasMany);
HasMany.apply(this, arguments);
util.inherits(HasManyThrough, HasMany);
* BelongsTo subclass
* @param {RelationDefinition|Object} definition
* @param {Object} modelInstance
* @returns {BelongsTo}
* @constructor
* @class BelongsTo
function BelongsTo(definition, modelInstance) {
if (!(this instanceof BelongsTo)) {
return new BelongsTo(definition, modelInstance);
assert(definition.type === RelationTypes.belongsTo);
Relation.apply(this, arguments);
util.inherits(BelongsTo, Relation);
* HasAndBelongsToMany subclass
* @param {RelationDefinition|Object} definition
* @param {Object} modelInstance
* @returns {HasAndBelongsToMany}
* @constructor
* @class HasAndBelongsToMany
function HasAndBelongsToMany(definition, modelInstance) {
if (!(this instanceof HasAndBelongsToMany)) {
return new HasAndBelongsToMany(definition, modelInstance);
assert(definition.type === RelationTypes.hasAndBelongsToMany);
Relation.apply(this, arguments);
util.inherits(HasAndBelongsToMany, Relation);
* HasOne subclass
* @param {RelationDefinition|Object} definition
* @param {Object} modelInstance
* @returns {HasOne}
* @constructor
* @class HasOne
function HasOne(definition, modelInstance) {
if (!(this instanceof HasOne)) {
return new HasOne(definition, modelInstance);
assert(definition.type === RelationTypes.hasOne);
Relation.apply(this, arguments);
util.inherits(HasOne, Relation);
* Find the relation by foreign key
* @param {*} foreignKey The foreign key
* @returns {Object} The relation object
function findBelongsTo(modelFrom, modelTo, keyTo) {
var relations = modelFrom.relations;
var keys = Object.keys(relations);
for (var k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) {
var rel = relations[keys[k]];
if (rel.type === RelationTypes.belongsTo &&
rel.modelTo === modelTo &&
rel.keyTo === keyTo) {
return rel.keyFrom;
return null;
* Look up a model by name from the list of given models
* @param {Object} models Models keyed by name
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @returns {*} The matching model class
function lookupModel(models, modelName) {
if(models[modelName]) {
return models[modelName];
var lookupClassName = modelName.toLowerCase();
for (var name in models) {
if (name.toLowerCase() === lookupClassName) {
return models[name];
* Define a "one to many" relationship by specifying the model name
* Examples:
* ```
* User.hasMany(Post, {as: 'posts', foreignKey: 'authorId'});
* ```
* ```
* Book.hasMany(Chapter);
* ```
* Or, equivalently:
* ```
* Book.hasMany('chapters', {model: Chapter});
* ```
* @param {Model} modelFrom Source model class
* @param {Object|String} modelTo Model object (or String name of model) to which you are creating the relationship.
* @options {Object} params Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} as Name of the property in the referring model that corresponds to the foreign key field in the related model.
* @property {String} foreignKey Property name of foreign key field.
* @property {Object} model Model object
RelationDefinition.hasMany = function hasMany(modelFrom, modelTo, params) {
var thisClassName = modelFrom.modelName;
params = params || {};
if (typeof modelTo === 'string') {
|||| = modelTo;
if (params.model) {
modelTo = params.model;
} else {
var modelToName = i8n.singularize(modelTo).toLowerCase();
modelTo = lookupModel(modelFrom.dataSource.modelBuilder.models, modelToName);
var relationName = || i8n.camelize(modelTo.pluralModelName, true);
var fk = params.foreignKey || i8n.camelize(thisClassName + '_id', true);
var idName = modelFrom.dataSource.idName(modelFrom.modelName) || 'id';
var definition = new RelationDefinition({
name: relationName,
type: RelationTypes.hasMany,
modelFrom: modelFrom,
keyFrom: idName,
keyTo: fk,
modelTo: modelTo,
multiple: true
if (params.through) {
definition.modelThrough = params.through;
var keyThrough = definition.throughKey || i8n.camelize(modelTo.modelName + '_id', true);
definition.keyThrough = keyThrough;
modelFrom.relations[relationName] = definition;
if (!params.through) {
// obviously, modelTo should have attribute called `fk`
modelTo.dataSource.defineForeignKey(modelTo.modelName, fk, this.modelName);
var scopeMethods = {
findById: scopeMethod(definition, 'findById'),
destroy: scopeMethod(definition, 'destroyById')
if(definition.modelThrough) {
scopeMethods.create = scopeMethod(definition, 'create');
scopeMethods.add = scopeMethod(definition, 'add');
scopeMethods.remove = scopeMethod(definition, 'remove');
// Mix the property and scoped methods into the prototype class
defineScope(modelFrom.prototype, params.through || modelTo, relationName, function () {
var filter = {};
filter.where = {};
filter.where[fk] = this[idName];
if (params.through) {
filter.collect = i8n.camelize(modelTo.modelName, true);
filter.include = filter.collect;
return filter;
}, scopeMethods);
function scopeMethod(definition, methodName) {
var method = function () {
var relationClass = RelationClasses[definition.type];
if (definition.type === RelationTypes.hasMany && definition.modelThrough) {
relationClass = RelationClasses.hasManyThrough;
var relation = new relationClass(definition, this);
return relation[methodName].apply(relation, arguments);
return method;
HasMany.prototype.findById = function (id, cb) {
var modelTo = this.definition.modelTo;
var fk = this.definition.keyTo;
var pk = this.definition.keyFrom;
var modelInstance = this.modelInstance;
modelTo.findById(id, function (err, inst) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
if (!inst) {
return cb(new Error('Not found'));
// Check if the foreign key matches the primary key
if (inst[fk] && inst[fk].toString() === modelInstance[pk].toString()) {
cb(null, inst);
} else {
cb(new Error('Permission denied: foreign key does not match the primary key'));
HasMany.prototype.destroyById = function (id, cb) {
var modelTo = this.definition.modelTo;
var fk = this.definition.keyTo;
var pk = this.definition.keyFrom;
var modelInstance = this.modelInstance;
modelTo.findById(id, function (err, inst) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
if (!inst) {
return cb(new Error('Not found'));
// Check if the foreign key matches the primary key
if (inst[fk] && inst[fk].toString() === modelInstance[pk].toString()) {
} else {
cb(new Error('Permission denied: foreign key does not match the primary key'));
// Create an instance of the target model and connect it to the instance of
// the source model by creating an instance of the through model
HasManyThrough.prototype.create = function create(data, done) {
var definition = this.definition;
var modelTo = definition.modelTo;
var modelThrough = definition.modelThrough;
if (typeof data === 'function' && !done) {
done = data;
data = {};
var modelInstance = this.modelInstance;
// First create the target model
modelTo.create(data, function (err, ac) {
if (err) {
return done && done(err, ac);
// The primary key for the target model
var pk2 = modelTo.dataSource.idName(modelTo.modelName) || 'id';
var fk1 = findBelongsTo(modelThrough, definition.modelFrom,
var fk2 = findBelongsTo(modelThrough, definition.modelTo, pk2);
