All tests passed
This commit is contained in:
@ -503,91 +503,20 @@ Inclusion.include = function (objects, include, options, cb) {
relation.applyScope(null, filter);
relation.modelTo.find(filter, options, targetFetchHandler2);
relation.modelTo.find(filter, options, targetFetchHandler);
function targetFetchHandler2(err, targets) {
function targetFetchHandler(err, targets) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
var targetsIdMap = includeUtils.buildOneToManyIdentityMap(targets, relation.keyTo);
includeUtils.join(objIdMap, targetsIdMap, function(obj1, valueToMergeIn){
obj1[] = valueToMergeIn;
obj1.__cachedRelations[relationName] = valueToMergeIn;
processTargetObj(obj1, function(){});
callback(err, objs);
* Process fetched related objects
* @param err
* @param {Array<Model>} targets
* @returns {*}
function targetFetchHandler(err, targets) {
console.log("### query done. I'm in targetFetchHandler");
console.log("### obtained: \ntargets(permission) count: " + targets.length + "\nobjs(users) count: " + objs.length);
if (err) {
return callback(err);
var modelToFKIdMap = includeUtils.buildOneToManyIdentityMap(targets, relation.keyTo);
var tasks = [];
//simultaneously process subIncludes
if (subInclude && targets) {
tasks.push(function subIncludesTask(next) {
relation.modelTo.include(targets, subInclude, options, next);
//process each target object
function targetLinkingTask(next) {
if (targets.length === 0) {
return async.each(objs, function(obj, next) {
processTargetObj(obj, next);
}, next);
// TODO: show targets length
// почему так сложно???? Не очень понимаю.
async.each(targets, linkManyToOne, next);
function linkManyToOne(target, next) {
console.log("### processing target: " + JSON.stringify(target));
//fix for bug in hasMany with referencesMany
var targetIds = [].concat(target[relation.keyTo]);
console.log("### targetIds: " + JSON.stringify(targetIds));
async.each(targetIds, function (targetId, next) {
var obj = objIdMap[targetId.toString()];
if (!obj) return next();
processTargetObj(obj, next);
}, function(err, processedTargets) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
console.time("finding object with empty ids");
var objsWithEmptyRelation = objs.filter(function(obj) {
return obj.__cachedRelations[relationName].length === 0;
console.timeEnd("finding object with empty ids"); // 0-1 ms
console.log("### objs with empty relations count: " + objsWithEmptyRelation.length);
console.time("Prepare empty");
async.each(objsWithEmptyRelation, function(obj, next) {
console.time("Prepare one");
processTargetObj(obj, next);
console.timeEnd("Prepare one");
}, function(err) {
console.timeEnd("Prepare empty");
next(err, processedTargets);
console.log("### tasks count: " + tasks.length);
execTasksWithInterLeave(tasks, callback);
Reference in New Issue