// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback-datasource-juggler // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT // Turning on strict for this file breaks lots of test cases; // disabling strict for this file /* eslint-disable strict */ /*! * Module exports class Model */ module.exports = ModelBaseClass; /*! * Module dependencies */ var g = require('strong-globalize')(); var util = require('util'); var jutil = require('./jutil'); var List = require('./list'); var Hookable = require('./hooks'); var validations = require('./validations'); var _extend = util._extend; var utils = require('./utils'); var fieldsToArray = utils.fieldsToArray; var uuid = require('uuid'); var deprecated = require('depd')('loopback-datasource-juggler'); var shortid = require('shortid'); // Set up an object for quick lookup var BASE_TYPES = { 'String': true, 'Boolean': true, 'Number': true, 'Date': true, 'Text': true, 'ObjectID': true, }; /** * Model class: base class for all persistent objects. * * `ModelBaseClass` mixes `Validatable` and `Hookable` classes methods * * @class * @param {Object} data Initial object data */ function ModelBaseClass(data, options) { options = options || {}; if (!('applySetters' in options)) { // Default to true options.applySetters = true; } if (!('applyDefaultValues' in options)) { options.applyDefaultValues = true; } this._initProperties(data, options); } /** * Initialize the model instance with a list of properties * @param {Object} data The data object * @param {Object} options An object to control the instantiation * @property {Boolean} applySetters Controls if the setters will be applied * @property {Boolean} applyDefaultValues Default attributes and values will be applied * @property {Boolean} strict Set the instance level strict mode * @property {Boolean} persisted Whether the instance has been persisted * @private */ ModelBaseClass.prototype._initProperties = function(data, options) { var self = this; var ctor = this.constructor; if (data instanceof ctor) { // Convert the data to be plain object to avoid pollutions data = data.toObject(false); } var properties = _extend({}, ctor.definition.properties); data = data || {}; if (typeof ctor.applyProperties === 'function') { ctor.applyProperties(data); } options = options || {}; var applySetters = options.applySetters; var applyDefaultValues = options.applyDefaultValues; var strict = options.strict; if (strict === undefined) { strict = ctor.definition.settings.strict; } var persistUndefinedAsNull = ctor.definition.settings.persistUndefinedAsNull; if (ctor.hideInternalProperties) { // Object.defineProperty() is expensive. We only try to make the internal // properties hidden (non-enumerable) if the model class has the // `hideInternalProperties` set to true Object.defineProperties(this, { __cachedRelations: { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: {}, }, __data: { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: {}, }, // Instance level data source __dataSource: { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: options.dataSource, }, // Instance level strict mode __strict: { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: strict, }, __persisted: { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true, value: false, }, }); if (strict === 'validate') { Object.defineProperty(this, '__unknownProperties', { writable: true, enumerable: false, configrable: true, value: [], }); } } else { this.__cachedRelations = {}; this.__data = {}; this.__dataSource = options.dataSource; this.__strict = strict; this.__persisted = false; if (strict === 'validate') { this.__unknownProperties = []; } } if (options.persisted !== undefined) { this.__persisted = options.persisted === true; } if (data.__cachedRelations) { this.__cachedRelations = data.__cachedRelations; } var keys = Object.keys(data); if (Array.isArray(options.fields)) { keys = keys.filter(function(k) { return (options.fields.indexOf(k) != -1); }); } var size = keys.length; var p, propVal; for (var k = 0; k < size; k++) { p = keys[k]; // security: Avoid prototype pollution if (p === '__proto__') { continue; } propVal = data[p]; if (typeof propVal === 'function') { continue; } if (propVal === undefined && persistUndefinedAsNull) { propVal = null; } if (properties[p]) { // Managed property if (applySetters || properties[p].id) { self[p] = propVal; } else { self.__data[p] = propVal; } } else if (ctor.relations[p]) { var relationType = ctor.relations[p].type; var modelTo; if (!properties[p]) { modelTo = ctor.relations[p].modelTo || ModelBaseClass; var multiple = ctor.relations[p].multiple; var typeName = multiple ? 'Array' : modelTo.modelName; var propType = multiple ? [modelTo] : modelTo; properties[p] = {name: typeName, type: propType}; this.setStrict(false); } // Relation if (relationType === 'belongsTo' && propVal != null) { // If the related model is populated self.__data[ctor.relations[p].keyFrom] = propVal[ctor.relations[p].keyTo]; if (ctor.relations[p].options.embedsProperties) { var fields = fieldsToArray(ctor.relations[p].properties, modelTo.definition.properties, modelTo.settings.strict); if (!~fields.indexOf(ctor.relations[p].keyTo)) { fields.push(ctor.relations[p].keyTo); } self.__data[p] = new modelTo(propVal, { fields: fields, applySetters: false, persisted: options.persisted, }); } } self.