var d = {};
d[fk1] = modelInstance[definition.keyFrom];
d[fk2] = ac[pk2];
// Then create the through model
modelThrough.create(d, function (e) {
if (e) {
// Undo creation of the target model
ac.destroy(function () {
done && done(e);
} else {
done && done(err, ac);
* Add the target model instance to the 'hasMany' relation
* @param {Object|ID} acInst The actual instance or id value
HasManyThrough.prototype.add = function (acInst, done) {
var definition = this.definition;
var modelThrough = definition.modelThrough;
var modelTo = definition.modelTo;
var pk1 = definition.keyFrom;
var data = {};
var query = {};
var fk1 = findBelongsTo(modelThrough, definition.modelFrom,
// The primary key for the target model
var pk2 = modelTo.dataSource.idName(modelTo.modelName) || 'id';
var fk2 = findBelongsTo(modelThrough, definition.modelTo, pk2);
query[fk1] = this.modelInstance[pk1];
query[fk2] = acInst[pk2] || acInst;
data[fk1] = this.modelInstance[pk1];
data[fk2] = acInst[pk2] || acInst;
// Create an instance of the through model
modelThrough.findOrCreate({where: query}, data, done);
* Remove the target model instance from the 'hasMany' relation
* @param {Object|ID) acInst The actual instance or id value
HasManyThrough.prototype.remove = function (acInst, done) {
var modelThrough = this.definition.modelThrough;
var fk2 = this.definition.keyThrough;
var pk = this.definition.keyFrom;
var q = {};
q[fk2] = acInst[pk] || acInst;
modelThrough.deleteAll(q, done );
* Declare "belongsTo" relation that sets up a one-to-one connection with
* another model, such that each instance of the declaring model "belongs to"
* one instance of the other model.
* For example, if an application includes users and posts, and each post can
* be written by exactly one user. The following code specifies that `Post` has
* a reference called `author` to the `User` model via the `userId` property of
* `Post` as the foreign key.
* ```
* Post.belongsTo(User, {as: 'author', foreignKey: 'userId'});
* ```
* This optional parameter default value is false, so the related object will
* be loaded from cache if available.
* @param {Class|String} modelTo Model object (or String name of model) to
* which you are creating the relationship.
* @options {Object} params Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} as Name of the property in the referring model that
* corresponds to the foreign key field in the related model.
* @property {String} foreignKey Name of foreign key property.
RelationDefinition.belongsTo = function (modelFrom, modelTo, params) {
params = params || {};
if ('string' === typeof modelTo) {
|||| = modelTo;
if (params.model) {
modelTo = params.model;
} else {
var modelToName = modelTo.toLowerCase();
modelTo = lookupModel(modelFrom.dataSource.modelBuilder.models, modelToName);
var idName = modelFrom.dataSource.idName(modelTo.modelName) || 'id';
var relationName = || i8n.camelize(modelTo.modelName, true);
var fk = params.foreignKey || relationName + 'Id';
var relationDef = modelFrom.relations[relationName] = new RelationDefinition({
name: relationName,
type: RelationTypes.belongsTo,
modelFrom: modelFrom,
keyFrom: fk,
keyTo: idName,
modelTo: modelTo
modelFrom.dataSource.defineForeignKey(modelFrom.modelName, fk, modelTo.modelName);
// Define a property for the scope so that we have 'this' for the scoped methods
Object.defineProperty(modelFrom.prototype, relationName, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: function() {
var relation = new BelongsTo(relationDef, this);
var relationMethod = relation.related.bind(relation);
relationMethod.create = relation.create.bind(relation);
|||| =;
relationMethod._targetClass = relationDef.modelTo.modelName;
return relationMethod;
// Wrap the property into a function for remoting
// so that it can be accessed as /api/<model>/<id>/<belongsToRelationName>
// For example, /api/orders/1/customer
var fn = function() {
var f = this[relationName];
f.apply(this, arguments);
fn.shared = true;
fn.http = {verb: 'get', path: '/' + relationName};
fn.accepts = {arg: 'refresh', type: 'boolean', http: {source: 'query'}};
fn.description = 'Fetches belongsTo relation ' + relationName;
fn.returns = {arg: relationName, type: 'object', root: true};
modelFrom.prototype['__get__' + relationName] = fn;
BelongsTo.prototype.create = function(targetModelData, cb) {
var modelTo = this.definition.modelTo;
var fk = this.definition.keyTo;
var pk = this.definition.keyFrom;
var modelInstance = this.modelInstance;
modelTo.create(targetModelData, function(err, targetModel) {
if(!err) {
modelInstance[fk] = targetModel[pk];
cb && cb(err, targetModel);
} else {
cb && cb(err);
|||| = function(targetModelData) {
var modelTo = this.definition.modelTo;
return new modelTo(targetModelData);
* Define the method for the belongsTo relation itself
* It will support one of the following styles:
* - order.customer(refresh, callback): Load the target model instance asynchronously
* - order.customer(customer): Synchronous setter of the target model instance
* - order.customer(): Synchronous getter of the target model instance
* @param refresh
* @param params
* @returns {*}
BelongsTo.prototype.related = function (refresh, params) {
var modelTo = this.definition.modelTo;
var pk = this.definition.keyTo;
var fk = this.definition.keyFrom;
var modelInstance = this.modelInstance;
var relationName =;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
params = refresh;
refresh = false;
} else if (arguments.length > 2) {
throw new Error('Method can\'t be called with more than two arguments');
var cachedValue;
if (!refresh && modelInstance.__cachedRelations
&& (modelInstance.__cachedRelations[relationName] !== undefined)) {
cachedValue = modelInstance.__cachedRelations[relationName];
if (params instanceof ModelBaseClass) { // acts as setter
modelInstance[fk] = params[pk];
modelInstance.__cachedRelations[relationName] = params;
} else if (typeof params === 'function') { // acts as async getter
var cb = params;
if (cachedValue === undefined) {
modelTo.findById(modelInstance[fk], function (err, inst) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
if (!inst) {
return cb(null, null);
// Check if the foreign key matches the primary key
if (inst[pk] === modelInstance[fk]) {
cb(null, inst);
} else {
cb(new Error('Permission denied'));
return modelInstance[fk];
} else {
cb(null, cachedValue);
return cachedValue;
} else if (params === undefined) { // acts as sync getter
return modelInstance[fk];
} else { // setter
modelInstance[fk] = params;
delete modelInstance.__cachedRelations[relationName];
* A hasAndBelongsToMany relation creates a direct many-to-many connection with
* another model, with no intervening model. For example, if your application
* includes users and groups, with each group having many users and each user
* appearing in many groups, you could declare the models this way:
* ```
* User.hasAndBelongsToMany('groups', {model: Group, foreignKey: 'groupId'});
* ```
* @param {String|Object} modelTo Model object (or String name of model) to
* which you are creating the relationship.
