When the setting "persistUndefinedAsNull" is true,
the model will use `null` instead of `undefined` in
all property values.
- Known optional model properties are set to `null` when no value
was provided.
- When setting model properties, `undefined` is always converted
to `null`. This applies to both known (model-defined) properties
and additional (custom, dynamic) properties.
- The instance method `toObject()` converts `undefined` to `null` too.
Because `toJSON()` calls `toObject()` under the hood, the change
applies to `toJSON()` too.
Rename the second callback argument to `info` to make its purpose more
clear. Fix jsdoc comments, note that these comments are NOT shown
on http://apidocs.strongloop.com/.
This commit is dropping lodash in favour of hand-written implementation
based on ES5 Array methods. As a result, the size of the (unminified)
loopback browser bundle is decreased by approx 360KB.
ffcaa4e7 added a "data" argument to the callback function, which
shadowed the original data with the data returned by a connector.
Not all connectors are returning a data object though, in which case
the model instance ("this" object) is updated with wrong values.
This commit fixes the problem by renaming the second callback argument
to "unusedData".
"before save" hooks provide "ctx.isNewInstance" whenever "ctx.instance"
is set. Possible values:
- true for all CREATE operations
- false for all UPDATE operations
- undefined for "prototype.save"
"after save" hooks provide "ctx.isNewInstance" whenever "ctx.instance"
is set. Possible values:
- true after all CREATE operations
- false after all UPDATE operations
- undefined after "updateOrCreate" and "save"
Note: both "updateOrCreate" and "prototype.updateAttributes"
don't provide `ctx.instance` to "before save" hooks, therefore
`ctx.isNewInstance` it not provided either.
Before this commit, the following code would not work:
Change.updateOrCreate({...}, function(err, ch) {
// somewhere later, modify "ch" and save the changes
"before delete" and "after delete" hooks receive `ctx.instance`
when a single model is being deleted.
"before save" hook receives `ctx.currentInstance` when triggered
by `prototype.updateAttributes()`.
Note that "after save" hook triggered by `prototype.updateAttributes()`
already provides `ctx.instance`.
List of deprecated hooks:
- beforeValidate
- afterValidate
- beforeCreate
- afterCreate
- beforeSave
- afterSave
- beforeUpdate
- afterUpdate
- beforeDestroy
- afterDestroy
Also add a lightweight browser version of "depd", because the "depd"
does not support browser and it is not trivial to fix that.
This commits adds a lightweight implementation of depd's "deprecate"