__cachedRelations[p] = propVal; } else { // Un-managed property if (strict === false || self.__cachedRelations[p]) { self[p] = self.__data[p] = (propVal !== undefined) ? propVal : self.__cachedRelations[p]; // Warn about properties with unsupported names if (/\./.test(p)) { deprecated(g.f('Property names containing a dot are not supported. ' + 'Model: %s, dynamic property: %s', this.constructor.modelName, p)); } } else if (strict === 'throw') { throw new Error(g.f('Unknown property: %s', p)); } else if (strict === 'validate') { this.__unknownProperties.push(p); } } } keys = Object.keys(properties); if (Array.isArray(options.fields)) { keys = keys.filter(function(k) { return (options.fields.indexOf(k) != -1); }); } size = keys.length; for (k = 0; k < size; k++) { p = keys[k]; // security: Avoid prototype pollution if (p === '__proto__') { continue; } propVal = self.__data[p]; var type = properties[p].type; // Set default values if (applyDefaultValues && propVal === undefined) { var def = properties[p]['default']; if (def !== undefined) { if (typeof def === 'function') { if (def === Date) { // FIXME: We should coerce the value in general // This is a work around to {default: Date} // Date() will return a string instead of Date def = new Date(); } else { def = def(); } } else if (type.name === 'Date' && def === '$now') { def = new Date(); } // FIXME: We should coerce the value // will implement it after we refactor the PropertyDefinition self.__data[p] = propVal = def; } } // Set default value using a named function if (applyDefaultValues && propVal === undefined) { var defn = properties[p].defaultFn; switch (defn) { case undefined: break; case 'guid': case 'uuid': // Generate a v1 (time-based) id propVal = uuid.v1(); break; case 'uuidv4': // Generate a RFC4122 v4 UUID propVal = uuid.v4(); break; case 'now': propVal = new Date(); break; case 'shortid': propVal = shortid.generate(); break; default: // TODO Support user-provided functions via a registry of functions g.warn('Unknown default value provider %s', defn); } // FIXME: We should coerce the value // will implement it after we refactor the PropertyDefinition if (propVal !== undefined) self.__data[p] = propVal; } if (propVal === undefined && persistUndefinedAsNull) { self.__data[p] = propVal = null; } // Handle complex types (JSON/Object) if (!BASE_TYPES[type.name]) { if (typeof self.__data[p] !== 'object' && self.__data[p]) { try { self.__data[p] = JSON.parse(self.__data[p] + ''); } catch (e) { self.__data[p] = String(self.__data[p]); } } if (type.prototype instanceof ModelBaseClass) { if (!(self.__data[p] instanceof type) && typeof self.__data[p] === 'object' && self.__data[p] !== null) { self.__data[p] = new type(self.__data[p]); } } else if (type.name === 'Array' || Array.isArray(type)) { if (!(self.__data[p] instanceof List) && self.__data[p] !== undefined && self.__data[p] !== null) { self.__data[p] = List(self.__data[p], type, self); } } } } this.trigger('initialize'); }; /** * Define a property on the model. * @param {String} prop Property name * @param {Object} params Various property configuration */ ModelBaseClass.defineProperty = function(prop, params) { if (this.dataSource) { this.dataSource.defineProperty(this.modelName, prop, params); } else { this.modelBuilder.defineProperty(this.modelName, prop, params); } }; ModelBaseClass.getPropertyType = function(propName) { var prop = this.definition.properties[propName]; if (!prop) { // The property is not part of the definition return null; } if (!prop.type) { throw new Error(g.f('Type not defined for property %s.%s', this.modelName, propName)); // return null; } return prop.type.name; }; ModelBaseClass.prototype.getPropertyType = function(propName) { return this.constructor.getPropertyType(propName); }; /** * Return string representation of class * This overrides the default `toString()` method */ ModelBaseClass.toString = function() { return '[Model ' + this.modelName + ']'; }; /** * Convert model instance to a plain JSON object. * Returns a canonical object representation (no getters and setters). * * @param {Boolean} onlySchema Restrict properties to dataSource only. Default is false. If true, the function returns only properties defined in the schema; Otherwise it returns all enumerable properties. */ ModelBaseClass.prototype.toObject = function(onlySchema, removeHidden, removeProtected) { if (onlySchema === undefined) { onlySchema = true; } var data = {}; var self = this; var Model = this.constructor; // if it is already an Object if (Model === Object) { return self; } var strict = this.__strict; var schemaLess = (strict === false) || !onlySchema; var persistUndefinedAsNull = Model.definition.settings.persistUndefinedAsNull; var props = Model.definition.properties; var keys = Object.keys(props); var propertyName, val; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { propertyName = keys[i]; val = self[propertyName]; // Exclude functions if (typeof val === 'function') { continue; } // Exclude hidden properties if (removeHidden && Model.isHiddenProperty(propertyName)) { continue; } if (removeProtected && Model.isProtectedProperty(propertyName)) { continue; } if (val instanceof List) { data[propertyName] = val.toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden, true); } else { if (val !== undefined && val !