* @options {Object} params Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} as Name of the property in the referring model that
* corresponds to the foreign key field in the related model.
* @property {String} foreignKey Property name of foreign key field.
* @property {Object} model Model object
RelationDefinition.hasAndBelongsToMany = function hasAndBelongsToMany(modelFrom, modelTo, params) {
params = params || {};
var models = modelFrom.dataSource.modelBuilder.models;
if ('string' === typeof modelTo) {
|||| = modelTo;
if (params.model) {
modelTo = params.model;
} else {
modelTo = lookupModel(models, i8n.singularize(modelTo)) ||
if (typeof modelTo === 'string') {
throw new Error('Could not find "' + modelTo + '" relation for ' + modelFrom.modelName);
if (!params.through) {
var name1 = modelFrom.modelName + modelTo.modelName;
var name2 = modelTo.modelName + modelFrom.modelName;
params.through = lookupModel(models, name1) || lookupModel(models, name2) ||
this.hasMany(modelFrom, modelTo, {as:, through: params.through});
* A HasOne relation creates a one-to-one connection from modelFrom to modelTo.
* This relation indicates that each instance of a model contains or possesses
* one instance of another model. For example, each supplier in your application
* has only one account.
* @param {Function} modelFrom The declaring model class
* @param {String|Function} modelTo Model object (or String name of model) to
* which you are creating the relationship.
* @options {Object} params Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} as Name of the property in the referring model that
* corresponds to the foreign key field in the related model.
* @property {String} foreignKey Property name of foreign key field.
* @property {Object} model Model object
RelationDefinition.hasOne = function (modelFrom, modelTo, params) {
params = params || {};
if ('string' === typeof modelTo) {
|||| = modelTo;
if (params.model) {
modelTo = params.model;
} else {
var modelToName = modelTo.toLowerCase();
modelTo = lookupModel(modelFrom.dataSource.modelBuilder.models, modelToName);
var pk = modelFrom.dataSource.idName(modelTo.modelName) || 'id';
var relationName = || i8n.camelize(modelTo.modelName, true);
var fk = params.foreignKey || i8n.camelize(modelFrom.modelName + '_id', true);
var relationDef = modelFrom.relations[relationName] = new RelationDefinition({
name: relationName,
type: RelationTypes.hasOne,
modelFrom: modelFrom,
keyFrom: pk,
keyTo: fk,
modelTo: modelTo
modelFrom.dataSource.defineForeignKey(modelTo.modelName, fk, modelFrom.modelName);
// Define a property for the scope so that we have 'this' for the scoped methods
Object.defineProperty(modelFrom.prototype, relationName, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: function() {
var relation = new HasOne(relationDef, this);
var relationMethod = relation.related.bind(relation)
relationMethod.create = relation.create.bind(relation);
|||| =;
return relationMethod;
* Create a target model instance
* @param {Object} targetModelData The target model data
* @callback {Function} [cb] Callback function
* @param {String|Object} err Error string or object
* @param {Object} The newly created target model instance
HasOne.prototype.create = function(targetModelData, cb) {
var modelTo = this.definition.modelTo;
var fk = this.definition.keyTo;
var pk = this.definition.keyFrom;
var modelInstance = this.modelInstance;
targetModelData = targetModelData || {};
targetModelData[fk] = modelInstance[pk];
modelTo.create(targetModelData, function(err, targetModel) {
if(!err) {
cb && cb(err, targetModel);
} else {
cb && cb(err);
* Build a target model instance
* @param {Object} targetModelData The target model data
* @returns {Object} The newly built target model instance
|||| = function(targetModelData) {
var modelTo = this.definition.modelTo;
var pk = this.definition.keyFrom;
var fk = this.definition.keyTo;
targetModelData = targetModelData || {};
targetModelData[fk] = this.modelInstance[pk];
return new modelTo(targetModelData);
* Define the method for the hasOne relation itself
* It will support one of the following styles:
* - order.customer(refresh, callback): Load the target model instance asynchronously
* - order.customer(customer): Synchronous setter of the target model instance
* - order.customer(): Synchronous getter of the target model instance
* @param {Boolean} refresh Reload from the data source
* @param {Object|Function} params Query parameters
* @returns {Object}
HasOne.prototype.related = function (refresh, params) {
var modelTo = this.definition.modelTo;
var fk = this.definition.keyTo;
var pk = this.definition.keyFrom;
var modelInstance = this.modelInstance;
var relationName =;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
params = refresh;
refresh = false;
} else if (arguments.length > 2) {
throw new Error('Method can\'t be called with more than two arguments');
var cachedValue;
if (!refresh && modelInstance.__cachedRelations
&& (modelInstance.__cachedRelations[relationName] !== undefined)) {
cachedValue = modelInstance.__cachedRelations[relationName];
if (params instanceof ModelBaseClass) { // acts as setter
params[fk] = modelInstance[pk];
modelInstance.__cachedRelations[relationName] = params;
} else if (typeof params === 'function') { // acts as async getter
var cb = params;
if (cachedValue === undefined) {
var query = {where: {}};
query.where[fk] = modelInstance[pk];
modelTo.findOne(query, function (err, inst) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
if (!inst) {
return cb(null, null);
// Check if the foreign key matches the primary key
if (inst[fk] === modelInstance[pk]) {
cb(null, inst);
} else {
cb(new Error('Permission denied'));
return modelInstance[pk];
} else {
cb(null, cachedValue);
return cachedValue;
} else if (params === undefined) { // acts as sync getter
return modelInstance[pk];
} else { // setter
params[fk] = modelInstance[pk];
delete modelInstance.__cachedRelations[relationName];
@ -1,49 +1,17 @@
* Dependencies
var i8n = require('inflection');
var defineScope = require('./scope.js').defineScope;
var ModelBaseClass = require('./model.js');
var relation = require('./relation-definition');
var RelationDefinition = relation.RelationDefinition;
module.exports = Relation;
module.exports = RelationMixin;
* Relations class. Use to define relationships between models.
* RelationMixin class. Use to define relationships between models.
* @class Relation
* @class RelationMixin
function Relation() {
* Find the relation by foreign key
* @param {*} foreignKey The foreign key
* @returns {Object} The relation object
Relation.relationNameFor = function relationNameFor(foreignKey) {
for (var rel in this.relations) {
if (this.relations[rel].type === 'belongsTo' && this.relations[rel].keyFrom === foreignKey) {
return rel;
* Look up a model by name from the list of given models
* @param {Object} models Models keyed by name
* @param {String} modelName The model name
* @returns {*} The matching model class
function lookupModel(models, modelName) {
if(models[modelName]) {
return models[modelName];
var lookupClassName = modelName.toLowerCase();
for (var name in models) {
if (name.toLowerCase() === lookupClassName) {
return models[name];
function RelationMixin() {
@ -90,173 +58,14 @@ function lookupModel(models, modelName) {
* });
* });
* @param {Object|String} anotherClass Model object (or String name of model) to which you are creating the relationship.
* @param {Object|String} modelTo Model object (or String name of model) to which you are creating the relationship.
* @options {Object} parameters Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} as Name of the property in the referring model that corresponds to the foreign key field in the related model.
* @property {String} foreignKey Property name of foreign key field.
* @property {Object} model Model object
Relation.hasMany = function hasMany(anotherClass, params) {
var thisClassName = this.modelName;
params = params || {};
if (typeof anotherClass === 'string') {
|||| = anotherClass;
if (params.model) {
anotherClass = params.model;
} else {
var anotherClassName = i8n.singularize(anotherClass).toLowerCase();
anotherClass = lookupModel(this.dataSource.modelBuilder.models, anotherClassName);
var methodName = || i8n.camelize(anotherClass.pluralModelName, true);
var fk = params.foreignKey || i8n.camelize(thisClassName + '_id', true);
var idName = this.dataSource.idName(this.modelName) || 'id';
this.relations[methodName] = {
type: 'hasMany',
keyFrom: idName,
keyTo: fk,
modelTo: anotherClass,
multiple: true
if (params.through) {
this.relations[methodName].modelThrough = params.through;
// each instance of this class should have method named
// pluralize(anotherClass.modelName)
// which is actually just anotherClass.find({where: {thisModelNameId: this[idName]}}, cb);
var scopeMethods = {
findById: findById,
destroy: destroyById
if (params.through) {
var fk2 = i8n.camelize(anotherClass.modelName + '_id', true);
// Create an instance of the target model and connect it to the instance of
// the source model by creating an instance of the through model
scopeMethods.create = function create(data, done) {
if (typeof data !== 'object') {
done = data;
data = {};
if ('function' !== typeof done) {
done = function () {
var self = this;
// First create the target model
anotherClass.create(data, function (err, ac) {
if (err) return done(err, ac);
var d = {};
d[params.through.relationNameFor(fk)] = self;
d[params.through.relationNameFor(fk2)] = ac;
// Then create the through model
params.through.create(d, function (e) {
if (e) {
// Undo creation of the target model
ac.destroy(function () {
} else {
done(err, ac);
* Add the target model instance to the 'hasMany' relation
* @param {Object|ID} acInst The actual instance or id value
scopeMethods.add = function (acInst, done) {
var data = {};
var query = {};
query[fk] = this[idName];
data[params.through.relationNameFor(fk)] = this;
query[fk2] = acInst[idName] || acInst;
data[params.through.relationNameFor(fk2)] = acInst;
// Create an instance of the through model
params.through.findOrCreate({where: query}, data, done);
* Remove the target model instance from the 'hasMany' relation
* @param {Object|ID) acInst The actual instance or id value
scopeMethods.remove = function (acInst, done) {
var q = {};
q[fk2] = acInst[idName] || acInst;
params.through.findOne({where: q}, function (err, d) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
if (!d) {
return done();
// No destroy method will be injected
delete scopeMethods.destroy;
// Mix the property and scoped methods into the prototype class
defineScope(this.prototype, params.through || anotherClass, methodName, function () {
var filter = {};
filter.where = {};
filter.where[fk] = this[idName];
if (params.through) {
filter.collect = i8n.camelize(anotherClass.modelName, true);
filter.include = filter.collect;
return filter;
}, scopeMethods);
if (!params.through) {
// obviously, anotherClass should have attribute called `fk`
anotherClass.dataSource.defineForeignKey(anotherClass.modelName, fk, this.modelName);
// Find the target model instance by id
function findById(id, cb) {
anotherClass.findById(id, function (err, inst) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
if (!inst) {
return cb(new Error('Not found'));
// Check if the foreign key matches the primary key
if (inst[fk] && inst[fk].toString() === this[idName].toString()) {
cb(null, inst);
} else {
cb(new Error('Permission denied'));
// Destroy the target model instance by id
function destroyById(id, cb) {
var self = this;
anotherClass.findById(id, function (err, inst) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
if (!inst) {
return cb(new Error('Not found'));
// Check if the foreign key matches the primary key
if (inst[fk] && inst[fk].toString() === self[idName].toString()) {
} else {
cb(new Error('Permission denied'));
RelationMixin.hasMany = function hasMany(modelTo, params) {
RelationDefinition.hasMany(this, modelTo, params);
@ -304,151 +113,14 @@ Relation.hasMany = function hasMany(anotherClass, params) {
* ```
* This optional parameter default value is false, so the related object will be loaded from cache if available.