== null && val.toObject) { data[propertyName] = val.toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden, true); } else { if (val === undefined && persistUndefinedAsNull) { val = null; } data[propertyName] = val; } } } if (schemaLess) { // Find its own properties which can be set via myModel.myProperty = 'myValue'. // If the property is not declared in the model definition, no setter will be // triggered to add it to __data keys = Object.keys(self); var size = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { propertyName = keys[i]; if (props[propertyName]) { continue; } if (propertyName.indexOf('__') === 0) { continue; } if (removeHidden && Model.isHiddenProperty(propertyName)) { continue; } if (removeProtected && Model.isProtectedProperty(propertyName)) { continue; } if (data[propertyName] !== undefined) { continue; } val = self[propertyName]; if (val !== undefined) { if (typeof val === 'function') { continue; } if (val !== null && val.toObject) { data[propertyName] = val.toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden, true); } else { data[propertyName] = val; } } else if (persistUndefinedAsNull) { data[propertyName] = null; } } // Now continue to check __data keys = Object.keys(self.__data); size = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { propertyName = keys[i]; if (propertyName.indexOf('__') === 0) { continue; } if (data[propertyName] === undefined) { if (removeHidden && Model.isHiddenProperty(propertyName)) { continue; } if (removeProtected && Model.isProtectedProperty(propertyName)) { continue; } var ownVal = self[propertyName]; // The ownVal can be a relation function val = (ownVal !== undefined && (typeof ownVal !== 'function')) ? ownVal : self.__data[propertyName]; if (typeof val === 'function') { continue; } if (val !== undefined && val !== null && val.toObject) { data[propertyName] = val.toObject(!schemaLess, removeHidden, true); } else if (val === undefined && persistUndefinedAsNull) { data[propertyName] = null; } else { data[propertyName] = val; } } } } return data; }; ModelBaseClass.isProtectedProperty = function(propertyName) { var Model = this; var settings = Model.definition && Model.definition.settings; var protectedProperties = settings && (settings.protectedProperties || settings.protected); if (Array.isArray(protectedProperties)) { // Cache the protected properties as an object for quick lookup settings.protectedProperties = {}; for (var i = 0; i < protectedProperties.length; i++) { settings.protectedProperties[protectedProperties[i]] = true; } protectedProperties = settings.protectedProperties; } if (protectedProperties) { return protectedProperties[propertyName]; } else { return false; } }; ModelBaseClass.isHiddenProperty = function(propertyName) { var Model = this; var settings = Model.definition && Model.definition.settings; var hiddenProperties = settings && (settings.hiddenProperties || settings.hidden); if (Array.isArray(hiddenProperties)) { // Cache the hidden properties as an object for quick lookup settings.hiddenProperties = {}; for (var i = 0; i < hiddenProperties.length; i++) { settings.hiddenProperties[hiddenProperties[i]] = true; } hiddenProperties = settings.hiddenProperties; } if (hiddenProperties) { return hiddenProperties[propertyName]; } else { return false; } }; ModelBaseClass.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toObject(false, true, false); }; ModelBaseClass.prototype.fromObject = function(obj) { for (var key in obj) { this[key] = obj[key]; } }; /** * Reset dirty attributes. * This method does not perform any database operations; it just resets the object to its * initial state. */ ModelBaseClass.prototype.reset = function() { var obj = this; for (var k in obj) { if (k !== 'id' && !obj.constructor.dataSource.definitions[obj.constructor.modelName].properties[k]) { delete obj[k]; } } }; // Node v0.11+ allows custom inspect functions to return an object // instead of string. That way options like `showHidden` and `colors` // can be preserved. var versionParts = process.versions && process.versions.node ? process.versions.node.split(/\./g).map(function(v) { return +v; }) : [1, 0, 0]; // browserify ships 1.0-compatible version of util.inspect var INSPECT_SUPPORTS_OBJECT_RETVAL = versionParts[0] > 0 || versionParts[1] > 11 || (versionParts[0] === 11 && versionParts[1] >= 14); ModelBaseClass.prototype.inspect = function(depth) { if (INSPECT_SUPPORTS_OBJECT_RETVAL) return this.__data; // Workaround for older versions // See also https://github.com/joyent/node/commit/66280de133 return util.inspect(this.__data, { showHidden: false, depth: depth, colors: false, }); }; ModelBaseClass.mixin = function(anotherClass, options) { if (typeof anotherClass === 'string') { this.modelBuilder.mixins.applyMixin(this, anotherClass, options); } else { if (anotherClass.prototype instanceof ModelBaseClass) { var props = anotherClass.definition.properties; for (var i in props) { if (this.definition.properties[i]) { continue; } this.defineProperty(i, props[i]); } } return jutil.mixin(this, anotherClass, options); } }; ModelBaseClass.prototype.getDataSource = function() { return this.__dataSource || this.constructor.dataSource; }; ModelBaseClass.getDataSource = function() { return this.dataSource; }; ModelBaseClass.prototype.setStrict = function(strict) { this.__strict = strict; }; // Mixin observer jutil.mixin(ModelBaseClass, require('./observer')); jutil.mixin(ModelBaseClass, Hookable); jutil.mixin(ModelBaseClass, validations.Validatable);