* @param {Class|String} anotherClass Model object (or String name of model) to which you are creating the relationship.
* @param {Class|String} modelTo Model object (or String name of model) to which you are creating the relationship.
* @options {Object} params Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} as Name of the property in the referring model that corresponds to the foreign key field in the related model.
* @property {String} foreignKey Name of foreign key property.
Relation.belongsTo = function (anotherClass, params) {
params = params || {};
if ('string' === typeof anotherClass) {
|||| = anotherClass;
if (params.model) {
anotherClass = params.model;
} else {
var anotherClassName = anotherClass.toLowerCase();
anotherClass = lookupModel(this.dataSource.modelBuilder.models, anotherClassName);
var idName = this.dataSource.idName(anotherClass.modelName) || 'id';
var methodName = || i8n.camelize(anotherClass.modelName, true);
var fk = params.foreignKey || methodName + 'Id';
this.relations[methodName] = {
type: 'belongsTo',
keyFrom: fk,
keyTo: idName,
modelTo: anotherClass,
multiple: false
this.dataSource.defineForeignKey(this.modelName, fk, anotherClass.modelName);
this.prototype.__finders__ = this.prototype.__finders__ || {};
// Set up a finder to find by id and make sure the foreign key of the declaring
// model matches the primary key of the target model
this.prototype.__finders__[methodName] = function (id, cb) {
if (id === null) {
cb(null, null);
anotherClass.findById(id, function (err, inst) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
if (!inst) {
return cb(null, null);
// Check if the foreign key matches the primary key
if (inst[idName] === this[fk]) {
cb(null, inst);
} else {
cb(new Error('Permission denied'));
// Define the method for the belongsTo relation itself
// It will support one of the following styles:
// - order.customer(refresh, callback): Load the target model instance asynchronously
// - order.customer(customer): Synchronous setter of the target model instance
// - order.customer(): Synchronous getter of the target model instance
var relationMethod = function (refresh, p) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
p = refresh;
refresh = false;
} else if (arguments.length > 2) {
throw new Error('Method can\'t be called with more than two arguments');
var self = this;
var cachedValue;
if (!refresh && this.__cachedRelations && (this.__cachedRelations[methodName] !== undefined)) {
cachedValue = this.__cachedRelations[methodName];
if (p instanceof ModelBaseClass) { // acts as setter
this[fk] = p[idName];
this.__cachedRelations[methodName] = p;
} else if (typeof p === 'function') { // acts as async getter
if (typeof cachedValue === 'undefined') {
this.__finders__[methodName].apply(self, [this[fk], function (err, inst) {
if (!err) {
self.__cachedRelations[methodName] = inst;
p(err, inst);
return this[fk];
} else {
p(null, cachedValue);
return cachedValue;
} else if (typeof p === 'undefined') { // acts as sync getter
return this[fk];
} else { // setter
this[fk] = p;
delete this.__cachedRelations[methodName];
// Define a property for the scope so that we have 'this' for the scoped methods
Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, methodName, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: function () {
var fn = function() {
// Call the relation method on the declaring model instance
return relationMethod.apply(this, arguments);
// Create an instance of the target model and set the foreign key of the
// declaring model instance to the id of the target instance
fn.create = function(targetModelData, cb) {
var self = this;
anotherClass.create(targetModelData, function(err, targetModel) {
if(!err) {
self[fk] = targetModel[idName];
cb && cb(err, targetModel);
} else {
cb && cb(err);
// Build an instance of the target model
|||| = function(targetModelData) {
return new anotherClass(targetModelData);
fn._targetClass = anotherClass.modelName;
return fn;
// Wrap the property into a function for remoting
// so that it can be accessed as /api/<model>/<id>/<belongsToRelationName>
// For example, /api/orders/1/customer
var fn = function() {
var f = this[methodName];
f.apply(this, arguments);
fn.shared = true;
fn.http = {verb: 'get', path: '/' + methodName};
fn.accepts = {arg: 'refresh', type: 'boolean', http: {source: 'query'}};
fn.description = 'Fetches belongsTo relation ' + methodName;
fn.returns = {arg: methodName, type: 'object', root: true};
this.prototype['__get__' + methodName] = fn;
RelationMixin.belongsTo = function (modelTo, params) {
RelationDefinition.belongsTo(this, modelTo, params);
@ -475,39 +147,17 @@ Relation.belongsTo = function (anotherClass, params) {
* user.groups.remove(group, callback);
* ```
* @param {String|Object} anotherClass Model object (or String name of model) to which you are creating the relationship.
* @param {String|Object} modelTo Model object (or String name of model) to which you are creating the relationship.
* the relation
* @options {Object} params Configuration parameters; see below.
* @property {String} as Name of the property in the referring model that corresponds to the foreign key field in the related model.
* @property {String} foreignKey Property name of foreign key field.
* @property {Object} model Model object
Relation.hasAndBelongsToMany = function hasAndBelongsToMany(anotherClass, params) {
params = params || {};
var models = this.dataSource.modelBuilder.models;
if ('string' === typeof anotherClass) {
|||| = anotherClass;
if (params.model) {
anotherClass = params.model;
} else {
anotherClass = lookupModel(models, i8n.singularize(anotherClass).toLowerCase()) ||
if (typeof anotherClass === 'string') {
throw new Error('Could not find "' + anotherClass + '" relation for ' + this.modelName);
if (!params.through) {
var name1 = this.modelName + anotherClass.modelName;
var name2 = anotherClass.modelName + this.modelName;
params.through = lookupModel(models, name1) || lookupModel(models, name2) ||
this.hasMany(anotherClass, {as:, through: params.through});
RelationMixin.hasAndBelongsToMany = function hasAndBelongsToMany(modelTo, params) {
RelationDefinition.hasAndBelongsToMany(this, modelTo, params);
RelationMixin.hasOne = function hasMany(modelTo, params) {
RelationDefinition.hasOne(this, modelTo, params);
@ -6,6 +6,52 @@ var defineCachedRelations = utils.defineCachedRelations;
exports.defineScope = defineScope;
function ScopeDefinition(definition) {
this.sourceModel = definition.sourceModel;
this.targetModel = definition.targetModel || definition.sourceModel;
|||| =;
this.params = definition.params;
this.methods = definition.methods;
ScopeDefinition.prototype.related = function(receiver, scopeParams, condOrRefresh, cb) {
var name =;
var self = receiver;
var actualCond = {};
var actualRefresh = false;
var saveOnCache = true;
if (arguments.length === 3) {
cb = condOrRefresh;
} else if (arguments.length === 4) {
if (typeof condOrRefresh === 'boolean') {
actualRefresh = condOrRefresh;
} else {
actualCond = condOrRefresh;
actualRefresh = true;
saveOnCache = false;
} else {
throw new Error('Method can be only called with one or two arguments');
if (!self.__cachedRelations || self.__cachedRelations[name] === undefined
|| actualRefresh) {
// It either doesn't hit the cache or refresh is required
var params = mergeQuery(actualCond, scopeParams);
return this.targetModel.find(params, function (err, data) {
if (!err && saveOnCache) {
self.__cachedRelations[name] = data;
cb(err, data);
} else {
// Return from cache
cb(null, self.__cachedRelations[name]);
* Define a scope to the class
* @param {Model} cls The class where the scope method is added
@ -22,7 +68,7 @@ function defineScope(cls, targetClass, name, params, methods) {
cls._scopeMeta = {};
// only makes sence to add scope in meta if base and target classes
// only makes sense to add scope in meta if base and target classes
// are same
if (cls === targetClass) {
cls._scopeMeta[name] = params;
@ -32,6 +78,14 @@ function defineScope(cls, targetClass, name, params, methods) {
var definition = new ScopeDefinition({
sourceModel: cls,
targetModel: targetClass,
name: name,
params: params,
methods: methods
// Define a property for the scope
Object.defineProperty(cls, name, {
enumerable: false,
@ -49,42 +103,18 @@ function defineScope(cls, targetClass, name, params, methods) {
get: function () {
var self = this;
var f = function caller(condOrRefresh, cb) {
var actualCond = {};
var actualRefresh = false;
var saveOnCache = true;
if (arguments.length === 1) {
cb = condOrRefresh;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) {
if (typeof condOrRefresh === 'boolean') {
actualRefresh = condOrRefresh;
} else {
actualCond = condOrRefresh;
actualRefresh = true;
saveOnCache = false;
var f = function(condOrRefresh, cb) {
if(arguments.length === 1) {
definition.related(self, f._scope, condOrRefresh);
} else {
throw new Error('Method can be only called with one or two arguments');
if (!self.__cachedRelations || self.__cachedRelations[name] === undefined
|| actualRefresh) {
// It either doesn't hit the cache or reresh is required
var params = mergeParams(actualCond, caller._scope);
return targetClass.find(params, function (err, data) {
if (!err && saveOnCache) {
self.__cachedRelations[name] = data;
cb(err, data);
} else {
// Return from cache
cb(null, self.__cachedRelations[name]);
definition.related(self, f._scope, condOrRefresh, cb);
f._scope = typeof params === 'function' ? : params;
f._targetClass = targetClass.modelName;
f._scope = typeof definition.params === 'function' ?
|||| : definition.params;
f._targetClass = definition.targetModel.modelName;
if (f._scope.collect) {
f._targetClass = i8n.capitalize(f._scope.collect);
@ -92,20 +122,23 @@ function defineScope(cls, targetClass, name, params, methods) {
||| = build;
f.create = create;
f.destroyAll = destroyAll;
for (var i in methods) {
f[i] = methods[i].bind(this);
for (var i in definition.methods) {
f[i] = definition.methods[i].bind(self);
// define sub-scopes
// Define scope-chaining, such as
// Station.scope('active', {where: {isActive: true}});
// Station.scope('subway', {where: {isUndeground: true}});
Object.keys(targetClass._scopeMeta).forEach(function (name) {
Object.defineProperty(f, name, {
enumerable: false,
get: function () {
mergeParams(f._scope, targetClass._scopeMeta[name]);
mergeQuery(f._scope, targetClass._scopeMeta[name]);
return f;
return f;
@ -150,9 +183,40 @@ function defineScope(cls, targetClass, name, params, methods) {
cls['__delete__' + name] = fn_delete;
* Extracting fixed property values for the scope from the where clause into
* the data object
* @param {Object} The data object
* @param {Object} The where clause
function setScopeValuesFromWhere(data, where) {
for (var i in where) {
if (i === 'and') {
// Find fixed property values from each subclauses
for (var w = 0, n = where[i].length; w < n; w++) {
setScopeValuesFromWhere(data, where[i][w]);
var prop =[i];
if (prop) {
var val = where[i];
if (typeof val !== 'object' || val instanceof prop.type) {
// Only pick the {propertyName: propertyValue}
data[i] = where[i];
// and it should have create/build methods with binded thisModelNameId param
function build(data) {
return new targetClass(mergeParams(this._scope, {where: data || {}}).where);
data = data || {};
// Find all fixed property values for the scope
var where = (this._scope && this._scope.where) || {};
setScopeValuesFromWhere(data, where);
return new targetClass(data);
function create(data, cb) {
@ -170,70 +234,57 @@ function defineScope(cls, targetClass, name, params, methods) {
- If fetching the Elements on which destroyAll is called results in an error
function destroyAll(cb) {
targetClass.find(this._scope, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
(function loopOfDestruction(data) {
if (data.length > 0) {
data.shift().destroy(function (err) {
if (err && cb) cb(err);
} else {
if (cb) cb();
function mergeParams(base, update) {
base = base || {};
if (update.where) {
base.where = merge(base.where, update.where);
if (update.include) {
base.include = update.include;
if (update.collect) {
base.collect = update.collect;
// overwrite order
if (update.order) {
base.order = update.order;
if(update.limit !== undefined) {
base.limit = update.limit;
if(update.skip !== undefined) {
base.skip = update.skip;
if(update.offset !== undefined) {
base.offset = update.offset;
if(update.fields !== undefined) {
base.fields = update.fields;
return base;
targetClass.destroyAll(this._scope, cb);
* Merge `base` and `update` params
* @param {Object} base - base object (updating this object)
* @param {Object} update - object with new data to update base
* @returns {Object} `base`
* Merge query parameters
* @param {Object} base The base object to contain the merged results
* @param {Object} update The object containing updates to be merged
* @returns {*|Object} The base object
* @private
function merge(base, update) {
function mergeQuery(base, update) {
if (!update) {
base = base || {};
if (update) {
Object.keys(update).forEach(function (key) {
base[key] = update[key];
if (update.where && Object.keys(update.where).length > 0) {
if (base.where && Object.keys(base.where).length > 0) {
base.where = {and: [base.where, update.where]};
} else {
base.where = update.where;
// Overwrite inclusion
if (update.include) {
base.include = update.include;
if (update.collect) {
base.collect = update.collect;
// overwrite order
if (update.order) {
base.order = update.order;
// overwrite pagination
if (update.limit !== undefined) {
base.limit = update.limit;
if (update.skip !== undefined) {
base.skip = update.skip;
if (update.offset !== undefined) {
base.offset = update.offset;
// Overwrite fields
if (update.fields !== undefined) {
base.fields = update.fields;
return base;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "loopback-datasource-juggler",
"version": "1.5.5",
"version": "1.6.1",
"description": "LoopBack DataSoure Juggler",
"keywords": [
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// This test written in mocha+should.js
var should = require('./init.js');
var async = require('async');
var db, User;
describe('basic-querying', function () {
@ -8,10 +9,13 @@ describe('basic-querying', function () {
db = getSchema();
User = db.define('User', {
seq: {type: Number, index: true},
name: {type: String, index: true, sort: true},
email: {type: String, index: true},
birthday: {type: Date, index: true},
role: {type: String, index: true},
order: {type: Number, index: true, sort: true}
order: {type: Number, index: true, sort: true},
vip: {type: Boolean}
@ -69,15 +73,26 @@ describe('basic-querying', function () {
it('should query offset collection with limit', function (done) {
User.find({skip: 1, limit: 4}, function (err, users) {
it('should query collection with skip & limit', function (done) {
User.find({skip: 1, limit: 4, order: 'seq'}, function (err, users) {
it('should query collection with offset & limit', function (done) {
User.find({offset: 2, limit: 3, order: 'seq'}, function (err, users) {
it('should query filtered collection', function (done) {
User.find({where: {role: 'lead'}}, function (err, users) {
@ -175,6 +190,190 @@ describe('basic-querying', function () {
it('should support date "gte" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { birthday: { "gte": new Date('1980-12-08') }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 1);
users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon');
it('should support date "gt" that is not satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { birthday: { "gt": new Date('1980-12-08') }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 0);
it('should support date "gt" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { birthday: { "gt": new Date('1980-12-07') }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 1);
users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon');
it('should support date "lt" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { birthday: { "lt": new Date('1980-12-07') }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 1);
users[0].name.should.equal('Paul McCartney');
it('should support number "gte" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { order: { "gte": 3}
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 4);
users[0].name.should.equal('George Harrison');
it('should support number "gt" that is not satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { order: { "gt": 6 }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 0);
it('should support number "gt" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { order: { "gt": 5 }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 1);
users[0].name.should.equal('Ringo Starr');
it('should support number "lt" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { order: { "lt": 2 }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 1);
users[0].name.should.equal('Paul McCartney');
it('should support number "gt" that is satisfied by null value', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { order: { "gt": null }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 0);
it('should support number "lt" that is not satisfied by null value', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { order: { "lt": null }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 0);
it('should support string "gte" that is satisfied by null value', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { name: { "gte": null}
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 0);
it('should support string "gte" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { name: { "gte": 'Paul McCartney'}
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 4);
users[0].name.should.equal('Paul McCartney');
it('should support string "gt" that is not satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { name: { "gt": 'xyz' }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 0);
it('should support string "gt" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { name: { "gt": 'Paul McCartney' }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 3);
users[0].name.should.equal('Ringo Starr');
it('should support string "lt" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { name: { "lt": 'Paul McCartney' }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 2);
users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon');
it('should support boolean "gte" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { vip: { "gte": true}
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 3);
users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon');
it('should support boolean "gt" that is not satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { vip: { "gt": true }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 0);
it('should support boolean "gt" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { vip: { "gt": false }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 3);
users[0].name.should.equal('John Lennon');
it('should support boolean "lt" that is satisfied', function (done) {
User.find({order: 'seq', where: { vip: { "lt": true }
}}, function (err, users) {
||||'length', 2);
users[0].name.should.equal('George Harrison');
it('should only include fields as specified', function (done) {
var remaining = 0;
@ -214,7 +413,7 @@ describe('basic-querying', function () {
sample({name: true}).expect(['name']);
sample({name: false}).expect(['id', 'email', 'role', 'order']);
sample({name: false}).expect(['id', 'seq', 'email', 'role', 'order', 'birthday', 'vip']);
sample({name: false, id: true}).expect(['id']);
sample({id: true}).expect(['id']);
@ -354,37 +553,72 @@ describe('basic-querying', function () {
describe('updateAll ', function () {
it('should only update instances that satisfy the where condition', function (done) {
User.update({name: 'John Lennon'}, {name: 'John Smith'}, function () {
User.find({where: {name: 'John Lennon'}}, function (err, data) {
User.find({where: {name: 'John Smith'}}, function (err, data) {
it('should update all instances without where', function (done) {
User.update({name: 'John Smith'}, function () {
User.find({where: {name: 'John Lennon'}}, function (err, data) {
User.find({where: {name: 'John Smith'}}, function (err, data) {
function seed(done) {
var count = 0;
var beatles = [
seq: 0,
name: 'John Lennon',
email: '',
role: 'lead',
order: 2
birthday: new Date('1980-12-08'),
order: 2,
vip: true
seq: 1,
name: 'Paul McCartney',
email: '',
role: 'lead',
order: 1
birthday: new Date('1942-06-18'),
order: 1,
vip: true
{name: 'George Harrison', order: 5},
{name: 'Ringo Starr', order: 6},
{name: 'Pete Best', order: 4},
{name: 'Stuart Sutcliffe', order: 3}
{seq: 2, name: 'George Harrison', order: 5, vip: false},
{seq: 3, name: 'Ringo Starr', order: 6, vip: false},
{seq: 4, name: 'Pete Best', order: 4},
{seq: 5, name: 'Stuart Sutcliffe', order: 3, vip: true}
User.destroyAll(function () {
beatles.forEach(function (beatle) {
User.create(beatle, ok);
function ok() {
if (++count === beatles.length) {
function(cb) {
async.each(beatles, User.create.bind(User), cb);
], done);
@ -872,27 +872,33 @@ describe('Load models with relations', function () {
var Account = ds.define('Account', {userId: Number, type: String}, {relations: {user: {type: 'belongsTo', model: 'User'}}});
assert.deepEqual(Post.relations['user'], {
assert.deepEqual(Post.relations['user'].toJSON(), {
name: 'user',
type: 'belongsTo',
modelFrom: 'Post',
keyFrom: 'userId',
modelTo: 'User',
keyTo: 'id',
modelTo: User,
multiple: false
assert.deepEqual(User.relations['posts'], {
assert.deepEqual(User.relations['posts'].toJSON(), {
name: 'posts',
type: 'hasMany',
modelFrom: 'User',
keyFrom: 'id',
modelTo: 'Post',
keyTo: 'userId',
modelTo: Post,
multiple: true
assert.deepEqual(User.relations['accounts'], {
assert.deepEqual(User.relations['accounts'].toJSON(), {
name: 'accounts',
type: 'hasMany',
modelFrom: 'User',
keyFrom: 'id',
modelTo: 'Account',
keyTo: 'userId',
modelTo: Account,
multiple: true
@ -1198,12 +1204,12 @@ describe('DataAccessObject', function () {
it('should normalize limit/offset/skip', function () {
filter = model._normalize({limit: '10', skip: 5});
assert.deepEqual(filter, {limit: 10, offset: 5});
assert.deepEqual(filter, {limit: 10, offset: 5, skip: 5});
it('should set the default value for limit', function () {
filter = model._normalize({skip: 5});
assert.deepEqual(filter, {limit: 100, offset: 5});
assert.deepEqual(filter, {limit: 100, offset: 5, skip: 5});
it('should skip GeoPoint', function () {
@ -1299,15 +1305,24 @@ describe('Load models from json', function () {
// The properties are defined at prototype level
assert.equal(Object.keys(customer).length, 0);
assert.equal(Object.keys(customer).filter(function (k) {
// Remove internal properties
return k.indexOf('__') === -1;
}).length, 0);
var count = 0;
for (var p in customer) {
if (p.indexOf('__') === 0) {
if (typeof customer[p] !== 'function') {
assert.equal(count, 7); // Please note there is an injected id from User prototype
assert.equal(Object.keys(customer.toObject()).length, 6);
assert.equal(Object.keys(customer.toObject()).filter(function (k) {
// Remove internal properties
return k.indexOf('__') === -1;
}).length, 6);
done(null, customer);
@ -133,14 +133,11 @@ describe('manipulation', function () {
Person.findOne(function (err, p) {
|||| = 'Hans';
|||| (err) {
Person.findOne(function (err, p) {
@ -157,10 +154,8 @@ describe('manipulation', function () {
||| = 'Nana';
|||| (err) {
||||{validate: false}, function (err) {
@ -244,10 +239,7 @@ describe('manipulation', function () {
person = new Person({name: hw});
|||| = 'Goodbye, Lenin';
(person.createdAt >= now);
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var assert = require('assert');
var async = require('async');
var should = require('./init.js');
describe('Memory connector', function () {
var file = path.join(__dirname, 'memory.json');
@ -91,5 +92,92 @@ describe('Memory connector', function () {
describe('Query for memory connector', function () {
var ds = new DataSource({
connector: 'memory'
var User = ds.define('User', {
seq: {type: Number, index: true},
name: {type: String, index: true, sort: true},
email: {type: String, index: true},
birthday: {type: Date, index: true},
role: {type: String, index: true},
order: {type: Number, index: true, sort: true},
vip: {type: Boolean}
it('should allow to find using like', function (done) {
User.find({where: {name: {like: '%St%'}}}, function (err, posts) {
||||'length', 2);
it('should support like for no match', function (done) {
User.find({where: {name: {like: 'M%XY'}}}, function (err, posts) {
||||'length', 0);
it('should allow to find using nlike', function (done) {
User.find({where: {name: {nlike: '%St%'}}}, function (err, posts) {
||||'length', 4);
it('should support nlike for no match', function (done) {
User.find({where: {name: {nlike: 'M%XY'}}}, function (err, posts) {
||||'length', 6);
function seed(done) {
var beatles = [
seq: 0,
name: 'John Lennon',
email: '',
role: 'lead',
birthday: new Date('1980-12-08'),
order: 2,
vip: true
seq: 1,
name: 'Paul McCartney',
email: '',
role: 'lead',
birthday: new Date('1942-06-18'),
order: 1,
vip: true
{seq: 2, name: 'George Harrison', order: 5, vip: false},
{seq: 3, name: 'Ringo Starr', order: 6, vip: false},
{seq: 4, name: 'Pete Best', order: 4},
{seq: 5, name: 'Stuart Sutcliffe', order: 3, vip: true}
function(cb) {
async.each(beatles, User.create.bind(User), cb);
], done);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// This test written in mocha+should.js
var should = require('./init.js');
var db, Book, Chapter, Author, Reader;
var db, Book, Chapter, Author, Reader, Publisher;
describe('relations', function () {
before(function (done) {
@ -180,6 +180,42 @@ describe('relations', function () {
describe('hasOne', function () {
var Supplier, Account;
before(function () {
db = getSchema();
Supplier = db.define('Supplier', {name: String});
Account = db.define('Account', {accountNo: String});
it('can be declared using hasOne method', function () {
Object.keys((new Account()).toObject()).should.include('supplierId');
(new Supplier());
it('can be used to query data', function (done) {
// Supplier.hasOne(Account);
db.automigrate(function () {
Supplier.create({name: 'Supplier 1'}, function (e, supplier) {
supplier.account.create({accountNo: 'a01'}, function (err, account) {
supplier.account(function (e, act) {
describe('hasAndBelongsToMany', function () {
var Article, Tag, ArticleTag;
it('can be declared', function (done) {
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ var should = require('./init.js');
var db, Railway, Station;
describe('sc0pe', function () {
describe('scope', function () {
before(function () {
db = getSchema();
Reference in New Issue